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Everything posted by amms

  1. Yeah, I'm a wee bit lost this week too?
  2. Hang on, I thought getting rid of the expensive seasoned professionals and playing the kids was what half this message board want us to do? You're not telling me it doesn't work surely... Joking aside I'd concur with the criticism of the usual journalistic hyperbole. These 'kids' are playing football and being paid for it, you'll forgive me if I don't call the UN to intervene, whatever their league position it's still the best job in the world. Still, credit where it's due to the author for pointing out the chickens coming home to roost.
  3. Tragic news. He scored some great goals, I remember a ridiculous goal from close to the half way line once. He was an interesting guy, he had a classic car museum and a beat on the Tay at one time.
  4. amms

    John Fleck

    McCoist was the archetypal player who achieved so much more than his limited ability. McCoist was good but he wasn't gifted, yet through hard work, listening, learning, persistence and dedication he became one of the most successful players in our country's history and the most popular player of his generation. I can see why McCoist could have a problem with a young player who has every advantage and opportunity but lacks the application or work ethic to achieve. If every Rangers player emulated McCoist's work ethic as a player they'd do okay.
  5. amms

    John Fleck

    Maybe. I've no doubt Fleck would get into the side just now but if we were still in the top flight and challenging Celtic I'm not convinced. He's playing in English League 1 for a side sitting in tenth place already 20 points behind the leaders, it's unlikely Man City are going to be signing him anytime soon. He's clearly benefiting from playing for a side where you aren't expected to win every match and perhaps if he'd been farmed out to someone like that a few seasons ago it would have helped him. It's easy to say the manager has faith in him, clearly McCoist didn't, that might not be bad judgement on McCoist's part though.
  6. Ah, I'm clearly not as well briefed in the social scene as I should be. All the best in your own forthcoming nuptials, have a great day.
  7. I like the way his new wife keeps placing her hand over his wallet... Anyway, congratulations to the new Mr and Mrs Stockbridge, I'm not his biggest fan but I wish him and his wife all the best.
  8. ...the former Lennox Castle Hospital , with its 48 acres of prime real estate, was sold for £493,000 to Celtic Football Club,... I'm speechless at that figure. Cala Homes offered West of Scotland rugby club £4.2 million for their land in Milngavie in 2007, that was only 17 acres. I accept land in Milngavie is worth more than Lennoxtown but not that much more.
  9. I've no idea. Whether he was forced or not he still did it despite the 'scrutiny' that our directors are apparently under. It'd be laughable if it wasn't so serious.
  10. Under scrutiny from who? You're confusing being spoken about on message-boards with forensic business investigations it seems. Craig Whyte managed to put us into administration, SDM mananged to sell us to a conman, that the kind of scrutiny you mean then?
  11. What 'position' is it you think people who launder money are in then? Run private cabs maybe, perhaps practicing lawyers, senior and respected bankers perhaps? Seems lots of different professions can get caught up in illegality.
  12. You think? I would have thought an investigation that established no link to the two guys who sent the 'bomb', only 23 followers on Twitter and not actually making a threat would have meant any procurator fiscal would have decided not to proceed. Evidence and intent might be a good starting point for ascertaining parameters. To be fair BH I've not read anyone congratulating the clown. Criticising the authorities isn't the same thing.
  13. It's kind of amusing that someone writes "that ugly ginger cunt" on Twitter and everyone knows who he means. Why people write stuff like that on public forums will always baffle me, he's 22 not 15, he should be old enough to know better. At the same time what a total waste of police and court time.
  14. How do you know that? That's alarming if true, if you are going to become a director of a football club then you must expect criticism from supporters.
  15. I don't think it is fair to compare McCoist with Green, Ally wasn't trying to curry favour he was deflecting from a couple of mediocre performances in the standard managerial way; give the media something to discuss that isn't the side or the players performances. The journalist must surely know this. I agree we shouldn't be complaining about our fixtures though, Gemmell, no matter his eloquence, had a point.
  16. Mohsni isn't Algerian, he was born and raised in France of Tunisian parents. I'm completely lost as to what possible relevance Bougherra has to this. Whittaker was sent off in the same match, can I expect you to express concern about Wallace's temperament seeing as they were both born in the same city?
  17. I don't know of their providence, I just don't think they've a realistic ring to them. Do the Rangers board really name Mark Dingwall and discuss him, does he really appear on their agenda? With all the leaks they've had do they really still speak so frankly in emails? The one from Easedale reads like it was written by a feral child, I've some serious issues with him and his involvement with our club but does he really not have a secretary or even spellcheck? I've no inside info on who posts these or why, they may well turn out to be true but my first instinct is they are fakes.
  18. I'll be honest and say I'm not convinced these are real. Something about them just doesn't ring true.
  19. Well you certainly can. I did say he is a good player at this level; I didn't say that he is a disaster as a player; far from it. I enjoy watching him. You are over reacting, he'd that reputation before he joined us, opposition players and managers were well aware of it and have targeted him all season. He's reacted badly only once and frankly Bollan in particular had it coming. I'm really not sure what point you are trying to make by highlighting the nationality of Madjid Bougherra, in what possible way is it relevant to Mohsni? The only over reaction I can see has been by the Daily Record and some posts on this thread.
  20. Jeez, that's harsh BH, very harsh. Mohsni has been at the heart of a defence that's conceded 8 league goals and 2 points all season. He's done that whilst mainly being partnered by McCulloch, an experienced and able player but certainly not a natural centre half. He's been booked 5 times prior to Airdrie, hardly excessive or a 'disaster waiting to happen'. The Airdrie manager seems to be escaping criticism for his part in Mohsni's sending off, Bollan was a disgrace, it shouldn't have been left to Mohsni to deal with, McCoist or McDowall should have chinned him before that. Mohsni is no Richard Gough, but he's hardly a disaster either. Your words are not out of place on the hyperbole thread BH.
  21. The media have been waiting to dust down the 'hothead' adjectives for Mosnhi, since he joined. His reaction wasn't 'bonkers' it was entirely understandable, he could be castigated for a lapse in professionalism but standing up for himself and his team, under the circumstances, was neither mad nor bonkers, quite the opposite. The standard of sports journalism in this country is truly awful.
  22. You make some interesting points. I'm one of those who has said publicly I'd be happy if we never have to play them again. I don't think I'm afraid of them although I do think we could get a serious beating from them just now if we weren't careful. But it's not that, i'd welcome a match against Real Madrid or Manchester City and I'm fairly sure I know how the result would go against either of those two. I accept being beaten by Real or Man City is different from being beaten by 'them' though. Prior to our demise I was one of the naive people who held the view that football fans are basically all the same. Despite our choice of club to support I always maintained that the average supporter has much in common with his opposite number in the 'away' end. When Hibs were in difficulty in the 90s I happily contributed to their collecting cans. I've never charged a penny more than face value for tickets I needed to sell including on a number of occasions 'away end' tickets for Dundee Utd, Hampden and Parkhead. Whilst I've frequently chanted 'we are the people' I've never actually believed it was true. So the reaction of so many supporters at other clubs to our difficulties genuinely came as a shock to me. I can say in all honesty I take no pleasure in football clubs difficulties, I didn't celebrate Celtic's near demise in the 90s, on the contrary I was genuinely saddened, mainly for friends of mine who I could see were hurting from it. The realisation that Rangers and their support, and so me, were hated by so many stunned me. I assumed when it came to serious stuff like the survival of a football club all supporters would empathise and think 'there but for the grace of God'. How wrong was I. The concept of writing blogs about a club you don't support baffles me. That these blogs are/were written by educated people and done with the sole purpose of destroying and demonising my football club appalled me. I can accept that in the grand scheme it was a small number of people involved but they were consumed, enjoyed and used by thousands of people. They were passed around as gospel and used to further the demise of a football club. That fucks with my head, it really does. So I came to the conclusion that I don't want to be a part of this anymore. Football, and Rangers in particular, is an escape from my mundane life. An opportunity to shout abuse at talented, fit and popular athletes, the antithesis of who I am. To admire real skill, strength, character, will power and to feel the power that being part of a larger crowd gives you, that fellowship you have with others if only for 90 minutes, that thrill and short lived high victory brings. The reasons I thought we all follow football. I don't want to be associated with people who hate my club more than they love their own; I'm different from them. Am I bitter? Yes, I suppose I am now. I simply don't want anything to do with them, I don't want to see them or hear them. I don't want to be part of Scottish football anymore, that's a huge shift for me personally. It's clearly not about football for so many other club's supporters and I don't want any part of that. I have accepted that we're not going to leave Scotland now, that chance has gone. However I'm uncomfortable with playing against sides who wanted to kill us. For those reasons I don't want to see Celtic ever again, I'd genuinely be happy if we never had to play them again. The fact they seem to be missing us more than we're missing them is ironic but no surprise, clearly we're what defines them.
  23. Morton are owned and kept afloat by Douglas Rae a local sweetie magnet. If the Easedales have any share of Morton it must be tiny because the Rae family totally control the club.
  24. That's a fair point. Believe me I'm not someone who will welcome any sort of sugar daddy to Rangers ever again I just don't think it's as easy as saying look at Aberdeen. I'm really not convinced they've got a plan other than remain afloat until we return to the league or some other source of income appears.
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