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Everything posted by amms

  1. Tims of my acquaintance have been peddling the line that the SFA intend to investigate the Whyte links. Apparently the club gave assurances in the summer that are now being questioned. Probably Tims clutching at straws, I'm sometimes surprised at how much they seem to know about us though. Of course Green and Ahmed might have left the club but they haven't gone away, last weeks dodgy dossier clearly shows people are still playing political games. I expect another summer of discontent, it'll get worse before it gets better, we don't need a truce we need a victor, then we can start going forward again.
  2. Lewis MacLoed wasn't. He's been the biggest success of the season for me.
  3. £10 million is probably what it will cost to keep our senior football structure together over the course of a year. It's not £10 million on transfer fees it's £10 million on salaries, bonuses, signing-on fees, equipment etc. I imagine we've got a few people on £4k a week, well thats over £200,000 a year, if we've 20 guys on that you're £4 million down already. I'm sure we've a few on much more than that and some on less so I'll use it as an average. Add in managerial salaries, bonuses, the other 20 or 30 professional players at the club plus costs for equipment etc it doesn't leave a huge amount for signing new players. What it does leave should be enough to get us out of Div 2 but I think the point McCoist is trying to make is that if the club want's to retain the number of sides, coaches and players it has traditionally had then that'll cost £10 million. I don't think McCoist is suggesting he'll need to spend £10 million on new players alone. That's my reading of it anyway. We can argue that our 'football budget' should be less, more or spent differently but that's a different debate.
  4. That's a shocking statement STB, you should reconsider that.
  5. Charles Green couldn't keep his mouth shut about anything. Like he wouldn't have been shouting about this if it was real. It's terrifying the people behind this could have been involved with our club and might be again.
  6. See, I don't believe a fuckin word of that, total bullshit. We're going to cut salaries and try and employ Johan Cruyff, aye, that'll work. It reads like one of us wrote it in a post on here.
  7. They do mean Dundee. This stinks, Scottish football is rotten to the core. I despair.
  8. Okay, I've posted it. Once again if it ain't what you're looking for in a match preview feel free to remove it.
  9. Springburn is the metaphorical heart of the Junior game, east Ayrshire is it's large intestine. It provides an important function helping to pass useless waste and you'd miss it if it wasn't there, but, you know, without a heart you've nothing.
  10. Richard Gough was an excellent fullback, that was where he played for Dundee Utd and Scotland initially too.
  11. When do you intend to publish the Berwick preview, what with it being an early kick-off and all? My rubbish requires no knowledge of players or formations, I'm venting my spleen about other shit, so I can have it for you whenever.
  12. What do you mean by this Can you give an example of a negative story related to Rangers that the media have come up with?
  13. I disagree, with these types of battles someone needs to win, then that person takes us forward. Conciliation might stop the blood-letting for now but it won't fix the underlying issues which are at the heart of this.
  14. Jeez, the drama, are you him too? I'm not besmirching his character, he is. Do I believe the article - yes I do. No, you said that, I didn't say anything remotely like that.
  15. I don't think I did miss your point actually. I believe the TRS story, I don't know any of the people involved there personally but I've built up enough respect for the articles they produce and the effort it takes to produce them to believe that they wouldn't have published that if they weren't 100% sure of it. I actually trust them to be fair in this, and they are certainly being vigilant. Surely that's what you are asking for? If I'm wrong I'll eat humble pie and apologise. The club is currently a shambles, I wouldn't trust them to do the right thing over this if it wasn't in the public domain. I don't know what you mean when you ask if my post is above reproach, I'm not taking a large salary out of Rangers. This is stressful, again, I agree, but not knowing about isn't the answer.
  16. Kind of related but wasn't it Dortmund's ground we modelled the 'new' seated Ibrox on back in the 70s?
  17. I couldn't disagree more. I'd guess they do have a verifiable source, they've just chosen not to publish who it is. Keeping supporters in the dark over the (mis)behaviour of club directors is not something I can support. Don't blame the Rangers Standard for this blame Ahmad, he's the one who has broken confidences and shown a shocking disregard for the club. Frankly we've a duty as supporters to demand the behaviour of our owners and directors is beyond reproach, there should be no sweeping under the carpet allowed, hopefully this will remind them that they are being scrutinised.
  18. I don't agree with everything Calscot writes, but he usually brings a lot of thought to what he posts. There was a lot of work in his opening post and it impressed me, enough that I thought I should let him know it. One of the reasons I like Gersnet is people are usually civil to each other, respectful, I accept it can get heated and we're all capable of low blows and insults (I am certainly) but generally people make the effort to keep it 'business' not personal. So when someone like Calscot goes to the effort to check and calculate or find those figures and then posts them and so educates me I think he deserves praise. You don't have to agree with them, you can challenge them, refute them even, but I just wanted to acknowledge the work done in providing them, it was interesting reading I thought.
  19. Be fair, Pep Guardiola couldn't have done much with Clyde. Who didn't rate him at Rangers? He was a coach with us for a long time under several managers and boards, someone must have.
  20. Simplythebest is Charles Green, isn't he. Imagine choosing Rangersmedia to post on, how embarrassing...
  21. Brown isn't the most eloquent guy, but he was dead right to pull English up about the criticism of him when he was appointed Dundee manager. English's remarks went beyond professional criticism and into personal criticism which was unfair and also inaccurate. Brown is as qualified a coach as say Jackie McNamara yet his move to Dundee Utd was greeted by the media very differently to Brown's to Dundee. It's easy to mock someone like Brown, I've no idea what he knows, or thinks he knows, about Green, but I've no doubt he's sincere in his belief. Because he's not particularly articulate he becomes a figure of fun.
  22. Al Capone went to prison for tax offences, he was never found guilty of anything else.
  23. It's worth remembering mate that for all but a year and a half of our existence we've been owned and run by 'Rangers men'. The vast majority built us up and never let us down.
  24. Ach STB, if only life was as simple as that. Shares and dividends, remind how well that's worked for clubs in this country again?
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