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Everything posted by amms

  1. I think Jim McColl's desire to stay out of the spotlight is about to be tested. Irvine can arrange some serious tabloid scrutiny of his life and family which he might not enjoy. I can see a constructive dismissal case from Traynor soon too.
  2. Underestimate Irvine at your peril. There's a constituency out there who are suspicious of McColl, have never heard of Blin and actively dislike Murray, you don't need to venture far online to find them either. Add to that if the side is winning handsomely that also alleviates a certain pressure and scrutiny from a section of the support. Irvine and the board know this and they've got over a month now to swing a few influential people their way. This fight isn't done, indeed it's really just begun.
  3. Is it the Sunday Mail Guidi writes for? I know I'm pretty much the only person who thinks this but I don't like the club banning journalists. I particularly don't like it when no one on this forum is even sure what he's banned for. I'd be a little happier if I knew what has so incensed McCoist. There are alternative newspapers and radio stations to the ones that employ Guidi. If you don't like what he says don't buy or listen to him. Market forces will do the rest. There are individuals on all Rangers messageboards who write far more critical and personally offensive stuff about Rangers players, management, directors and fellow fans than you'll usually read in a mainstream newspaper.
  4. I'd agree it isn't the most important thing but it is important. There is a physicality in professional football and if he's not yet ready for that bringing him in could be detrimental. That said I imagine the club are working on that, at that age 6 months can make a big difference. He didn't look ready now, but he will be quite soon. I agree it's extravagant and unnecessary, I only mentioned it only by way of explanation.
  5. Having watched Ryan Hardie score five goals the other night it might sound strange to say he didn't look ready for the first team, but he didn't. Physically he looked waif like compared to the Clydebank players, he really looked like a boy. I think the desire for another keeper is to place a bit of pressure on Bell. The drop from Bell to Gallagher far less Smith is quite big, I imagine the danger of complacency is in McCoist's mind. I always thought it was the purchase of Duncan Ferguson that got us another couple of great seasons out of Hateley.
  6. I don't see any conspiracy either. It becomes a police matter if they believe matches have been 'fixed'. Betting to lose matches you are actually playing in is a grey area. If it's felt other people benefited financially from these defeats Black has a serious problem. I assume that's not the case here as it isn't a police matter. Tony Swan served four months for agreeing to lose one match.
  7. Several people I know are saying that Ladbrokes reported Black for 'suspicious betting patterns'. Why they'd report him to the SFA rather than the police I don't know, I can only assume they feel only 'football laws' have been broken. Aren't Ladbrokes Rangers official betting partner? Perhaps he was reported to the club initially.
  8. Frankie, by all accounts we're haemorrhaging money, this feels extravagant. Representing your country is one thing but this is Division Two. Be professional but be realistic at the same time. A couple of hours on a bus should not make any difference to those games.
  9. Well it appears in the news now because the SFA only just charged him, so I assume it has only recently come to light. I doubt he's the only player but that doesn't make it okay. If he did it then at worst he's a cheat, at best he's a greedy idiot.
  10. Banning 'media' is futile and just now it is diversionary. If the club were serious about trying to monetize their in-house media whilst discouraging the support from buying the 'competition' then they'd invite Frankie and Andy to do weekly columns on the club site and not sensor what they say. They'd help fund the Rangers Standard, indeed offer to take it in-house too, they'd accept criticism and encourage debate. If the CEO, manager, Chairman and head of security each spent one hour a month answering fans questions on the club's own forum they'd close places like the Record down. The lack of foresight and imagination bewilders me. They've got all the content and a captive audience, yet somehow they are unable to put the two together.
  11. Which makes sense, however Stranraer is not far away, particularly for a 3pm kick-off. There's not a side in our league who are more than two and a half hours drive from Glasgow, we shouldn't need to stay anywhere outside of Glasgow. Make a block booking at the Hilton for the season and save some money.
  12. I accept that the club is striving to maintain itself as a 'top' club and as such it should behave like one. However, Stranraer is not that far away, do we really need to stay in Turnbury, wouldn't a hotel in Glasgow have done equally well? Head off mid-morning, stop south of Ayr for lunch so the journey is never more than an hour on the coach and still get to the ground well before 2pm. I'm McCoist's biggest supporter on here, but someone at the club needs to figure out the facts of life here. We do not need to stay in 5 star golf resorts before league games at Stranraer.
  13. Traynor's no idiot, if he did pen that, and I can't believe he didn't at least approve it, then it smacks of score settling and dick measuring. The Rangers website is not the place to do that, particularly with the chaos around the club currently. I didn't read the story but I saw the 'Spend, spend, spend' headline on the back page. Now if that misrepresented McCoist then Traynor will have a fairly accurate idea who wrote it, he probably interviewed them for their job. A headline like that puts pressure on McCoist, but not as much as losing to Stranraer would have. If McCoist wants to avoid pressure he should ensure his side keeps winning. Beyond that the article smacked of Traynor being pissed off that his dictats to the media were being ignored.
  14. You know it seems our club has 'spent' £22 million of IPO money, season ticket money, corporate sponsorship in less than 12 months and they achieved this largely during a transfer ban. Still, lets focus on the Daily Record and some mentally unbalanced bloggers, that's what's important right now.
  15. So are you more concerned with the player's privacy or the fact he might have been making money from Rangers losing?
  16. There is a lot of scrutiny in football just now with regards to betting. Allegations of corruption have been made in a number of European countries in recent years Finland probably being the most high profile - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-13736085 However in England last week Stoke City player Cameron Jerome was fined for gambling on football http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/stoke-city/10241957/Stoke-City-striker-Cameron-Jerome-fined-50000-for-breaching-FA-betting-rules.html West Ham were involved in spread betting a number of years ago, betting on who would get the first throw-in for example and then kicking the ball straight out from the kick-off. It seems certain that matches in Germany and Turkey were 'fixed' as well as some international fixtures - http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/uefa-and-fifa-have-failed-in-their-efforts-to-combat-match-fixing-a-881592.html Now I'm not suggesting Ian Black was fixing matches, however as soon as a player bets on a match involving his team he leaves himself open to suspicion. To think that it couldn't happen here is naive, particularly in the lower leagues. If it transpires Black bet on a match involving Rangers and he didn't bet on us to win he should never play for us again.
  17. Why are we staying overnight anywhere for a 3pm kick-off in Stranraer? It takes about two and a half hours to get there from Glasgow by coach, I could understand it if it was a lunchtime start. As I said on the other thread the Daily Record won't bankrupt us or take us into administration, we'd do well to remember who we really need to be watching in all this.
  18. Well I for one feel much more relaxed about Easdale now that The Sun via Jack Irvine has said he's not a gangster. That's the kind of reassurance I've been waiting for. Nothing to see here, move along.
  19. All Rangers in-house media is very unlikely to be critical of the board far less the team. If Rangers decided to open their in-house media to people who were independent of mind it would be brave and very forward thinking. I'm not convinced either of those virtues exist at the top of our club just now.
  20. That's very true. Some are far more dangerous to us than others though.
  21. Many, many people let themselves down when we went into administration, English included. With the perspective of time I now think most of the sports journalists had simply never really considered the possibility seriously before it happened (who had?) and their reaction and the narrative many followed was flawed and reactionary, being led by people who really don't like the club such as Celtic supporting websites and bloggers. Considering the interest in football and the reliance so much of the media has on it in Scotland it is surprising the quality of writer isn't higher. English is a decent writer, better than most, but he's wide of the mark on some topics I agree.
  22. Like most journalists English produces work I disagree with but on the whole I've always felt he's one of the better writers around just now. I find very little to disagree with in this article, he's bang on the money about who the real enemies of Rangers are. The BBC or the Daily Record aren't going to bankrupt or rob us.
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