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Everything posted by amms

  1. Happy to help.
  2. Tell me Crucible who do you think were responsible for our club slipping into administration, failing to get a CVA and so forth? Who do you blame for that happening? Same with Hearts and Dunfermline if you've been following their stories, who do you blame?
  3. I'm not frightened by Regan, Lawwell and chums, are you? Are you really that scared of Regan, he's won if you are, if you'd rather self harm than stand up to him then the games already lost for you my friend.
  4. Wow. I don't know what to say. I thought the days of Rangers supporters sticking their heads in the sand were passed. Seems I was wrong. With respect Crucible your attitude to our club is far more dangerous to us than anything Regan or our enemies could concoct. We are far more at risk from our own directors and owners (past, current and future ones) than we are from Regan, the SFA, Celtic or the illuminati.
  5. Hang about, are you saying you don't want to know in case the answer is people who shouldn't be involved or are otherwise unsuitable? You think we'd be better off with Craig Whyte owning and controlling part of the club in secret than us knowing the identity of the people who do own us? That's some twisted logic Crucible. I don't personally think Craig Whyte is involved, but I still want to know who owns us, I want to know why they make some of the decisions they make and I want them to be accountable to the support. It's in the long term interests of the club that we are owned and run professionally and openly. If that means some more pain first then so be it.
  6. I don't think anyone is going to change the law to suit me, that's a ridiculous and inaccurate suggestion. 'Legally' none of my business is a bizarre statement. It's legally none of my business what side McCoist picks on Saturday but I still want to know what it is. Do you really not care who owns Rangers? Don't you think that supporters should know who owns their club, we're not a normal private company after all? I can understand why you might not care who owns your local supermarket or energy company, but the football club you profess to support, you spend so much time and energy following. Really, you don't care because 'legally' it's none of your business? Tell me did you care that Whyte and Murray sold our season tickets to Ticketus, after all it was legally none of your business? By the way your last paragraph is the worst strawman I've seen for months.
  7. So to also reiterate, why don't you care? Why don't you want to know who owns 15% of our club after all the problems we've had with owners?
  8. My utterly baffled why any Rangers fan wouldn't want to know the identities of people who own 15% of us. Anyone who says they aren't interested in that information needs to go and have a long hard look at themselves. After what we've been through in the last few years knowledge of our owners and power-brokers identity should be the first thing we demand.
  9. It's all speculation but I agree that unless we could have got straight into the higher leagues in England Green wasn't interested in that route. I don't really bother all that much about the 'new club' argument, anyone who makes it clearly understands nothing about football or football fandom. Had we gone south it's highly unlikely we could have maintained the infrastructure at the club we have just now. The climb to even the conference would have taken many years. I still wish we'd done it though, our children would have thanked us.
  10. They had an article on Springsteen and the E Street band last year that's as good a piece of music writing as I've ever read. Their Tumblr page is great for finding gems like that.
  11. I wonder what Rangers fans do actually want? Like a number of posters on here I really don't miss the SPL. I don't watch the highlights programme on a Sunday instead I wander the high numbers to find BBC NI and MOTD2 or the iPlayer for Gardener's World. I realised last season that I really don't care what the Celtic score is. On the odd occasion they lose someone invariably texts me and I chuckle but I can go weeks without knowing what their result was or even who they were playing. I watched them play Barcelona a couple of weeks ago because it was on STV. I don't know who half their side are, they'd players I've literally never heard of, I knew more of the Barca side. As for the rest I'm vaguely aware who is doing well and who isn't. I like to hear that Motherwell are doing okay because I retain affection for Stuart McCall, my brother-in-law supports St Mirren so I hear how awful they are but beyond that I really have no interest. How I wish we'd called their bluff last summer and applied to join the Cumbria Sunday league or whatever the bottom rung in England is. The standard wouldn't be much worse than just now and the potential so much more exciting. In two years time if all goes well we get to play St Johnstone and Ross County. Whoopee. If we never play Celtic again I'd be perfectly content.
  12. Great stuff Andy. There's nothing like the old Soviet national anthem to set you up for the day. That Regan's ineptitude is tolerated is the saddest indictment on football in this country. He's clearly out of his depth and has presided over nothing but chaos at club and international level.
  13. Maybe the supporters raising money for the QC to protect our right to sing about the UVF can have a go at making Nazi, sorry Red Hand, salutes acceptable too. This is 'our culture' after all.
  14. So is it just me (as usual) who doesn't have any problem with that Tom English article? I certainly took from King's reported statement that he'd got assurances about his 'fit and proper' status. It's clear he hasn't got that from the SFA at least. That suggests either naivety or mendacity on his part, neither are traits I'm getting excited about. I worry many of us are welcoming King without knowing much about him. I personally hoped the days of a rich man owning the club and bankrolling success were behind us and we'd never allow one man to have that kind of power again. It seems some in our support openly welcome that though, 'King's got millions the Tims are scared' is a regular reprise now. It honestly surprises me about how little we seem to have learned from the last decade or so.
  15. What are the rules, anyone know? After Whyte the SFA should scrutinise every director at every club, Rangers included. The fact they didn't before isn't a good reason not too in the future.
  16. I'm not so much worried as pointing out that next season should be a significantly harder campaign than this one has so far been. There's a chance Hearts will be out of administration and have a transfer window of their own to strengthen their squad. On top of that they'll have a squad of younger players with a full season if top flight experience under their belts to build on. It doesn't keep me awake at night but it's unrealistic to assume we'll walk the league. Hearts could rightly expect to beat every other side in Div 1 too so it come down to the four games between us.
  17. Listen there's a very good chance we'll be in the same division as Hearts next season so winning Div 1. isn't a given.
  18. No, I don't believe any clubs do. If all football clubs lived within their means, properly engaged with their support and were run as clubs for and about their 'members' football would be much the better for it. Well Hibs currently sit two divisions above us.
  19. Well I've never heard it before. He's from Hamilton so I imagine he has a soft spot for them but preferring them over Rangers is news to me.
  20. Tom Farmer owns Hibs. He takes no part in the running of the club and doesn't sit on the board. He believes the club is a part of the community he was raised in and should be protected for future generations, he did this after Hibs very nearly went out of business. I don't know McColl's motivations but I see similarities here. McColl is clearly a West of Scotland bluenose and has witnessed the club lurch from crisis to crisis. I admire the fact he 's saying openly he doesn't have the time to run the club or play an active role in it's affairs, very few people do. Running a club like Rangers takes up a lot of time and energy, full commitment should be demanded from those involved with the board. But to want the club run sensibly, professionally, soundly and for the benefit of the supporters is surely the most desirable thing here, no? Rangers don't need a sugar daddy and we shouldn't ever be a rich man's hobby again. If McColl can use his influence to ensure the club is run professionally and in the interests of the club and its supporters only then he gets my vote. If he see's his role as being similar to that of Farmer I'd have no problem with that either. There is no doubt at all that McColl has been successful in business, none. Part of that success will be in knowing his own limitations and abilities. Attacking him because he wants what's best for the club but recognises that isn't necessarily him is strange. Surely that should be applauded?
  21. Where does he say he wasn't a Rangers fan? That's a bizarre suggestion.
  22. It's probably a mixture of his apparent business acumen and the people he is inevitably compared too. When held up against people like Green, Ahmed, Stockbridge, Mather, the Easedales, Whyte and Jack Irvine he looks like a mixture of Andrew Carnegie and Warren Buffet with some Ghandi thrown in. The fact he's local probably helps too.
  23. That's the stuff, band together so we can afford a QC so we can sing songs about the UVF. What a wonderful celebration of 'our culture'.
  24. The DUP? Really? Creationism and persecution of gays is what politics in Scotland needs is it? The Catholic church already provides that Rab, maybe your more in tune with the Cardinals than you think...
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