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  1. That is a very good point Compo we always struggle for resources cash I mean. I feel we should be looking for a backer with real money. Look and Newcastle also Man City, and Liverpool. Let me run this past you do you feel that when the likes of the Bus man and the South African guy. Do you think they would sell their shares for the benefit of RFC? For example to a super rich Kuwaite or rich Aisian? Let me know your thoughts or anyone for that matter. WATP
  2. That may be the case, Rab, but we have lost Cordoba to Norwich City. That is due to salary and nothing else I don't it's because Norwich will be in Europe next year. They have no chance so effectively we don't have enough to offer Cordoba enough of a salary. Lets see what the Argentinian brings, he looks next on the list we may get lucky. WATP
  3. I disagree when I say survive I mean beat Celtic survival is not an issue. What We all want is to attract fresh exciting talent when they are 20 yards from goal and can at least work the Goalie. This pathet scuff half-hit balls from guys that are over 6ft is astonishing. I watch under-15s hit it better in Sunday league not to mention Junior Football in the West of Scotland. it's unbelievable. Scouting is another dilemma, people like Dalglish, McQueen, and Ferguson who are in Italy now captain of Bolgonia there are many more that have slipped through the net. Not good enough for RFC. This is a talent and a skill, which is sadly overlooked and given to people that are not qualified to judge. These are fruitless complaints that need to be corrected. Liverpool has had the same scouting team for 25+ years even though the manager changed after Shankly resigned. It seems each manager brings their own chief Scout, which does not work in my opinion. WATP
  4. I think I answered this is about RFC, not me
  5. Parks and Kings companies do not want to part with their finances. I get the feeling its an ego trip for them, if they wanted to bolster RFC with cash I would hope they would have done it before Celtic won 12 out of the last 13 this does not ring true for me WATP
  6. This is an enlightening answer Atalanta was the second favourite to the Germans but they believed in themselves from the outset. Good answer
  7. This has been my concern for some time. Effectively there are only two teams in Scotland. So the choices are limited for any decent player to want to come and play here. Anyone who wants money in their short football career will go south. The difference can be 10k per week to 75k + per week. This for me does not compute what is required is for someone with real money to buy the club. And put it on the map players will come for money that is a given, 12 out of the last 13 to Celtic is abysmal if we do not find cash it will be the same next year and ongoing. Tell me I am wrong and provide me with solid reasons why cheers WATP.
  8. The biggest problem is the club's ability to attract real money. The people in the club at this time have nowhere near enough cash to improve the club it robbing Peter to pay Paul. The problem is their ego will not allow them to seek investment in case they lose control. So the limbo continues unto we can attract serious financial backing we will struggle in any good league. None of our directors has enough liquidity to act, so until this happens we will play in the Scottish league and have to like it. Incidentally, this is the salary of their highest-paid player €6,480,000 makes you think this is Napoli.
  9. In the financial aspects of this great club, Park and co are only really caretakers. They are not cash-rich enough to make a go of this however, their ego fits the bill. They will hang on till the Rangers receive a bid and will be reluctant to make said bid public. The club had such a bid previously when they first came up to the premier division. It was from the owner of the Phoenix Suns basketball team. The owner has personal finances of £800 million; why he was discarded has never been explained. You do not need hundreds of millions to compete. However, in today's modern era you need to increase the salary cap. E.G. When Tierney left Celtic he was on 20k per week now he is on 150k + bonuses. This is where football has gone, playing for the shirt is a thing of the past, as most of the monies taken 100+ years ago went into the shareholder's pockets, not the player's. So unless a suitable buyer is found status quo will remain. Who knows how long?
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