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  1. Id still take Shankland. Probably get him for about £10k a week tops, helps with Euro quota etc. He has had a shocker of a season, but Hearts have been in meltdown.
  2. Its a fixed term contract, not like a standard contract of permanent employment that your average Joe will get. They will be entitled to payment up till the end of their contractual period, unless there is a clause (which there wont be) or they come to an agreement to end it early, most likely if they get offered another job.
  3. I dont think you can coach pace and our team has none. Our players are for the most part, shit.
  4. Would be as well taking our time over the manager appointment. New manager is gonna be able to do fuck all until some of the better players are back and even when he can trade his own. Taking over soon will just result in him having a horror start and risking the fans turning on him.
  5. Raskin and Sima were better than Wright, but pretty much agree.
  6. We genuinely need a clear out of some of these players. Barisic, Lundstrum, Dessers, Lammers are hopeless. Just not good enough at all. Tav and Goldson are not priorities to leave, but we have to start phasing them out. Wright is hopeless, but at least is scottish registered. Butland, Raskin, Sima and at a push, Davies are the only ones who are actually offering much.
  7. Lammers on a good day at least offers to beat 4 defenders before passing it back to Goldson. Dessers, is having one of his best games for Rangers tonight and I would rate it about 2/10. He is slow, cant hold the ball up, hopeless in the air and panics a bit under pressure. Genuinely starting to look like he is just hiding by staying next to his defender takin gout the option to pass to him. He is hardly making runs off his shoulder since his disallowed goal.
  8. Cheers! Thought this was the match thread! Still getting my head round this place.
  9. Muscat for me. Probably a terrible shout, but at least I think he plays attacking football, so if it goes wrong, it will go wrong in an entertaining fashion. Same goes for if any of the other managers are attacking. Just cannot be doing with another slow patient build up style.
  10. Not liking the sound of this. Would definitely take a punt on Muscat before a punt on Lampard. Will get behind whoever they appoint, but really unsure about this call if this is what they are indeed inclined to do.
  11. Great guy, hope he does well. Helped out at one of his charity events for the Second Chance Foundation and had a chat with him, really down to earth. No idea how he will do with us, but top bloke regardless.
  12. Moans and abuse from the crowd could devastate them.
  13. To be honest, it sounds all good and promising, but fast forward a couple of weeks and the team filled with guys like Devine and Rice getting scudded would have the fans in an uproar. We are dreadful as a club for actually blooding youths, but we also cant afford to just start going crazy with it. Guys like Sterling will no doubt be quite a bit ahead of folk like Devine, and it should be him who we are giving the shot to first.
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