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John Barr

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    Glasgow, Scunthorpe when poss.


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    Following Rangers round Europe and Scunthorpe when poss.


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Favourite Rangers Player

  • Favourite Rangers Player
    John Fleck
  1. ok thanx for helping guys, i really appreciate that. But, if thats the case then during the Admiral seasons, who might have had the "training" number of 19. It probably means it's a remote sub or youth/reserve player. But i wonder if theres a chance that somone was allocated training numbers for within the squad at training, or if it was a free for all and anyone could have been wearing it.
  2. I'm trying to find the squad numbers for the players from around 1990 to 1996. I have a training top belonging to the player wearing number 19. It was the seasons we wore the Admiral top. I was always told it was Pieter Huistra, but i would be very interested to know for sure. If anyone can help me with this, i'd very appreciative.
  3. I noticed Lennon was right up to him at then end then the two of them participated in a putrid sniggling embrase that two bheasts would've been proud of. I remember Aiden McGreedy trying to tease Gers players and fans with snidey comments after they won the league, it came back to bite him on the arse for two seasons. Brown better watch himself, not that Gers players would stoop so low as the murky depths Celtic players go to to try get an easy rise out of someone. But, i somehow have the feeling that someone, somewhere will get Brown back for the stupid celebration he done right in front of EHD yesterday. And when it happens, i'm willing to bet my house that Brown won't react in the same grace that the supposed "sewer rat" did yesterday!!
  4. i am fairly disapointed to see him go. I was hoping this was the season where he'd break through and take Weirs place in the team. There is definetly something far wrong with the player, but it doesnt mean he isnt a quality player. All i'm waiting for now is for Celtic to sign him up, since they seem to thrive upon having themselves enveloped with players that have been, or were associated with us. And everytime they get one, they appear to think they got one over us. Maybe thats the case, but with Webester i doubt they'd have a winner, but we'll wait and see. It wouldnt suprise me if Celtic moved for him. One point everyone has missed though, thats another defensive option terminated. We cannot keep relying on the increasingly slow Davie Weir. Bartley is very inexperienced, although highly rated, but god forbid Bougherra now gets injured, whats the defensive partnership? It doesnt drown us in options does it?
  5. Weiss is a winger, but can play in a few different positions i.e attacking midfield and striker. He may not have started his career as a winger, but his sheer pace and skill has made him most effective there, so in my book, he is now a winger.
  6. You guys complaining about Beattie. The man who has "never been a success anywhere"(yet has 5 England caps, amassed approx �£16m in transfer fees for him, scored 68 goals for Southampton in the Premier league, and 13 for Everton as their record signing, and 34 for Shef utd(more than a gaol every 2 games)). I distinctly remember him being highly succesful at Southampton and Shef utd. His attitude was apparantly a problem at Stoke, but a manager like Smith can get the best out players like this and he has done that for Years. I think this is the correct signing and if he gets 20+ odd goals for 2 seasons, everyone complaining on here will be eating humble pie at 1.25m. The boy can score goals and WILL score goals in a league like this(akin to the Championship where he was very succesful). For the money we have, to get a Premiership striker is actually a bit of a coupe. He'll do well. Thanx for ANOTHER Good signing Walter.
  7. I'm actually raging about this whole affair. Tomorrow is the 29th of July. Any new signings will be pitched in at the deep end. Rangers must've had a fair idea they were losing all the players they did, and the amount they would have got. So, whoever is planning is quite frankly failing miserably. To me(and i understand the seriousness of the financial situation, but to me the top brass are now making excuses for everything and blaming it on lack of cash), if you go to the supermarket to buy goods and go straight to the discount aisle, and then, want discount on that, your gonna end up with a pile of shite, and basically a whole load of angry fans who seem to be being decieved. If you act like a second rate team, i'm afraid you'll leave the race in second place. I've gone for Gers the last few years and backed them every season since i can remember, but this is the worst ever i can remember where it seems the management couldn't give a toss if we don't get any fresh faces in. FUCK IT!
  8. Wilson needs to think long and hard before going to Liverpool. They are a club in turmoil, their youth set up was in pieces years ago and doesn't come close to what it was based on for decades. If he is thinking of going there, you can be sure it's not to win anything. Liverpool would be lucky to win a league cup in the next 5 years. His decision would be completely financially motivated, and if that is the case, even as impressive as he has been this season, i'd thankfully see the back of him IF his decisions are the same as what i think they are. He really should stay loyal to the club who nursed him through to this stage and gave him a chance and who are willing to push the boat out again in order to keep him. I freports are correct then Rangers are really bending over backwards to try and keep this kid. Fair enough, i'm not inside the club and don't get the overall jist of what morales like with the financial meltdown at the club. But i just get the impression he's got pound signs in his eyes. I also envisage him on the periphery of Liverpool for the next few years, being sent on loan and then being freed, as is the norm with greedy young kids.
  9. Cheers mate. Doesnt come across as the hard defender type either. Must have been an intelligent, thinking defender!:robbo:
  10. I was looking at Walter Smith's stats as a player. They arent bad with Dundee Utd, and he was only loaned out to Dumbarton. I think most people believe he was playing in the lower leagues for years. But in actual fact he only had 2 seasons outwith the current Scottish Premier League. But, does anyone know what position he played?
  11. Isn't that what we want our players to do. Personally, i think he'd do well but not that well he'd be being scouted by Barca etc. I'd prefer him to go there and do well than to go there and play 2 games all season as a sub. If he goes and does well, and someone like Chelsea pay 5-6 million, then that's life. Better to actually flourish at football than for him to rot on a bench and be a bit part player for the rest of his career.
  12. agree with Calscot. Fleck IS the future of Rangers, therefore we have to be very careful with him. The fact we have managed to keep him is fantastic news though. However, he isn't going to burst onto the scene until he gets a full season at Championship level in England with a Boro or West Brom or with someone like Hearts, where he can play 30 plus games and learn what is needed to play through a full season. He's been taught brilliantly at Youth level but he's now 18 and needs to start looking at First team action. I wouldn't want him loaned to a lower divsion though, i feel that'd be a waste of time for someone with the raw talent he quite obviously has. The other option is he is played up front next season in place of Boyd or in that hole behind the 2 strikers(where i think he's more suited actually). I actually thought he'd have played about 25 games for us this time last season, so i think he's fallen slightly behind in his development. What i don't want to see also is another season on the bench. We need to make this boys talent flourish and then bring him back from loan after a year and i'll think we'll see a more mature attitude.
  13. If He scores he should sit in front of the Broomloan touchline mimicking driving a car. GIRUY
  14. Fantastic line there. "If he can make it, so can you"( about Ally Dawson) lol
  15. I honestly wouldn't believe a word of it until i saw him run on the park with a Gers strip on. Good player though!
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