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Mountain Man

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  1. Sometimes Football Fans & Bigoted sad individuals do sometimes prove Evolution sometimes produces a few miss-shapes. Joseph Kelly had been due to be sentenced at Lanark Sheriff Court this morning His tweet posted day after the death of Captain Sir Tom Moore prompted fury He was asked to leave the courtroom before his hearing by a police officer It is alleged he was involved in a disturbance outside the room and was arrested He will now be sentenced later this month after the sheriff delayed the hearing https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10569669/Celtic-fan-posted-grossly-offensive-tweet-Captain-Tom-arrested-sentencing.html
  2. Just as well Celtics Tour of Japan has been cleared to allow this Angefest to happen. After the Pacific shelf AGM and their board playing up to the lowest common denominators in their support, Bisgrove is tone deaf if he can't read the room. Just a shocker.
  3. I am surprised its not the Moon we are playing them on according to the Sun. Why would we fly the Squad around the World to sugar Coat a plastic homecoming for Fat Ange. A crazy idea to even contemplate.
  4. The forward planning at DFC is quite breathtaking. Strachan really is doing a good job at downsizing both ambition and vision. Like Aberdeen another US based absent owners group who seem to devolved all logic.
  5. Goodwin was good at stiffing up a team like St Mirren. His favorite 5-4-1 formation does not seem to chime with Cormack project of Winning expansive football. The deluded in the North East will need to temper their fantasy's of expansive football, and suck it up.
  6. Today in the Scottish Parliament Ms Murrell agreed that it "merits further consideration" to back the need for Scottish Football requiring a Regulator. This follows on from the F.M pals Val Mcdermid who has created a pile on in connection with Raith Rovers signing David Goodwillie. You would have thought with all the other issues that the Gov are dealing with the need for Football to have a regulator was of a low priority. This was also muted for the EPL when certain members considered the now defunct Euro League. In the same time window as Bury FC after 125yr went to the wall. Football in Scotland and across the UK is part of our national identity, but that make is attractive for politicians to meddle. The danger is with the SFA already getting the begging bowl out for Hampden, as it is needing revamped for any Euros bid, the Gov under Sturgeon may get a way with imposing a Regulator on the Game. There are dangers in this, and getting Scottish Politicians, going on past and current performance, to appoint a regulator has no upsides other than making the likes of Mcdermaid fell better about herself. David Goodwillie: Independent regulator for footballers 'merits consideration', says Nicola Sturgeon (msn.com) Last week in was Classroom Doors so this may go the same way, a lot of Murrells decrees tend to be goldfish ideas lasting 3 secs before forgetting about it, but with Murrell anything is possible
  7. We know the spoon burners always raise their game against The Famous. 3pts tonight, Porteous not injuring anyone but himself will be a par score.
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