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  1. He still does; I was sat next to him at the Cyprus game. ? I tend to go to most Scotland home games but do so on an ad-hoc basis. I probably go enough that I might benefit from joining the supporters club but I never know if I'm going until the last minute, unlike with Rangers where I happily commit to the full season at the outset.
  2. Couldn't get a ticket and disappointing result but had a great time with the bears in Kaktus for the game. Locals were sound as well.
  3. Apart from being in the same stadium as them, I don't really get together with Scotland fans. I go to the games with mates. We already know which clubs the others support. I can tell you that at the Albania game there was absolute roaster of a Hibs fan behind me who refused to cheer when Naismith scored, proclaiming "Ah'n no' cheerin' nae Hertz kant!" Other than that, I generally don't know, far less care, who anybody in ground supports.
  4. I still go to some home games. Never made it last night but was at the Albania home game. As for "telling the Scotland fans" I'm a Rangers fan? Firstly, I am a Scotland fan. Secondly, why would I walk around telling everybody which club team I support?
  5. Despite the apparent injunction, https://www.thegersstoreonline.com/ is still accepting orders for jerseys. I have no idea whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, nor if it will continue for much longer.
  6. When were voting rights removed from life members?
  7. Yup - came on towards the end of the game. I thought he'd be a stick-on to score. Alas...
  8. I don't see a seat on the board as meaningless and neither do the vast majority of the members. If they did, they wouldn't have voted so overwhelmingly in favour of it. And I'm not sure why you think Dave King would want Club1872 board representation. I suspect the opposite. Likewise with your notion that Club1872 are "pandering". I don't see it that way at all. More generally, if supporters are unhappy with anything Club1872 does, the best way to change it is to join up and vote. Sniping from the sidelines doesn't help anyone.
  9. All fair enough but I, along with several thousand other Rangers fans, have a different opinion. Given events of the last couple of days around the Fanzone, if people still don't see the point of a large supporters block, they never will.
  10. If you're a member, your opinion on this is in the minority. A huge majority of members (including me) voted in favour of pursuing a seat on the board.
  11. Metaphorical swords should be fallen on over this but I wouldn't hold my breath when it comes to expecting anything resembling honour from these craven liars. Excellent work by Club 1872 in exposing this shower and an example of what we can achieve when we pool resources. I'd also urge anyone who isn't a member to consider joining as the more of us contributing, the more work like this Club 1872 can do.
  12. Look forward to these every week. Great listen again.
  13. That was a great listen. Well done folks.
  14. I think that ship has sailed. Apart from anything else, we've yet to go on a decent winning run, never managing more than two on the trot before Murty managed four. Unfortunately, that was followed by two defeats. We need to be winning eight or nine games on the bounce several times a season before we can even think about challenging. A solid second place and at least one victory over the yahoos would be a successful end to the season from here. Having said all that, stranger things have happened.
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