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Sutton_blows_goats last won the day on February 19

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  1. You’d need to pay me to watch that
  2. I don’t think it’s a case of better. It’s a case of he has chucked it and the players won’t play for him.
  3. The players don’t want to be here nor does the manager, or the board. Chucked it from top to bottom.
  4. Manager can just pack his bags and go now. He’s toast.
  5. Nothing in that should be a goal for St Mirren.
  6. St Mirren tv feed I’m watching seem to think of that was a st Mirren player the card wouldn’t be over turned. I don’t think a St Mirren player gets a red for that from any ref in Scotland in a million years. They get the diddy team overly physical even it up allowance.
  7. Think that’s a harsh red. If one of their players does that it’s never a red for them.
  8. They are far too physical for us. We have no answer.
  9. Butland is hopeless. After the first ten mins you think it was st Mirren looking to close the gap on 1st..
  10. Last year of deal in the summer.
  11. I think he has fallen on hard times, I don't think freelancing for the Dundee Courier pays well and he spends much of his time trawling budget supermarket for heavily reduced items to make soup. And I'm not kidding.
  12. If we have a waiting list of 10k and they can fund an expansion that gets them seats, that increases revenue and in turn should increase the value of the club. The chap Paraag supposedly led the stadium upgrade for the 49's helping them maximise ticket revenue. Leeds are increasing the capacity also I'm sure. Its one way to make a profit.
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