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Everything posted by rbr

  1. But he never said that , has never said that , it's wrong what your saying and very disingenuous.
  2. Man utd s board didnt do anything of the sort, they bought the club basically with the clubs own money,ie they bought the Majority share then swapped that for Debt , totally different to what happened with us
  3. My point is that no matter what we raise, £12 /13 million is going to be swallowed up by a debt for equity swop , I just happen to think this could happen further down the road . I fully understand the Ashley angle but the issue with him imho is more to do with the retail deal which is not linked to his shareholding and a completely separate issue which is going through the courts .
  4. Just remember , nuno capucho , emmerson, ostenstaad, hamed namuchi ,dragan mladonavic ,Paolo vanoli , I could go on and on and on
  5. You are reinventing the financial wheel here , he can't reasonably argue anything , what he spent to buy shares is his and only his business , whether that was £1 or £100 million , it isn't investment. He's using the old SDM smoke and mirrors trick and some are buying into it , it's bullshit .
  6. They can't separate the debt / equity part from the share issue , every shareholder must be treated equally
  7. So we are raising £32 million then , they can't just separate the debt for equity swap
  8. He's was 35 yards from goal when he lost the ball , you seriously think the goalie shouldn't have done better
  9. Can't believe Halliday is getting all the stick for their goal , I've just seen the highlights , what the hell was Foderingham doing , he could have had a cup of tea and a read of the papers before that ball got anywhere near him , and it was straight at him .
  10. Well they better make the same statement to the fans then , and make clear it's going to be a long long road back , some of our fans are going nuts about this year , the next few aren't going to be much better unless serious money can be found from somewhere .
  11. Can't wait , maybe Broxi is going to be installed as the interim manager , he's the only name with any connection to us that's been missed out lol
  12. Would the £5 million the was used to repay Ashley be part of the soft loans or something separate , just guessing now .
  13. You better hope the new manager buys into the academy project then , otherwise we are as well shutting it down , some one like Walter never trusted kids , I fact if you look back if it wasn't for advocatt Ferguson might never have made it with us , that I agree is a huge guess on my part . I hope the board get a director of football sorted first , we need especially at this point in time a long term strategy not a short term one to get 2nd place , because as for Europe there is next to no difference between 2 nd and 4 th in reality .
  14. Then as you say his figures simply don't add up.
  15. I think they have included the money they used to buy us , IMHO it's an absolute shambles of a statement and I really hope DK gets ousted Asap , if that is what they meant by the £30 million we are in deep deep trouble .
  16. The problem is Frankie even if we do raise £20 million , over £12 is going straight back to our custodians to repay the soft loans , the tims have had 4 share issues to properly get themselves sorted , we are light years behind and I don't see any willingness from the board to finance us to the required level . Simply put we need these court cases to get heard asap and need to pray they go our way , get the retail and sponsorship deals back at a level that they should be at and viola that's approx £8 million up on where we were , the team needs seriously strengthened , never in our history has any manager had to start from such a weak position and I include McCoist as you need to take into account the league we were in at the time , god help the new manager because this board won't .
  17. The only way we get rid of Ashleys influence is via the retail deal , his shares in us will take care of themselves imho.
  18. That's just my opinion on their share issue plans, we need money I to the club first , swapping soft loans for equity can happen in the future , it's not needed now, but that's just my opinion
  19. I have no idea , the only people who will know this are those in the room/email trail , I hope for us we are on sound ground .
  20. Mate this board want their money back first and it's Rangers second IMHO
  21. Plus not only was he taking training , he was taking press conferences and doing stunts for Rangers TV , it doesn't add up , I smell shite
  22. No he knows who the stories came from , it's part of his job to protect his employers , you can't just make shit up , even in Scotland lol
  23. There is absolutely no doubt that happened , however I would bet everything those leaks started after the fall out with DK in Sept . At the end of the day this board need to get this next appointment right , because we are treading water and are in danger of drowning , if they seriously think the budgets that we are working at is going to make any inroads into getting us back , they better think again .
  24. He's high up in the press , sports dept , Frankie knows who he is and can vouch for my info usually being spot on.
  25. Not the whole board , but some have been actively briefing against MW since pre Xmas , why was DK meeting the de boers weeks ago along with Numan . Plus this £18 million of the £30 million , they are going to get the majority of that money back , it's called running a football club , it's all smoke and mirrors , what we have in place is SDM lite , new board same as the old board , it's pitiful it really is
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