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Everything posted by rbr

  1. Would much prefer we went another route instead of journeyman rangers man or not
  2. These games are far too often judged on results only, as elfideldo posted above even at this age group age is a massive factor, I thought it was a decent game and they tried to play football , remember also Mulholland and his squad if coaches are into this mess than a year , time is needed and so.ething Rangers fans have very little of Patience
  3. The only person to blame for this whole debacle is DK himself , him and his big mouth never know when to shut up , personally the sooner he's away the better .
  4. This whole episode has become about Craig Houston , whilst he is part of the issue the bigger picture seems to have been completely missed by the majority . Craig Houston had every right to apply for the job he did , that neither he nor 3 other club1872 board members could see what the vast majority of us could see if the most worrying aspect . That the incidents which also preceded this occurrence , have been banished from the minds of the same 3 current board members is almost alarming . CH had been talked to on several different occasions by both JB and AW regards his attitude to the female members of the board and Christine Somerville , something that both gentlemen funnily enough failed to disclose at the club1862 meeting even after being asked .CH was also told that this was never a resignation matter prior to his decision as to whether to attend or not , yet he uses the resignation line again and again despite being told to the contrary . The sabbatical that then wasn't a sabbatical nor was it a leave of absence , but just a two month absence that wasn't really an absence still hadn't been fully disclosed to anyone's satisfaction . Then we have James Blair , the guy who stated at the club1872 meeting , " please don't quote me on the contents of the phone conversations two weeks ago as I don't have a very good memory and I get confused " a lawyer who has a very loose definition of a C of I and who stated when asked by myself at the hustings what he was going to bring to club1872 , " the first thing I'm going to do is write a code of conduct for the directors " and how many words has he written on this code so far , zero , nada , zilch , none . The problem is not Craig Houston , but he is part of the problem , are the 3 resignees blameless , no of course not , I believe they were hasty in their actions and should have had it out at a board meeting , however I fully understand their frustrations and share those frustrations . I fully believe their actions were fully in line with club 1872s core principals , and I fully support them in the actions they took , what happens next is anyone's guess , the current board will limp on hoping to get to Sept and fresh elections , by which time JB will no longer be standing and can slink off into the long grass . As an aside it is also worth noting that a Twitter profile appeared the day after the resignations which had access to information only current board members of club 1872 could know ,funny that .
  5. I'm going to post a fuller reply later , but this was brought up at the meeting and is still relevant today regards this statement . It is totally self indulgent and should never have been allowed the time at a club1872 meeting , what CH wants to post under his own Facebook page is entirely up to him , but he has an almost North Korean attitude to the truth ie it's the truth according to him and everyone else's is wrong.
  6. Good on him , sensible and doesn't take shite .Well done son
  7. He stays in the west end of Glasgow
  8. Thoroughly deserved and first decent away win against a top 6 team in 18 months , well done pedro
  9. I think Jj would be an excellent choice
  10. It's as said , his behaviour was lets just say confrontational , so much so both JB and AW had to speak to him about it , he also accused Joanne Percival of skimming profits from the lionbrand strip range , it's been ongoing since club1872s beginning , but it's very difficult for the resignees to get their side out without them throwing more dirt at club1872 . The bottom line is the 2 directors who were elected on of all things their governance has been found sadly lacking and until there are fresh elections we are stuck with them .
  11. The problem is Craig , it's blatantly obvious to you , it's blatantly obvious to me , it was blatantly obvious to the 3 resignees directors , it's blatantly obvious to the majority of the people at the club1872 meeting , yet it wasn't blatantly obvious to 4 directors of club 1872 , one of whom just happens to be the company secratery , as someone stated at the meeting , " What's really worrying me and leaving me with absolutely no confidence in you , is you simply don't get it "
  12. Gaffer I agree with much of what you say , but for many many reasons it's just not that simple , certain individuals were actually promoted through the press by the club pulling in favours and given plenty of column inches about why they would be the best for club1872 , some who had great social media presence had another advantage , yet guys like Ian Martin who was well in the running in every forum that ran a poll never got a sniff in the end up , another factor is apathy , out of approx 8500 members , just over 1200 could be bothered to vote , says it all really .
  13. That's not correct , if your talking about his the SLO , I asked that question and was told that it wasn't the case .
  14. It looks like it would for some on other forums , and also that isn't a dig at Lucy
  15. But what's the alternative , I actually believe in club1872 but from the start I've been so disappointed by those that have stood bar 4 or 5 , and I'm really angry at being let down by the 4 current directors , it's more about them than club1872 .
  16. That only hurts the club , go to the meetings if you can and gave your say or email your displeasure , but let them know .
  17. It's because he's met the criteria and was the best in the interviews , can I ask Lucy if you've read the job criteria .
  18. Coop , these guys stood on the very platform you spoke about , it was in their personal statements and they all agreed at the hustings that they would abide by a directors code of conduct that JB was meant to write up , it's never happened , yet the three directors who resigned on a point of principal are getting all the blame , when you serve on a board its collective responsibility the entire board is judged by the weakest member , the club1872 is judged on its board , when one fails the entire organisation fails . Yet for a simple process this would all have been avoided and if the remaining directors had been strong enough in public as they were in private this wouldn't have happened . As an example , I am a member elected trustee of my companies pension scheme , at the start of every meeting we have a Conflict of interest notification , where each trustee director informs the rest of the board of any COI,s , it's not rocket science , and JB and AW know all this .
  19. Can't really disagree with any of that , I've said it for years , we have the most apathetic self indulging , blame everyone else support , after Murray , Whyte , Green and even the perpetual liar that is King we still won't rise up and hold a simple fans group to any sort of basic standard , it's pathetic , especially when the club secretary is on the board .
  20. We tried to get some sort of answers last night , the answers we got were , nothing , we've no plan , there's too much work for us to do , in fact at one point they even praised the resignees for the amount of work they did . On the central point of many agreeing with CH , I have nothing personal against the guy honestly I don't , however and this is the really worrying part , CH and the remaining 3 board members have absolutely no idea why there is such a feeling against them over impartiality , independence and most importantly and I repeat this because it was on this platform that they all stood , the perception of of those two things ,. It was repeated over and over again at the hustings , and for JB , a trained lawyer , to actually state last night that he was struggling to remember phone conversations from 4 weeks ago and not to quote him as he has a bad memory was totally out of order , given there were also emails on this very subject . Where we should have went last night was that the remaining 4 board members realised the mess they have made of it and called immediate elections , not asking them to stand fun , but fresh elections should have been called last night , they refused to take proposals from the floor , ie us the members , yet when it came to other matters they are more than happy to take it to the members . You have no idea unless you were there how badly JB performed last night , he was awful , and his body language screamed get me the fuck out of here , but the will wobble wobble on , the next me,bears meeting is meant to be in May , we managed to force that out if them at least .
  21. If he has good on him , If this is a dig at the guy , I would direct you to look at the requirements to even go for it , if he made the short list good on him .
  22. Lucy , as much as I agree in principle , this was very very simple and CH has been let down very badly in the advice given to him by both JB and A W , it was so obvious that he should have recused himself from that meeting , a meeting that he himself admitted he didn't need to attend as two other club1872 were attending , and as Sos of Struth aren't a fans group there was no other reason for him to be there . This was not a resignation issue , no one other than CH made it out to be a resignation issue , this was about being transparent and being fair on every other club1872 member who had applied for the SLO position , something that CH had every right to apply for 100% no issue with the guy applying for the position but he shouldn't have went to the meeting , he had already been pulled from a club1872 Q&A with Stewart Robertson for the same reason . He had also been spoken to several times by both JB and AW with regards his conduct and behaviour to the females on club1872s board , as well as the way he talked to Christine Sommerville . But you are 100% correct that club1872 lacks very basic core principals , something that I brought up at the hustings but that JB was adamant was going to be his first priority , a code of conduct for the directors , but so far nothing , it's pathetic . As for Alex Wilson , he reminds me of David Somers in his attitude to the members , I've never been to patronised as I was last night , why he's on the board I have no idea he brings nothing to it . That they can't even agree on the need for a chairperson or for a casting vote speaks volumes IMHO , the sooner we get elections the better and none of the current 4 should stand for re-election .
  23. William cowie , really struggled with this basic question of membership and donations , they are still after 6 months blaming a cross over between RFs data base and the RST data base to get accurate numbers , they believe the number to be approx 8500 , with £1.2 million in the bank of which £161,000 has been earmarked or rather preferences for projects . The figure of £40,000 per month was quoted as income , now given there is the figure of 8500 and some of those are life members , everyone else must be paying near minimum amounts .
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