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Everything posted by rbr

  1. one thing this club desperately needs is more non exec directors
  2. I happen to agree 100% , when the question of a seat on the board for club1872 was raised the answer was " well last year it was all about independence so i dont see why there is a turnabout in attitude now " . What he fails to understand is that there is a massive difference between a clear Conflict of interest of a club1872 board member and a club1872 member having a seat on the board , however its pretty clear this is the route they will go down to fend this subject off .
  3. To be fair both laura and joanne have regular meetings with the club on club1872 s behalf
  4. Nothing really of any substance came out of tonight's meeting , usual bland political answers without getting patronised too much .To be fair to SR there's only so much he can say . Possible future meetings with club1872 , possibly with the D of F and the manager , these have to be confirmed .
  5. Any other gersnetter going along to this meeting at Ibrox tonight .
  6. Hi Bill , like your good self i had a significant shareholding in oldco which i lost , ive also bought privately but i came to the realisation that small investors/fans would never be able to influence any owner of our great club. Thats why i joined the RST and their gersave scheme but the apathy of the fans as usual , at that time never really got behind that . When RF started it was at a time i believe that was perfect to capture the fans , ie we were in a bad bad way as everyone knows . To your question , the shareholding % represent signicant triggers , the ability to call an EGM , the ability to stop one individual from being taking us over lock stock and barrel and eventually the ability to take us over , and at 25.1% we can block special resolutions if we feel they are not in the clubs interests . I believe that club1872 have enough cash to keep their % in any future share offer and with approx 7300 active members are bringing in a minimum of £36000 pcm , but this may be split depending on what members chose to do , ie shares , projects or a mixture . I probably like you did not invest to make money , rangers is simply , after my family my life , like hundreds of thousands of otjets .
  7. Good to have you aboard young skywalker
  8. I would say it has been a resounding success where it counts , in buying shares , over 10% is amazing , where I and many others , inc plgsarmy , if shes truthful , are concerned is in the behind the scenes carry ons that have blighted it this year in particular . However getting Joanne and Laura back was a massive step in the right direction , however that was off set by losing Iain Leiper aka D'artagnan. The other 4 that left were of no loss what so ever and thankfully after the next elections , the root cause of all the problems will also be gone.
  9. If you do i apologise , however as im a betting man i would wager you dont have a life membership . whether these should or shouldnt have been sold is not the issue , its whether the terms of the agreement between a supporters org and a fan should be honoured , it really is that simple , oh abd finally just to point out , its the club secretary whos at the heart of this mess , yet again .
  10. Cheers craig i always like it when other people make decisions on things that dont effect them directly
  11. Hi Frankie , I agree 100% , I feel like I have a pretty good insight into club1872 , however these resignations appear to be unsubstantiated anywhere other than forums and Twitter so I'm taking them with a pinch of salt , and as for the fans voice group , they should make themselves visible , all the cloak and dagger stuff helps no one .
  12. Calscots you are correct in your understanding of life memberships . However where this is getting murky is that myself and 899 other RF members bought life memberships because we were told they were transferable upon our deaths , however we were never told that this form of membership was against CIC rules , we were never told we had to include these memberships into our "wills" and we were never told we would need to inform either RF or club1872 who this person was . As Union says above , initially these memberships which were transferred over to club1872 were going to cease with the member , there has been a 180 degree u turn on this and some amount of bull shitting to say that they were always going to be honoured , however no where in the articles does it mention this .
  13. So why was this never flagged up , JB was highly involved in writing both articles fir both CICs , im not knocking club1872 , im pointing the finger at the guy behind both companies .
  14. How would RF know either and it wasnt a problem for them
  15. But you were on the working group that looked into joining the two groups together , this must have been discussed .
  16. Plus if this was known at the time of the RST and RF joining together why werent the RF members contacted and asked whom they were nominating .Why has no one from club1872 contacted the members who hold RF life memberships to find out whom they were nominating .
  17. Well if that was the case , why were we not asked to nominate a person when we took out the life membership , ive looked back at all my correspondence and no where does it mention this .How were life members expected to nominate someone if they were never informed . The more excuses get trotted out the bigger the whole becomes , time to stop digging pal
  18. Sorry but that is not correct , unfortunately there are comments like this that band all the club1872 directors together , that's simply unfair on the two ladies , it's all down to one individual , see my post above .
  19. That's not 100% correct and you know that , there are more than a few who are deeply unhappy about what went on in club1872 , as Joanne can vouch for , the fact is the past is getting rewritten yet again , the memberships that were sold to over 900 rangers fans have now been changed , there was absolutely no comments /talk about having to "will" you life membership , I was at the same hustings that you were at , and again no mention of this , we have been lied to by JB yet again , unfortunately it really is that simple .
  20. Totally agree regards KT , he would have been my pick
  21. Stupid silly tackle jack , ref had no choice
  22. All this over kenny miller , is this how far we have fallen
  23. I also had an RST life membership which as you said ended with me , however the RF life memberships were sold with the promise that they could be passed from generation to generation .James Blair was part of the RF set up at the time so he us well aware of this , also at the hustings i brought this very issue up and was promised that all conditions of life membership of RF would continue with club1872 , this was from James Blair . To say i feel let down and lied to yet again by this excuse of a man is an understatement .
  24. People were promised that when their RF life memberships transferred over this would continue to be honoured . Also this has never been muted before now as even an option or something they were thinking of doing , James Blair has written this of his own accord .
  25. This was always going to happen as long as James Blair was in power as it were , the mans a fucking disgrace for what's he's done
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