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Everything posted by rbr

  1. That was my point Frankie , it's easy to bluff people who have emotional ties to the club and in many way , the club is their life . however it's far harder as he is finding out to bluff against cold hard professionals who only see the bottom line , I dont see him in any position of strength , especially as if Wabash eludes to his company books are being held back again .
  2. Dont know for certain but I believe Murray is actually a busted flush and trying to bluff his way out of the deep myre he finds himself in again , only this time he isn't bluffing the plebs , he's playing with the big boys and LLoyds certainly hold all the aces ..plus Murrays knackers and they are squeezing harder by the day .
  3. NI many thanks again for taking the trouble to post , one question I cannot get out my head is why Rangers , we have no major income streams bar the fans , Scottisah footballs stock is as low as I can remember for a long while and there are clubs in the Championship up for sale that get better Tv revenue plus the ability to get into the Premier League . So bar a bit of land in not exactly the best bit of Glasgow , why us ??????
  4. I have to agree , either the journalists haven't seen the incident , Kenny Clark in the Sun definetly cant have seen it , or else they are just out to court controvesy . there was no way in the world the goal would have stood in any league , in fact if you wanted to show how the rule works then this is exactly the incuident to use , unless you count a player being inactive even after jumping for a ball that then hits a player 3 feet away . Very strange NOT
  5. Birmingham will be very interested in our Allan , as Hart is 99% certain to return to Man City
  6. rbr


    I will not critiscize any formation Wattie puts out as long as we win this league , when you look at the players at his disposal and remember the players we have out injured and those playing less than 100% , we are damn lucky to be in this position . If and when we get new players in , then you can start pointing fingers at formations not just now .
  7. He caused nothing but bother when he was with us , that's why they made no effort to keep him
  8. No but his posts just bore the tits off me , every post is groundhog day and he never engages in any debate , just deflect and ignore , infact that's what I'm going to do from now on ignore him . on that other subject the posts by Genesis are under the due diligence thread .
  9. According to someone on VB who is usually spot on with info , if Ellis's bid is succesful Bain will be for the off pronto
  10. YawnYawn Yawn Yawn Yawn Yawn !!!!!!!
  11. PS....you will have to show me where I said Smith was losing the dressing room, or is it that because I don'y buy into the Smith myth.. And yes, post 29 DOES infer he has lost the dressing room. Will you and your alter ego decide what your arguing about , when you make up your mind whether he has or he hasn't lost the dressing room get back to the rest of us . Take your time with this as you will possibly change your minds a few times .
  12. I totally agree that's why I wouldn't waste too much time worrying what a few hacks are guessing at , what will be will be , but I believe he will go and we will just move on with things . Like it or not until our future is secured whether by Ellis or who ever we will be at Muir and LLoyds behest .
  13. I wouldn't hold too much stock by the figures that the press are quoting on wages , your as well trying to find a needle in a haystack as get to the truth on wages . I agree with Frankie I think there will be a major change in personnel , as much for their sake as ours , you can only take them to the well so many times before they run out of fight and this lot deserve our unstinting gratitude for winning this league and the finances it brings with it . Our saving grace for next year is the absolute shambles that our counterparts across the city find themselves in not just at present but when it comes to rebuilding as the majority of their squad are either on loan or no where near good enough .
  14. There seems to be a bit of confusion over Man City's intentions , also the money city want is quite steep as he has played brilliantly as you probably know , again we are about to enter the silly season plus the world cup always throws a spanner in the works when it comes to selling/buying players , it's a bit like sharks when blood is in the water
  15. I believe that to be the case Frankie , our old Doc has already told me they expect him to sign and I dont believe McLeish would not have told Walter , that is one thing Eck aout Eck he's very upfront and honest especially when it comes to us . Also dont be surprised if our goalie ends up down in the midlands either .
  16. To be honest Frankie we are no further on than when walter brought this mess out into the open months ago , yes we will win the league and get into the C/L bar a miraculous set of results in the C/L, but we are still in the same position re players , I dont know why everyone is getting so worked up about it . Unless we are sold Muir is going to stall on these contracts , nothing has changed . This is probably a bit of the point you were making now I've read it again
  17. It amazes me that some "supporters" are actually revelling in all of this , very strange behaviour , god know's what you will do if this ever ends
  18. sorry mate but with the size of our squad and limited cash the last thing we need is short term signings that wouldn't be able to play more than 2 games in a row without a break
  19. Ask him if he has any regrets over the way he has handled his stewardship of our club and if with hindsight given the fantastic monetary advantage that we held in the late 80's 90's he would have done anything differently .Also ask if he is dissapointed that his tenure is seen by many in a very negative way given the years of success he brought to the club . Feel free to change the words to a more suitable question but I'm sure you get my drift
  20. rbr

    RE-ELLIS bid

    Just been posted by David Edgar on FF Ellis deal to be completed or fail within next 72 hours -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources tell me it's at the shit or get off the pot stage. Everything has been agreed, now it's up to Ellis to come up with the cash.
  21. And as for inter site wars , come on Frankie , you could drive a bus between the sites the divisions are that great on certain subjects Sorry Frankie I have to disagree , in my experience the vast majority on RM equate the RST with FF and to a degree it's very understandable especially when thinking about one certain individual who has done more harm than good , VB is totally different and have their own reasons for disliking MD and therefore the RST . On Rm I dont think I can remember seeing any positive threads on the RST , they usually get onvolved in the same petty arguements and name calling . As for FF , it's very rare they even mention another site as these types of threads are usually chopped PDQ
  22. You cannot have spent much time on either RM or VB recently then Frankie .
  23. definetly , it's very easy to talk on forums and boast of doing this and that but when the time comes people always find excuses why they wouldn't do it , but this is Rangers so I would find a way no matter what
  24. There has been an almost hightened state of panic over a few of the fans sites that this might actually happen , the dislike of the RST seems more than the dislike of Murray , and the good of the club seems secondary to a whole raft of people whilst they play out their wee petty war , very sad IMHO. There is a whole difference between constructve critisicm and absolute hatred , some just haven't worked it out yet , and before any one gets annoyed that's not aimed at anyone on this site .
  25. As I said in the other thread McColl is no scatter cash , but a very shrewd businessman and the polar oppositeof Murray
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