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Everything posted by rbr

  1. oh for the love of god here we go again
  2. The ironic thing is that those who dont or wont under CG , are apparently salavating at the thought of doing it under Bomber , Rangers Fc seems to have been forgotten in this war
  3. oh really pedantic , sorry I should have said " told all your pals you were in negotiations to buy a porsche " , happy now lol
  4. grow up and get a grip for gods sake ,the bid that was put forward from Smith and McColl was pure shite and nothing more
  5. It is to me , its like going into a porsche garage negotiating for a few hours with the salesman announcing to all your pals you,ve bought a Porsche , only to later announce you couldnt do the deal and were pulling out , when in reality you only had a tenner in your pocket , pure bs
  6. I,m sorry but they knew what the options were , they were very clearly and very plainly laid out to all the players when they had the original meetings , and when their contracts were renegotiated . Do you honestly believe that the possibility of a newco wasnt ,not only discussed , but spelt out to them . CG , is beingmade to look bad by a group of players who knew exactly what their options were ,that they chose to take a different course of action to their own benifit and to the detriment of the club is something they need to look at themselves about
  7. That his bid wa serious for a starter , to offer £500,000 for CG,s consortium to go away was just plain idiotic and only managed to get the suopport even more deflated , he would have been better off doing nothing , because in effect that was what he did , much like every other Rangers man with money , TBK,s et all
  8. Lets be honest all these players would have gotten the transfers they wanted , the only difference being that the club would have gotten a small transfer fee , in most cases it was already written into the deals that were renegotiated. Now somewhere between the new deals getting agreed and the takeover getting signed , these oplayers changed their minds and decided the juicy signing on fees would be better off in their banks than in Rangers .The administrators were the same , the buyer was the same , the players were the same , to say no one told them anything , to say that they didn,t know what was happening is just utter pish , christ do they not buy papers or go onto forums such as these , or heavens forbid they actually talk to fans in their families or each other . They are a shower of arseholes , just my opinion , greedy arseholes , but to blame CG is just stupid and very very nieve
  9. Theres about as much detail in that as there is in Bombers plan , as we know about CG,s plan , which equates to the square root of heehaw
  10. Lets face it the bottomline is that the other SPL clubs would love to kill us , but cant afford to , they would love to demote us to the 3rd division but cant afford to , haven,t the ball,s to so basically what they have now said to the SFL , is please fix our problems as we are a bunch of tiny testicled arseholes who shouldnt really be anywhere near a football club
  11. or in actual fact its the club that are screwed
  12. Ok how many beers pete lol
  13. To be replaced by who exactly , TBK's with their no money option , the jakey broon who is more than happy to jump into bed with gangsters and septic supporters and the sun as long as he,s guarenteed a pay day , so who exactly do you want him replaced by because every so called Rangers man is hding behind their couchs muttering " Rangers I,M no rangers man "
  14. rbr

    alex thomson

    He's nothing but a liar
  15. rbr

    alex thomson

    The channel 4 number to complain is 02073068524 , I know some are against complaining about anything , but this is way over the top .
  16. rbr

    Rhys McCabe

    Happy birthday Zappa
  17. I,m absolutely positive punishment isn,t retrepsctive
  18. I think that point 3 is a get out , and I also agree that there are hugh problems trying to get the SFL on side , time is very much the enemy for all parties concerned ,even though they should have been working on plans since Feb 14th
  19. Been told tonight of the informed sanctions that are going to be placed upon us for the SFA to ratify our newco application. 1. Demotion to 1st division 2. 1 year ban from Scottish cup 3. Transfer embargo suspended for 1 year , Problems are the timing , the SFA are quite literally crapping themselves as they are up against it time wise , to get these through they need the support of the SFL. The EBT is also causing a major headache , certain clubs want us hammered , but as has been pointed out the sentences for a newco are not straight forward , or at least not as straight forward as the SPL believed . Take of this what you will , just passing it on in good faith.
  20. To be fair to Malcolm Murray it is impossible to back up anything until the arseholes at the SPL/SFA , make a decision on well just about everything .
  21. YET again the Rangers men with the money to buy our club for a pittance have once again shown their true colours and ran off , shameful , truly shameful
  22. Very possibly , just like the timing of Walter and J McColls bid , less than 1 hour after the dirty deed had been done
  23. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregory Ioannidis ‏@LawTop20 With RFC ending, liabilities and sanctions [Court of Session, dual contracts etc] would also end. This is the main advantage of New Rangers. Gregory Ioannidis ‏@LawTop20 The 'transfer' of the OldCo's liabilities to the NewCo, would mean a serious violation of the separate corporate personality principle. Gregory Ioannidis ‏@LawTop20 @Paulmcc12 @evanjhenderson @mdkster Just to help: SPL may vote to apply sanctions to NewCo but it would be in violation of national law
  24. rbr

    What if....

    sorry my mistake , but whilst we are on about it what exactly are you referring to .
  25. rbr

    What if....

    Sorry GS but thats ridiculous , there is no way that would be spent when we will either be playing in SFL3 or in the SPL with heavy sanctions , and with no european money being brought in why would you spend anything like that , thats the sort of madness that got us into this mess
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