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Everything posted by rbr

  1. Yet again more bolloks
  2. Absolute bolloks , unless you knew differently to the rest of the country
  3. Go back and look at the time line of when we actually had a league to play in and when the end of the transfer window was , it was a handful of days .
  4. No club in Scotland needs a wage bill of anywhere near £35 million , we have been screaming for years to get he club run properly and a wage bill of 30-35% turnover is a great start , don't know why the hysteria over it
  5. rbr please refrain from the abuse.
  6. I,m not dissing you , but others are posting different and it's the usual process of waiting and wondering , personally it will always be Ibrox to me so if they get any money then good on him , the faux tantrums on here are pathetic IMHO
  7. So how the hell does he know ' more rumours
  8. Where did you get that from
  9. CG announced at the quarry bar in rutherglen today that the deal will be announced next week , he was doing a Q&A session along with Jim Hannah
  10. Regan has publicly refuted that allegation
  11. I wish P M would just do one and stay quiet , he had his chance and blew it , also he never spoke during murrays tenure
  12. basically reconstruction adds up to 2 new teams in the old 1st division and a few quid more to the sfl clubs , absolutely staggering
  13. You do realise there is a serious amount of money required to participate in this , not to win to take part
  14. Does anyone know exactly what the details of this proposal is regarding the split , there is plenty talk on twitter about all clubs points being scrapped and starting again m seems very strange , you would have a 14 game league then
  15. Don't know why people believe we are either better or worse of , we are exactly in the same position , it's just that we have went from 4 leagues to 3 , we will still take the same amount of time to get back , but get back to what exactly. If there was no money in the spl now how in the hell will there be money to pay to another 12 clubs
  16. Zappa I'm not sure he was on radio Scotland fron 2 pm on Saturday and the interview was from appro 2.10 for about 30 mins . I listened via my phone on te way to the game . Not sure if radio Scotland has a listen back, I will check Ok just checked on the I player and for some reason this episode is in available ' but that's where to look
  17. Longmuir was excellent I felt in not just the tone , content but also the spirit of what he said . The spl will IMHO be a thing of the past , the concessions that the spl will give up are minor compared to the gains that the game will get as a whole .
  18. Longmuir was excellent yesterday , and I would bet that many on here are commenting without hearing not only what but how certain things were said ,
  19. Can we not get another option beside the , thanks and agree option , something like disagree or dislike or no thanks or this guy's a fecking zoomer lol
  20. I can think of 3 straight away without any trouble
  21. Well for the next two years we dont need to worry about that do we
  22. http://www.101greatgoals.com/gvideos/rangers-3-clyde-0/
  23. merry xmas everyone
  24. They have to appeal to the court to grant an appeal , and they must be very specific under which aspect they are appealing . Considering the 2 people who voted for us were QC,s and on points of law as opposed to an accountant who voted against on her opinion I would say it looks good
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