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Everything posted by rbr

  1. I have been told that a senior ladbrokes director called Michael O'kane has a lot to do with Black being grassed up
  2. The current incumbents on the board must realise they are on a hiding to nothing , as well as the Easdales who are looking mighty stupid after their" McColl will lose "statement
  3. there will be stuff getting sold over the connections , such as apps etc , this wont be entirely free , com panies will pay to get advertising via this as well , remember you will need to register to get this
  4. To be perfectly honest would you want any of the present mob to be appointed Chairman
  5. oh the irony
  6. Is this EGM going ahead , I havent heard or seen anything anywhere about it
  7. This has been posted 3 times by septic quick news , 3 fucking times , they are mental
  8. Yes you may know that however the wider support believe he is the RST , until this is addressed the RST will always have a problem , I dont know how many times this needs pointed out yet nothing is ever done about it
  9. Fantastic idea which you would hope would be grasped by every true fan worldwide
  10. Completly agree with Bluedell and as for McMurdo hes turning into lord haw haw
  11. Look let's stop kidding ourselves about who is better for the club etc etc, Green , Ahmed saw an opportunity to make massive amounts of money , and they are doing everything they can to protect that until December when they can sell , unless someone is stupid enough to give them 70 p a share , it's all about controlling the board and the club and therefore the money end off
  12. thank the lord , even attempting to go onto RM was sucking the life out of me
  13. And so it begins , prepare for weeks of this guys
  14. Don't rely on Walter doing or saying anything , he has No track record for doing it or standing up for the club , he has already told the press he won't be a moral or vocal guardian whilst chairman
  15. The tie in period for Green and co,s shares , unless a very unlikely truce and agreement is reached
  16. Exactly my point Zappa and Greenxand co know this , they want out every bit as badly as McColl and co want Rangers , all that is required is a fee to be agreed , neither side give a flying fuck about the fans , Green because they will be gone and McColl because they believe they will be seen as heroes
  17. This is just the start of people realigning themselves into various factions , we have approx 5 months of this ahead
  18. What rent , are you just plucking stuff out the air , you can't just start making stuff up and passing it as reality .
  19. We will just have to disagree then
  20. And just exactly how could he go it , considering his shareholding and the fact that the other investors would lose everything, be serious man
  21. That's the first I have ever heard of that GS , their bid was put online and to the best of my memory there was no more that £2 million in cash , plus they would have saddled us with ticketus , Paul Murray should never be allowed any where near Ibrox ever again , but that's just my opinion
  22. I know he couldn't do it , what he said to brown I don't know but considering the pish brown talked who knows
  23. TBK never had any money , their bid was pure fantasy , Christ they even had future European money included on their figures , you keep championing TBK ,s GS but your in a very small group
  24. For Smith and McColl to have won , it would have helped if they had put their bid in before the deadline , not 30 minutes after it closed
  25. But it's not 5 or 10 pence that's the problem , the initial investors are wanting serious money for their shares , plus they know the shares will eventually rise as well , Mexican stand off coming up and we are stuck in the middle of what will be a very dirty media fight
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