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Everything posted by rbr

  1. I understand what you mean , I was myself initially very sceptical thats why I decided on the life membership plus the £5 monthly donation instead of paying out £whatever every month , as an aside though there is virtually no mention on any other forum bar this one , I posted a thread on FF about it today and it was gone in 4 minutes , how can we really expect success when we continually hate at each other ./ The thread on the supporters direct thread on FF is an absolute disgrace , how Marshall1973??? kept his cool for so long amazed me.
  2. Afer 11 minutes of faffing about , I am now the proud member of club 1872 plus I'm member number2028 , superb from the bears so far hopefully its a massive success
  3. Then the status quo continues , the 120 day review had better throw up serious savings because we cannot continue as we are , the squad wage bill is sitting at 30% of turnover , a figure that nearly every other club in Britain would love , we need investment , and all this present board seem to manage is short term loans at over 30% , infact if they take their shares instead of cash it actually works out at nearly 45% due to the share price increase
  4. By getting the current board to have a new share issue , which would dilute their current holdings and all presents shareholders holdings , but with all the new money raised going into the club. Thats another reason he is going to London first , to find out exactly where the main existing investors sit regards their investments and any future investment
  5. Because he could easily get control by buying the current board out at a profit , but he continues to say he wont give them a penny , he wants any money he invests to go to the club not the board
  6. There is no way thst buyrangers would have to give their shares or join up with rangersfirst ,unless the members of the rst wanted that and if someone has another opinion on it then they are free to air it , but that doesnt make it fact
  7. It isnt an investment , if thats what your looking for then either buy shares direct , join buyrangers , this is a donation to a scheme that will hopefully ringfence Rangers assets , get control of the club and if it works produce financial investment for years to come , its basically a membership scheme where you donate what you can , like you I was skeptical , but once you get your head around it , its pretty straight forward
  8. I joined the buyrangers scheme last week , previously I invested in the gerssave scheme , and I also intend putting money into rangersfirst , I was pretty sceptical but then I saw the £500 life time option which calmed my nerves somewhat , we need to get together , this apathy which has enveloped us has to be shrugged off somehow , for me its a massive well done to everyone behind both schemes , here's to the Rangers onwards and upwards and on to 55 and beyond
  9. I think everyone just needs to calm down , if this scheme isnt for you then there's the buyrangers one , the in fighting needs to stop now
  10. The club have officially rubbished it "Rangers reject rumours they will enter administration on Wednesday. A spokesman said: "There is absolutely no truth in these claims which appear to come from agenda-driven bloggers who are out to damage the club. “There is no chance of administration while there is no board meeting tomorrow. This is all completely false."
  11. Yes but the question mark is irrelevant due to the second part , he is trying to be clever , he's just trolling as per usual Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. To my way of reading it , it was more of a statement , he backed up the first bit with a statement .....
  13. Sorry mate but this small minded mentality doesnt wash , we only have the bbc and Rc covering scottish football to the wider population/fans , and like it or not we that inhabit internet land are in a very small minority and our opinions of the bbc are very much again in the minority
  14. Thought that was an excellent interview by Craig Houston , but the desperation of Spiers to try and find fault is truly cringe worthy , not surprising
  15. utter bollocks yet again , here we go with the scare tactics
  16. Do you know something , if we as a support could spend 5% of our time coming together instead of tearing ourselves apart , what a club and support we work be , instead your right it's pathetic , I wonder what the total views over all the forums was compared to the signing ratio Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Haven t a clue , however as there is a ready to listen survey out as we speak , or even just finished , if the board get a petition signed by 2500 fans wanting rid of JI then it is surely up to them to listen , its not like its the first time he has caused serious friction
  18. I'm not exactly over the moon at big Hately being the front for anything , errrr ummmm erum
  19. As Frankie said previously the 120 days and the season ticket renewals don't clash immediately there will be a period of time between both events , hopefully in that time there can be some sort of agreement going forward by both parties , whether its another share issue I don't know. I do know the club will be announcing a new membership scheme with Mark Hately leading a board of approx 12 fans but when this is going to happen I'm not 100% on , but what ever happens it needs sorted out asap and definetly before this time next year.
  20. Says the root of hee haw , absolute bollocks of a statement , what about the 30% loan ya prick
  21. It only needs another 700 odd to reach its target , coming along nicely
  22. He played in the victory shield against England as well as the rest of those games and was outstanding , a fantastic young keeper Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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