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Everything posted by rbr

  1. Given all the talk about share issues , proxies , who own what , who has proxies for whom , here is an up to date position , ( stands back to be shot down ) , this is from the Rangers International Football club site on shares , http://www.rangersinternationalfootballclub.com/share-information. Sandy Easdale - owns 2,942,957 , proxies of 14,387,003 . This Includes all of BPH (4,000,000) and Margaritta 's 2,600,000 share holdings . Laxley owns -8,292,957 Artemis -5,749,000 River & Mercantile -4,795,500 Hargreave Hale - 4,601,888 BPH - Proxied to Sandy Easdale -4,000,000 Miton Capital -3,143,857 Mike Ashley_3,000,000 Margaritta ,Proxied to Sandy Easdale ,2,600,000 Cazanoza Capital - No longer shown as having a reportableholding Legal & General -No longer shown as having a reportable holding Dont know what this means exactly Currently, 16.24%+ of the Company’s Ordinary Shares are not in public hands. The Ordinary Shares are freely transferable and no Ordinary Shares are held in treasury. + Does not include the 14,387,003 Ordinary Share (representing 22.1% of the issued share capital of the Company) which Alexander Easdale has voting rights over pursuant to the terms of proxy agreements entered into with other shareholders. Should also point out this was last updated on the official site at the end of Jan 2014
  2. The one problem yet again is misinformation , KJ is trying to imply that BPH and Margritta holdings are willing to sell for £6million , and in anothet tweet that their shareholding was larger than it is , they only own 10% between them , therefore they want their money back , given todays share price , that just isnt going to happen
  3. Getting fed up to the back teeth of this entire mess , the sooner someone puts an end to it the better , however I fear that wont happen and we will limp on over the summer , continually self loathing and tearing ourselves apart bit by bit . Real Rangers men , dont make me laugh
  4. He cant criticize his boss can he
  5. stopped at the bit where he compared the Easdales to Ashley , being major shareholders , one is , the Easdales definetly aint
  6. The guy that used to work for Liverpool , Paul Tyrell or something along those lines
  7. Thats not what I meant , the whole purpose of getting HNWI involved is to get the required percentage of shares , these HNWI still only get the same vote as everyone else , though they can depending on the amount they put in get a dividend on their investment , everyone wins
  8. Is it not the case that because of the way both schemes have been set up , unless one was actually shelved or shut then they cant come together , unless your talking about proxy voting rights
  9. After the last RF meeting , I am really hopeful that they will pull a rabbit out the hat when they have the official mainstream launch and that they do indeed have some HNWI lined up to back them . As pointed out there is no chance of RF and BR ever coming together , the paraniod amongst our support would possibly self combust if that was ever to happen.
  10. Fantastic wee day , infact this was better than the footie by a country mile , Massive thanks to Brahim for organising it , but dont count on getting the mastermind gig anytime soon. Answering Cannigia to every question managed to win me the quiz lol ( to be truthful GS and super cooper proxied me their answers , plus Crawford 01made a schoolboy error moving seats lol). Hope mini super cooper hasnt went overload after his ice cream . Thanks to Bd and forlan and charltonman for the drinks kitty donation . Hope to see everyone again in August/september. Dave Smith is a legend Oh and nearly forgot , massive thanks to Malaga tapas , they really did us proud food wise
  11. Sorry I may not have expressed myself correctly but is that not what I said , at 24p a 1p rise %wise is worth more than a 1p rise at 45p, so buying shares at 24 p lowers their exposure and increases any profit should the shares rise. Also I never mentioned penny shares , are all Rangers shares not 1p shares anyway
  12. Possibly but any rise at 24p is worth far more than a rise at 45 p etc ,% wise , these people play the long game
  13. To be able to buy shares , you need willing sellers , infact there is more chance of the institutions buying now rather than selling
  14. Another thing that you can bet your bottom dollar on , this new share issue will have been already discussed with existing institutional investors who will get a discount to market price , plus they will 100% take up their allocations as they wont want to dilute their holdings , infact long term this could be benificial for them
  15. The reality is this should have been what happened 2 years ago , yet here we are £70 million wasted and no further forward , yet more high profile jobs being created at the expense of other staff no doubt
  16. No probs , meet at the John Greig statue , I will bring a rose lol
  17. Cannot wait lol , it's a sad day when I'm looking forward to this more than seeing the rangers lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. No worries , why not ask Fs for his preference then I'm sure we can all work round that Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Eh , no it's not mate unless I'm thinking about the wrong restaurant , the swallow is on PRW and we will be heading city center before cutting up just past the grapes bar , if taxiing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Sorry forgot about Fs , what about getting the taxis to pick us up from the swallow , we could even have a pre pint pint Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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