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Everything posted by rbr

  1. Its on the official site , the date has been changed from the 16th to the 18th http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/club-news/item/6935-how_to_renew_your_season_ticket
  2. Haha sorry May , just the 2 days
  3. I see the ST deadline has been put back to the 18th now
  4. All this is doing is splitting an already divided support even further , and as BD says if your still going on a game by game basis the crowds will still be the same and they will still get the money the same , the only difference is that the original investors will have strengthened their position by getting more shares via the 43 million that the board can presently sell
  5. Do you know anything about his professional background mate , serious question
  6. Why is Somers acting for Rangers or are we that strapped for cash we cant afford council
  7. This board along with others from our recent past may not hate us , but they certainly have a strong feeling of distrust and definete lack of respect when it comes to their own .The term " pay your money now shut up " certainly fits perfectly with this mob
  8. Yes but we would still have to pay them a development fee , therefore CT goes to Utd , Gunning comes to us , supposedly Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. GS has stated before that the entire under 20 team was up for sale and that we were trying to sell CT to Utd in order to get Gunning
  10. Now you put Macleod in , I want a recount lol
  11. I am pretty easy going , anything bar the sept weekend suits me
  12. Lewis Macleod for me , even though he missed a chunk of the season , after that Wallace by a country mile
  13. Someone needs to wake me up when this endless nightmare ends . Of all the positions we need strengthened , Goalkeeper would be last on the list , if anything we should be getting rid of keepers not adding to them
  14. Kings money is definetly required , however this trust is not going to achieve anything , the fact that payee details are still not known at this time is ridiculous IMHO
  15. Yet another good article with the questions a lot of fans have been asking plus some that have never been brought up before. Wednesday, 30th April 2014 In a week that saw the board of Rangers conclude their 120 day review into the business, Season Ticket renewals across the country are in various stages of action, with Dave King and the "Union of Fans" encouraging Season Ticket holders to pay their season ticket monies in to an Escrow account that is intended to hold and release funds when Rangers sign over securities for the Albion Car Park and Edmiston House to Season Ticket holders. With many of our members expressing concern that the "Season Ticket Trust" hasn't been made clear to them, we believe it is appropriate to seek clarity by asking the following questions of Dave King, and the "Union of Fans". It should be noted that we also have concerns about the 120 Day Review, and how the club plan to bridge an apparent cash flow shortfall, with the club £1.5M down before next season has even started Q - Has an Escrow account been set up yet? Q - If so, who is hosting that Escrow account facility, i.e. which bank? Q - Who are the Trustees of the account, other than Richard Gough? Q - How do I pay in to it? Q - If I pay in to it, what guarantees do I have over what seat I will be paying for, and that the seat will be in my name? Q - What written assurances do I get that the money will be returned, in the event that the assurances the Trust are requesting from Rangers are not granted? Q - What assurances, other than guarantees over Rangers owned assets have the Trust requested? Q - 66.6% of the loan value, not including interest, is due to Rangers Supporters Trust board member George Letham. Don't the Trust feel that withholding funds to Rangers runs the risk of Rangers defaulting on the loan to Mr Letham, and thereby Mr Letham theoretically stands to gain £1.075M worth of shares in Rangers International Football Club? Q - Can George Letham confirm what his plans are regarding his holdings if that share value is transferred to him, namely, will he retain ownership and voting rights, or will he proxy votes to the Rangers Supporters Trust (RST)? Q - For those who sign up for Away Tickets, how will they get tickets in future? Q - Do current Travel Club members stand to lose travel club points by using this Trust? Q - How will Richard Gough act as Guarantor as a resident of the USA? Q - What are the Administration costs of the Escrow account, and how will they be funded? Q - In the event that Rangers are willing to compromise over loan securities, with the agreement of Sandy Easdale and George Letham, who will become the signatory for these assets on behalf of Season Ticket holders Q - Do shareholders that live abroad with a shareholding in value higher than the price of a season ticket get any security? Q - Why was there no mention of the Season Ticket Trust, or any information about it in the UoF leaflet handed out last week? Q - Will the Trust facilitate split payments like those offered by the club to pay for Season Tickets (through Zebra finance over 4 or 10 months)? Q - Will Season Ticket Holders who have sat in their seat for a number of years be able to secure "their" seat at Ibrox, or will they stand to lose "their" seat? Q - Will money deposited accrue any interest? If so, what will be done with that money? Q - Where will the interest payments be shown? Q - Who decides exactly when the money will be released to the club and in what form? Q - Will the custodians of the account be separate and distinct from the organisations who wish only for the board's removal? Q - Will every member have a say in when the money should be released? Q - What exactly does the board need to do (beyond what they have) to make the monies available? Q - What lines of communication have been opened with the club to urgently discuss the aims of this project? Q - Who exactly has the authority to negotiate with the club? Q - How often will fans putting money into this scheme be updated of progress and by what medium? Q - What other transparency is guaranteed by way of communicating to those who pay in to the scheme? Q - Are other Rangers supporters' organisations involved in this scheme? Q - Are the Rangers supporters trust or any of their senior or high profile members involved at the core of this? Q - Will there be a board of Trustees in the scheme, and if so, how will they be elected? Q - How can supporters and contributors become involved to influence the decisions being made? Q - Are any previous board members of any of Rangers corporate entities, other than Dave King, involved? If so, at what level? Q - Are there any conditions attached to the Trust that require a nominee of the Trust to join the PLC board or the football club board of Rangers? Q - If so, how will that nominee be chosen? Q - Will the Trust be VAT Registered? Q - If the board acquiesce to UOF demands who will then hold first charge/security on the stadium rights to our club? Q - What IT problems could possibly delay implementation of the Trust? We trust that the relevant people involved in the Trust will both answer these questions and make themselves known to Rangers supporters, who are understandably cautious about contributing their hard earned money to a scheme that appears to carry a high element of risk. We feel that supporters should seek clarity both from the PLC board of the club, over their plans for the future, and from those promoting the Season Ticket Trust.
  16. Have you seen the questions the VB boys have asked on a thread some very very pertinent questions
  17. It must be blatantly obvious to all that Dk isnt the messiah , hes just a very naughty boy , and yet again we will be let down .
  18. Well done mate , your clocking up some miles up and down that road , good on you
  19. That depends on what was said previously in private conversations , and will come down to who you believe , personally I don't believe this board , however neither do I believe this stupid ST scheme will work either, if GW is forced to sell the 43 million shares at his disposal , he will probably have to discount them , thereby making it even harder for DK to get a decent percentage stake . King hasn't played this out very well IMHO , though I could be proved wrong Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. But it's you that's talking about buying out and gaining control DK has never once stated that , all he has ever said is he wants to invest , we have a discredited board screaming out for money , I don't see what the problem is to be honest Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. King has repeatedly said he doesnt want to give the original investers anything , he always said he wanted to invest via a new share issue where the money went into the club , now I dont know how hard that is to understand but some of our support must be incredibaly thick or unable to read if they dont get that point . Money to original investors NO , money to Rangers Yes
  22. It would be interesting to find out what other firms , the Easdales have proxies over , because his shares , BPH and Margarittas only add up to just over 14.5% , another 12% missing
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