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Everything posted by Tannochsidebear

  1. Steve Davis and Alex Rae? Surely that’s a spoof release? That’s not even funny.
  2. You have missed Dowell as well, but fear not you can safely dump him in the dud category with everybody else apart from the keeper of the summer window signings that were apparantly all Beale's picks and he didnt need a DOF overseeing him or asking questions.
  3. Surely the past tense would be more appropriate than the future tense?
  4. Thanks SBG, never heard of him. In the big picture, its a background role just like the admin team, sports science, kitchen team, etc. Dont know why the role seems to be seen as overly important. Ensuring the team have the right training and playing kit seems the easiest job in the world at a football club, dont see the fuss.
  5. I've no idea who that is in the picture with Gerrard, but I do know for sure that McGregor's dinner was never going to be in NEH as they have 650 tickets sold and there is only 2 rooms in Glasgow big enough to hold such an event, what are both the Hiltons.
  6. Gladly, but I’m jumping out before the car goes over the cliff!
  7. I had actually forgotten he was only here on loan. That makes me feel a very little bit better that it is another dud from the Beale '23 collection we dont need to pay off or try to find a buyer for, we can just return to sender with a note saying faulty goods. Yes a good goal last night, and easily his best performance to date, but he doesnt look anywhere near the sufficient quality to me from what he has produced so far, which has largely been absolute dross.
  8. The one summer signing that has been a success. Coincidentally the only summer signing I had heard of prior to us signing them, and the only one with any pedigree whatsoever that looks like a fit for us. Some good saves last night when the pressure was on. I dont think he has had any worldies yet, but I cant think of any costly mistakes either. That is a very good record to have.
  9. The minimum requirement is 2 wins and a draw at home, and one win and a draw away. That should ensure top spot in the group. We are top seeds for a reason, and Beale keeps telling us he has brought in fantastic players better than those he has got rid of, and having previously managed similar results in this diddy cup then nothing less should be acceptable. However as Beale is in fact the weak link himself, I see no chance of us topping this group with him in charge, so avoiding defeat at home and avoiding heavy defeat away will be more likely the scenario if we keep him in charge. I go tonight with zero confidence, but tons of blind hope.
  10. I'm sure I read a stat last night that rasellick have only won 1 CL group match out of the last 28. I can only imagine the media coverage if that was our stat.
  11. Can't say i've noticed him fading more than others, although to be fair by late in the game under Bealeball i'm usually asleep or staring at my watch wondering why we've played 275 minutes in the second half.
  12. I thought Raskin was the best of a bad bunch in the first half, but faded in the second. I give it to Lawrence for the most delightful pass to play in Matondo for the clinching goal.
  13. Ah ok, yes curious. Probably because they want to fleece the max out of us so no tiering of prices so as to maximise income. They probably don’t think they will get away with that for a whole season but for a 3 game package then let’s fleece the mugs!
  14. He can start with getting rid of the amateur head coach and appoint a proper manager before the gap gets too big. Huge fortnight ahead.
  15. I’ve yet to see any medals, trophies or Euro CL qualifications based on xG, so it’s all hypothetical pish and the table on the left is the only one that matters and it’s not nice reading. 4 games played, 2 defeats, 4 points behind the worst Tim team I’ve seen in quarter of a century and already out of the only Euro tournament that matters. Beale out.
  16. Utter pish display, virtually non-existent songs and noise throughout. Time to shut these egomaniacs down just like the manager.
  17. Butland is the only one with pass marks a month in. The rest seem to be downgrades on who they have replaced, as is the manager himself.
  18. Didn’t think so and unfortunately I have to agree but truly absolutely hope I’m wrong. A convincing win on Sunday could be helicopter day for Beale’s fortunes. A defeat and he’s dead man walking.
  19. Do you have any confidence in our manager and his collection of new players to get that job done? I am struggling to see it myself.
  20. Have you seen the teams in the conference cup? Lille, Zagreb, Brugge, Alkmaar, Villa, Fiorentina, Frankfurt, Fenerbahce, to name a few. If we cant get past Prague & Limassol, how do we think we get to the last 4 or so with the above teams involved?
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