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Everything posted by Tannochsidebear

  1. Thank you sir. I have been reading your contributions to this thread with some awe and also some sadness. To think it may be true that the best players to have played in each of the positions came from an era where there was not much by way of coaching, terrible playing conditions and equipment, and that we havent managed to better those players as a club within the last 50 years or so? Or is it (hopefully) just your personal preference, nostalgia and sentiment? I would be fairly heart-broken if I felt I would not see a player in the next 20 years or so that could be judged better than those from the NIAR or Advocaat era or indeed those names coming up in this exercise. Do you really believe you have not seen a better player in any of those positions to date than what you grew up with?
  2. In his first spell at the club, Barry Ferguson was a fantastic attacking-midfielder, IMO certainly better than Durrant who was fairly inconsistent I felt and never really reached his potential. Ferguson scored 20+ goals a season plus as many assists under Advocaat. Does Ronald De Boer fit this position? if so one of the best i've ever seen, even though he was past his best and didnt stay too long. Gazza was a genius of course, and was a joy to watch on most occasions but had that ill-discipline and often failed to turn it on in Europe where he should have shone, and didnt even stay 3 seasons. But overall, i just cannot see past him, so my vote goes to Gascoigne. (I was tempted to not participate anymore, Greig in midfield? WTF? Cmon guys, just because he couldnt win the RB vote you guys shoe-horn him in somewhere else? How many games did Greig play in midfield, a handful at most? I didnt see him play but he was a full back and a full back only. Lets not bastardise the process by picking guys in positions they were not the best at. Do you think this is just for fun?
  3. I’ll add my votes to Gough & Butcher, with Weir not far behind with big Amo, Cuellar.
  4. In the summer of 1998 there was a wonderful world cup in France, and when it came round to the latter stages and the journos and pundits start discussing their best XI of all the players at the world cup, there was really only 2 left backs getting any discussion time, and that was Roberto Carlos, the Brazilian who could hit free kicks round corners, and the soon to be our very own Arthur Numan. The fact we signed one of the 2 best left backs in the world that summer absolutely amazed me, and watching him play it was easy to see why. Total class act. I loved Munro who was so under-rated, I believe at one point he was the only player in our team without a full international cap and that was very harsh on him. Robertson, Papac, Wallace, Barasic all get honourable mentions but it is Numan for me.
  5. I'm usually very much in the bah humbug category, but that was excellent!
  6. It has since been clarified online that they meant increased TO 8-10k per stand, not BY 8-10k
  7. Surely it’s time the Onion Bears were banned from getting tickets to our away games. These pyro and smoke efforts are only damaging our club and add nothing to the game. Game now abandoned after 2 mins of play due to those selfish self-centred idiots.
  8. I'm hearing the weather is abysmal in Dundee and the game is under threat. Anyone live close by (you have my sympathies!) and can update us?
  9. Thanks for that, thought the date had to be significant somehow.
  10. Looking forward to the game today, and what line-up and system Clement is going to play. Is he going to persevere with Lammers & Dessers in attack and if so will we begin to see any improvement in them? Or does he drop them and give others a chance, thereby letting everyone know the standards that must be met? Does Davies retain his place in the side at the expense of Souttar, even though Goldson continues to be our worst defender, or will he be the first manager to see Goldson as the mistake-laden, slow weak link and drop him? I think the line up will look similar to last weekend with perhaps small donner replacing Barasic if he isn’t fit enough and Cantwell starting, either for Lammers or Wright. Either way I’m looking for a continuation of the progress from last week with some decent football, a visible shape, pace, and of course a victory.
  11. Butland for me, the difference between us and a hiding in the first half. Had that early goal went in, I shudder to think what the end result would have been. Really pleased with the result and the way we hung in, fought and scrapped to half time, then the manager got it changed and we were much brighter in the second half. I am much more confident of progress than I was 2 weeks ago.
  12. A draw would do me tonight, not entirely sure if we will be good enough to get it but hopeful we are. What I definitely want to see though are obvious tactics in play, a defined shape with players looking like they know their role, and if required, changes mid-game to deal with the on-field situation. If we make individual errors which cost us the game but get the previously mentioned, I could probably live with that, but I want to see that he can pick a side to go out and, with a fair wind, get a positive result.
  13. Why today? Is it his birthday or the anniversary of his death?
  14. Is there no smoke coming from Ibrox Towers yet? FFS how long does it take! If we are to believe it is a two-horse race with Clement & Muscat, with a lot of indecision around I sometimes play the old opposites game, where you ask yourself if the tims were looking for a new manger and it was down to these two, which one would you be hoping they DIDN'T get? That therefore gives you the answer as to who we want. That draws me towards Clement and away from Muscat. But in fairness either of these look as if they have the experience and credentials we are looking for so would be ok with either and as long as it isnt McInnes, Lampard or any other serial losers or anti-football merchants then it is a step forward from the snake-oil salesman.
  15. I'd love to see that happen as well but you know fine well Steve Davis is not the man to make wholesale changes. These failures are all his teammates. I will doubt if there are more than 3 changes from Limassol to Paisley.
  16. LIke others, the list has an awful lot of names that if they were chosen would make it awfully difficult to go and watch the team again. But having endured a year of Bealeball I probably know I will continue to follow follow anyway, and in any event its probably only for a few months if we get it wrong again. The big issue this time round is that if they choose one of the undesirables, the board risk losing the fans goodwill completely. The angst will go to the board and not the manager/players. Some interesting names I would like to see how they get on, can they get a visible style of play and attractive winning football?
  17. Bringing in Lampard is the sort of ridiculous marketing strategy just to raise profile and be seen to have brought in another big name to the club, without the slightest thought of whether it might work or not, or if said high profile name is actually a talented coach or not. Sounds like the sort of scheme only a commercial manager promoted beyond his talent to CEO would think of. Thank goodness we dont have such a man in charge of us!
  18. I'm looking forward to seeing how the players are reacting to these changes. I've heard more than enough from all of them, time to show us instead. I suspect thats kind of what you meant as well.
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