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Everything posted by Tannochsidebear

  1. haha I wouldnt go that far! I understand many want wee donner boy to come good (me included) but just focusing on a couple of decent forward runs and ignoring his actual role in the team (to defend against wingers) is stretching things too far. Add in his constant giving away the ball in his own half (usually 3 times in first 10 mins, but again improvements have shown it was 18 mins at the Piggery and only 2 on the first 10 v Killie!) and i am not the slightest bit convinced we have a player here worth keeping. Just my thoughts and I would still have him before Goldson!
  2. Pleased for the disabled section and additional seating. Long overdue and a good start, not a finish, to what is required. Absolutely disgusted that they are bringing the nedsRus section into the Copland. The corner of the Broomie isnt even far enough away for that goddam awful drum and their silly wee songs. For their dreadful disruptive and agressive behaviour they are being rewarded with some of the best seats in the house. A total waste as most of the wee neds dont even watch the game, they watch themselves and film bits on their phones. I have been near enough to them on plenty of away games to make these observations. I dont see how waving a flag is encouraging the team to play while the ball is in play. All it is doing is obstructing the view of Rangers fans who actually want to watch the team play. Incredible capitulation by the club. Its almost as if they think the great atmosphere at the big Euro games was down to them and not the other 49,000 supporters who made the noise on those occasions. If it was all down to them then surely the atmosphere would be good every week? Newsflash, it isnt. It is just an irritable drumbeat throughout the game adding nothing to the atmosphere. Thankfully im halfway up the Rear section in the Copland stand so apart from that feckin drum and being able to hear more of their monotone chants, I shouldnt be too affected by it, but I pity anyone in the Copland front who wants to see the game.
  3. While I agree that going forward, small donner had his best match, but defensively he was terrible. I was watching him closely in the first half and 4 times he wasn’t one v one with the Killie winger and he failed every time with 3 good crosses coming into our box and the other the man went by him but was stopped by another defender. Nowhere near good enough, hope the rumours of some Turkish lira being bid to take him home are true. Butland for me, the one crucial save at 0-0 when Killie were on top prevented what could have been points dropped as I couldn’t see us getting anything if they scored first. A few players had half-decent performances in patches (the 3 goalscorers in particular) but Killie always make the beautiful game look ugly so I’m just happy we got the 3 points and don’t need to play them again for a while.
  4. Rangers 2 Kilmarnock 0 fgs Tav (is there anyone else looking like scoring these days?)
  5. So is this guy a proper goal scoring centre forward or a wide forward like Sima? Whats his goals/assists numbers like? If we are paying a loan fee plus full wages for a guy that cost 35M it’s going to be a very expensive loan.
  6. What a great picture that is, it shows it perfectly. Get that in front of Kettlewell and ask for his apology. McFadden, Sutton etc too.
  7. Really disappointing for the game to be off. Wanted to be top of the league for New Year! Another fixture to catch up on now later in the year. This is always the problem with a good Euro run, you end up having to cram in games at the business end of the season, and that never ends well. I see the moon-howlers are claiming conspiracy online, to give us more time to prepare for the OF game. We really do have them worried about this, we must come out the traps all guns blazing and put them away on Saturday. It could lead to another Shark-gate meltdown, which would be fun!
  8. Balogun an easy pick for me but impressive performances by Cantwell, Dowell, & Sterling. Good to have a few to pick from.
  9. Just about to leave for the match. We must keep the momentum going and get the 3 points today. Not sure who is fit to play but Well are not in great form so hopefully we score early and see it out.
  10. Interesting line up. Surely last chance saloon for Lammers. Irrespective of result I want to see a good shape and a proper fighting spirit right to the end.
  11. I was £55.60 for 8 pints of lager at the Hydro last Friday for the Madness gig, £6.95 each in a horrible paper cup.
  12. Really looking forward to seeing a defensive partnership which is minus Goldson, as for me he is still the weakest link in our line-up. Although I'm hoping our central defenders have a fairly easy night, and we score early and book our place in the knock-out rounds with a comfortable win.
  13. Big game for Cifuentes today getting his opportunity due to Jack getting injured with Scotland again. Happy that Dessers & Lammers miss out, it’s good to start with 11 men. Let’s get this done early and send out the message that we are definitely going to challenge for the title.
  14. It was not my intention to make out that if this period didnt go well I would be calling for Clement's head. Absolutely not, I like what I have seen and heard so far. Clement himself has quoted this upcoming block of games in such a short period being really important. Many other managers break down the season into blocks between international breaks, or running up to a winter break. I wanted to just point out that if this period goes well, we will go into the second half of the season with massive optimism, and if it doesnt, our season will essentially be over and the rebuilding will begin, again, but at least this time with an experienced top class manager to back and decent, attacking football to watch. I dont think it is possible for there to be much of a middle ground in this, we either gain ground on the tims and beat them at the piggery, in whcih case it is very much game on, but if we get to the break and the gap has got bigger, the league will be over.
  15. This next block of games between Pittodrie on Sunday and Kilmarnock on 2nd January there are 12 games in 37 days in 3 different competitions. The League Cup final v Dolly will surely see us welcome back the old trophy we have won more than anyone else, while the 2 Europa fixtures will hopefully see us confirm post-Xmas Euro football to look forward to, but it is of course the 9 league fixtures where our season will be defined when the dust settles. Aberdeen A St Mirren H Hearts A Dundee H St Johnstone H Motherwell A Ross County H Bheasts A Kilmarnock H The 5 home games should be straight forward victories, so it is the 4 away games that will probably let us see if we have a shot at this title or not. A successful period will have us top or certainly close to it, anything less and it’s probably done. Thoughts?
  16. Like most, it has to be Super Ally plus one. What a difficult choice. Hateley the obvious one and will probably win the vote but the start and end of his Rangers career were both dismal, so i'm going to go for Morelos. On top form he bullied defenders, linked up, could score from anywhere and while he didnt have a great record in OF games, (much like Boyd who I nearly went for) his European record was phenomenal. McCoist & Morelos As a footnote, this is the only player of this Century that gets my pick. 23 years into the 21st Century, which is more years than I went to see Rangers in the 20th Century (15), but with the way the TV money is king in football now, the quality of player we can attract and/or develop/keep has gone down and down.
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