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Everything posted by Tannochsidebear

  1. Is that not 10 goals and 2 assists from that stats table? So 12 goal involvements?
  2. Ok I concede St Mirren or Bonnyrigg or ICT or Airdrie would all make for a fun weekend!
  3. From the presser it looks like Jack starts, alongside Diomande and Cortes, so maybe quite a few changes which will be good to see how they perform. Looking forward to a few goals and comfortable victory and a meeting with Morton at Ibrox in the QF for more of the same.
  4. Great performance, great result, great atmosphere. The crowd really got the team going and vice versa. Great performances from Cantwell and Lundstrum. Good contributions from Matondo and McCausland (but will he ever take a man on on the outside?) and good cameos from Silva and Diamonde. With Ross County and St Johnstone in the next week while the bheasts go to Hibs then host Killie, could we even be clear in the lead by Sunday week? Bet365 have us as 4/5 favourites for the title now (before yesterday we were joint favourites at 5/6. Whisper it, but this is looking good if we can maintain this momentum. Obviously the negative was, yet again, Goldson. How many times is he going to be allowed to cost us goals in big games and still remain first choice. £38Kpw wages and 6 years of mistakes costing us dozens of points, cups, the Europa, and he still continues to be the worst defender at the club but first pick by every manager he has played under. I just dont get it? But even Goldson (and Don Robertson's performance) cant spoil the buzz today after that game, bring on the next one. 14 cup finals left to go.
  5. 2 absolute standouts Cantwell and Lundstrum. I've gone for the match-winner. If Clement can get these type of performances regularly out of Cantwell it will go a long way towards the title.
  6. If we win the title - then yes If we dont win the league title - then no It really is that simple.
  7. I’m really worried about this game tomorrow. A Dolly team with some new found confidence after getting rid of another failed yahoo, and then bringing in a hugely experienced manager pretty famous for turning round underperforming teams, alongside Don Robertson being his usual one-sided consistent cheat against us, I’ve got the fear! I will gladly bite your hand off for an ugly single goal victory. A huge test for PC and the players. We must match the fight our opponent will show first and foremost, then hope our better players can win us the game, if allowed.
  8. Cantwell, with McCausland and Silva not far behind. Hope Todd has as influential a game on Tuesday.
  9. Good performance, good result. The bookies now have us as joint favourites for the title. Only concern is we are not ruthless enough and goal difference may be an issue so we have to push on for the whole game every time to get those extra goals. Absolutely huge game now on Tuesday against Dolly who will come and run , kick, snarl all night and we simply cannot afford to drop any more points against them. I’d love an emphatic victory but I’ll take any win.
  10. Like most I would have liked a goalscoring striker to be brought in, I really believe that would have secured the title. While Dessers has had a good game or two recently, he is still for me miles off the standard we need and his misses are truly awful. He needs to be replaced but it wont be this season clearly. From what little we have seen of Silva so far, he again looks like one who prefers to pass or take another touch when a shooting chance presents itself, so will not be prolific enough or greedy enough to get the goals to jsutify his price tag. Hope im wrong on both as we have a treble within our grasp if we can take enough of the chances we create. As for the two late additions, as usual I know absolutely nothing about them and i couldnt pick them out of a line up, but I hope to see them both over the next 4 home games in 2 weeks and be impressed. Certainly better than what they are replacing is the minimum (very low) expectation. The comforting bigger picture is that our opponent didnt strengthen either, so at least we havent lost ground in that sense. It's all to play for. If we hadnt been cheated by referees (lets call it what it was) in the 2 OF games to date we would have a healthy lead, so we must keep beating more of the other 10 than they do and that will take us close. The biggest question is just what the hell does PC do with the Euro squad? With only 3 changes allowed and at least 5 required, he is really up against it and has huge decisions to make and will be leaving out 2 important players no matter what. The Beale legacy continues to harm us. At least he will have a couple of weeks (I think?) before he has to nail his squad so he can see how the 2 newbies settle in and if they look like they are going to take time to settle then they may get Thursdays off. We must surely bring in Balogun and Ridvan as one is our best centre half and the other is the only cover for Borna who seems to be picking up more injuries as time goes on. You would think Silva is certain to be added to the squad. Remove Sima, Davies, Lammers, Roofe, Cifuentes or any of the injured or likely to be injured again anytime soon long list.
  11. I thought this was an easy one, big Souttar was immense, don’t think he lost a duel all day and the block near the end saved 2 points. He was everything that Goldson was not. Yilmaz contributed well but still defended poorly at times, Butland had yet another good game, Lundstrum was pick of midfield and Dessers probably had his best game for us. Despite it being a terrible game, I felt we had a few good individual performances.
  12. I think that sums it up perfectly.
  13. Glad the game is on, looking forward to it. Hopefully we come out the traps all guns blazing after the winter break. We have had a few seasons ruined by the winter break in the last few years, cannot afford to slip up this time with so much to play for.
  14. Yet more evidence that pre-season or mid-season friendlies should all be behind closed doors with no tv pictures. They are there for fitness and essentially to break up the boredom of a training camp. Couldn’t care a jot about the result or performance, I just want to know that we didn’t pick up any injuries. The proof of a good pre or mid season is how well you do when the real action restarts.
  15. Absolutely, but I think the exact same of paying £38,000 a week to Goldson. That makes me sick. It is completely reckless for a club of our income to be blowing £2M a year on a centre half. I'd love the person who sanctioned that to be fired but I guess they are long gone. Surely with our income stream there should be nobody on more than £25Kpw?
  16. Good news. Now lets move on to getting the rest of Beale's duds moved on, plus the always crocked lot that offer us no future as well, and make room and wages for some players that will contribute towards celebrating a treble in May.
  17. It shouldn’t be hard to section off a turnstile/toilet etc. if it costs a few quid so be it, it would be worth it to keep opposing fans from being seen and heard. Stick the UB up there too come to think of it!
  18. I have said this for years, all away fans should be in the furthest corner of the stadium (i.e. the worst seats) harder to be on the tv or be heard. This is in line with what we find all over Europe when we travel to away games and I have never understood why we give visiting supporters a prime viewing location.
  19. Dont normally take much for granted in these threads, all of the names that get mentioned for weeks and from all sorts of sources, then in come Silva with nobody mentioning it until it was done. I am delighted we have now gone back to not leaking all these things and just getting on with it and getting our work done. Although I am trying not to get too excited by reading that Yilmaz and Lammers might be leaving, but that would be fantastic. Any rumours of offers for Goldson? A bear can live in hope you know. What a treble that would be for January!
  20. I wouldn't place a penny on them adhering to the flags down during play. Having been in about them on several occasions at away games and asked them to put the flags down during play, all you get back is abuse and ignored. Then they want everyone to join in on a sit down jump up moment and get annoyed when you wont reciprocate. But what atmosphere are they generating. All I hear is that bloody drum, and some infantile made up songs about players who have done nothing in the Rangers careers to date to merit such adulation. To me it doesnt add anything to the atmosphere, just some background noise. Atmosphere at the games is generated when the team is playing well and the crowd join in and sometimes when the referee is cheating and the crowd rise in defiance/annoyance. At very big games it can sometimes work the other way around. I would suggest it has very little to do with that corner. Trying to respect the other fans who want to watch the game instead of filming themselves would be a good start.
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