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Everything posted by Tannochsidebear

  1. That last paragraph should read the SPFL is encouraging clubs not to choose the 3rd option because they really want Rangers to suffer from no crowd at a home game, but not celtic.
  2. Let's face it, with the horrible incompetent folk in charge of both the SPFL and the kiddy on government in Edinburgh, there is absolutely no chance in hell this is a 3 week window with no fans and then we are back at 50,000 at Ibrox. I dont think we will get inside a full Ibrox again until Easter at the earliest. Obviously hope i'm wrong but wee Nippy and her cohorts have plenty of previous. The bheasts will know this also and are only wanting the break brought forward to get their squad back fit before they play us. Everyone else in the SPFL will of course vote along with the bheasts, as they will swallow the empty promises of an early break and full houses straight afterwards, which is virtually impossible to make happen. The only thing we can do about it is not allow our players to go to Africa if/when the fixtures are rescheduled for the same timeframe as the African Cup, and other than that, just keep winning and have up our sleeve that the bheasts were running scared of us and use it as incentive to knock them over at full strength in their own midden when we finally get the chance.
  3. Yes and the fact they are OVER 10 TIMES less likely to pick up a booking at home than any other side, and haven’t had a red card in home league game for about 150 games (7-8 years!) Got to be the worst conspiracy in the world. I hear Hibs denied a late stonewaller, so another cup won courtesy of the conspiracy!
  4. Wow, just wow @CammyF they really are quite a special (needs) breed of insecure, paranoid Neanderthals. While I have just watched the first half of the scum v scum cup final while at work, and what a totally different ref Beaton is when he is not reffing us! All of a sudden things we would never in a million years get fouls for are given, well they are given in one direction only. And yet he is still getting slaughtered because he judged an early foul to be just a foul when the commentary team decided it should have been an early yellow. And of course the celtic player rightly booked was harshly booked, Kyogo's blatant dive was just a slip. A very dull game, very few shots at goal from the bheasts despite huge possession and Hibs being utterly rank. I dont normally watch their games, but given we have them in a fortnight I thought I would have a wee sneaky peek. I've confirmed to myself that they are still utter rank and if we play well, we will win comfortably. Turned off now, cant stand to see their late winner courtesy of a dodgy decision.
  5. Tough one this week with many sub-par performances but i thought Kent looked dangerous throughout, when we got the ball to him in the right areas of course, so he gets my vote even if it was only a 6\10 performance.
  6. I have had a feeling a skelping is on the cards and it may well be today against an under-strength (if media are to be believed) United. Add to that the revenge as the only league side to beat us in 21 months and we have all the incentive required to make this a memorable one. Anyone recall we put 7 past United round about Christmas time a few years ago? Could a repeat be on the cards today?
  7. I have had a feeling a skelping is on the cards and it may well be today against an under-strength (if media are to be believed) United. Add to that the revenge as the only league side to beat us in 21 months and we have all the incentive required to make this a memorable one. Anyone recall we put 7 past United round about Christmas time a few years ago? Could a repeat be on the cards today? I will reign it in a bit and go for Rangers 5 Arabs 0 with Morelos again getting us underway.
  8. Gone for Alfie, a goal and an assist plus his workrate and all round menace is getting back to his best. Aribo obviously was a standout in midfield, and while I thought Kent had a decent game when watching it from the stands, I watched the brilliant Inside Ibrox highlights and he was involved in absolutely everything that went close for us on the night. Hagi, Arfield and Kamara all gave assured performances while not quite in the standout category of those mentioned above. Only downside from the game was we didnt take more of our chances, although their keeper had a fine match.
  9. A close call this time for me, with McGregor just ahead of Aribo, Morelos, Kent, Sakala. If Arfield had taken his chances and got his hat trick this would have been an easy call!
  10. I think someone is due a complete doing soon, but St J make it so difficult with their brand of anti-football kick, delay, kick, punt, destroy tactics that it moght not be this game. Rangers 3 St Johnstone 0 FGS Morelos
  11. Ouch thats a really tough draw, and will probably end our European run for this year. Haaland against Goldson is already giving me the sweats!
  12. Kent for me, looked the biggest threat and they couldn't handle him for most of the game. Solid performances from Bassey, Borna, Kamara and Wright. Not sure what people saw in Goldson, I was a nervous wreck every time he was on screen, and was caught napping a few times (as usual). The fact Dembele had an absolute stinker is probably relevant. Anyway I was pleasantly surprised and comforted by our performance, even though our opponent made 9 changes to their normal side, we made 6 ourselves, and we seem to have come through unscathed which was all important. Another coefficient point and a few quid banked and we move on to a much harder game at Tynecastle on Sunday.
  13. Lyon 0 Rangers 1 fgs Roofe i don’t for a minute believe we will win but I refuse to put in a non-winning prediction! #itsonlyagamesobackyourteam
  14. I'll be amazed if McGregor travels to France, i'd be happy enough with McLaughlin & McCrorie for this game. I'd prefer to give McCrorie the game actually. The lack of defensive cover means Goldson Bassey & Borna all need to play when i'd prefer to rest Borna and leave Goldson behind to get his agent to line up a new club for 4 weeks time. The next 3-4 weeks decide the title, so take no chances with a dead rubber game, and ensure we are rested, fired up and ready to take on the Jambos at a traditionally very hard fixture, followed by 3 home games by Boxing day then the double scum away trips before the break. We certainly cannot afford any injuries to our key players so why risk them with nothing to gain? McCrorie Patterson Goldson Bassey Barasic Bacuna Jack Lundstrum Wright Roofe Sakala I dont for a minute think GVB will make as many changes as the above side would be, and while I'll be watching the game tomorrow but even if we lose by a big margin I wont care a jot as long as we pick up no injuries. Our job was done in this group in our 2 home games and the point gained in Denmark, and even at our absolute best we may come up short in Lyon as they are a good side, so I just dont see the need to take unnecessary risks.
  15. cheers for that mate, i admit i dont follow these things very carefully so this name is a new one to me. We can but dream but I accept this appears way outwith our reach.
  16. Why so? I've never heard of him, and if PSG are letting him go on a free at only 18 he obviously hasn't impressed them enough to earn a new deal.
  17. Really tough one this time. I have a couple who I think had absolute stinkers (Davis & Goldson) but otherwise most were about par. In cases like this the winning goal is what separates the two, so I will go for Kent as he got the winner. I know Roofe dispatched the actual pen, but it was some lovely footwork by Kent to earn it and that is what won the match.
  18. I went to Villa v Newcastle a few weeks ago and apart from McGinn I wouldn’t have paid for any of their players, they are a very average bunch. Newcastle were worse right enough!
  19. So important to get 3 points today going into yet another international break. We also need to put on a good home performance after some mediocre performances at Ibrox this season. With Ross County struggling at the foot of the table (ignoring the freak result last week) this really should be a chance for us to get our strikers plenty of chances and get on the scoresheet, and boost our GD as well. We can no longer say we’ve had a slow start form wise and we will come good surely very soon, we are at mid-November and this will be us a third of the season in after today so our form is what it is and that seems to be our normal level rather than below par, so we have to work hard to raise our level if we are to achieve what we want this season, which is the title and CL direct entry. Lets repeat the clinical finishing from last week and keep us in a good mood going into the break.
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