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Everything posted by Tannochsidebear

  1. The wholly frustrating thing about that whole debacle was its total avoidability. Smith took our entire budget (�£6M) and blew it on 3 strikers, even though we already had Boyd, Novo, JCD, Cousin, Naismith and were employing a system where only 1 of which were getting played every week. The 3 in question, (Miller, Lafferty, Velicka) have hardly set the world alight with only Miller making any kind of contribution, and only in patches at that. The Mendes signing seemed to come out of the blue and doesn't look planned. We messed about with the Davis signing over a paltry difference in valuations. We were not genuinely linked with any other midfield players pre-Kaunas, and we went on to sign central midfielders, ignoring our obvious deficiences in wide areas. The sale of Cuellar was totally avoidable, and with him partnering Bougherra, we would have been even stronger (no offence Davie, but your old legs are getting slower every week). The blame for this lies squarely with the manager for getting his signing priorities completely wrong, and with the chairman for sanctioning his decisions, knowing full well he was blowing the whole budget on the one position.
  2. The split is quite simple. The SPL seed the top 6 from the previous season when considering the fixtures for the new season. If we get the same top 6, the fixtures work themselves out and everyone plays everyone twice at home and twice away. The problems come when someone from the top 6 does not make the top 6 the next season. This season, Rangers, Scummy, United, Sheepy, and Motherwell all look to be repeating their top 6 finihs of last season. Hearts however look to be replacing Hibs from last season. Where does this leave us? We must play the scum at Ibrox. Other than that there are 2 home games and 2 away games against Sheepy, Hearts, United and 'Well. Given that by the time of the split we will have played Hearts, Motherwell, and United all twice at home and only once away, and have played Sheepy twice away and once at home, we clearly need to play either Hearts, 'Well or United 3 times at Ibrox. Now this is where the SPL have been guilty of making it up as they go along, but as things stand I understand the team coming 6th gets their fixtures changed. This would mean Motherwell coming to Ibrox for a third time this season and we would go to United and Hearts. However the SPL have also used in the past the team that was unseeded gets their game changed. This would mean Hearts coming to Ibrox and we would go to Motherwell and United. For certain, we play Scummy and Aberdeen at home and United away. The other two will be down the SPL "computer" (Mr Lawwell) to decide which of the previous rules they wish to follow this time around.
  3. There is no doubt that Boyd's form in the last month has dropped off a bit. In the earlier part of the season, when Miller's form had dropped off to nothing, Boyd was not only out-working him, but outscoring him as well. Miller contributed nothing for weeks. Boyd has played quite poorly in the last few weeks, coincidentally since he was told by Murray he was being sold and not defended by Smith either. The difference is that even through a patch of poor form, he is still scoring goals. The first rule of football is whoever scores the most goals is the winner. Boyd complies. Others dont. If he gets his earlier season form back, he can take us to this title, because he will always score goals. I was filling in my predictor last week before the OF game and I had a feeling Smith would bottle it and play 1 up front, with the rumours suggesting Lafferty. I had to fill in the first goalscorer. I looked down the list of players and there was not one I genuinely felt confident that they would score. That tells you everything. Without Boyd, the goals dry up, the wins turn into draws, and the draws turn into defeats.
  4. It saddens me every time I see Campbell speaking on behalf of Hearts. If I won the Euro multi-rollover and could buy Rangers, Campbell would be welcomed home where he belongs.
  5. Rangers v Hamilton Academical Sunday 8 March. Ibrox Stadium, kick-off 3pm As a season ticket holder who has signed up to the credit card mandate scheme for Scottish Cup home matches, please note your Smartcard will be activated for the above Homecoming Scottish Cup 6th Round match, and payment will be taken from Monday 23 February.** Season ticket holder prices are �£16 for adults, �£5 for concessions and just �£3 for juveniles.
  6. I see where you are coming from, and to suggest we can afford hundreds of scouts around the world would of course be ridiculous. I would have thought we could, however, target up to half a dozen countries where sell-on fees are likely to be low and who have a decent record of bringing through quality players who can settle and play abroad (Scandanavia certainly fits this bill) and place our scouts accordingly. With the greatest of respect, I see no reason to even look at South America for talented youngsters. There is no proof of anyone coming straight from this region and going straight into British football and doing well. South Americans generally have to go to their native language speaking countries, (Portugal, Spain) to settle into European style football before being able to come to our much faster, less technical game. That is why I suggest we stick our modest budget to target an area with proven success rates, and where we can pick up players for modest fees and we have a good idea that they will settle in without too many problems. Can I just say that you are absolutely 100% spot on with your assessment that we need a technical director with football knowledge instead of a (supposedly) commercially backgrounded CEO. As long as this TD keeps out of the manager's remit, things should work fine.
  7. Nope, never heard of them. Other than the Spanish football on Sky, there is not much exposure of the German, French leagues on a professional channel here. I would normally only keep an eye on the German league if we had an opponent in our CL group or upcoming EUFA tie etc.
  8. An excellant article, and very well researched by the looks of it. I am sure I am not alone in knowing nothing about these clubs history ( I hadn't even heard of the German team). I am not sure how relevant the examples are to a club of our stature and demand for success, and using agents as the first line of scouts is very dangerous IMO, but I am sure it is something that could be looked at in more depth if it was felt that it could provide value.
  9. Good reply by the RST there, get your retaliation in first and it may have some effect in opening their eyes before they go spouting their mouth off.
  10. As a poker lover myself, you have hit the nail on the head with your analogy.
  11. Agreed. Good luck with the race night. And under the terms set out in the OP, your signed shirt wouldn't have had to have been someone doing you a favour, but actually donated by the club with their thanks for your support, together with a pair of Bar72 tickets or a special edition print of the stadium. Surely that would sell a lot more raffle tickets.
  12. I have not seen the dog-eaters dive on tv. He conned me as well as from my seat I though wee Naisy dived in and fouled him. If it is such a blatant dive, how can the ref and his boss both come out and say they got every major decision right? That is certainly a major decision as it provided them with their 2nd best chance of the game, and their only shot on target that I can remember.
  13. Thats the chap. Most impressive opponent in UEFA cup last season for me.
  14. No McCulloch or Broadfoot?? You have not taken this seriously have you? One name jumps out at me though, Micah Richards? The young English CH? Why? At least with the rest of them I can see why you would pick them as they are all top quality. Not seen a lot of the boy, but from what I have seen, I doubt he deserves to be in that company. I am sure there are plenty of great CH's around Europe. The CH for Fiorentina that played really well against us for one. But that sounds like I am Walter's chief scout.
  15. You go further back than I can chilledbear, but I loved our dances at Edmiston House in the 90's. A certain Ian Ferguson would normally be chief chanter, ably backed up by bomber, McCall and Durranty. Those were the days right enough eh!!
  16. Fair enough. For every bus at an away ground you probably need about 10 cars to equate the numbers. The recent match at Pittodrie is one example. There must have been about 30 buses in the bus park beside the ground. That equates to around 1500 tickets out of the 2200 we get. Like you, I would be keen to see the splits, but it is unlikely this would ever become available information. I obviously have no facts to back up how many CCCS members are like the ones I mentioned. But if there are about a dozen or so examples of it on our bus with 50 members, and this is replicated around other buses which I can think of no reason why it would not be the case, then that is why I came to the conclusion I did. For further example, our RSC has 50 members. After work commitments etc, probably around 40 will go to any particular game. From that number around 10-15 will get tickets from the CCCS directly. The RSC will get perhaps another 10 from their allocation. This means the rest are made up from CCCS members not intending to go to the game, and passing their tickets on to us.
  17. Firstly, on your point re Murray. That is of course a bit part of the problem with the current way of thinking at the club. DM thinks supporters are a total nuisance, and RSC's probably the worst of the lot (apart from the RST of course). This thinking has to change. Yes there are still some buses who leave far too early and get too tanked up, fine if you can handle it but we all know that is not always the case, especially with the younger bears, and it is those same ones that always seem to forget what songs are "acceptable" these days! The tarring with the same brush effect is certainly in use here. As for a fighting fund for RSC's, that is part of what I was meaning in my article when I mentioned the annual fundraiser. With the club's help, each RSC could run an event with the proceeds split between the club and the RSC. If the club donated some prizes (signed shirt, pair of tickets etc) for a raffle/auction at the event, the event could surely raise enough for both aprties to get a worthwhile turn out of it. I am sure your RSC already does some fundraisers throughout the season, so therefore I am sure you could see the benefit of getting some prizes donated by the club, and perhaps a player appearance for a photoshoot with our latest trophy. The current thinking is poles apart from where it should be, and I am not sure if there is the will to change at the moment if I am being honest, but that is not to say we just shrug our shoulders and do nothing.
  18. The problem with the CCCS is that there are very few guys like yourself that really really want the tickets for your Kilmarnocks and Motherwells. I believe that a large number of ST holders only tick the box in the hope of getting a celtic ticket. There are a lot of members of my RSC that get their pals to tick the CCCS box and we take any tickets they get. We also have members who are always offered tickets for unglamorous games from ST holders who fall into the above category. I quick look at the number of buses at any away ground and a quick calculation of the number of tickets allocated to Rangers for that game will tell you that a very large percentage of bears still use the buses to travel to the games. I have every respect for bears like yourself who prefer to use their own transport to go to the games for any variety of reasons, and of course we must look after them as well, but I feel that while the RSC's are the large majority of travelling fans, they should be put to the forefront of the thinking at the club. Would any of the perks mentioned in my article make you consider rejoining a RSC? What would make you rejoin? Is it just down to the buses running in your area and the people running them?
  19. It is difficult to see a future role for the Association. Like you, I have every respect for John, and he does a thankless task keeping things going. The Association did come to the fore earlier this season when the 5% issue came to the fore. They went to several SPL clubs and arranged to buy tickets for their member clubs without them having to buy coupons in the paper etc. As the Association holds a database of every member's details in every member club, it was able to provide enough comfort to the clubs (Hibs & Hearts especailly), to get full allocations for their members. The fact that the Association was not part of RFC was a major factor in the other clubs dealing with them, as they would not deal with Bain or the Assembly due to them feeling agreived about the 5% issue. So in certain circumstances, the Association can be quite useful, hence the reason for the remaining clubs still paying their dues and remaining members. But a long term future is unlikely as long as the Assembly is the big daddy within the club.
  20. Your not serious are you Gordy? Have you seen nothing of Murray this last decade? He is as interested in the lies printed about Rangers and Rangers supporters as he is worried about going to the cashline hoping he has money left in his account. Now when anything negative is printed about him personally, that is when you see a full and active PR offensive, but only in those circumstances I am afraid. There has been nothing recently to suggest this is likely to change in the forseeable future.
  21. It really could be that simple couldn't it. If the filth that print these acts of pure fiction knew that their words would be checked for accuracy and any lies would result in retractions being saught and for continual errors, banning orders in place, together with complaints to their bosses and if necessary the PCC, it would soon become too much hastle for them to try to get away with lies, and wouls ensure that only accurate stories are run. If we have done something wrong, we can have no complaints if we are criticised for it. But these acts of pure fiction could be so easily stopped if the will was there from someone at the club. All we have ever asked for is fair treatment, nothing more, nothing less.
  22. GERS LATEST - Kirk Broadfoot to miss Cup tie against Forfar but could return to facce Killie on Saturday. Nacho Novo also out but Kyle Lafferty fit and ready. The above is an official club text message I received about 90 mins ago. It looks like KB's foot was just badly knocked and has settled down well. Incidentally, the same text service reported at 1130am this morning that KB would miss next 2 games minimum. Must have been a good physio session from 1130am to 1pm then!
  23. I have been astonished at the amount of bears that think that was a good point at the piggery, and that the fact our enemy are in poor form means we should go on to win the league this season. A convincing victory might well have seen them implode and made it easier for us to win the league. But they have won the title the last 3 years by being able to go on lengthy runs of wins. The fact they have not done so, yet, this season, is the only reason we are still in touch with them. Like the first piggery game last season, we blew the chance to finish them off, and it came back to bite us when we ran out of steam at the death. I am trying to tell myself not to over-react and that this year will be different, but sooner or later they will hit a run of form, can we be confident of winning 3 or 4 successive away games while maintaining a winning home record. We have not won 4 SPL games in a row since September. Just a thought.
  24. Such is the lack of quality of refereeing in this country just now, I actually thought he had the best game from a referee at CP in quite some time.
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