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Everything posted by Tannochsidebear

  1. In my opinion Murray has ruined this club over the last decade, and that is a disgrace. And he is the former chairman. Perhaps disgraceful would have been a better adjective than disgraced.
  2. rbr, here is DA's spending season by season, against the income from sold players. Season Expenditure Income Profit/Loss Balance 1998/99 -�£32,400,000 �£4,500,000 -�£27,900,000 -�£27,900,000 1999/00 -�£9,300,000 �£8,150,000 -�£1,150,000 -�£29,050,000 2000/01 -�£30,500,000 �£18,075,000 -�£12,425,000 -�£41,475,000 2001/02 -�£11,100,000 �£4,000,000 -�£7,100,000 -�£48,575,000 Totals -�£83,300,000 �£34,725,000 -48,575,000 Yearly Ave -�£23,800,000 �£16,228,571 -�£13,878,571 From a spreadsheet someone done on all transfers from Souness to McLeish. I can send it to you by pm if you want to send me your email addy. Just seen the way this has come out and not too clear, sorry for that but you can probably make out the figs ok.
  3. For criticism of Bain in the past, you dont need to go any further than my posting history. What I have seen first-hand, and seen and heard from others recently is that since the departure of the disgraced former chairman, our CEO is now allowed to do his job the way he wants to do it, and in the last couple of months there has been a marked change of direction in a number of areas. Credit where it is due and all that. If you are going to regularly have a go at someone, you have to be big enough to accept it when the opposite is true. Now if only Kenny Miller could become a proper football player I would have very little left that gets my back up.
  4. Dont you start, I feel all brown-nosed enough already, but I still thought it was worth saying despite what it made me look like!!
  5. I understand that there will be quite an interesting article in one of tomorrow's papers regarding the tickets, Trading Standards, and news of impending court action against DUFC.
  6. Results wise, Stuttgart away was a good start, Seville at home would have been interesting had the penalty and red card been awarded in the games major incident that went against us, Unirea at home was dreadful, Unirea away we should have won and were unluck to lose 2 points to yet another wonder strike, Stuttgart at home was nowhere near good enough, and Seville away was a bounce match played at half tempo the whole way through. As for the players, too many look out of their depth at this level (Miller and McCulloch especially) , with some having no confidence in their own ability amongst good players (Thomson and Whittaker especially). Some players have performed ok (Papac and Bougherra). Only 1 player has enhanced his reputation, getting 6 MOTM awards from me out of 6, McGregor of course. As for the manager. Away from home was not a problem, with the system seemingly suiting us better not having to go forward or retain possession, and the 2 draws could arguably have been 2 victories with a bit more luck. But at home we did not play at all well, apart from the first half against Seville, and we seemed to not be confident or perhaps have enough ability to play with possession and mobility, a simple pre-requisite for CL football. Will Walter have learned from this season? We have got to hope so. Of course it may be irrelevant if he moves on before the next campaign starts, but even if he stays he must have learned that Miller cannot play at this level (certainly not as lone striker) and that McCulloch and Weir are far too slow for the slicker passing and movement at this level. Some friends of mine were telling me last summer, never mind the CL as a competition, just take the money and reduce the debt, but after 2 points from 18 and only 4 goals for over �£900 of trips and tickets before even a solitary beer, it is scant consolation today that this was our reward for our hard-earned title of last season.
  7. If any of you had told me I would head up a thread with the above title 6 months ago I would have thought you were barking. However, the brave decision taken by our CEO, (Now starting to talk and act like one since Murray left incidentally) to take a full allocation of tickets for such a powderkeg match after the problems in Bucharest has been totally vindicated. And the work put in by Kenny Scott during his two visits to Seville, as well as numerous discussions with them, also is worthy of high praise. This could so easily have backfired on them, leaving them looking silly and probably in untenable positions, but they had faith in the Rangers support originating from the belief that we are not what our gutter press would have you believe we are. The measures they put in place for ticket uplift was a sure-fire winner which I hope is repeated in future, and the co-operation received from the Spanish authorities who held up their side of the bargain was also commendable.
  8. I would just like to add to that statement that Kenny Scott has done a tremendous job with this match. At the 2 meetings he has spoken at with both supporters reps and the open meeting, he went over in some detail the plans that he and the Spanish authorities had put in place for this match, and that every single point he made was carried out and was exactly as he said had been agreed upon, including the very worrying aspect of the buses location after the match which thankfully the Spanish have held up their end of the deal. It is easy to overlook these guys when things go well, and heavily criticise them when things go wrong, so praise is due for a smoothly run trip from start to finish. I would love to see these pre-trip meetings become the norm, not chaired by the fans, but run by the club as an information point. Knowing the information and the work that has gone into it was really invaluable, and it was really pleasing to see his good work in practice.
  9. Yes, civil is the only option open to tick-holders. A criminal case is being looked at by Trading Standards/OFT, and a report looks likely to be sent to the PF for their decision as to wether to take them to court on a criminal basis. Got your PM mate, will be in touch.
  10. I would heartily defend any Rangers fan who chooses to boycott this game, and also any Rangers fan who chooses to go. What I cannot accept is that an empty ground will teach Thompson a lesson, or that he would not make the same decision again, given the choice. As fas as abandoned games go, it looks as if the SPL will be forced to introduce rules on this for next season, so it is very unlikely we will face this scenario again anyway, so again a boycott has no impact on DUFC's future thinking.
  11. I think if Dundee United were playing any other club, they would not have taken the decision they did. You will never get a complete boycott of any first team Rangers game, anywhere in the world, for any reason. Put simply, if Rangers FC decide to play a game of football anywhere in the world, our loyal fans will follow them there, with no exceptions. I cannot think of any circumstances where Rangers will be forced to play a match and our fans will not go and watch it, including closed doors games.
  12. The Rangers support were perfectly well behaved inside and around the ground. But that doesn't suit the agenda, so we have managed to turn a group of Spanish hooligans attacking Rangers fans into our fault again. I didn't see the incident, but I did pass the pub in question around 70 minutes before kick off and it was a pleasant atmosphere, with Rangers supporters enjoying themselves, the police standing watching in a relaxed manner, and plenty of good-natured banter between bears and the Seville fans making their way to the stadium. On arriving at the stadium, I asked the stewards if there had been any hint or reports of trouble to that point, and he was happy to report that so far everything had went really well. There was reports of a scuffle circulating around kick-off time, which is obviously the incident that the press have so eagerly picked up on. Try as they might, the fact that this bar is well outside UEFA's geographical juristiction, and was caused by Seville fans, will mean no trouble for Rangers from UEFA, so poor Timmy and the scum mhedia will have to wait until next season now to continue their campaign against their own country's most successful club.
  13. Of course I agree with those sentiments Frankie, and the club, as 1/12th owner of the SPL, is as guilty as all the others for allowing a scenario where DUFC can try to get away with this. It is looking very likely that the SPL will be forced to bring in new rules at it's AGM this summer to deal with this issue due to pressure coming from our friends at Trading Standards. So at the very least, even if our action proves ultimately unsuccessful, at least we will have ensured that this expolitation cannot happen again. And that is something I will be extremely proud of having played a small part in, should it come about.
  14. Not yet. We have to wait for United to respond to our offer to settle before raising the small claims court action. You know someone we should use that has experience in small claims?
  15. What a desperate statement. Is this any coincidence that he has gone to print with this story just now, when he is running out of time before my RSC takes him to court over the tannadice debacle, and also that the Trading Standards and OFT are considering criminal proceedings against DUFC for thier actions.
  16. To my mind it would not be a decent level of financial benefits, more a token gesture of appreciation. Perhaps 5% off ticketing and merchandise. The actual cost of running the memberships, providing discounts, publishing a quarterly members mag, would probably be expected to run to somewhere between �£200-400K, depending on how many ST holders also take memberships. Of course, I have no way of knowing what is being discussed at either the RST or the Assembly regarding memberships, these are just my thoughts on the matter.
  17. I would doubt that too MF. As fickle as we are, one or two bad years and membership numbers would drop. I dont think it would be an increase in ST prices, as this would exclude overseas bears from wanting to become members, I just used the figure loosely. At Barca, the memberships become due on 1 January. ST are in the summer, splitting the two payment dates.
  18. The rate could have been worded as including something for Murray's time, which he is now not giving, and therefore is now not being paid. And this would have to be on top of the commercial rate for services, which nobody really has a problem with as long as it is exactly that.
  19. Is it not more likely that there has been a management service charge applied to inter-company services. Rangers are charged a fee for say, advertising, plus a management fee on top for Murray's trouble. Quite common as a means for transferring money from one company to another within a group.
  20. I'll let others come in on this one, as the debate has been on here before as to wether the current chairman is his own man, or a Murray poodle. Either way, I still dont see what the problem is with voting against Muir. If he (Muir) is indeed Murray's man and not the bank's man, he gets even less sympathy from me, and many others. How can we possibly be too concerned with hurting Murray's ego when he is in hock to the bank to the tune of �£750M with asset values of less than that.
  21. Off-topic Wabashcannonball, but is your username any reference to the Wabash poker club?
  22. Wise words indeed, and if Muir is not there to carry out the bank's wishes, then we are not going to upset the bank by refusing to vote him onto the board, are we?
  23. Nope, but it doesnt seem to be in line with "I never took a penny out of the club" And still they defend him.
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