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Everything posted by Tannochsidebear

  1. While I’m not a big fan of UB that is disgusting treatment and such a pity given the work they put into this. I wonder what the EF flags were on if not the standard bamboo type sticks?
  2. Bloody hell, I didn’t think it was as few as that. Less than 50%
  3. I was in the lower tier behind the goal and when I entered the stadium a full two and a half hours before kick off there was onyl water and cola in the fridges and no food at all at the kiosk. I bought a couple of bottles of each to last the evening, ended up giving some away as stories started coming through about lack of supply. Clearly they were replenishing throughout as others beside came back during the game with hot dogs and beer and water right into extra time (who goes to a European final and pisses off to stand in a queue for a hot dog in the middle of the game?) A wee bit OT here, but I have never come across so many fans in our end who looked like they had never been to an away Euro game before. So many looking for specific seats, splitting up from their mates to go in different directions to their appointed seat etc. That NEVER happens at any other Euro game, and to my mind is also partly responsible for the poor atmosphere/backing generated by our sections. For us having about 25K fans I have heard louder, so much louder, from 1-2000 at other away games of lesser importance.
  4. Only one choice, take a bow young Bassey, what a performance.
  5. Absolutely right, a top player, makes us better when he is fit and playing well, but a body made of chocolate. Hard decisions need to be made, and we cannot afford to carry a player that is unavailable for large parts of every season. If he could stay fit and play 40-50 games next season I dont think anyone would be talking about him going anywhere.
  6. I expect McGregor and Davis to retire (have heard rumours this was confirmed internally months ago but kept under wraps till the season ends) and obviously Goldson leaves on a free (hallelujah). I agree with those here who have said we should be moving on the most unreliable in terms of availability through injury (Roofe, Jack, Helander). All 3 are very good players when available but their unavailability at crucial times costs us trophies. Not sure all 3 will leave though. I don't really rate McLaughlin as much as others , I think McCrorie looks every bit as good a keeper and handled the pressure brilliantly when we needed him in 2 huge games at the start of the season, so I dont mind if we use them as the 2 keepers for the start of next season, and they can fight it out for top spot between them. It is a massive decline in standard from McGregor though, and this may need addressed in Jan '23 or next summer. Defenders; Goldson out, Souttar in, Katic returning. I feel we need what I felt we needed this season, a good CH to replace Goldson. Sadly we didnt get one this year and it cost us big time. We need to make sure we sort this for next season. Into midfield and we have it seems a million players here for 3 spots. We must thin this down and add one quality starter. I am happy with most of our midfield (when fit and on form) but wouldn't lose any sleep if any were sold. Big decisions for the management. Up front we have Alfie who will hopefully be back to his best and then its up for grabs. Roofe too often injured or coming back to sharpness. Sakala can go, not clinical enough. Kent's numbers are not as good as they should be. He either needs to improve his numbers or be moved on. Wright is a backup player, not sure how Hagi is going to be when he returns. Itten doesnt seem fancied. Again, big decisions but we need to add starting quality to our line-up. To summarise, I think we need to bring in one starting CB, at least one starting midfielder, and 2 forward players, at least one of which should be starting every week. I feel over the last year or 2 we have only been adding squad players of no greater quality than already in the squad. I want to be reducing the overall numbers in the first team squad to ensure there is a pathway for our potential to come through. We got a glimpse at Tynecastle, and have seen enough of Lowry, King to know there is talent waiting for their chance. 4 in, 11 out (McGregor, Davis, Goldson, Helander, Roofe, Sakala, Polish RB, Itten, Katic, Ramsay, Amad) and bring through the youth players. If the 4 we bring in are improving our first team, this will work IMO.
  7. Oh bloody hell this is intense! Frankfurt 2 Rangers 3 FGS Captain Marvel, James Tavernier to continue his scoring run in this competition and replace John Greig as the greatest ever Ranger.
  8. It was a good team performance so it’s a hard one but I’ve went for Lowry for an assist and a lovely goal.
  9. I’ve just got my ticket through and it feels real now! I’m actually gutted I’m only doing the day trip with the travel club but I just wouldn’t let myself book anything before we had got through and there wasn’t many options after it that guaranteed my ticket. Now waiting on the travel club itinerary to see when my flight is, hope it’s early!
  10. You pretty much nailed the answer in your question.
  11. Only another couple of places on both this seasons 5 year list and next seasons list. We are currently ranked 17th for this season alone and a win would take us to 10th, above Benfica, Athletico Madrid, PSG & Juventus, while we have already outpointed Inter, Man Utd & Barcelona. Not too shabby!
  12. Well that is it sorted then, the white Gallant Pioneers top it is!
  13. Been having a wee look at the wonderful Bert Kassies site and can see we are up to 34th in the club co-efficients list. No matter the result in Seville we climb to at least 29th for next season once our Progres disaster drops away. As one who was in attendance in Luxembourg on that embarrassing low point in our history, the transformation from there to here is of Hollywood proportions. For anyone wanting a look the link is here https://kassiesa.net/uefa/data/method5/trank2022.html
  14. I clicked on the link and went to buy one, then one of the sign-up questions is what team do you follow with a drop down list of teams. Aberdeen Hibs Hearts all there alongside some absolute minnows from other countries but no Rangers. Binned.
  15. That seems the most sensible solution to me too. Play as close to our final 11 next midweek, and rotate the 2 weekend games. Should actually still be too good for our 3 domestic opponents who are all pretty gash and have nothing to play for.
  16. Congrats to Scotty, can still play a part and we need to retain some players who know what it means.
  17. Has to be Lundstrum, a magnificent performance, and his turnaround from the Sheffield United player who cost us at Tannadice and stunk the place out in his first few appearances to the one who has grown in front of our eyes in the last couple of months has been quite incredible to watch. I thought he was immense, ahead of magnificent performances from Tav (as usual), Bassey, Kamara and of course McGregor who apart from one magnificent save also killed tons of time off the clock with his antics which I love to watch, and marshalled his defence superbly. Imagine what we could have looked like with Alfie on top form as well and Hagi Roofe and Ramsay fit and playing a part.
  18. Appreciate the reply mate, i'll pass that on with the usual caveats!
  19. Where did you get that info @Gonzo79or is it just an educated guess? I'm gold and got on official travel club flight to Leipzig so im hoping im fine for the final, but a mate is just under the gold threshold in silver and having kittens about getting a ticket. This would be great for him if it pans out this way.
  20. Absolutely incredible performance, atmosphere, celebration. I didn’t think I’d ever experience something like being in Florence ever again in my lifetime, so so proud tonight. Now I hope we can go on and exorcise the worst day of my Rangers supporting life from my memory banks (Manchester) and see what I’ve always dreamed of but never thought I’d see, Rangers winning a European trophy. The rewards are there, Pot 1 and direct entry of the “big cup” next season, the chance to beat Real Madrid (hopefully) in the Super Cup, countless millions in prize money. Oh, and immortality for these players! Thank you Rangers x
  21. Dare to dream…….. Rangers 2 Leipzig 1 after 90 mins, fgs Tav We score a 119th minute 3rd goal to go through from Scotty Arfield!
  22. Sad news about our fellow fan, bus driver turned kit man Jimmy Bell's death. Always quietly going about his business in the background, a trusted confidant to many over the decades, and a terrible shock and loss to his family at the far too young age of just 57. I dont go as far as to say legend, that's ridiculous, but he will be sorely missed by the players and staff at the club. Hopefully we can use the grief as an inspiration to get a win on Thursday and make a Euro final. As a bluenose just like all of us, it is absolutely what Jimmy would have wanted.
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