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Everything posted by Tannochsidebear

  1. While Davis strolled through the match and was the best of our midfield starters, too much of his play was too slow, too sideways, and summed up our first half tepid performance, Tillman showed flashes but disappears for chunks, so I’ve gone for the return of the king, whose introduction was the highlight of the game to that point, and he got the sealing goal too. The announcement of the sponsors MOTM was greeted with a mixture of laughter and astonishment by those around me, don’t think I’ve ever seen one quite so obviously wrong. Must have been picked by the same guy (Daily Rhebel) who gave both Kamara & Jack 5/10 for their performances yesterday.
  2. The start of 3 home games in a week which just absolutely must bring 3 victories (beat the Belgians on the night, I don’t expect to qualify) Hopefully we can find a bit of form, the new players prove why they were bought, and the return of the Buffalo!
  3. Good going @Frankie, any more sponsors and you will be getting James Bisgrove's job!! Is there any room left on the Gersnet home strip for 22/23 to put all these sponsors names on?
  4. He is definitely a fine leader, well liked and respected within the squad, a model pro etc, he is just not a very good defender, makes poor decisions all too often, turns his back on shots instead of throwing himself at them, doesnt win nearly enough aerial duels, and very often makes mistakes that lead to goals or very good chances.
  5. The first goal went right through McLaughlin, not only was it absolutely saveable, it goes down as a very bad mistake in my book not to have saved it. His second error in a week after his run out and stop in no mans land at Livvy. It would have been a forgettable routine save, not a worldy, had he made the save. No vote cast, I dont think any of them got above a 2 out of 10. And while I had been predicting this performance since the journey home from Seville, (see Zizkov & Kaunas for reference) it was still almost unbelievable to actually watch it unfolding. I cant fathom how we absolutely shat the bed from 1 to 11 plus really bad calls from the manager and staff also. Gutted doesnt come close.
  6. I’m pretty sure we have never overturned a 2 goal deficit in our European history. We’re oot! surely at least this nails the GK slot. McLaughlin is just not a Rangers GK. Either restore McGregor or invest. I don’t care if he can pass, he can’t save. Thus endith the lesson. I hate seeing that midfield 3 together, I don’t recall anything good ever coming out of it. It’s sideways and backwards and actually doesn’t even protect thatwell either. I have been saying all summer that history suggests another Zizkov or Kaunas coming up, I absolutely hate getting that right.
  7. Disappointed with the choice of keeper and very negative midfield 3 that has rarely worked well together but as I don’t know anything about the opposition I’ll assume this is how GVB thinks is best to deal with them. Feels like we try to stay solid and perhaps use Matondo on break.
  8. Do we think Kent is injured or perhaps a bid is imminent? Didnt see any injury on Saturday.
  9. Makes Tav's numbers look even more extraordinary. I believe we were one Goldson error in Seville away from Tav getting a statue and greatest ever consideration. As long as Tav doesnt become manager and fail to win the league every season of course!
  10. Just found out the game tomorrow is on Premier Sports, ugghh. Will we play Premier Sports bingo guys? Pictures/sound loss during the game Some Rangers hater on comms Continual mentioning of celtic being straight into the group stage Feel free to add your own! It almost makes me want to have paid the £700 the travel club were wanting to go to the game just to avoid it.
  11. He did play for 18 seasons! 120 goals in 755 games is still an excellent achievement for a full back.
  12. Tav for me too, another accomplished performance and a sublime winner. Of the rest Arfield and Tillman made game-changing contributions. Of the new guys, Souttar had a debut to forget, Lawrence couldn’t get into the game much, Tillman looks very clever with good quick feet, and Colak was starved of service but took his one chance really well only for yet another officiating error to deny him.
  13. That was a super read. Exactly what you will never get from a Scottish rag.
  14. Iiiiiittttttsssss game day!!!!!!!!!! Nothing quite like day 1 of a new season. While always disappointed if we’re not at home raising another league flag, it’s always great to be back on the bus amongst friends discussing the potential line-up, new signings, players sold, upcoming games etc. So important to get off to a winning start, I don’t see too many dropped points between us and them so starting strong and winning every league game going into the first OF game will be vital. I think we have a decent start on the fixture list so no excuses, let’s just get this done today and then onto the really really big one on Tuesday. C’mon the Rangers!
  15. Shock horror from that jakey. Imagine asking a no-mark like him to properly assess the league campaign. His punditry is abysmal, and his command of the English language is embarrassing. If we started with a 40 point lead he would still make a case for his beloved scum to win the title.
  16. I see no reason not to continue with our best goalkeeper in goals. McLaughlin is nowhere near the same quality as McGregor for me, and I think Gio will see it the same way, so its McGregor for me. Tav Goldson Souttar Barasic looks fairly nailed on, it would be a huge surprise to see any other back 4 named than that. I think we will persevere with Lundstrum & Kamara in midfield when really only one is required, and Colak & Kent will start up front, so that leaves two spots for conjecture. Lawrence may have done enough to start ahead of the other options and I think Matondo wont be played on that pitch with dodgy hammys so probably Wright ahead of Millman who doesnt look quite up to speed yet (and that dodgy pitch taken into consideration again) Looking forward to the game tomorrow, 3 points is an absolute must, and hopefully we can put on a decent performance as well ahead of the massive game on Tuesday.
  17. After many many years of very similar announcements, promises, statements, I’m afraid I read the above piece and think aye right. Put me in the I’ll believe it when I see it category.
  18. Yes very disappointing blog piece when they don’t get the first sentence accurate. 🤷‍♂️
  19. So basically all the strikes have been specifically planned to coincide with our home games. Smells dodgy. I hope they get F all. If you don’t like the pay and conditions, quit and see if you can find a better job out in the real world of the private sector.
  20. Goldson getting slaughtered on RTV for allowing Kane the half yard to score. Same old same old. I actually thought Goldson played really well up until that point, but that has always been my concern with him, there is always a big mistake in him every single game. Thankfully he doesn’t face the quality of Kane every week. Does anyone here think it is possible for Souttar and Davies to be our first choice pairing?
  21. Decent workout, we had the better of the first half, gave away two bad goals (great finishes by Kane though) and then should have equalised in later stages. Result not important, we looked fitter, sharper and closer to being ready for Livingston and Union, with no injuries picked up, and with more minutes for newbies and fringe players to come tomorrow we look right on track. I’m fairly happy with that. I don’t judge new players by a few friendlies so can’t really tell what we’ve bought yet but we won’t play sides with as many top players as Spurs at all unless we make the CL so hopefully they can continue to improve fitness and getting to know their teammates and our playing style and hit the ground running next Saturday.
  22. I thought the thread title was a question posing to the Gersnetters of their best European Away Day! Of the 45 away Euro ties I have been to, my top three are probably Leverkusen (98), Lyon (07) and of course Florence (08) Worst three were Maribor (11) Zenit (08) and Progres (17)
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