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Everything posted by Tannochsidebear

  1. No evidence it was Rangers fans. Could just as easily have been locals or tims that then had other plans and decided not to go after all. Did every ticket holder that asked for a refund say it was because Rangers pulled out?
  2. I was hoping this was going to read we were moving them to the Piggery!
  3. Not another fucking Scouser, have we not given Liverpool enough in recent years? No doubt another fee to that rancid club to buy out his contract.
  4. Fair enough, clean slate and all that. Time will tell and while I didnt call for GVB to go, he's gone and Beale is in, so onwards and upwards and here's to an a lot more victories in away games in 2023 than we got in 2022, but if that can start 11 days early at the hill of dung and then at Dingwall 3 days later i'll be very happy.
  5. We look afraid of a trip to the shops never mind Perth! Our away form in 2022 is pretty awful.
  6. I hope we got our legal affairs in order this time. If we have to pay anything, it comes out of Bisgrove & Robertsons bonuses. How they 2 kept their jobs over this I dont know, but if it ends up costing the club a large sum, then Robertson's job especially is completely untenable. Also funny to see how much they claim they lost due to us not taking part as they couldnt sell tickets without us. I thought it was all about Ange, and the magnificent worldwide reach and appeal of the bheasts, so the opponent wouldnt have mattered surely? All about the Rangers.
  7. Beale's first month of competitive action now looks like; Hibs (H) Aberdeen (A) Ross County (A) Motherwell (H) Bheasts (H) Dundee Utd (A) Aberdeen (SF) Kilmarnock (A) St Johnstone (Cup A) Bloody hell that is a tough run of games for anyone never mind a young inexperienced manager. He will either be seen as the messiah or busted flush within a month. Welcome to Rangers! Also worth noticing that there is not one Saturday game in that run either, with games on a Thursday, Tuesday, Friday, Wednesday, Monday, Sunday, Sunday, Wednesday and TBA but prob Sunday. So every day of the week apart from football day!
  8. Tuesday, November 29 Netherlands 3 - 0 Qatar Ecuador 1 - 1Senegal Wales 0 - 2 England Iran 0 - 1 USA Wednesday, November 30 Australia 0 - 1 Denmark Tunisia 0 - 3 France Poland 1 - 2 Argentina Saudi Arabia 1 - 1 Mexico Thursday, December 1 Croatia 1 - 1 Belgium Canada 0 - 0Morocco Costa Rica 0 - 2Germany Japan 0 - 2Spain Friday, December 2 South Korea 0 - 2 Portugal Ghana 1 - 2 Uruguay Serbia 0 - 0 Switzerland Cameroon 0 - 3Brazil joker
  9. We are drawn against St Johnstone away in the 4th round of the cup. tough task.
  10. I must admit I am absolutely devastated by this appointment. It shows no ambition, no direction, just give the job to a popular guy who will be cheaper than other options. Look at our next 6 games, Hibs, Hearts & Bheasts at home with trips to Dolly, Ross County and Tannadice all before the cup semi final. He could be gone by then. The Liz Truss of Rangers managers! If we ever needed a new manager bounce it is definitely now with this fixture line-up looming.
  11. Very true, or he seen what was coming and jumped ship at a very good offer to go on his own. All pure guesswork of course, but it seems we don’t have long to wait till we find out, like it or not!
  12. I will, absolutely, get behind him at the games, but I really don’t see the evidence that he is a top class coach. One of our biggest complaints in the SG era was that we were really poor at in-game tactics when if plan A wasn’t working our coaches didn’t very often influence a change. SG & MB would stand or sit for ages discussing what to do and often did nothing or when they made changes they had no effect. This seemed to continue at Villa when both moved there. I have heard how good a coach he is time and time again but I tend to judge players and coaches with my own eyes rather than what I read and by the time both moved on I don’t think there was much of a case to say he was an excellent coach. There are mitigating circumstances of coarse and he may have been pleading to SG to make certain changes and kept getting overruled. Time will tell, we may be able to tell quite quickly if he adopts a different shape and style from the SG era. It’s essentially the same players after all as it was only a year since he left us. Maybe I’ve just always been the kind to say if you leave Rangers of your own choice you don’t get to come back and this is playing on my mind too.
  13. Been monitoring the chat in recent days and seeing Beale being the front-runner according to media outlets and thinking, it’s ok, the front-runner never gets the job and there is no way our board, as incompetent as they are, would give our job in the state we are in to a guy who was a big part of a regime that was failing fast in front of our eyes only 12 months ago. If, as now seems almost certain, Beale is announced as our manager (still can’t believe I’ve typed that) then the board has just gone down even further in my estimations and are now hovering only just above the spivs, Green & Sir Duped. Gone for the cheap lazy option with their fingers crossed. I will wish the new guy all the very best of luck, and call for the heads of Robertson & Wilson, and hope Park Snr & jnr chuck it asap. I imagine we will be running this thread again in under a year.
  14. Iran definitely deserved the win, they were far hungrier in the second half and actually played some not bad stuff. Does this makes England's performance in the first game a bit more impressive? I had discounted it heavily as I thought Iran were garbage, and they still conceded 2 goals. I suppose we will see how England are shaping up after tonight's game. Having watched just about all the games so far, I have really only been impressed with France & Spain, with decent mentions for Brazil and England. A lot of the bigger teams (Argentina, Germany, Holland,) need to get their act together quickly to have an impact.
  15. I think I’m still missing a joker point mate? Needing all I can get here!
  16. Wales v Iran 2-1 Qatar v Senegal 0-2 Netherlands v Ecuador 2-1 England v USA 2-1 Saturday, 26 November Tunisia v Australia 1-1 Poland v Saudi Arabia 2-0 France v Denmark 3-1 joker Argentina v Mexico 3-1 Sunday, 27 November Japan v Costa Rica 1-1 Belgium v Morocco 3-0 Croatia v Canada 2-1 Spain v Germany 2-1 Monday, 28 November Cameroon v Serbia 0-1 South Korea v Ghana 0-0 Brazil v Switzerland 3-0 Portugal v Uruguay 1-1
  17. Ange is a diddy who has got very lucky. No tactical ability. Only won the title last year due to VAR not being in place/ dodgy officials. Knocked out of FOUR European tournaments in just over a year. If we signed someone with that (lack of) pedigree it would end in disaster. Ange does not disprove the theory that an inexperienced manager from a poor foreign league is not what we can afford to take a chance on. Gio had at least won a Dutch title and knew our club therefore on paper looks a much better appointment than Ange, who will be out the door in under 12 months from now IF (big if!) we make the right appointment. I meant would you have been happy had we appointed Ange instead of Gio (and he hadn’t joined them a few months before). I don’t think many Bears would have been happy with that. However I will concede that it is not fair to generalise as a lot is down to the individual and not their history, so if it’s a foreigner from Norway or wherever like that Bodo guy then he will get full backing.
  18. I would agree that his motives for his statements are as you state, but it is hard to argue with any of his comments. A case of shoot the messenger but listen to the message perhaps? Under Park's (short) chairmanship, the club seems to have fallen to pieces in several areas. That much seems clear and on that basis and that basis alone his leadership must be called into question.
  19. So close to nailing my joker, damn Aussies having the cheek to score!
  20. Come on R, I got 2 in a row bang on, the Dutch and the Welsh and i'm shooting up the table here!! Dont think the table changes much after that horror for the Argies!
  21. I dont see any names at all on that list that inspire much confidence. Dyche would certainly have the fat Aussies number, but its hard to see it being seen as inspirational. Nobody who has been here before, so no SG or Beale, never even heard of some of the others, and this Knudsen chap who if im right is the Bodo manager, absolutely not, the pressure at Rangers is a million miles away from what he has experienced and I cant see how he would cope, with no British football experience. Thankfully its not my job to get this right, and I must admit to having next to no confidence in Wilson getting it right. Gio was the clear pick last time and he wanted to come and it still took him 3 weeks to get it over the line, and with some of his player purchases in the last couple of windows, I am glad the World Cup is on for a distraction. I am definitely not expecting a quick appointment. That would require planning and professionalism.
  22. Forgot to submit before todays game but hopefully this is ok to put in for the other games? England 3- 0 Iran Senegal 0 - 2 Netherlands USA 1 - 1 Wales Argentina 4 - 0 Saudi Arabia Denmark 1- 0 Tunisia Mexico 1 - 2 Poland France 4- 0 Australia Joker Morocco 0 - 2Croatia Germany 3 - 0 Japan Spain 4 - 0 Costa Rica Belgium 3 - 0 Canada Switzerland 2 - 2 Cameroon Uruguay 3 - 0 South Korea Portugal 2 - 0 Ghana Brazil 4 - 0 Serbia
  23. Have forgotten about this in recent weeks so back with a bang St Midden 0 Rangers 4 Morelos for FGS and a hat-trick
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