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Everything posted by Tannochsidebear

  1. It seems Sky can’t be arsed with our games anymore, is this now the 3rd away game in 4 that hasn’t been shown? I watched the Hearts game in Club72 and it was a pretty good setup. Does anyone know if the club is planning to repeat this, or even to show it in EH? Not sure I can be bothered going through to Easter Rd in freezing temperatures and not getting home till midnight with a 5.30am start, but prefer to watch alongside fellow bears instead of the wife!
  2. Raskin for me, looks a class apart from the other dross on show on Sunday. Mcgregor only had one save I can remember (have i blocked most of this game from my memory already!), but certainly had no blame at either goal so would be up there by default. Of the rest the subs were the best on show, which says it all about the team selection.
  3. Let’s do this Rangers. Battle fever on! These games usually are won by the hungrier team, or a moment of brilliance/stupidity. Would really love to put that pompous arrogant Ange back in his cage today.
  4. And so they continue to ramp up the pressure on the officials. Why say nothing about huge celtic fans Frank Connor (plenty of previous of cheating against us) and Kevin Clancy who are also part of the officials and are so so much worse than Beaton & (celtic supporting) Walsh. I would like to think that these officials all take themselves off social media and dont read papers and listen to phone-ins for the week leading up to a big final like this as only then can they truly believe they can go out and do their job as well as they are able to (which usually isnt great anyway). Sadly I think they will all be lapping it up and looking forward to being the ones in the spotlight. We really have to be 3 goals better than them to get a draw.
  5. The 1987 Skol Cup Final v Dolly was my first Rangers cup final. Since then I have been to an additional 15 league cup finals with us winning 13 and losing 3. My record in LCF v Timmy is 3-2 in our favour. Memorable ones include Ally's overhead kick v Hibs, The Pigeon cup final v St Mirren and the 4-3 Hearts game.
  6. Godrup himself, the best player I have ever seen live in our colours. All hail Brian, as he is the messiah!
  7. That was the year I gave up caring about the HoF. Ricksen especially, half of one good season (when chasing a new deal) in about 5-6 years does not make a HoF candidate IMO. While McCulloch was an extremely limited player, his commitment in our hour of darkness is more admirable than others and Wallace being overlooked seems to be for shall we say non-sporting reasons. I agree with others, if we were to do a HoF right, and we certainly should have, then the criteria had to be strict and definitely has to be for only players whose last game for the club was at least 5 years hence. I dont care what number are inducted if the criteria is so high as we only get legends going in there. If that means a couple of years without inductees, then I am fine with that. Of course that then means no fancy dinner as an earner for the club, which is what it seems to be more about than any sporting merit.
  8. no real standouts for me so went for 2 goal Tav. Best of the rest Borna, Raskin & Kamara. Says it all when the best 4 were all deep lying players who seen more of the ball (and did more with it) than our attacking threats. Missed Tillman, hope he is fit for Sunday.
  9. Ultras groups are generally just the modern name for hooligans, and have no place in the game. After their ridiculous banner today having a public go at our manager the week before an OF final their popularity continues to decline amongst match-going bears.
  10. I’ve been critical of most of the performances under Beale and while today wasn’t free-flowing total football I think today was about as good as it can get at that venue. That pitch and style of the home team makes good football impossible so I’m always happy enough to get the 3 points, no injuries and up the road.
  11. Have to disagree with some responses there. As a supporter who goes to games to watch and support the team, and having had the misfortune of being in and around theUB at several away games over last few years, it is safe to say I’m not a fan. From close quarters many of them spend the match watching what others in the UB are doing rather than what’s happening on the pitch, and the big flags being constantly waved do nothing but block fellow fans view of the game. I also do not support the view that they are responsible for creating the atmosphere at Ibrox. Good performances on the pitch create good atmosphere in the stands. Always have done, always will do. The constant banging of the drum doesn’t turn a dull match into a good one. Then there are the fines the club has received from UEFA purely from the self-serving look at us actions from them with their flares and other nonsense. Why would the club endorse a fan group that takes money directly out of the club?
  12. Nailed it @Bill on both posts. It seems everything UB do is in relation to GB. They clearly admire their work. I’m totally against safe standing at Ibrox, they already stand throughout the game anyway, this just seems a way to be able to hide from cctv, I don’t see it brings anything positive to proceedings for a massive cost when we have so many areas needing this investment, like better facilities for our disabled fans for starters.
  13. Tillman in the second half was almost Laudrup-esque. I can pay the young man no higher compliment.
  14. Borna for me, a smashing game from him and the winning goal as well. Not a great team performance, back to the drivel we have become used to after the heights of Tynecastle. But its another win so happy enough, got to be patient! I thought Cantwell was decent, Tillman too and Ben Davies stock continues to rise, another good performance from him.
  15. Cheers BD, I am planning to be there about 6, not sure if its going to be mobbed or empty, havent been to an away game at Ibrox like this for years!
  16. I’m pretty sure the Bar 72 option is open to all supporters, I hope so as I’m intending going along. Match tickets are scarce so not making it through to Tynecastle and don’t want to just watch at home so this is a great option for me.
  17. No real standout in this game, i've gone for Tillman who worked hard, had a great first half hour, and nobody else done any better. The game as a whole is to be quickly consigned to the history books, we move on to a massive game on Wednesday.
  18. Happy enough with the 3 points but that was yet another god-awful watch. I blame myself partly as after 25 minutes I remarked that this was probably the best start we have made to a game under MB and it could be a big turnaround and a big score, and from almost that moment on it fell away and was turgid. Jack was extremely stupid, and very lucky, and had to be taken off as he wouldnt have got away with another tackle. I thought the penalty was harsh as it hit him from no distance at all from where I was (admittedly at the other end of the ground so wasnt a great view of it). I thought Collum was off his meds with the 3 big decisions in the game as it is definitely not like him to give that penalty and not red card Jack after being forced by VAR to red card an opponent he wasn't even going to book just a minute or so earlier. Cantwell had a decent id f unspectacular debut. He looked very similar to Lowry to me, same sort of style and vision. It seems to be a position we are well off for. MB in his programme notes clearly agrees and says he now has SEVEN players for that position. He says "Todd is someone who connects the midfield and the forwards, similar to Kent, Hagi, Tillman, Lawrence, Wright and Lowry. We have a number of these players who can receive the ball and can create chances and score goals." I suppose in this system he plays usually three or sometimes two of these players so having a bit of choice is desirable. That is now 10 games under MB and we havent lost any, winning 9 out of 10 (should have been 10!) but still most fans leaving the game yesterday were mumbling about how poor the football on show is. An absolutely massive test coming up on Wednesday against a Hearts team who are flying and when they are flying they are a very hard side to beat at Tynecastle. We have won every away game under MB to date, so hopefully this continues this week. I dont care about the performance on Wednesday, if we can somehow get the 3 points I will be absolutely delighted.
  19. I went inside both the retail shop/cafe from one queue and then the fanzone in the other. Both are lovely and should be a good addition for fans who turn up early for games. Going into the shop/cafe, you enter the ground floor where it is all retail dotted about, but you can go upstairs where there is even more retail covering about half the upstairs space, with a small corner showing some stuff showcasing the upcoming museum, and a cafe with some seating areas surrounding it. A DJ is playing non-Rangers music, didnt quite see the point of that. Either Rangers songs with the DJ or just background music that could be played from recordings, no need for a DJ in my opinion but it was a good space. Concrete floors could do with a carpet or better flooring, perhaps that is still to come and they didnt quite have time for it in their rush to get open. I then left there and joined the bigger queue to get into the fanzone around 2.15pm yesterday. My mate had been in for about 30 minutes by this time and heard interviews with Helander, Matondo & Henderson as well as Jane Ross. Standing room only, with some high tables dotted about and a bar at either end, one a full bar and one just for pints. £4.95 a pint and cashless. It all comes to a halt about 2.30 when the bar shuts. All in all I really enjoyed the experience and will definitely make this part of my pre-game routine, much better than sitting in the bookies!
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