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Everything posted by Tannochsidebear

  1. I see there is a Rice mentioned in the first half team in midfield. I cant think for the life of me who Rice is, any ideas? He isn't listed either in our first team squad or the B team squad on the main club website. I'm assuming a young pup? Decent finish from Sima for the first. Chalk up another assist for Borna and another goal for Tav, some things never change!
  2. SPFL will say they wont call for Doncaster's sacking/resignation until the findings of the independent (my arse!) investigation is concluded, which I expect to be on the 33rd of Julember. Due course will have to be followed blah blah etc. Any discussions on the main outlets will reinforce this wait and see approach and not call for Doncaster's sacking.
  3. After posting the above and reading some of the other comments, I went back to page 1 and see that Sterling is listed as a CB there. At 23 I assume he is supposed to be first team material (although the level he has played at to date would not appear to suggest he is first team ready) so are not thinking he is going to be first pick starter at the start of this new season?
  4. A warm welcome back to Leon Balogun, so at least that is two players I have heard of that we have signed this summer alongside the keeper! A decent defender who really got what we were about and, alongside Katic, should not have been let go at that time when we retained/recruited others, all of which have been largely unavailable and in most cases very expensive.
  5. Did he survive the whole interview without getting injured? I'm too scared to watch!
  6. Ball was really disappointing, had a lot of injuries of course, Flo was pretty good although that price tag was just Murray's ego running away with him, and we did recoup about £7M of the £12M pricetag when we sold him. Hendry for £4M was awful business at his age (and the fact he was a big diddy) Pena - least said the better I agree Helander was poor value, only dwarfed by Roofe who I guess isnt on that list as he is still current, but this time next year will be on it and still look dreadful value for the minutes played.
  7. I know I am in the minority here, but I would like to go back to a much larger allocation, that hostile atmosphere is unique and what gives our game an international focus. I understand that the allocations have been unfair in the positioning, but that could be fixed if both parties had the desire to do so. Of course both parties do not have the desire to do so, as they are under pressure from vocal hard-line sections of the support which would rather be staunch than seeing the bigger picture of what this game means to our world-wide appeal and therefore finances. However giving them the wee corner while we get an out of sight section of the piggery is not right. If we are giving them 700 tickets, it should be in the far corner of the club deck where the tv cameras dont see them.
  8. Ach its all Greek to me! In these friendlies there is usually a link, sometimes coaches, DoF's or as part of a player trade.
  9. Thats a strange one! Wasnt aware of any links with them. Is that where Kent ended up?
  10. So we got the first OF game after our massive CL play-off 2nd leg qualifier while tims have a blank week - TICK 4 out of the six games in group stages are followed by an away game - TICK The "random" fixture generator never disappoints. The big huge massive shock is that the tims are scheduled to be at home on 11 November. Someone at the SPFL is getting their jotters. I dont think the fixtures are as blatantly bad as in previous years, but the two points above are huge and can make a difference. We just have to rise above it and get the job done.
  11. The difference is a tough away opener. I know we have to be away as the Champions get their flag day at home on day 1, but we neveer seem to get say St Mirren, we do more often seem to be at Hibs or Aberdeen, while the bheasts get Ross County at home or similar. Not paranoid, just in awe of the random fixture generator!
  12. Things to look for produced by the completely random fixture generator that seldom disappoints; Tough away venue to start, tims have a gentle home fixture First OF game after a Euro qualifier, when tims have an empty midweek Of the 6 post-CL fixture dates, tims to have at least 4 home games Us to have difficult back to back away games at some point, while tims dont. Tims to be away from home on the fixture nearest 11/11 All completely randomly generated of course.
  13. One of the better efforts, hopefully combined with nice shorts/socks and as others have said, as long as we sell them by the bucketload and earn lots of cash from it, that is the primary aim. I may consider buying it next spring when it comes down to about £25 which is about the right price for it.
  14. No way, keep the wee lookatmes up the far end please as far away as possible.
  15. So quite clearly we did NOT have an option to buy at £5M. You would have thought this is a fairly simple situation. If we believed we had such an agreement then either a Wilson or the lawyers have messed up. If we didn’t have this agreement then we were lied to. If we DO have such a clause then invoke it or sue Bayern for substantial compo. Just days after our new CEO says it will all be about transparency, let’s hear it.
  16. Nope, if they sell 250 they pay for 250, and we need to take the hit for the other 550 unsold tickets as police wont allow us to make the visiting fans area any smaller in that corner area. I have always been of the mindset that away fans should be in the highest corner of the club deck, out of sight of the tv cameras, and then you can make the area to suit the ticket sales, have a few rows for segregation and be able to sell a few hundred more to our own fans, and having our own fans in that corner (UB perhaps?) Having travelled a lot abroad with our team, the highest ugliest corner of the stadium is almost always where you end up, (including at the piggery of course) so dont know why we provide a lovely wee corner stand area for our opponents.
  17. Any idea when we go back to pre-season training? I know Beale was wanting most of his transfer work done for day 1, it is usually towards the end of June is it not? While I don’t know any of the players we have signed, I am very pleased that now we’ve got rid of the useless Wilson, we no longer take months to close a deal and we have captured a few of our targets early. As with all new signings I don’t know, I don’t care to read their stats or YouTube clips, I wait to watch them in proper action (not friendlies!) to assess them so I wish the newbies well and look forward to our first proper game to see them. Hopefully we are able to strengthen some key areas further and sell a lot of the players deemed unrequired by MB.
  18. While I bow to my elders who seen him play, I only remember Greig as an absolutely awful manager in the early 80’s. He had 5 seasons as manager after taking over a treble winning side and by the end of his reign we were 5th and were miles behind the bheasts, sheep, and Dundee Utd. 5 titles as a player in 17 years is not a good record either. Posted missing in our troubled years when Sandy Jardine stood tall and fought for us. Never quite understood the “greatest” tag if I’m honest, but again, I have spoken about him to older bears a few times who tell me it’s fitting. No idea why he has got this honour now but congratulations to him and his family, it’s always nice to see one of our own recognised on this scale.
  19. If this is correct I confidently predict we will be away at Aberdeen on the opening matchday of the season.
  20. I wouldnt be playing any of the players leaving. Rangers is bigger than any player. Let them come out at HT or FT (as is suggested above) but MB must use this game to continue to assess who he wants and doesnt want for next season, who works in what positions etc. It matters not a jot about winning this particular game unfortunately, but momentum is important and you always want to finish the season on a good unbeaten run.
  21. Good performance against a poor Hibs side intent on physicality and encouraged by a compliant referee. Having just read the match thread it amazing to see so many different versions of the same game! Positives for me were Soapy MOTM and Hagi’s emotional goal, delighted for the lad and he’s a top top player who will be huge for us next season. Cantwell & Raskin running the show again. It was a really strange setup for me with 3 deep lying midfielders with Jack & Lundstrum being on the wrong sides. It makes much more sense ( and both look far more comfortable) with Jack on right and Lundstrum on left. Numerous examples of this today forcing us backwards as these guys found themselves on the wrong foot. Young Ridvan has qualities, but is just as bad at defending as Borna. Got badly caught out just before HT which should have led to going in level, and gave the ball away numerous times in our own third under pressure. A lot still to learn. Sakala has good moments but is so far short of the quality we need to win a title and progress in my book. All in all, delighted to get another win, and even more delighted there are now only 2 games left to end this miserable and disastrous season.
  22. Cantwell for me too. Raskin too, McCrorie another impressive performance and Souttar our best defender by a distance. I’ve given up on Matondo & Sakala ever being good enough, hope we sell both as part of the “cull” this summer. I will also be raging if we sign Buckland on big money. McCrorie is ready, give him the number 1 jersey and get a cheaper journeyman backup, and spend the money on the areas that need it far more. Perhaps a debate for a different thread.
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