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Everything posted by Tannochsidebear

  1. As is typical of these games, the last 10-15 mins are a bit lacklustre after all the changes. Great take by Danilo to put Matondo in, so therefore the move ends there as Rabbi hits a weak effort right at the keeper with better options available.
  2. The boy Sterling who has replaced Tav at RB, can he not play across the whole back line or is he just a RB and perhaps elsewhere in an emergency?
  3. Holy cow it’s a rare sighting of Kemar Roofe. Careful son, careful!
  4. Are you sure ? Looks like Balogun & Lundstrum central with small donner & Tav still at FB to me?
  5. He looks the type to not be interested in friendlies, but come the important stuff he will be up for it.
  6. First time I’ve seen anything resembling a football player from Dessers there, lovely play to win the pen.
  7. What shape? Where are Raskin, Cantwell, Lammers, Sima all meant to be playing? I see no discernible shape middle to front apart from Lundstrum sitting doing nothing in front of defence and Dessers doing nothing in a central forward area.
  8. Cantwell and Yilmaz cost another goal. Very sloppy. No pace in the game at all, which is fairly typical for a friendly, but as a football match it’s pretty awful to watch. First chance to see Sima, Dessers, Lammers from the start and was looking forward to seeing them but the game is so poor they’ve not been in it much. We look very easy to pass through, and balls in behind seem to always find an unmarked man.
  9. Not going to judge any of the new players in bounce games, but seen enough of some of the old guard to know we are still carrying too much deadwood. We really must get rid of McLaughlin, Lundstrum, Matondo at a minimum, and use the combined £50K pw wages on better options or debt reduction. No more game time or bench places for any of these 3 please, they are lost causes.
  10. Totally lost our discipline……in a friendly. Lundstrum would get a red card for that in a proper game. This is about fitness and avoiding injury, WTF is going on here. Don’t care about the score, but really worried at how we’ve lost our discipline.
  11. The big number 46 is Bassey reincarnated, what a unit! I hope he can develop his game like big Calvin done, he could be a star.
  12. I appreciate Beale is trying to give everyone a chance and build harmony, but there is absolutely no point in giving any game time to the likes of McLaughlin and Matondo. They have nothing to offer us but viewing pain.
  13. I agree. I’ve seen more than enough to see he is not the quality we are looking for and we vastly overpaid for his services. Hoping he just needed time to settle but he will not get into this side ahead of Borna on current or past form.
  14. Another comedy of errors leading to another goal for the Greeks. Gallant effort by the young lad to get the ball off the line but keeper not on same page.
  15. What a dive by Cantwell there for the penalty. Can’t believe that’s been given. Didn’t see first half but seen goal when I switched on, quite a few individual errors involved in that. Better to get these out the way in a bounce game. Looks a decent crowd for a wet midweek night in July against a far from attractive side.I’ve paid for my ticket through CCCS but not a hope in hell I’d ever go to a game like this so I commend those hardy souls attending.
  16. Half time and agent lead 1-0 away from home. I think the Belgians are coming, the Belgians are coming! (Hoping at least a few older ones recognise that line, loved that show!)
  17. Yes if we fail in either this or the final qualifier then we go straight into the Europa League as a pot 1 side, so we have guaranteed group stage football in either the CL or EL, with of course a much higher seeding in the Thursday cup than we would get in the big boys cup. However for revenues we must get into the big boys cup and aim to come 3rd as a minimum.
  18. Nothing easy at this level, but it would be considered a huge failure and put massive pressure on Beale if we do not go through. We must hit the ground running this season. I feel confident we will be good enough to beat either of these sides.
  19. As I was travelling back from hols today I’ve only just caught up with the match thread, and it seems to have been mission accomplished as far as Beale is concerned. A lot of players got game time and there were no injuries. That is all I look for from these pre-season games, they really mean nothing apart from that. We should be seeing sharpness and our shape improving as these games continue to ensure we are ready for Killie on 5th Aug, when the crucial CL qualifier a few days later.
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