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Everything posted by gavin3084

  1. Hope your right mate could do with a right all day session! Just hope u didny get that information fae that dick sean batty lol
  2. Head for battlefield road over near the vic hospital loads of pus and full od rangers fans! bar buddha and the international will be bouncing ad u can drink in in there beer gardens if its nice!
  3. You wouldn't think we had just won the league 2 days ago reading this comment, some people are just never happy! we could win the champions league next season and you still wouldn't be happy! My advice 2 you is mate away and get your hole or something you've obviously not had it in a while and enjoy us being champions 08/09!
  4. Not been on gersnet as much as i would have liked in recent months but i am not suprised that there is still some WS bashers in here! What does the guy need to do? he came in at a time when we were on our backs and he steadied the ship when he came in, then took us within 90 minutes of the league and uefa cup and we only lost the league due to the fact the spl are clueless fucks! Won a cup double. Found us a arguably a better centre half than cuellar in big boughy when nobody thought that was possible including me! Then a shaky start to the season seen us going out of europe to Kaunas which was unacceptable then falling behind 7 points to the paedophiles he lifted us again for a last assault on the league and he has done it! Right now is not a time for change we need stability, just look at the cunts from the east end, even if they do get a half decent manager its going to take time for them to get a good balance as i can see a few of there players leaving in the summer! So i think walter (Mr Rangers) will again go on to have a sucessful season again next year with the league and europe hopefully we can look to the last 16, but i expect us to go back to the boring 4-5-1 in europe, still if it gets us to the last 16 ill settle for it!
  5. do u know this for sure and where could you find out for defo?
  6. Does anybody know whether they are opening ibrox today for the team coming back with the trophy?
  7. Spot on super ally at the end of the day it's points that count not finesse!
  8. Gisbeer it's not always possible to play flowing football and win games especially for the old firm. Though the recent times has showed more teams having a go at us they stuff there midfield and defence (exactly what we did in europe last season) it does not let us play football we have got players in there that can play decent football but a lot of the time it's a scrap more than anything else in the spl. it's ok trying to play decent football and win games but i think it's i bit naive to think if we play great football we will win the league. Remember the tommy burns celtic teams every celtic fan used to love watching them play, they say it was 1 of the best celtic teams they have watched from a footballing point of view, but what did they win?????? I would rather win trophys and championships than the team been labelled the same as tommy burns team "GREAT FOOTBALLING TEAM BUT NEVER WON THE LEAGUE" at the end of the day gisa its the championship that counts!
  9. I don't care how we win the championship as long as it comes home! You keep batting on about not doing it on our own merit! forget celtic it's us that are producing the results at the moment it's us that scoring the goals to fire us to top of the league! Would you rather that we were playing excellent football and not winning the league or grinding the results out and winning the league i know what i would prefer!
  10. Quote: The opposition are more often than not playing us off the park. Think back to St Johnstone up at McDermaind Park. They could've put us out on our arses all because we sat back and invited them onto us. That's just not true. We are dominating most games and are far more comfortable than we've been for a long time. Agreed 100%! A would take an educated guess and say that you don't go to ibrox or away games if you think teams are playing us off the park in fact do u even watch games on the tele with that comment. I honestly don't know how you can make that statement crazy!
  11. Another thing ive noticed aswell the amount of people on the forum that are still battering on about the kaunas game it was a bad bad night in the history of rangers and cost us a lot of money and could have been avoided if we had brung in mendes and few others before the game but ffs your going back to last july its done, finished, were out, lets move on. Domestically were top of the spl, in a cup final, in a cup semi-final scored the most goals in the spl,concedied the least amount of goals in the spl, got the top scorer in the spl, got the top assist player in the spl, got the brightest young talent in the spl, i could go on but were in a very good position for winning another domestic treble and yet far to many people are still puting the team and manager down get a grip, you might never like walter smith and thats fine but the more fans or so called fans that put the manager down the more detromental it becomes to the club!
  12. I'm not the biggest fan of walter smith, but ffs can fans on here not just back the manager instead of every opportunity slate him, i was reading the the transfer threads post and it went from a transfer rumour about james mcarthur and alex smithies to getting rid of smith ffs its a joke. Were at a critical part of the season and we all need to be 110% behind the team and the manager. Were back where we belong to the top of the league lets get behind the team and manager and roar them on to the championship instead of putting them down all the time!
  13. A take it walter would still be gaffer then! nobody's mentioned the manager!
  14. To be fair gazza weve scored the most goals in the spl and weve got the best defensive record as well so it can't be all that bad. Last season was bad because nearly every game he played 4-5-1 but this season at least he is going 4-4-2 for the majority of games. I just think smith isn't a gambling manager he won't commit himself unless he needs to. He just set up yesterday not to get beat! whether thats right or wrong is another debate but the draw is more favourable to us in my eyes!
  15. big kirkdinho he is the man!
  16. I can honestly say that if my team are playing rubbish i am not going to get off my seat and jump out the stadium or house, pub wherever! I was at the game yesterday in fact ive only missed 1 game home and away all season and ive endured many a games like yesterday but just cause there playing bad doesn't mean you get up and fuck off you stay and support or sit in your armchair and cheer them on!:rfc:
  17. whit kind of rangers man are you coming out with a statement like im glad a stayed in ma pit?
  18. I can't believe any sane football fan never rangers fan would disagree that he is not a natural finisher. I agree that his all round game is not the greatest but his goalscoring record come on your having a laugh! he is only 25 and is already the second highest spl scorer in history. Mibay you've caught big boydy pumping your missus or something a dont't know but you've certainly got an agenda against him!
  19. For queen and country lets fuck these foreigners tommorow!
  20. Has anyone heard this rumour about boruc failing a drug test and the papers have pictures of him snorting the marching powder? Thats a few people today told me about it and 1 guy in particular who is usually quite useful with his storys has siad that its going to come out in the papers this weekend! dont know whether this is just another rumour started by someone or whether it is true!
  21. Didn't know him personally but always sad to hear of a fellow bluenose losing his life at a young age. R.I.P GARRY
  22. Still a noted term down our shores gribz. thats our five-a-side team name except obviously its the the queens 5 lol
  23. Boyds record v celtic is played 22 scoring 1! it isn't a good record but i would still play him evry time if he gets a sniff of a chance in the box he is always liable to take it. He is the only natural finisher we have so i think scoring at parkhead would give him even more confidence its just a monkey on his back that he can't shake off but mark my words once he does eventually shake it off it will open the floodgates and that scum from the east end will start fearing the big man!
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