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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Neil is hugely attracted to the Disco Lights and he is in the mood for dancing. Uptown Funk is never enough.
  2. Why doesn't Peter get the Compliant Officer, Clare White to overturn Brendan's decision?
  3. I would like to thank Brendan for .................................................................................................. Lincoln Red Imps.
  4. The Gang Hut strategy is quite clear. There is a debate to be had, whataboutery sets the parameters of the debate. It's no longer a debate because you are being told the set words and phraseology that are permissible for usage. If you accept your opponents demands and use of language, then it's not a debate. You are being lectured at. The thing is, PQ need Rangers supporters participation to legitimise their concept of debate; perhaps they should advertise for useful idiots? It was a lot easier ten, twenty years past, you had willing Producers phoning up and pretending, you had Spiers, and Chris McLaughlin constantly telling lies. There is a constant PQ refrain, 'we want to hear from Rangers supporters'? Any Bear that does contribute; you are not being invited to a debate, you are being lured into participation in an execution.
  5. Neil McCann is a true Rangers. I loved him as a player, and I respect the man.
  6. Helter Skelter. Spirits in the PQ Gang Hut were running high on Thursday evening, the usual two Irish guys and an Aussie were proclaiming Sellik for carrying the Scottish standard in Europe. Sectarianism was hosed down for a time, it's all Rangers and Rangers supporters' fault. After a one nil victory for Valencia(3-zip on aggregate), the Scottish standard was lowered and Steve Clarke was lionised. The Killie manager is clearly at the end of his emotional tether, Big Dick thinks Stevie's thanking Chelsea for taking him away from the west of Scotland, was quite the saddest thing he has heard. We were reminded that Scotland is a great country and the blight that is sectarianism must be eradicated. The two Irish guys, the Aussie, Big Dick, Liam McLeod, .... et al did not mention, let alone discuss the sectarianism and coins aimed at Kris Boyd. Further, the antics of several thousand Yahoos running amok in south east Spain were not up for discussion either. A Rangers theme pub in Benidorm being set ablaze, the other two being locked and guarded by the Guardia Civil, numerous running battles, six arrests, .... etc was filed under, 'Effigies'. This approach, known as doing a Humza Yousaf, allows the Gang Hut to ignore awkward and inconvenient events that run contrary to the pervading narrative. It's the way ahead for new, modern Scotland. Saturday morning had Shereen Nanjiani's show with Angela Haggerty as one of three guests. Sectarianism was on the menu again, Angela revealed her Irish catholic roots, her parents stories were a lament of discrimination, and she co-founded 'Call it Out' with Jeanette Findlay after a priest was attacked at St Alophonsus church. Angela ignored Kris Boyd's experience and Spanish affairs do not progress the narrative. Off the Ball followed Angela's objective views, DrStu' is backing Michael Stewart's call for strict liability. Oh, and whataboutery should be banned because it's unhelpful. He told us the concept of no whataboutery derives from the Slugger O'Toole website. Sections of society must take ownership and responsibility for their failings, whataboutery runs interference on progress. He gave an example of Jim White wearing an orange marching band uniform. I would have thought something that occurred thirty-odd years past could have been trumped by the petrol bombing of a Rangers bar in Benidorm a few days previously? However, that is whataboutery and well, who takes ownership for that, if we are not allowed to run interference on the narrative? This new modern Scotland will be a mine field. I mean, can we mention a current BBC Scotland show Host being exposed as shouting, 'can you spot a handsome h-u-n' at Queen Street station? How about the same Host labeling Rangers supporters, 'H-u-ns and typical orange wankers'? Or, the same Host as a columnist in the Daily Record claiming Rangers supporters ransacked Barcelona's cathedral in 1972? All these examples are more relevant than Jim White's choice of evening wear, but conveniently absolve DrStu' of being a perpetrator in the issue because whataboutery bans the raising of such questions, even though from a Rangers supporters' point of view, they are most germane to the case. The stick has been created, now DrStu' wants a creative input in fashioning the weapon. It will be honed to batter Rangers and Rangers supporters. DrStu' likes control, he ridicules Jim Traynor's return to national TV. We find out the nine seconds of TV exposure was condensed from a 25 minute interview. DrStu' celebrates Traynor's heavily edited appearance because the presentation complies with BBC Scotland's narrative. The other 24 minutes and 51 seconds of the interview lie on a PQ floor, and that is the cause of triumph and ridicule with someone constantly demanding both clarity and transparency. Control is heady, and it leads DrStu' into increasingly regular auditions to be Master of the Universe. In the wake of Peter Tork's death, he posed a quiz question as to which notorious character had been penciled in to be the fifth Monkee? Two hours of no one providing the 'correct' answer, DrStu' reveals the name, Charles Manson. Everyone knows the the obsessive murdering control freak(Charles, not DrStu') brought nasal harmony to the Beach Boys. The second half of Off the Ball began with an apology, Manson was not up for Monkee selection, because he was in the jail. Hey, hey, we're the flunkees, BBC Scotland's continued approach to sectarianism!
  7. No, it's not necessary. The ever helpful, Hugh Keevins has thankfully redefined sectarianism. Yep, that Hugh Keevins, the one that habitually described Ibrox on a Champions League evening, "as being akin to a Nuremberg Rally". A few tunes over the PA including the Dambusters March(film theme tune) had the Shugster equating Ibrox with the notorious Nazi gatherings, where the Race Laws were launched. Those Race Laws that eventually saw several million Jews, Masons, Gypsies, Downs Syndrom, ...................... etc marched into the gas chamber. Hugh explained, when Celtic fans sing Orange bastard at Kris Boyd, it's because he played for Rangers. However, when Rangers supporters sing f-e-nian bastard at Steve Clarke, it's because he is a catholic. Hugh did not want to talk about effigies, the greater sin being the £30,000 of damage done to the Parkhead toilets by Rangers fans.
  8. Let's hope our away support sees the bigger picture? Any hint of sectarian chanting, we will be crucified. I want the post match narrative to be about a good Rangers performance and a strong win.
  9. Clarke's outburst has forced Clare White to pay this price. Truly, the Emperor's New Clothes.
  10. We have played Killie a lot this season, we keep hearing the Killie Boys being belted out. Of course, we get accused of singing the proscribed Billy Boys. Here's the thing, is Steve Clarke okay with the Killie support celebrating wading up to their knees in Ayr United blood? The First Minister is a proclaimed supporter of the Honest Men, is she comfortable with Killie fans wading up to their knees through her blood? We should be told, since the Scottish Government are again making statements.
  11. BBC Scotland cannot help themselves, their reporting of the three arrested includes mitigation : "The texts were sent to 36 year old John Beaton following the Rangers v Celtic match at Ibrox on 29 December 2018. The official was criticised after Rangers striker Alfredo Morelos was not punished for several incidents in the 1-0 win over Celtic" The second sentence takes another swipe at the young Columbian and justifies the ensuing vile behaviour towards John Beaton.
  12. To be fair, R2D2 has both more mobility and personality than Michael Stewart.
  13. Good to see the bouncing ball reintroduced. Diarmid O'Hara was News Editor the last time the lyrics of a song were printed at the bottom of the screen. Not attempting to shoot the messenger, Chris McLaughlin; when will the lyrics of Sean South be highlighted by a bouncing ball at the bottom of the screen?
  14. Why has James Dornan MSP not been invited to this meeting? I demand an invitation to James be extended reference further meetings. James brings a special insight into such matters.
  15. Editorial Fair? On BBC Scotland's website, there is a 50 second clip of Killie's red card last evening. Currently, it's their second item and poses the question, "was Kilmarnock keeper Bachmann's red card a joke"? The camera angle is singularly from behind the near post, it's blurred, the offending left arm is furthest away, and does not answer the question posed. Last night's Sportscene showed the high angle, a lit graphic cone clearly shows Bachmann raising his arms, cocking the left, before releasing into Kamara's face. I am referring to the clip posted by Ian from Ibrox Chat. Why has the Editor of BBC Scotland's website posed a question quoting Clarke's conclusion, "the decision is a joke", and not answered the question by utilising the clip shown on BBC Scotland's Sportscene?
  16. Carry on Constable. Sunday morning's TV schedule includes an excruciating sixty minutes entitled 'the Big Questions', hosted by Nicky Campbell. The privately educated Jambo provides opportunity to a recurring cast to express their emotions on a whole menu of social and political turmoil. Most of those appearing are addicted to appearing and baring their very souls. I suppose the big question that is never discussed is exhibitionism. Of course, the Host is the very epitome of, 'the look at me, look at me' burgeoning culture. Days after birth, Nicky was adopted by a middle class Edinburgh family, attended St Andrews Uni', wrote jingles for Northsound in Aberdeen, pitched up at BBC Radio One, ...................... etc. We know this because Nicky penned his auto-biography fifteen years past. The twist was Nicky's biological father was an Irish RC, who volunteered for IRA service in the mid to late 50s. The height of that republican campaign was the continuous explosive destruction of pillar boxes. The exposure was intense and Nicky rocks angst better than any other middle aged white male. The sensitive culmination arrived at Tynecastle when the then manager of Sellik, Neil Lennon was attacked track side by John Wilson in 2011. The boy in maroon was the talk of the toon, he was charged with aggravated assault. At his jury trial, we found out Wilson himself was RC, and only the discredited head of security(among a dozen folks at the tunnel) that evening, heard Wilson scream, 'f-e-nian bastard'. Wilson was jailed for assault, but importantly the attack was not motivated by sectarianism. Interestingly, the morning after the assault, on BBC national radio, Campbell posed the question, 'Lennon's attacker could be a Rangers supporter pretending to be a Hearts fan'? Obviously, Nicky Campbell suffers from confusion, but he is always confused the right way. As a Jambo he is clearly embarrassed that such an incident occurred at Tynecastle, but what motivated him to deliberately run interference by pointing the finger at a notional, pretend Rangers supporter? It was the path of least resistance and he knew in the confines of the BBC, such a ridiculous accusation would gain purchase. In fact, it has enhanced his career. So, Sunday's Big Questions is located at Hutchesons' Grammar School, the topic is, 'Identity', and some well kent names are in the audience, James Dornan MSP, Chris McLaughlin of catholic voices, Rabbi Jonathon Romain, ....... etc. The Researcher is Caitlin McKenna. Normally, I switch over, pick up my book, or make a cuppa; but I knew given the circumstances, there will be an introduction to the latest useful idiot. It will be someone aspirational, grasping at the opportunity of exposure. It will be emotional, he/she will establish a background that lends integrity and gravitas to the outburst. It will be Phil McFournames-esque in presentation. Sitting in the front row next to Chris McLaughlin, is Jenny Constable. I am guessing, thirtyish, bold, and desperate to improve her career prospects by taking the path of least resistance. We have endured several folks suffering identity crisis, Seeks, Hindus, Muslims, .... all prioritising their preferred prejudice. Being Scotland, the Referendum is raised, there those proclaiming their identity as Scots, and those British. All legitimate political aspirations. The culmination is Jenny, she explains she was a No voter, but changed her mind post-referendum because of Brexit. All legitimate thus far, she steal herself and gives out on her provenance, she is the grand daughter of a Minister, her upbringing is the Church of Scotland, it's getting more Phil. Courage taken, she launches into what she has been primed to say. Rangers supporters are frightening, they are terrifying, they are the epitome of British nationalism, and finishes with, they are a disease. Well done Jenny, the stage was delivered and you delivered. You will be the toast of the various organs listed on your Linkedin page. Like Angela Haggerty, you will be a regular on BBC Scotland soonest. You have paid your dues, passed the rite of passage, it's time to collect. Make sure you talk to Spiers, Nicky, and Billy Dodds, they'll tell you the limits of exploitation.
  17. Okay. In the interests of both clarity and transparency, two words oft' repeated by numerous commentators on BBC Scotland; who are the Editors? Sportscene is the ONLY show on TV that refuses to run credits.
  18. Gang Hut Speak. Looking through BBC Scotland's website this morning, I note they have a most peculiar take(spin) on events effecting Kris Boyd yesterday. Of course, the article is unattributed. It begins : 'Kilmarnock striker Kris Boyd has criticised Celtic fans after being hit by a coin and being subjected to what he considers sectarian abuse on Sunday'. BBC Scotland's multi layered defence of Sellik begins with redefining sectarianism, are we to believe that only Kris Boyd considers being subjected to to continuous chants of, 'you're just a fat orange bastard', is an expression of sectarianism? Obviously, in the PQ Gang Hut, being referred to as an orange bastard is a term of endearment. The piece goes on, 'The former Rangers and Scotland striker had been warming up as a substitute when apparently struck by an object'. Having watched BBC Scotland's very own Sportscene last evening, there is no ambiguity, the footage clearly shows a pound coin striking Boyd's arm. Why the need for the adverb, 'apparently'? Now, this particular adverb could have been utilised to speculate on the source of the coin, the Green Brigade. Sportscene stated the coin emanated from, 'the crowd'; they didn't speculate on which set of supporters, let alone specify a grouping. It allowed Michael Stewart to include the coin thrown at Livi. Remember, that coin thrower has been arrested, charged, and appeared in court. Whoever tossed the pound coin at Boyd will be arrested, charged, and appear in court, the same time as the Fernando Ricksen lighter thrower at ra Stade de Gadd, 18 years ago.
  19. I am hearing Sandy Easdale has already bid for Lowrie's locks?
  20. A team of young Scots travel to the middle east and compete in an international tournament. They are up against clubs with considerable cache ie Real Madrid, Roma, and Bayern Munich. You would expect the national broadcaster would be willing to celebrate the considerable achievement of such a team of young Scots winning the tournament? I hope the Colts get to parade the trophy at half time against Killie this coming Wednesday?
  21. Sellik were carrying the standard for Scotland in Europe. The usual two Irishmen(Pat Bonner and Tom English), plus Peter Houston and Liam McLeod confirmed it during commentary. It is a well rehearsed line, usually Australian, Scott McDonald strangles the line. It's the confusion, words like, Champions, Standard, and Scotland, all in the one sentence, ah mean? Another line synonymous with this season's PQ coverage is, 'in reality this not a Europa Cup match, Sellik face a champions league fixture tonight'. Liam McLeod was most anxious to parrot the line reference Sellik's Europa Cup group. Directly, he compared it with Rangers grouping, we were not facing the same caliber of opposition. Last night, Pat Bonner opened with line, Valencia are champions league. Liam dutifully reinforced the line before commentary. I get it, the separate entity are champions league in their approach and application. The notional Sellik got fcuked 0-2. Surely, the Compliance Officer can help, she was sitting in the comfy, green heated seats in the north stand?
  22. DrStu' Goes Full Tonto! Yesterday was Thursday, thus we are treated to 45 minutes of BBC Radio Scotland's Media Review. John Beattie and Anne Marie Watson are hosting, whereas Dr Eammon O'Neill and DrStu' are sitting extremely comfortably with their preferred prejudices. Anna Burnside contributes gender balance and nothing else. The idea is they discuss stories making the biggest waves in the week's media. The reality is an unmissable cabaret. DrStu' brings one of his many faces to the gig, the pompous prig. O'Neill spends most time establishing both his victimhood and journalistic credentials. Two thirds of the show was dominated by discussion on Billy Mitchell. Who is Billy Mitchell? Apparently, Billy Mitchell appeared on last week's Question Time. As they administered a right good kicking to Billy Mitchell, I realised I had saw part of the particular episode of Question Time, broadcast from Motherwell. This guy, replete in a red shirt(both DrStu' and Dr Eamonn insisted it was orange), sitting in the audience battered the SMP's Fiona Hyslop MSP. Holding a sheath of papers as a prop, he challenged the economic case for independence. Waving the papers, he claimed it was Salmond's proposition, predlcated on a barrel of oil selling for $115. He stated oil had never reached such a price and, "if you go down the Barras, you get one for a tenner". It was a decent line, well presented, and the audience mostly applauded. Fiona Hyslop MSP has been Minister for everything, I suspect she highlights the shallowness of the Scottish Government talent pool. She smiled cluelessly throughout her haranguing. At the time, I wondered why Fiona did not deal with the guy in the red shirt in her usual manner? Why didn't she just eat him? I don't think Fiona could consume Mitchell in one sitting, but a bit of effort would see him gone by putting the leftovers between a couple of slices of bread. Billy Mitchell's crime is to have appeared on Question Time on four separate occasions. DrStu' and Dr Eamonn demanded to know how he had achieved this feat? Billy Mitchell claims he was invited. The two Docs screamed, "who issued that invitation"? Beattie read out a couple of bland BBC Scotland statements. The twa' Doactors claimed bias, Question Time's production staff were in the dock, accused of undermining Scotland's legitimate search for emancipation. Empathy, as a license fee paying Rangers supporter, I agree BBC Scotland are biased. Now, as discussed, Sportscene is the only show on TV that refuses to run credits. Question Time does run credits, the Production staff includes Annie McGuire, a sometime co-host of DrStu' on 'Off the Ball', why doesn't he ask Annie? Oh, and whom do we ask? Billy Mitchell is no mystery, I found out in a few minutes of dabbling on Google that Billy is a former official UKIP candidate for Euro' elections. He polled 34 votes. If Mitchell's constant appearances on Question Time is such a threat to the two Docs' political aspirations, why not organise a similar demonstration to the threat posed by Nick Robinson. You know a couple of thousand descending upon PQ with full colour portrait banners, spur of the moment stuff. You would want to stop Billy Mitchell doubling his vote, 68 crosses in the box demands immediate action. Anyways, after thirty minutes the show moves on to discussing Jennifer Aniston's fiftieth birthday. DrStu' cannot be bothered and issues forth, "I am not a big fan of judgemental media reference folks' private lives". Read that again and look below as to what DrStu' said several minutes before about the Devil that is Billy Mitchell : 1. He lives in Livingston and plays the flute. 2. He is a member of a protestant marching band. 3. He is known for wearing England tops. 4. I mean, a Scot in an England jersey, that does not play well in a new modern Scotland. As stated in the title, DrStu' goes full Tonto. It's just as well he is not a fan of judgemental media reference folks private lives. Actually, "new, modern Scotland" is a phrase that sounds very Tony Blair. Is DrStu' morphing into a similar grasping aspirationalist? Further, both Docs were anxious to provide the listeners with an acceptable alternative to Question Time. BBC Scotland's new channel, launched next week is a new, modern, and bold channel. Again, the repetition of those words, the future is bright and it can be controlled, our way. As Rangers supporters, we agree that there is a bias, but with James Cook as Editor of the new, modern, and bold channel, I don't think we'll be marching together into the sunrise. Lastly, another rehearsed line for the Docs was, Question Time is old and it's a clapped-out format". Both spat it several times. DrStu' in your 67th year and weekly multiple appearances on the National broadcaster for quarter of a century; you are old and clapped-out, how do we get rid of you?
  23. Jum loves flicking his tongue at cow pie.
  24. Tonight, Big Dick announced that Jum Spence had been elected Chancellor of Dundee University. Actually, Jum was unopposed. Surely, another Dundonian such as Plug from the Bash Street Kids, Soapy Soutar, or the Bairn from the Broons could have stood?
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