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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Dear BBC Scotland, As a BBC License fee payer and Rangers season ticket holder, I approved of your actions in the immediate wake of Kilmarnock's manager, Steve Clarke being the subject of sectarian chanting at Ibrox during the Scottish Cup replay. The incident was highlighted on your Sports programmes on both radio and TV. Much needed discussion developed and the incident moved on to the News. The next afternoon's and evening's news was particularly helpful, you showed the section of the Ibrox crowd singing and provided the lyrics at the bottom of the screen highlighted by a bouncing ball. The BBC Scotland conclusion of strict liability to solve this matter has stimulated further debate. Last evening, I sat at Ibrox for the Scottish Cup quarter-final replay against Aberdeen. During the 63rd and 89th minute of the game, the entire Aberdeen section of supporters chorused the very same song aimed at the aforementioned Steve Clarke. This time the subject of the ditty was Rangers manager, Steven Gerrard. The lyric had been changed to inform Mr Gerrard that, "he was a sad orange bastard". Further, there were also choruses of, 'No H-u-ns at Hampden' and, 'Go home you H-u-ns'. I know BBC Scotland is Editorially Fair because you told me so in correspondence. Thus, I was surprised when these incidents were NOT mentioned last evening. Hopefully, this afternoon's and evening's news will once again deploy the bouncing ball? This is most important because during the Steve Clarke sectarian speech discussion, long term contributor to your sports shows, Wullie Miller penned a piece emphasising with the Killie boss. He was grateful that Aberdeen removed him from the East end of Glasgow, like Clarke's move from Paisley to Chelsea. Further, Mr Miller gratitude was based on, "there is no bile in Aberdeen". I know you treat people(s) without favour or discrimination and can rely on both accurate and objective reporting of this matter. Yours Aye, 26th of foot.
  2. Ian, Could you re-post the above in PQ Musings? It's important reference the time-line. Thank-you.
  3. Tribalism or Sectarianism? PQ's weekend starred T800 Model 101 aka Stuart Cosgrove aka DrStu' aka a cybernetic android disguised as a human. DrStu' leveled the pump action shotgun at one target after another. Thursday's media review had him opining, "I am a BBC License Fee payer and I am a Scot". I have heard this expression before, usually disgusted Rangers fans are uttering the statement. DrStu' ended a discussion on BBC Scotland's new second TV channel by applauding and encouraging a deeper Scots slant on news. His cri de coeur evokes a sense of entitlement. I know it does not work for Rangers supporters, we just receive apologies. DrStu's finger was on the trigger, the left hand worked the action and a round was chambered in the Mossberg 500 weapon. Next up was a discussion on Michael Jackson's music being withdrawn from the public air waves because of mounting evidence of child rape? The Glitter/Saville/Harris analogies were raised by others on the panel, DrStu' was not happy, his rage found comfort in boom-boom time, "I will not support banning or withdrawing Jackson's music. A lot of his songs were collaborations with the likes of Quincy Jones. There were four other vocalists in the Jackson 5, why should they be punished"? You see, DrStu' has just finished his trilogy on the history of soul music, he knows more on the subject than anyone. It's very Donaldesque, he is a denizen of Trumpton. It's twelve O'Clock on the Bandstand and the Trumpton Cyborg's leaden boot steps shudder to a halt on Saturday afternoon's Off the Ball. Rangers skipper, James Tarvenier being confronted by an exuberant Hibby was not helpful. In fact, coin throwing, confrontations, and broken seats were all interference. Despite his co-host, Tam Cowan voicing concern on concealed weapons being carried on to the pitch, DrStu' was having none of it. This was all tribalism and it was masking the real problem raised by Steve Clarke's speech on sectarianism. The 12 gauge was fully loaded and DrStu' became the clinical android as he worked the action and squeezed the trigger : BOOM - on Clyde player Declan Fitzpatrick playing two games unregistered and the club being docked four points, "the SFA saw the name and decided to issue a draconian punishment, where's Chick Young and his comments on catholic education now"? BOOM - Reinforcing his fourth mention of Clarke's sectarian speech, "this the real problem, it highlights a decades old problem in Scottish football. We've had local authorities letting housing on a sectarian basis". BOOM - Steve Clarke being the target of sectarian chanting does not equate with coin throwing, "anyways, we've already seen a linesman having his head bandaged this season, did that stop sectarianism"? BOOM - "Sectarianism needs to be followed up". BOOM - you know we could go on, the Terminator had an itchy finger. The targets will fall when hit, but do they? The scatter gun approach lacks penetration. We have chorused this before, entering into a debate or discussion with an opponent insisting on strict adherence to his/her preferred parameter on use of language; is NOT a debate, it's a diktat. DrStu' has banned whataboutery and he insists Rangers supporters must move on, we should forget about the Rangers Tax Case Blog. DrStu'. like Steve Clarke does not mention Kris Boyd being the subject of sectarian abuse and of course, it weakens both of their arguments. Sectarianism is very much a two way street. Further, Boyd was specifically abused with the word, 'orange' and it's very mention draws light to DrStu's own print statement that Rangers supporters were, "h-u-ns and typical orange wa-nkers". Imagine being lectured on sectarianism by someone who is a perpetrator, whilst said perpetrator is holding a shot gun? Remember, DrStu' constantly tells us that lack of balance and injustice keeps him awake at night. Constant insomnia awaits because the show's guests were James Grady, Chris Sweeney, and Hugh MacDonald. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM. James Grady tells of being pelted by paper aeroplanes at Ibrox, Sweeney wants to plug his book on Thomas Graverson, ..................................... etc. The rapid fire approach is the quickest way of turning live rounds into empty cases and by the end of an hour, DrStu' was reduced to sharing an indulgent joke with Big Dick reference Morelos' mother being a mattress. If tribalism is running interference on a specific interpretation of sectarianism, it is also running interference on events less than a fortnight old. Remember Valencia, several thousand Yahoos leave a trail of arson, wrecking bars, fighting police, and stabbings. Where is the follow up on BBC Scotland? DrStu' has a much used favoured phrase, "new, modern Scotland", and he is quick to tell all of us what will be acceptable and not acceptable in this fabled land. I hope he is counting his rounds because a change is gonna come.
  4. Jum has embarked upon investigative journalism and published the conclusions in his Dundee Courier column. PC Murdoch is revealed as a Grand Panjandrum of the Orange Fadouk. Further, his pernicious practices as a Master Mason are aired in an exclusive interview with Soapy Soutar. Stuart Cosgrove PhD is unequivocating in condemnation, "Pc Murdoch is a h-u-n and a typical orange wanker". Clare White, Compliance Officer is also quoted, 'in light of these revelations, it is my recommendation that a two game suspension be offered to Alfredo Morelos'. Next week, Jum will be telling the truth reference Fat Boab and Maggie Broon's divorce. Glue sniffing and constant demands for non-lubricated anal sex drove Fat Boab to demand his Solicitor serve the necessary papers.
  5. Jum has a cheek. Two years past, Jum and his wife were perambulating along their village high street of an evening. A chap on the other side of the road began shouting at the pair, Jum reported the incident to the police. Jum went straight to both print and media and told of the most unpleasant experience. In fact he decreed it as 'terrifying'. He hinted the motive was sectarian. Unsurprisingly, Police Scotland did not arrest anyone for shouting abuse from the opposite side of the road. So, there you have it; a Rangers player at his place of work has a kick and a punch thrown at him, and Jum treats it as a joke. Jum is shouted at and runs to the Polis.
  6. Former Editor of ra Sellik View, Kevin McKenna utilised his Saturday Herald column to proclaim smacking is not child assault. Coincidence? NB : McKenna was allowed to resign his position at ra Sellik View after claiming the IRA bombing of the Enniskillen cenotaph was a legitimate act of war.
  7. Confrontational exuberance or exuberant confrontation? There should be a poll at PQ to decide upon acceptable description of the Rangers skipper having a kick and punch thrown at him by a demented Hibs fan last evening. Just saying, given PQ is Editorially Fair?
  8. The 'Exuberant' Hibee confronting(courtesy of BBC Scotland) Tavernier in the last seconds, was the nearest any Hibee had got to a Rangers player in the first half. We should be further ahead.
  9. Well done Rangers, I support this move absolutely. I suspect we must prepare for next demands, red meat to eat will encourage further uppity ideas, including the vote.
  10. You know the saddest part of that placard is that those enthusiastic BBC Scotland Dandy Dons will say the same as they said about their fellow supporters holding a banner proclaiming Alfredo Morelos' mother being akin to a mattress, NOTHING. Only last week, Wullie Miller echoed Steve Clarke's statement of thanking Chelsea for removing him from west, central Scotland. He told of his gratitude towards Aberdeen FC for taking him from Bridgeton to the North East. After being domiciled in Furryboots City for five decades, he arrives at the conclusion, "there is no bile in Aberdeen". Richard Gordon, Liam McLeod, Jonathon Sutherland, ..... etc all chorused support. Here's another question for Auntie Beeb's Dandies, given there is no bile in Aberdeen; the Rangers team bus parked overnight in the team hotel in Aberdeen two years past, who carved in two foot high letters, 'HaHa' 66'?
  11. I suspect Pittodrie is the ground without the appropriate license? Certainly, three out of the four stands at the hill of dung would not receive a license at other authorities.
  12. Yesterday, I am sitting in the Dentists, waiting for one of my bi-annual check-ups, and am tempted by a pile of days old Daily Mails lying on the table. I pick the toppermost, it's a different time, last Tuesday and Brendan remains manager of ra Sellik. There are several back pages dedicated to fume and rage. Before Brendan was condemned to always a fraud status, he had strongly criticised Motherwell, Stephen Robinson, and young player, James Scott. They say a week is a long time in politics, doesn't compare with the hectic lives of ra Sellik supporting glitterati. They have all piled in, the usual suspects are in full synchronised fulmination mode. Where Brendan leads, they goosestep slavishly towards the reflected light from those whitened teeth. Growing up in a family of Liberal Party ,members, the Daily Mail was verboten. The paper's owner, Lord Rothermere was a friend of both Benito and Adolf, and most sympathetic to Oswald Mosely. It's heartening to see my conditioning confirmed, Peter Lawwell's man in print is Stephen McGowan and he enthusiastically whips the umbrage. When the diminutive leader speaks, jump into those fully segged jackboots. Andy Walker accused Motherwell of taking cheating to a different level. The incident began when James Scott played on from a throw-in after the ball had been put out of play to allow treatment for Ryan Christie. Ariyibi put the ball in the net and Brendan decreed it against the ethics of the game. Andy Walker was nonplussed, "I know that cheating happens every week in the game but this is taking it to a different level. It was extraordinary to hear such reaction from Stephen Robinson". The 'Well manager had defended his young player. Andy continued, "we've seen this once or twice in England in the last number of years in the lower leagues. I seem to remember Stevie Crawford did it for Plymouth some years ago when there was a bit of controversy in a game. Cheating has always been a part of the game, but that took it to a different level on Sunday". Here is Jimmy Nicholl's memory of a Sellik v Raith Rovers League Cup tie in August'95. The game was tied at 1-1 going into time added on at the end of extra-time, penalties were on the cards. Peter Grant was down injured, the Raith keeper put the ball out of play. Sellik took the throw-in and Pierre van Hooljdonk, instead of allowing Raith to regain possession, knocked the ball down into the corner and waived his team-mates forward. Sellik pressed forward, regained the ball and Andy Walker shot towards goal, the parried ball was netted by Simon Donnelly. Raith were out and it was Andy Walker that took cheating to a different level before it had been taken to a different level. Extraordinary! This week, we've had Chris Sutton being reminded of doing similar for Blackburn Rovers against Arsenal, we all remember the 1989 Scottish Cup final, when Aitken took our throw-in, and two touches later, Sellik had won the cup, and Paul McStay shoving a bottle up his jersey, after it had struck a Rapid player, ...... etc. It is truly amazing that Walker cannot recall taking cheating to a different level in a green'n'grey hooped horror of a jersey. Again, extraordinary!
  13. Oh well, I expect a banner next Tuesday night in the Dolly Pen, 'Shinnie your mother is a mattress', in Doric?
  14. Quick, sign Barrie McKay. I think he is the last player to score for us at Hampden? Oh, just remembered, it's Andy Halliday, he must start.
  15. I was watching Sportscene last evening and their highlights(AlfredoCam) of the Aberdeen v Rangers cup tie contained a several second sequence that encapsulates BBC Scotland's problem. It's the second half and there is a scuffle developing outside Aberdeen's penalty box. The Commentator(Hamilton?) is screaming, "why is Morelos running to get involved"? The slo-mo replay proves it's Kamara who is involved. Those black players in Rangers blue, they all look the same and should be hated the same.
  16. Ah, so Motherwell's goal against your beloved Sellik last week, was the fault of Rangers. Thanks for clearing that up, Provo.
  17. Aberdeen supporters are the worst of many, always claiming the maximum allocation knowing they will rarely sell out. Their case is always strongly argued by Big Dick and the several other Dandies at BBC Scotland. I would give them the number seated in the upper tier of the Dick Donald stand today, barely a third full.
  18. The Sun has abdicated it's responsibility. Brenda's desire for Alfredo is not where it's at, surely the greater concern is the state of the structure of sand castles on Stonehaven beach?
  19. Better second half, notched the equaliser, and a couple of further opportunities to nick it. We remain in the cup.
  20. We have been here before. We are playing in front of Aberdeen, rarely getting in behind. Our passing is slow and ponderous. Jack and Kamara are not controlling their area of the field. I do not think we have won a single free kick in Aberdeen's final third, because the ball is not arriving in a manner that puts uncertainty in the minds of their defenders. Aberdeen are happy to have the game in front of them, continually knocking the ball on, and turning Rangers. They squeeze the game, hustling and supporting, wining several free kicks in our last third. I suspect our best hope of progressing, is to find an equaliser and bring the tie back to Ibrox.
  21. I believe Arfield has declared himself fit? Dependent upon Gerrard's take on his fitness.
  22. From memory, Joel Sked is a Jambo. Shaughan McGuigan is a Raith Rovers fan? Craig Telfer is a Stenhousemuir supporter. Craig Fowler is a Jambo. I noted the show runs credits.
  23. Murdoch MacLennan's name should feature prominently on any banners held outside PQ. It highlights the link and adds another legitimate reason for protest.
  24. Well, to be fair to the former menswear catalogue model, Martin Bain, he told us in his very first interview in the Herald, "I am here to take the blue out of Rangers".
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