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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. They did not send a Journalist along, maybe the subject matter was too diverse?
  2. Why is Humza wearing a black tie? Reference this new initiative, I note BBC Scotland failed to cover the launch. Couldn't they at least sent an effigy, by the time Humza left the Stadium, he would have ensured the evidence was lost?
  3. We outplayed Rovers for over an hour, worked their Keeper on several occasions. We scored a decent goal, wonderful cross from Jones, reminds me of Neil McCann's ability to drop one on the centre's head. The difference between the first hour and the last twenty-five minutes, Steve Davis was off the pitch. Everybody ran about, got pitch time into their legs, no one injured, everything's good.
  4. I ventured on to Killiekickback and ironically there appears to be growing support for blaming last evening's result, on the newly laid plastic pitch. Squirrel humping impacts upon your mental health.
  5. If the club switched on, or even the Louden Tavern was seeking a bit of good PR; they could cut the grass, let the children play.
  6. Grey Granite. A busy midweek of Euro action for four Scots clubs. Four ties equates to eight games, we all pay our license fee, the national broadcaster provides seven live commentaries. Rangers against St Josephs at Ibrox is deliberately omitted. We know why PQ fails to provide a service to elderly, infirm, isolated, .......... etc Rangers supporters. It used to be that we heard post match reaction from opposition managers at Ibrox. It was a mixture of triumphalism and grievance, dependent upon result. Last season, only one opposition manager, Aberdeen's Derek McInnes came to the phone to talk to Big Dick. Interestingly, it was after both Dandy Dons victories at the Stadium, our only two defeats at home in the entire season. On Wednesday evening, we received live coverage of Neil Lennon's post match press conference. We received selected quotes from the Sarajevo manager's appearance at same conference. Last night, Derek came to the mike, selected quotes from the Finnish teams boss, Angelo Alessio bravely met Chick Young at Rugby Park, and an exuberant Conah Quay's gaffer, Andy Morrison lapsed into his Kinlochbervie tones whilst lionising his team. Nothing from Steven Gerrard, well we expect that; but St Joseph's chief coach, Raul Procopio did speak and PQ ignored his words. He said, "The result is to be expected because we lost four nil in the first leg and Rangers are a world class team. I'm proud of my team and it's a dream come true to play at Ibrox". Compliments to Scots teams are no longer welcome at PQ? How about attendances at the four games? We were told just under 25,000 trapped at ra Stydome on Wednesday, 9,000 at Rucby Park, and Liam proudly acknowledged 175 of his fellow Dandies journeying to the Acrtic Circle. No information about the attendance at Ibrox. I believe it to be in excess of 40,000 and was the biggest crowd over the weeks Euro games? It would appear the national broadcaster no longer wants to promote the Scots game? We won't hear whether the tor in Gibraltar contains more granite than utilised to build Aberdeen. Further, we won't hear any discussion on the Scottish Co-efficient, we won't hear how many Scots international were in the Killie team humbled by singing coal men, we won't hear how the side that finished fourth last season containing four players in Big Dick's Premiership team of the year, struggled against reindeer herders and Santa's helpers, we won't hear ......................... etc That's the problem, we pay but we don't hear.
  7. Borrowing a Steve Clarkeism, 'Bye bye Killie'. Now Rangers, when they offer two stands at Rugby Park for our support, tell them to stick it up their arse.
  8. It's continually depressing that the depressive Neil Cameron pens another article about a fellow depressive(street fighting rascal), Leigh Griffiths, as opposed to the massive depressive(much misunderstood), Neil Lennon. Why don't they form a self help group, meet on Sunday evenings inside the Brazen Head; that way it can all be contained within a circle of depression.
  9. On Sunday last, I parked on Brand Street and had several minutes to catch kick-off. I walked on to Whitefield Road and turned right into Ibrox Terrace. Thirty yards in on the right is a recently created kids' football pitch. It is a five-a-side affair, thirty yards by twenty, with five yard wide and one yard tall goals. Behind each goal is large green mesh fence to catch flying footballs. It's construction was part of the refurbishment of Ibroxholm Oval. It has been open for eighteen months and I have seen Kids playing on the facility. Not on Sunday, the grass was the height of the goal frames. Further on up Ibrox Terrace, half-a-dozen Glasgow City employees were working in three pairs, issuing parking tickets to vehicles parked on the Terrace, Ibroxholm Oval, and Merrick Gardens. Two City Council hydraulic lift lorries were waiting to take a couple of vehicles to the city pound. The City Council were easily raising revenue in excess of a grand from those three smallish streets. Those parking have no excuses, every other lamp post has notification of parking restrictions and the abolition of free Sunday parking in Glasgow has had considerable publicity. Given the recent drug related death figures, the local Nationalist councilors insistence on the Hinshelwood football facility being open to locals to improve health, as opposed to being rented out on Saturday afternoons to Rangers for a Fan Zone, and the general constant cry as to the decreasing lack of facilities; is it reasonable to ask how much it costs the council to cut the grass? Surely, if they are accruing a grand or more in under an hour in the surrounding three streets, they can afford £20 for an employee on a tractor-mower to run across the pitch? Failing that, if Rangers inquire as to it's availability as a possible venue for a Fan Zone, I am positive the local Councilors will be out mowing the grass themselves. The hypocrisy of Glasgow City Council, who would have thought?
  10. Deja vu all over again. The last week has just seen more of the same at PQ, We've had another apology from Beeb Scotland, admitting their headline on MoJo's signing from thirty years past, 'Rangers first catholic' was incorrect and later changed it to, 'Rangers first high profile catholic'. The second headline is wrong too, but hey it shows the PQ bigots are beginning to acknowledge facts. Then, there was the removal of a headline. Covering Rangers Europa Cup tie in Gibraltar against St Josephs, 'Rangers avoid Europa Cup upset by defeating St Josephs'. After complaints, Auntie Beeb settled on, 'A comfortable win for Steven Gerrard's Rangers'. Their twitter feed of the game had a couple of lines removed on the stroke of half time, apparently Rangers were hanging on for half-time after St Joe's had created several good opportunities. It's comforting to know that our license fees are being utilised in a proper manner ie an adult enters the room and puts an Editorial red pen through much of the childish contributions. the biggest win away from home for a Scots club in Europe in over a decade should cause so much consternation! Speculation over Tierney's proposed transfer to Arsenal has dominated the entire week. PQ has been assured he will only go for gazillions. It was interrupted momentarily by the transfer of Filip Helander to Rangers. By the late evening, a Scots club paying in excess of £3 million for a Swedish internationalist, was relegated to sixth story. PQ wanted to know where the money was coming from? Oh, and the PQ CSC are laso assuring the readership of two things; Kieran has not asked to go, and he remains a big Sellik man. Self interest always intervenes and Big Dick's comment on Saturday is worthy of recall, "the scoreline at Pittodrie in no way tells the true story of Aberdeen's level of dominance". Compare and contrast with Rangers 0-4 victory away? It's comforting that PQ prefers to talk about things that are close to their hearts. Beeb Scotland's Ceefax and on-line coverage has had a couple of quiz questions to drum up interest in Scots teams participation in Europe. Name Sellik's opponents during the club's UEFA Cup run in 2003, and name Sellik's Euro scorers from last season? Still, it will fully engage the minds of those former Chairs of Sellik Boys Club currently being housed at Her Majesty's pleasure. The collective hatred of all things Rangers at PQ, is something that requires considerable effort. They all endeavour to be seen/heard offering mutual support. Who can forget Big Dick offering special congratulations to Jum Spence twice on Dundee United defeating Rangers in the Scottish Cup, five and six years past? He stated with solemnity, "I know it means so much to you Jim". Thus, with this in mind, might I remind all sailing the good ship Pacific Quay, last night's League Cup result - Montrose 1 St Johnstone 0? It would appear the Saints failed to avoid a League Cup upset. Who is going tell DrStu', I know it means so much to him. On Thursday evening, PQ has promised live commentary from Finland and Rugby Park. Some bugger will be deemed het and left in a room to watch a screen showing RTV, which allows Big Dick to claim they are all across events involving Scots clubs.
  11. Let me guess, Neil Cameron has penned that line?
  12. The first time I saw Johnston was Halloween'81 at Ibrox. I had travelled a long way on leave, to get to Ibrox to take in the league fixture against Partick Thistle. It was a grey Autumnal afternoon, but I was delighted to see Rangers. The attendance was just under 20,000 and we dominated the ball and created few opportunities. Thistle fashioned two through balls on to the young precocious 18 year old leading their attack. He evaded defenders' lunges in both ball takes, moved in on our keeper, and finished clinically. Thistle won 0-2. Nearly 8 years later, we signed Mo' and I was delighted. He was a real deal team player, never chucked it. Enjoyed the Podcast.
  13. Endeavours? I spoke with several Oxford United fans yesterday, a couple of the guys got access to Bar 72 through their company having an office in Glasgow. They enjoyed their day thoroughly, the trip proving popular with over a thousand of their fellow Yellows. One of the lad's sister works at BBC Oxford and she was surprised at the blunt refusals from PQ to furnish their sister station with commentary, live updates, and text updates. Like all BBC regional stations, Oxford provides these services to both viewers and listeners for supporters in their broadcast footprint ie Reading, Swindon Town, and Oxford United. Apparently, there had been a few discussions and confusion over, 'Rangers dispute with the BBC'. I endeavoured to provide an objective appreciation on BBC Scotland's dispute with Rangers supporters paying their license fee. The Return of the Hag. The spectre of Lyra McKee's murder is dissipating and Angela Haggerty is again being wheeled into numerous BBC Scotland studios to vent forth on an entire spectrum of issues where she is deemed expert. Last week, three exposures on radio included twice on Shereen Nanjiani's show(current affairs) and once on Kay Adams show(an appeal for a more measured approach during on line debate). Obviously, a Producer or a grouping of Producers(what is the collective noun for BBC Scotland Producers) like the sound of Angela's voice! Angela's on line presence is the epitome of the measured approach. On the night of Lyra McKee being shot dead by a balaclava clad republican, her twitter feed was a case in point. Another contributor set out the extreme circumstances surrounding the young Journo's death ie a line of police being confronted by a hundred youth who had lobbed in excess of fifty petrol bombs at the police, and had several shots aimed at them from an automated pistol; Angela replied it was not an unusual occurrence. Further, stating it was a usual Saturday night event was most measured. The last Journo murdered in Northern Ireland was during 2001. I am mystified as to Angela's frequent appearances, because she appears vacuous. On Saturday morning, the first twenty minutes is taken up by Andy Murray's return to SW 19. Shereen is particularly delighted that Andy has teemed up with Serena Williams for the Mixed Doubles. She suggests the team should be known as, 'SerAndy'. Angela's only contribution was, "ah don't get it, it sounds like Sir Andy, is that the point"? We a\re all beneficiaries of Angela's measured approach. Whenever Angela appears, there is a guarantee that she will state, "ahm fae the Isle of Bute", followed by, "ahm 33", and concluding, "ahm a big Sellik supporter". I propose Angela is worthy of a sobriquet. I suggest, 'Angela Interesting Haggerty' ? Let's hope Love Island is relocated to Bute next year, Angela can say she is from the Isle of Bute, she is a big Sellik supporter, and in keeping with measured interest, "ahm 34". As a Rangers supporter, or as Angela would say on line, 'a member of der Klan'; I would say that, wouldn't I? Big Hooses. We know DrStu' has been heavily exercised with Big Hooses down south during the tenure of our last two national managers. DrStu' was demanding both Gordon Strachan and Alex McLeish sell their family homes in Engerland and commit to Scotland. The current Boss, Steve Clarke also has his family home(Big Hoose) in England's green and pleasant land, but no demand as yet from DrStu'. We should be told why? DrStu's green steak of jealousy is regularly exposed when the salaries of his fellow BBC presenters are revealed. Gary Lineker, Chris Evans, Jeremy Vine, .... et al - they all have numerous Big Hooses and DrStu' resents contributing in part to their purchase through paying his license fee. Of course, DrStu' has told us on numerous occasions about his Big Hoose in Dennistoun. On Saturday, he revealed he was once again off on holiday to Sri Lanka. Further, his motivation for buying his property(Big Hoose) in Sri Lanka was the location is called Kinross Beach. Now, I wonder if Gersnetters are allowed to feel resentment about contributing in part through our license fees? As DrStu' often says, "it's the hope that kills you". I note last week, Sri Lanka was advertising for two Executioners, the first appointment in over 45 years. Here's hoping.
  14. Michael Stewart has a firm hand on the tiller of VAR. We will be subject to it soon enough, It's Rob McLean and Michael Stewart commentating on Tuesday evening in Gibraltar.
  15. It's time we(Rangers supporters) took control of our club's history. The MoJo anniversary is once again being utilised to state he was our first RC signing. The first fifty years of our club, 1872 to 1922; we signed a few dozen RCs, the same number as most other Scots clubs. Robert McIlroy's Rangers Historian listed most of the names thirty years past. Names like Archie Kyle, five years as a regular player, over 200 appearances, and a great crowd favourite. Sellik's first ever goalscorer, Neil McCallum had played for Rangers, Doc' Kivlichan signed for Rangers twice, another fans' favourite. On returning from Sellik, he considered he had returned home. He went on to be Sellik's club Doctor for many years. Anyways, you get the message. Even when MoJo signed, John Spencer was on the books, the blatts filled their front pages five years before, of Spencer leaving John Bosco RC secondary school on his last day, before reporting to Ibrox. As already mentioned, it should not be forgotten that ra Sellik made a complete arse of their attempted re-signing. Finally, why can't MoJo return to Scotland? Nothing to do with Rangers supporters. I look forward(as usual) to the Podcast.
  16. I am awaiting our Justice Minister, Humza Yousaf tweeting that Stevie Gerrard is off to Newcastle. I feel I need the confirmation that he is staying.
  17. Scott, As time progressed after Cuthbert's celebration, I got quite exercised by the continuing lack of comment. You can see PQ's problem, however they frame it, it is a Rangers positive. Erin says warm and fuzzy things about her childhood, her relationship with her father, and the backdrop is Rangers at a time of club turmoil. Remember, DrStu' was at pains during the same period to tell us that Rangers would make it back to the Premiership, but would play most games in front of 8,,000 fans. The rational being the vast majority of Bears are attracted by a SUCCESSFUL Rangers. Further, he knew Rangers supporters who had been season ticket holders and no longer attended because Rangers are a different club. The girl in the picture is a problem for PQ and in the spirit of Espanyolification, is ignored. Similarly, earlier this week, Rangers released record season ticket sales, in excess of 47,500. BBC Scotland's football website, Ceefax, TV and Radio broadcasts, ..................... etc; there is no mention. Only last month, all those means were telling us Scottish football was on the up reference attendances. we were reminded Hibs sold record numbers of season tickets last season, Killie have done similar this close season, Hearts are .... Again, Rangers popularity runs against the pervading narrative, thus ignored. Hence, they separated the girl in the picture from the girl holding the picture.
  18. The Girl in the Picture. It's over a week after the event. For seventy-five minutes the Scots versus Argentina was a most uplifting experience. We succumbed to a 3-3 draw because of a lack of game management, exhaustion, and the international desire to remove the referee from the position as the sole arbiter of the game. In fifty-odd years of watching football, I saw something that I cannot recall seeing before. It was Erin Cuthbert's goal celebration. I have witnessed the full spectrum, from manly firm handshakes to cartwheeling, shirt removing. hip-hop dancing choreography. I don't think I have seen the small photograph being kissed and held forth on the run? I thought this will be a story. Cuthbert is arguably our most exciting player and she is young. Her background, motivations, and ambitions will be explored and hung on the hook of that unusual goal celebration. The next day, whilst perusing another Rangers fans' website, I read that Erin started at Rangers, signed as a nine/ten year old. She spent five years at the club before moving on to Glasgow City, then signed for Chelsea these last two years. The photograph being brandished was a memory of the day she signed for Rangers. Her father had snapped it, held it for a decade, and handed it to her the day before the game. The reasoning was to remind his daughter of the day her dream started. BBC Scotland's coverage of the female world cup was extensive. Chris McLaughlin was in France for the duration of Scotland's participation. All three game shown live on at least two of Beeb Scotland's channels, live radio commentary too. Thus, a team of more than a dozen including Al Lamont, Stephen Thomson, Gemma Fay, Julie Fleeting, ..... etc. Other PQ employees were over on holiday, Shereen Nanjiani and her partner followed the girls from venue to venue. Throw in the preview pieces on both radio and TV, vox-pops with supporters, and constant managerial updates; the coverage was comprehensive. The opportunity is staring PQ in the face, will they pollinate a dream began at Ibrox? Last Thursday's Media Review had DrStu' lazily adopt 'the Scots had found a new way to not qualify from the group stages' line. I was surprised John Beattie accepted, "it's the hope that kills you" pysh spouted by DrStu', because Beattie's daughter, Gemma is one of our center backs. Erin Cuthbert's celebration did not receive a mention. On Saturday, Shereen Nanjiani had returned and hosted her show, the three guests were Angela Haggerty, Peter Gaughan, and Brian Beacom. Shereen gushed, praised the girls to the highest; whereas the guests were more interested in the nature of our failure. Haggerty admitted she hadn't watched the game, she followed it's progress through Kevin McKenna's twitter feed. She proved her non-viewer credentials by noting she had seen Kevin's tweet, 'and Erin Cuthbert has doubled the lead'. Cuthbert scored our third goal. At least Cuthbert got a mention, Cosgrove and Cowan did not want to patronise the women, they focused on the lack of substitutions. Their guest, Paul McNamee(Big Issue Editor) followed his fellow Irishman(Peter Gaughan) in talking around without adding comment. I thought DrStu' would be consistant, he had lionised two Kosovans playing for Switzerland two years past, because of their goal celebrations. The next show was David Currie hosting three Sellik supporters, Pat Bonner, James McFadden, and Jim Duffy. A ten minute consensus on the tragedy, followed by fifty minutes on David Turnbull, and Sellik's continuing progress. Poor Pat continues to litter conversations about Sellik with, 'we'. A third Irishman in two hours of broadcasting, are we becoming a colony? Rangers signings and preparations received several minutes conversation, Aberdeen and Killie similar. Steve Clarke remains a case for optimism because the core of the national team are Euro tried and tested Sellik players. Kieran and Callum are worth at least £50 million, the return of Leigh Griffiths is like signing a £10 million striker, ............................. etc. I think we get the message, Rangers supporters' dreams are NOT articulated; and so it continued into the other shows over the weekend. The girl holding the photograph received both coverage and acclaim, the girl in the photograph was deliberately ignored. The girl holding is a somewhat acceptable Scot, the girl in, is awkward and inconvenient. It was an exercise in dehumanisation, Rangers supporters do not dream.
  19. Remember, the SPFL computer makes a RANDOM selection. John F Nash, the mathematician played by Russell Crowe in the film, 'a Beautiful Mind' made his name by producing equations for supposed random acts. I think he would suss the SPFL random computer in five minutes.
  20. Ah, a heavy plastic pitch random selection. Do you have insider information?
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