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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Lord Carloway strikes again and, again and, again.
  2. Interesting, sounds like the FARE template.
  3. Back in the day, a drummer who could not hold a four on the floor rhythm was classifies as a Jazz Drummer. Is Kenny Ball still touring these days? The Ibrox drummer could bring an eclectic note to the Jazzmen.
  4. Through the Window. Seventeen years ago, Richard Gordon aka, 'BIG DICK' hosted BBC Radio Scotland's three hour transfer speculation show, 'Through the Window' on the 31st January'07. The transfer window slammed shut at midnight and reporters were stationed at various grounds to report on last hours movement. It was a slow night and the usual suspects resorted to their favourite fall back position, sticking the boot into Rangers. It was several minutes before the witching hour when Big Dick announced he had just received a hilarious transfer related e-mail and he would broadcast it, if his Producer deemed it appropriate. Over the next twenty minutes or so, he returned to the communication and told us he was still waiting for approval. Clearly, Richard Gordon was anxious to broadcast the details. A few moments later he asked for quiet and told of a last minute shock transaction : "Edinburgh Zoo have accepted the transfer of Rangers player, Filip Sebo, they plan to exhibit him". Big Dick, Chris McLaughlin, Kheredine Idessane, ....................... etc all laughed like drains. Dehumanisation of Rangers players and supporters was a big thing at Queen Margaret Drive back in the day. Only an Excuse had the portrayal of a gorilla replete in a Rangers scarf banging a drum in an orange parade, RAB Cosgrove often referred to Rino Gattuso as, "a monkey" or, "the wee chimp" so, why shouldn't Big Dick be denied his particular pleasure of depicting a Rangers player caged in a zoo? Depiction, a picture being worth a thousand words - the Sellik support had a banner at the time - the Darwinian seven stages of the ascent of man. The first two characters were apes on all fours, dragging their knuckles wearing Rangers jerseys. The last character walking upright on two feet was a blond haired, Billy McNeill. Complaints reference Richard Gordon's conduct poured in and, BBC Scotland launched an internal inquiry. It took almost a year and it was accepted the e-mail should NOT have been broadcast. Big Dick turned himself into the victim he said, "it was the worst year of his broadcasting career and he would not want to repeat it". Seventeen years later to the very day and, inclusive of Richard's thirty minute radio bio-pic where he began, "I was raised to absolutely hate Rangers", Richard Gordon remains employed at PQ. I hope this provides a window into the workings of the Gang Hut.
  5. Specifically reference BBC Scotland's handling of the Celtic Boys Club investigation and compensation, the Assistant Editor and News Editor over the period has been Claire Kelly, daughter of former Celtic Chairman, Kevin Kelly. There are several claims from those involved that Claire Kelly has both suppressed and pulled interviews and items relating to the issue. The most recent one was a lengthy interview conducted with Pat Nevin. He was anxious to reposition himself after a glib contribution from a couple of decades past, where he admitted knowing what was going on but since he was the son of one of the senior coaches, he was left alone.
  6. I suspect both Cormac and Burrows will have drawn up a list of the usual suspects. Alex Neil, Tony Docherty, Stephen Robinson, Jack Ross, Ian Murray, Craig Levein ................... and, Yogi Hughes. Neil Lennon would be quite delicious, Scott Brown as his assistant.
  7. The Dandy Dons have parted company with Barry Robson and Steve Agnew. Who will be responsible for ensuring the Pittodrie players are well lubricated for those bacon bayonet wielding Bhoys this coming Saturday?
  8. Serious point. During August'23, Celtic relented their 'Separate Entity' stance and proclaimed they were looking to settle out of court with the victims of child sex abuse whilst members of Celtic Boys Club. Negotiations between the abused representatives(Solicitors) and the club's reps(Solicitors) have been on going since September. I believe a six month limitation was set on the negotiations? Thus, an offer of compensation must be made by the end of March'24 or, the case goes to court. There is an American aspect to this and we know their culture is most litigious. I suspect either Craig or Bluedell could provide better insight? Monies will have to be set aside.
  9. A Fire without a Chimney. Peter does NOT tolerate Sellik problems being vented. The weekend saw the kindling assembled being lit by both Sellik admin' staff allied with favoured Sellik-minded Journos. The flames grew and the Podcasters were articulating the thought that something was rotten within the state of Peter. Of course, the biggest Sellik vlogging site is the PQ Gang Hut and they were on the cusp of picking up the bellows. Peter acted to douse the the fire and stop the necessary supply of oxygen. Today, there is barely an ember glow. Sellik stories are dominated by tranfers our ie david Turnbull, James McCarthy and, Gustav Lagerbielke. The Daily Record's Michael Gannon is another trusted shill, he has a piece today setting out the way ahead. The rarified air no longer crackles. Stephen McGowan and Ewing Grahame will be pulled in later this week for interviews without coffees and chairs. The will be informed they must live ra Sellik reality, they will not be aloud to effect it. McGowan and Grahame opined the £70 million in the bank and, highlighted the wealth available to this season's title winners from the revamped, bigger Champions League. They identified the spectre of Clement and extrapolated, "Rangers will throw every penny at it" combined with McGowan's heartfelt plea, "Rangers will do everything to win this title by hook or by crook". Whatever does he mean? Chris McLaughlin and Peter Martin are not fanning the flames, they know the reality. They have appeared before Peter, dropped their breeks and, took their sans lubrication punishment. The reality at Sellik is a distinct dynamic, three seats of power. Dermot Desmond is the majority shareholder but is an absentee landlord. Peter dominates Scottish football from Sellik Park whereas, Brenda is confined to Lennoxtown. Is Mark Lawwell carrying stories from the training centre back to his Paw? The Sellik family might want to be told. As the smoke clears, the one certainty all Yahoos can absolutely rely upon is Sellik's next game is against Aberdeen. Three points from six goal margin victory is guaranteed. Perhaps PQ Gang Hutter, Big Dick will utilise his Aberdeen Press and Journal column to further soothe worried brows?
  10. Kelloggs are launching a specific product to keep Rangers supporters regular : Cereal Dessers is presented in a red, white and, blue box with the Belgian guaranteeing you begin your day with a snap, crackle and, pop.
  11. The rumour mill was being heavily cranked by Sellik admin' staff on Saturday evening. Brenda did his after match presser, complaining both bitterly and pointedly about the state of the pitch. Apparently, this was a dig at Peter who decided to cap funding on pitch maintenance. Brenda has participated in a running feud with Mark Lawwell since Peter's mini-me insisted upon signing Liverpool's Phillips on loan. Further, Mark and Peter fail failed to secure the services of Liverpool's Owen Beck. Brenda was pyoor ragin' and headed off on an errie tae Chamonix. Brenda does NOT ski. Desmond does ski and Brenda traveled to put his case. BBC Radio Scotland had Peter's favourite shill in the print media, Stephen McGowan on with RAB and Tam the Token. The boos continued to ring in Stephen's ears and he attempted to articulate supporters' concerns, "they're unhappy with nepotism inside the club". Whatever the truth, the PQ Gang Hut are attempting to get a handle on the narrative. The ongoing spat with Peter over Tom English's current banishment makes the Gang Hut most uneasy.
  12. I was waiting for your review of Kneecap. I propose BBC Scotland produce a Quay Session featuring Kneecap with Martin Compston conducting the Green Brigade choir.
  13. Long Term Calculation. During the first week of the New Year, I listened to the Open Goal podcast featuring Jonathan Watson(Only an Excuse) and Graeme Stevely(Grado from River City). Both related advice they received from their respective Agents when first attending BBC Scotland for auditions/work, they were told to deny their support for Rangers. In fact, both were told expressing a preference for ra Sellik would enhance their careers going forward. On arriving at BBC Scotland, they were further surprised by a number of Staffers who they knew attended Ibrox refusing to admit they did so. Only an Excuse was first broadcast on BBC Radio Scotland in 1987, it transferred to TV in 1993. There has been at least a forty year intent to marginalise, demonise and, dehumanise Rangers and Rangers supporters. It begins with the nameless unless, you read the end credits to identify the Producers, Directors and, Researchers. The Writers and Actors adhere to instruction. The QM(Queen Margaret) - PQ(Pacific Quay) Gang Huts know a plethora non-Sellik supporting Rangers haters are required as Useful Idiots. The likes of RAB Cosgrove, Jum Spence, Big Dick, James Cook .................... were anxious to be seen sticking the boot in, again and again because it is financially rewarding. The energy of the converted can also be harnessed, from Greg Hemphill to Sanjeev Kohli know the required rite of passage demanded. Currently, BBC Scotland are broadcasting, 'How the Scots and Irish Changed English Football' - a three part series being utilised to lionise the contributions made to English football by a specific section of society. Did you know the GAA(Gaelic Athletic Association) had made such a telling contribution? You may remember the GAA banned all members of the Security Forces in the UK from participating in GAA sports from 1897 until 2001 but, BBC Scotland failed to mention. Instead, we had long calculating contributions from : Martin O'Neill Neil Lennon Ardal O'Hanlon Patrick Kielty Niall Quinn RAB Cosgrove The rest of the series contributors are : Charlie Nicholas, John McGinn, John Aldridge, Keith Gillespie, Josh McGennis, Pat Nevin, Graeme Souness, Brian McClair, Jonny Evans, Chick Young, David Moyes and, Sanjeev Kohli. Heavily slanted I am sure you will agree, RAB Cosgrove does his usual snide thing by referring to Souness as, "a calculating assassin". As bad or worse than his comment on Richard Gough(see Frankie's post on the 20 jan above), "ah don't think Gough was against apartheid"? Separate development ie the Scottish Education Act 1918 allowing the separation of children at aged five years for the purpose of education. Educational apartheid has been running for two more years than the GAA's ban. The last named contributor, Sanjeev Kohli has a first class honours degree in Mathematics thus is fully qualified in calculation. His primary and secondary education was courtesy of St Aloysius College where he tells us he supported Rangers. He told Scotland on Sunday's supplement, Seven Days 25 years past he rejected Rangers in favour of ra Sellik because of the events surrounding Mark Walters debut at ra Piggery on the 2nd of January'88. Sanjeev was appalled at his fellow Rangers supporters standing beside him in the Rangers end, dressed in Gorilla suits throwing bananas at the debutant. Tell a lie, tell a BIG ONE. The only two folks who believed Sanjeev was in attendance that day were the Sports Editor, Kevin McKenna and Seven Days Editor, Charleen Sweeney. Sanjeev is interviewed at ra Stade de Gadd, in front of the European Cup replica where he tells us another fantasy, "I always had a soft spot for Nottingham Forrest". We endure a montage of MON(John McGovern, John O'Hare, Kenny Burns, ..... etc all ignored) then the voiceover contributes, "when the Irish and Scots were good, they were the best". As the best is uttered, we cut to the Lisbon Lions strolling on to the Portuguese turf. This picture and voiceover are repeated continuously. Sanjeev's calculations have been well rewarded and he is intent upon remaining useful. You thought his brother, Hardeep was the pernicious creep? The GAA is the recipient of the Gang Hut makeover. Last week, we suffered a GAA Social sponsored interview with Neil Lennon and the promotion of Irish rap band, 'Kneecap'. Jolly craicsters replete in republican balaclavas with names such as, 'DJ Provai' and, 'Mo Chrra'; performing in front of a flaming RUC vehicle backdrop. BBC informs the viewers Kneecap are not sectarian and are, "the epitome of wonderful Irish erudition". Sounded like another RAB contribution to me? Anyways, Kneecap sing, "Get them Brits Out" another appeal for separate development but only after they had secured £1.7 million in British Arts funding. Finally, we return to RAB Cosgrove and yesterday's two hour sigh, "ah've fell out of love wi Scottish football". He vented for a couple of minutes on St Johnstone being rank without uttering the words, 'Craig Levein'. It is akin to Humza's two minutes of Holocaust remembrance without saying the word, 'Jew'. It is a long term calculation.
  14. The SWPL consists of 32 games. The 12 clubs play each other twice, home and away - 22 games then splits into two sections of six. Another home and away robin ensues, thus 22 plus 10 = 32. There are another 14 games to go. Meantime, Rangers ladies are six points clear at the top of the league.
  15. I think we should blow the whistle on this season's competition. I will be honoured to carry the Gersnet banner in the Champions League next season as long as it is centred on the Cote d'Azur. I have great concerns for the penurious folk of Monaco.
  16. I seem to remember there was a Typhoid outbreak in the mid-sixties in the Granite city. Furryboots city was locked down amid an emergency quarantine order, nearly 500 cases emanated from a can of corned beef. There was a rumour Neil Simpson ate a tin and became demonic. It could have been worse if he had consumed the tin's contents too.
  17. Started the second half better, looked like we were attempting to notch the second. Fifteen minutes, hit the post, generally kept control but a hard watch. We got the result and if we have to revisit St Mirren park again this season, I hope it is the quarter-finals of the Scottish Cup.
  18. Nil - one Rangers at half time but, it is a hard watch. Conditions are not great, swirling, blustery wind adding to difficult under foot conditions. The same for both sides but, again we seem to have greater difficulty in controlling the ball. Both Wright and Sterling are out of the game so far. St Mirren have penetrated our right flank on three occasions, hitting the bye line and putting the ball across our six yard box. Perhaps Sterling could be put in front of Tav' to block access? We seem to struggle coping with St Boo's energy. Let's notch the second early in the second period, put this game and our nerves to bed.
  19. A fortnight's stay in Tobermory will teach him, after the midges have feasted he will never moan about the ferocity of the Auchenhowie mosquitoes.
  20. I suppose each Dentist has a considerable constraint on every working day if their pre-bed ritual is deletion of text messages? Must be a daily opportunity cost.
  21. If the teeth fit. I believe Brenda is keen to return to the city of the Livers. A Taxi awaits on standby to take the LadyBhoy experience back to Merseyside.
  22. Steve Davis took the team for that game against St Mirren in Paisley and started young Zak Lovelace. He was doing very well before sustaining a long term injury before half time. Davis substituted Lovelace for another youngster, Ross McCausland. I do not know his plans or intentions going forward in the game but, I hope the club can persuade him to join the coaching staff. A voice for youth is necessary going forward in Euro competition.
  23. Obviously, I have a false memory. Thank you for the provision of truth. I admit I am not comfortable crediting 'Big Hawns' for ensuring the club received a fee. When the Normandy stud farm owner was at the club, I determined to ignore him. Now, he has departed I do not want him intruding upon my warm memories. I must steel myself against possible club PR penetration but, I suspect my admiration of Steve will endure.
  24. Steve Davis was entitled to act similarly to Naismith and Whittaker. When he departed the club for Southampton, he insisted upon Rangers receiving a fee. A proper professional, a proper Ranger.
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