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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. We did not play our game today, we played Hearts game.
  2. We are giving Hearts a reason to believe. We are not matching the Hearts work rate.
  3. The key today for us, is we work hard. Hearts are rank, they are 39 points behind us, having played two games more. They sit, isolated on the bottom of the table, four points adrift. Play our game, keep the ball, put in the necessary shifts to reclaim it, if we lose the ball, particularly high up the pitch. Stop Hearts throwing the ball into our box, they want to cut out two thirds of the pitch. They want to distill the game down to Boyce getting flick ons for a satelliting Naismith. Thus, both full backs and wide midfielders have to close it down. Play our game, score first and second, should be easy street? Having said the above, I remain nervous.
  4. Yesterday, during the weekly Media Review, DrStu' launched into a pre-prepared speech about 'infallibility'. The Media Review chose to spend the first 15 minutes talking about the Prince Harry/ Princess Meghan debacle. Personally, I thought we had all heard enough, and since DrStu' regularly tells us, "Ah cannae stand them" on any issue Royal, you would think the Coronavirus would take precedence? However, we know DrStu' enjoys the last word. We were told infallibility was a roman catholic concept and the pope's infallibility was a major tenet of faith. DrStu' further informed the listenership that Royal watchers had long proclaimed the Queen is never wrong. The Queen is infallible? DrStu' wants us to wait and see, he suspects her decisions won't end well? I am nonplussed, I know DrStu' is RC, I know the Queen is head of the Anglican Church, and I know the Church of England split from the RC Church 500 years past because of .................... King Henry xiii's constant concerns on producing a legitimate heir. Why is DrStu' so intent on proclaiming the Queen to be infallible, when her families history for five centuries is denying infallibility? Seriously, it's very IllPhil, tell a BigLie because it suits your current thought process better. It's like his Daily Record column of a dozen years past, where he stated Rangers supporters had ransacked Barca cathedral in 1972. I am beginning to think that the only infallible character in the whole episode is DrStu'?
  5. DrStu' has spent a while traveling this road, his username on the RTC Blog was his maternal grandmother, 'Sarah Leyden'; he will take any opportunity to boast of her Donegal birth. In his piece on Irish clubs in Scottish football, he states he would be supporting Erin Rovers over his beloved St Johnstone in the clubs' first final because Erin Rovers player, 'Cosgrove' had struck a strong shot towards goal. He tells us that Cosgrove is a Galway name. DrStu' is striving for purity, it's important in his preferred rebel nationalistic projection of himself. The Warren Cummings accent test is so last year. The other thing, and this takes us closer to the real truth; the Producer of Sportscene is Eamonn Donohue, and DrStu' likes to be seen toadying up to those in authority. There is a growing colony of Irish folk at PQ, and they can keep DrStu' in work, supporting his extensive lifestyle in his 68th year. In the last couple of years, he has seamlessly switched horses mid stream to maintain his standard of life. He welcomed the then new female BBC Scotland Director General, Donalda MacKinnon to PQ by stating on the media review, "I've met her on a couple of occasions, I like her, I like her a lot". Similarly, a guy who boasted of being on Alex Salmond advisory and advice teams, took the time on the media review to announce the current FM had not put a foot wrong in dealing with the current sexual accusations; however, "I don't want to be seen as a Bute House sook". DrStu' has a considerable property portfolio to support.
  6. Before the draw, PQ are intent on raising the spectres of Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee. Sounds of the Clyde and Tay Deltas are brought to our ears by Jum Spence(Harmonica) and Graham Spiers(organ). The popular Beat Combo', known better as, 'Jum and Grum' adopt a stride stance whilst playing cross-hand boogey. Jum fingers Grum's organ as Grum sucks and blows Jum's plums. Truly, syncopation for the nation.
  7. I believe the draw for the last sixteen is happening live on BBC Scotland after today's Dundee United v Hibs tie? These last few years, continually I hope we draw Dundee United at Ibrox. Today is no different, we have unfinished business going back decades in the national trophy. Yesterday, I learned Jum Spence has, and plays a mouth organ. Thus, apart from a long overdue several goal spanking; I want some Bear to ram the harmonica right up his jacksie. Larry Adler can provide the necessary instruction on how to still construct a tune.
  8. Can Gersnet effect a bundle of nominees such as PLG, Stevie, and Forlanssister? Let's have a true reflection of reasonable and rational folks. I am prepared to vote early and often to achieve this goal.
  9. "it gets tiresome, Rangers supporters saying Stuart is a Rangers hater". The above was said last Saturday by Tam Cowan. It's January 11th, and we are midway through the show when a contrived link is utilised to prove DrStu' does not hate Rangers. Rene Guttuso's name is raised and we are informed both Tam and DrStu' met Rene in the Hilton after signing for Rangers. DrStu' remembers getting Guttuso to hold up his St Johnstone scarf, having fun, and liking the young lad! In it's twenty-sixth year, Off the Ball is indulging in some revisionism. Gennaro played for Rangers for eighteen months in 1997 and '98, he made thirty-odd appearances, scoring three goals. He was a popular figure among the Rangers support. Off the Ball had been going for 3-4 years at that period and habitually referred to both Rangers and Rangers supporters as "H-u-ns". It was the common currency of the show then. They commissioned weekly sketches from BBC Scotland's Comedy Unit, and Gattuso appeared regularly as, "the little hairy monkey". He was portrayed as a stupid monkey continually at odds with modern life. No hesitation in BBC Scotland exercising an already existing stereotype. DrStu' gets excited and when he does he becomes garrulous. He cannot help himself, and in particular he offered, "if Gattuso was in any way a decent prospect as a player, he wouldn't be at Rangers". You can file that one under knowing three separate Rangers supporting season ticket holders who no longer attend Ibrox because they do not believe it's the same club. Gattuso in his career won 73 caps for Italy, securing both the World Cup and Euro championship. Further, at club level he won the Champions League twice and several domestic honours. I can only imagine this latest piece of theatrical revisionism has came about because DrStu' has come into contact with Gennaro's Glasgow born wife, Monica? Keep up the Scare! The beginning of last week's football broadcast from the PQ Gang Hut was DrStu' and Tam reminding the listenership of events from a fortnight before. The first words were, "does Scottish football need saved by Steven Gerrard"? We had five minutes describing the gesticulations of Morelos and Kent at ra Sellik Park. Both DrStu' and Tam pleaded for Rangers supporters to consider these players reactions in reverse, what if Sellik supporters had cut their throats and shot off imaginary guns in front of Rangers supporters? Remember, Lennon was demanding a scrapping of Liam Christie's two match ban and a full apology. Why was this not discussed; as opposed to a number of PQ employees questioning Derek McInnes, Ian McCall, and Robbie Neilson as to their need for saving? Knowing what we know today, I am becoming more convinced DrStu' knew what was coming to both Kent and Morelos last week, and it was all about preparation, a fortnight after the event. DrStu' enjoys being on the establishment side. The Man in the Know. The other man in the know by proxy inside PQ these days, is Michael Stewart. Regularly, he is indulged and allowed to batter Craig Levein. More regularly, he has a waiting expectant audience enjoying his, "I don't like the way Rangers do things as a club". He spent fifteen minutes demanding answers to Ryan Christie's citing by the Compliance Officer. He wanted to know who, why, and when cited. No answer from both Daryll Broadfoot and a recently retired Ref'(didn't catch his name) was enough. He talked, then shouted over both adversaries; even pulling both up short for their usage of English. Given his own power of communication is such, I was surprised with his concluding, "if Ryan Christies grabbing out for balance is a red, then the game is a bogey". To bring this up to date, today we have heard nothing of Morelos or Kent. No one is being saved and the Gattuso guff was just a big lie. There is a price to pay for defeating the favoured establishment club in their own midden. The Gang Hut will take as long as it takes to collect the toll.
  10. Big Jaws, You are correct, it was 1976. For the record, we lost 2-0, and the game was abandoned before the hour mark.
  11. Worst experience on a Supporters Bus. It occurred 44 years ago. Rangers had arranged a friendly against Aston Villa in 1876, probably because both clubs were already out of respective cup competitions? We were desperate to go but could not book the self drive Uni' mini-bus. One of the lads knew the Bus Convenor of the Bristol Bar RSC and he booked six seats. Leaving at midnight on the Friday for a three O'Clock kick-off in Birmingham, two buses were traveling, a double decker and a coach. We had a few pints and took our seats on the double-decker. The back seat had two five gallon drums, both for necessary urination. A large funnel was placed in the small aperture of the first drum. The first three-four hours were quite raucous, songs were being sung and absolute love of Rangers proclaimed. The bus was awash with booze, heavy cargoes. The bus quietened between four and five in the morning, the vast majority in drunken slumbers. I woke before six, desperate for a slash, staggered my way to the back of the bus to find some cnut had crapped in the funnel.
  12. Reference Spiers. This is important, when his press credentials were removed, he shrugged because he has no intention of ever returning to Ibrox. He has decided to give both his sons the same experiences he had growing up. He attended Ibrox with his Baptist Minister Dad. Spiers and both his sons are all season ticket holders at Sellik Park, apparently his eldest son is a massive Yahoo. Now, given the reams of stories and Diary entries published by Spiers reference his years attending Ibrox, and they were all derogatory(with the occasional BIG LIE), he never references his fortnightly visits to ra Stade de Gadd. Further, his journo mates do not out his season ticket status. Back in the nineties, ra Sellik View used to run an end of season of season poll under the auspices of columnist, Matt M'Glone. The several seasons it ran, the winner of the category, 'Journalist most objective when discussing matters Celtic' was Graham Spiers. He has been on a journey, and he arrived at his destination three seasons past.
  13. I remember John Niven, he was a Fireman. Great lad, traveled all over Europe to watch the Rangers. I believe it was a five/six day trip to Romania/Bulgaria on a coach that resulted in an aneurysm?
  14. The whole episode is a cri de coeur by Christie : Bubbles needs Cuddles.
  15. Brian talks to Mr Mediocre. It's been a long week, Brian McLauchlin has hung in there, doing the Beau Geste thing. Three interviews with various representatives of, "the Scottish Champions". We saw Aberdeen players milling around Glasgow Airport and an Emirates plane taking off. On Thursday, Steven Gerrard received the Manager of the Month for December award, no footage of the presentation, no mention on Radio or TV. Beau Geste slung the Toerags a rubber. Brian is on the BBC Scotland website and it received radio coverage throughout the day, talking to Mr Mediocre about the need for Scottish football to be saved. Derek is firm, "Scottish football does not need to be saved". I am confused at this point, I am wondering if an evangelical crusade is wandering across the dessert? BBC Scotland did NOT cover the Rangers warm weather training camp(a mile done the road in Dubai), on receiving his Manager of the Month award, Gerrard answered a question on Scottish teams participating in English competitions. He thought it was a good idea and could possibly save Scottish football in providing necessary variety. "Our product is good" bellows Derek. He reinforces it with, "Rangers and Celtic are doing well in Europe". Another continuity problem for PQ there; of Rangers 28 Euro' games over the last two seasons, BBC Scotland have refused to cover 14 of them, because they were played at Ibrox. It's just another PQ Gang Hut production, masters of the intermittent broadcast. I hope it's not because Michael Stewart does not like the way Rangers do things as a club? Next season, may I suggest spends a week talking to Chris McLaughlin, it will be the same effect and cost a helluva lot less.
  16. I believe Sonia prefers the number 6 jersey. If she adds a nine, I would be willing to accommodate. Misogyny Loyal RSC.
  17. Lennon is in the papers this morning, demanding the SFA admit they are wrong on the Ryan Christie citing and prosecution, and apologise. Three interviews over three nights and no one uttered the above on BBC Scotland camera. PQ have sent a Journo and camera crew out to Dubai for the second year running to almost exclusively report on matters Sellik, and they don't get an exasperated Lennon demanding an admission of wrong doing, and an apology. Seriously, where do the Gang Hut go from here, allocating more public monies to continue ra Sellik propaganda for no juicy tit bits: or do they withdraw the rota of Gang Hutters willing to wash both Neil and Peters cars? We should be told?
  18. Last night was BBC Scotland's third day of coverage of the SPFL winter break. Aberdeen, ra Sellik, and Rangers are all training in Dubai, thus for the third night running, PQ brought us another three minute piece about ra Sellik. Having interviewed Jame Forrest and Scott Brown, it was Neil Lennon's turn to pour blood upon the sand. There is a budding David Lean at PQ, a several second shot of camels being moved down the road at the side of ra Sellik's training complex. I believe they call this, 'perspective'? One hump or two does not concern Leigh Griffiths, he is intent on legitimising every ship of the dessert by filling them full of semen. Perspiration flowing, Brian McLauchlin reveal Aberdeen had arrived in Dubai, with new signing Dylan McGeough in their ranks. We were rewarded with footage of Aberdeen players in tracksuits milling around Glasgow Airport, followed by an Emirates aircraft taking off. Since, Dylan has signed for all three Scot's clubs currently in Dubai, why doesn't Brian just interview him? Brian told the viewers Rangers were also in situ', but no pictures, no interviews, and no information. Tonight, I predict Brian will show footage of Dandy Dons constructing a sandcastle that the H-u-ns cannot destroy. PQ are anxious to show that siege mentality will endure, even in Dubai.
  19. Last night, a heavily sweating Brian McLauchlin stood in the foreground, as various Sellik players ran around behind. There was a wide shot with Ryan Christie sitting on his own, might explain McLauchlin's gentle glow? Brian articulated Peter's perception of grievance, then he interviewed ra Sellik skipper, Scott Brown. Despite constant Lego mastication, Broonaldo expressed all his own thoughts, honest. Ryan Christie's suspension is laughable and all ra Sellik are asking is for consistency. Maybe Brian will find more objectivity when he interviews some Dandy Dons tonight? Reference consistency with the Compliance Officer, in the last two years; ra Sellik have been cited once, and Ryan Christie once. Rangers have been cited on five occasions, and eleven Rangers players have been cited. Odds of times eight in ra Sellik's favour, how much more consistency do they need?
  20. Reference the other Bluenose on Off the Ball, he was a Crofter from Harris/Lewis and was on to publicise his up coming TV series on BBC Alba. A year on a Croft will offer an insight into real island living. Of course, the alternative is Ian Blackford, humble Crofter/Hedge Fund manager. I am sure one of them regularly castrates lambs utilising their teeth? It was probably the presence of Amy Irons and the Crofter that irked DrStu', his conclusion on St Johnstone handing over three stands to Glasgow's big two; was the type of deal he prefers, "Rangers give us half a million for Michael O'Halloran and then they hand him back for nothing a few weeks later". DrStu' labeled the Crofter, "a glory hunter" after he revealed his support for Rangers. BBC Scotland for the second year running has sent a camera crew and Brian McLauchlin to Dubai to cover ra Sellik's winter break training camp. Last night, we had an interview with James Forrest. Tonight, like last year, it will be Aberdeen. On Wednesday, it will be Lennon/Kennedy, ...... etc. Like last year, BBC License fee paying Rangers supporters will receive no coverage of their team training a mile down the road. At some point, Michael Stewart will be given at least another two/three opportunities to utter, 'I don't like the way Rangers do things as a club'.
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