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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Support your Local Team. Yesterday's 'Media Review' had the usual panel providing their predictable usual take on media events. The difference, after a dozen years, it was the last. DrStu', Eammon O'Neill, and Anna Burnside said goodbye to John Beattie and Anne Marie Watson, waving goodbye to the circus. Obviously, they knew it was coming for a while and probably explains last weeks seven minutes on the Scottish Finance Secretary's resignation, and 14 minutes on Michael Stewart/Jim Traynor. This week's, the last ever was equally strange. The starter topic was Philip Schofield's coming out on This Morning. Fifteen minutes of sneering attitude. Philip was not brave, his wife is to be pitied, and the consensus was the whole thing had been carefully choreographed. DrStu' wondered aloud, "Ah bet, there had been a rehearsal"? Dearest Philip was the subject of informed speculation, his mentoring of a young male Runner within the This Morning production company was raised twice in knowing euphemistic terms. I am not interested in Philip Schofield's sexual activities and am genuinely surprised it was worthy of such discussion? However, it was the duplicitous comments about choreography and rehearsals that stunned me; seriously, for twenty five years DrStu' has done that very same thing in dozens and doxens of 'Off the Ball' when discussing Rangers and Rangers supporters. How many Producers have telephoned in, armed with provided script in hand? My favourite occurred several years past. After a 2-0 defeat at Tynecastle, DrStu' hosted a supposed Hearts fan calling in from Newton Mearns with the nomme de guerre, 'Gordon the Jambo fae Glasgow'. Obviously, no Producer with the appropriate Edinburgh/Lothians accent was available, thus Newton Mortgage was conjured. Gordon the Jambo told of Hearts fans singing lustfully of Rangers being no more, and the future being dubious for sevco. Remember, several senior executives at the Beeb had to resign because of Producers calling into shows they were producing? there were no resignations at PQ. The next story to be discussed was the closure of the Queensferry Crossing ie the new Forth Road Bridge. DrStu' told us this was the very epitome of an SNP Bad story. All the journos were Unionists, finding traction from falling ice. The reports of folks stuck in traffic for three days were hysterical. Deliberately, they set out to undermine Scotland. Anna Burnside and Eammon were bored of the story, they all confirmed that none of them had to experience the ten hour traffic queues. Interestingly, Joanna Cherry MP on last night's Beeb Question Time spouted the same line(rehearsed), although she told of sitting for several hours attempting to attend a funeral. Thus, having taking a swipe at Schofield(and that will be because of some perceived slight on behalf of DrStu' back in his high heid yin media management days) and finding comfort again in his preferred political prejudice, it was time to support his local team. DrStu' has spent in excess of 25 years as a resident of Dennistoun, lives just over half a mile from ra Stade de Gadd. He has been consistent this last quarter of a century, nothing grinds his gears more than seeing RSCs and CSCs buses leaving Perth and other towns. Support your local team is the mantra. DrStu's last ever point on the Media Review was to encourage ra Sellik in their demands for a SKY apology, "we should all know who provided that translation on Morelos"? DrStu' confirms what we all knew, it's always all about the Rangers. PS : There was a wee bit about the Philip Schofield diatribe that rung, in the middle of sympathy for his wife and family. They claimed in their script to have been aware of Schofield's sexuality for several years and were okay with it. I thought DrStu' is a duplicitous cnut, I wonder if his wife and family know it, and are they okay with it? We should be told?
  2. There's enough Drama Queens on today's Board without evoking Tosca.
  3. You are correct, I spent an hour on Google to find that out. It was only reported in the P and J and online Daily Express.
  4. I remember two Aberdeen supporters being arrested by the Police at Pittodrie for racist abuse of Morelos. What happened to those two? Further, like the Celtic Park incidents, it was fellow Aberdeen fans that reported both to the Police.
  5. Communication - say what you mean, mean what you say? I note the BBC headline this morning, 'Four men arrested in Lyra McKee murder'. In April last year, journalist Lyra McKee, 29, was shot while observing rioting in Derry's Creggan estate. The IRA admitted carrying out the murder, four men aged 20, 27, 29, and 52 were arrested this morning under the Terrorism Act. We can flesh this out, a line of Police containg the riot were being pelted with stones and bottles. Over the duration of several hours, in excess of 50 petrol bombs were hurled at the PSNI. A gap opened in the rioters and a balaclava clad gunmen stepped forward, kneeled, and fired seven rounds from a handgun. Lyra McKee was standing to the side of the police line, partially protected by an armoured landrover, she was hit in the eye by one of the last rounds fired. Again, this thread has several mentions of Lyra McKee's murder because several of the usual suspects within PQ found the events awkward and inconvenient. Angela Haggerty was adamant that Soldier F should be prosecuted, when Lyra McKee's murder was raised, she replied the IRA are defunct and were protected by the Good Friday agreement. Her co-founder of 'Call it Out', Jeanette Findlay held the same view. Ironically, Jeanette in her designation as a Senior Lecturer at Glasgow University had been the target of an IRA postal bomb three months previously. McKee's murder was running interference on the PQ preferred line of prosecution of soldiers. As alluded to in earlier posts, DrStu' is the Grand Doyen and he has a habit of coming up with something to say. He would be better just admitting he does not have the answer, perhaps he likes the sound of his own voice? BBC Radio Scotland is his snowy linen canvas and he paints the picture. During the Media Review in late May, he settled the issue with, "Lyra McKee died in crossfire". The definition of Crossfire is fire emanating from two or more directions, passing through the same area. As the only shots came from the lone IRA gunman, then it appears DrStu' lied because it was most convenient. On the same show, DR Eammon O'Neill added, "Lyra McKee was not targeted" and Shona Craven of the National was at pains for McKee's death not to be classified as murder, "we need a new classification". At Lyra's funeral, the Priest, Father Magill conducting began by asking, "why has it taken the murder of a 29 year old girl ..... "? Today's arrests prove how important language is in defining terms. How can one be charged with murder if we deny it occurred? This Thursday, the media review will be defined by Sinn Fein's electoral gains in the Republic of Ireland. Both DrStu' and O'Neill will use specific language, urging Scotland to be on the right side of history. Denying a section of ra Sellik supporters indulged in racism despite two arrests, denying Lyra McKee's murder despite four arrests, means we have to examine DrStu's language. His communication skills are beginning to appear most similar to Phil McFournames.
  6. Since Michael Stewart is the participant in any re-enactment, I would be delighted to prove the difference between Alfredo volleying an opponent and Leigh Griffiths stamping upon an opponent. Where are my BIG tackety BITS?
  7. The Theatre of Hector. Kenny MacIntyre is a staffer at BBC Scotland. Mostly, he is known for hosting midweek Sportsound. I think he is the last Rangers supporting Staffer in the football department of PQ? Kenny MacIntyre is married, has three children of school age, has a mortgage, and other responsibilities. Whilst hosting Sportsound last week, Michael Stewart deliberately went off on a rant reference James Traynor. Kenny MacIntyre warned Stewart, then began to distance BBC Scotland from his views. Stewart continued with allegations about Craig Whyte editing Traynor's Daily Record columns(obviously, this comes from Whyte's book being released this coming Friday; and just as obviously, a few copies of the book were freely available around the Gang Hut before publication) and, 'not being a fan of the way Rangers do things as a club', he criticised Rangers conduct in making application for a Fanzone. Once again, MacIntyre distances BBC Scotland from Stewart's preferred political prejudice. Kenny MacIntyre was protecting and doing his job. Most of the usual suspects in the Gang Hut are Freelancers; DrStu', Big Dick, Tam Cowan, Michael Stewart, Jum Spence,.................... etc all enjoy a freedom of spouting an opinion without responsibility. eg Tam Cowan's school fees for his daughter's private schooling are not dependent upon cawing canny on Auntie Beeb and DrStu' doesn't need the comparative peppercorn fees to support his impressive property portfolio. Thus, it was most surprising on Saturday to hear Off the Ball begin with scripted opening lines in Spanish from DrStu', replied to by Cowan. A eulogising of 'Peter' by both for protecting Alfredo Morelos, and then came the, 'let's throw Kenny MacIntyre under a bus' for doing his job : DrStu' : well Thomas, today's show is indeed a landmark. This is the first time we have offered simultaneous translation to all our listeners. So, I have to say, Hola Escosia. Tam : Si Senor.what's that(theatrical sniff)? Have you trod on something by the way? DrStu' : No, I don't think so. Tam : Is this the studio where Kenny MacIntyre did Sportsound? Oof, dearie me. I thought you had let one rip? It's an absolute shocker, what a week it's been. DrStu' goes on to express concern for license fee payers!!!!! He defines Lost in Translation', tells us Jum Spence's favourite joke concerning Lost in Translation, lionises 'Peter' again, and wonders aloud, what is Spanish for muddle? DrStu' was specific in that ra Sellik should not be accused of racism. This thread has been running for over two years and Kenny MacIntyre's name is mentioned at regular intervals. The spectrum of accusation runs from shittin' himself to being untrustworthy, but more than anything else, his biggest demerit is being a fcuking H-u-n. I think MacIntyre had a Producer shouting in his ear during Stewart's diatribe, but both Cowan and DrStu' have decided to pile all the ridicule upon the Presenter. Being a Staffer, you would imagine BBC Scotland senior management would intervene? Being a Staffer, MacIntyre must have access to his Trade Union official, bullying, particularly constant bullying should be taken seriously? An excited DrStu' finished off by saying ra Sellik's complaint to OffCom was good because there will now be a published report naming all the names, "we can look forward to that" "What a week it's been"? Last Friday, Chris McLaughlin appeared on BBC Scotland's lunchtime TV news, his item was concerning Craig Whyte's book. As stated, advance copies have obviously been available in the Gang Hut for some time. Chris lost his professionalism when rhyming off some quotes. He got through, "the DUP offered Craig Whyte a photo opportunity to ease him through a local difficulty", similarly with, "Craig Whyte claims he edited James Traynor's columns", but lost it into an open laugh when commenting on Whyte's thoughts reference the Rangers Board before taking control, "they were all Pompous buffoons". He reappeared on the Scottish Nine and did the very same thing. It's a comfort that BBC Scotland had to promote Chris twice to remove him from the need for such bias on a daily bias. It is amazing that a clown such as Whyte is now considered the voice of reason. I am positive that McLaughlin spent years informing us license fee payers that Craig Whyte was a stranger to the truth? It would appear truth is a movable feast within the Gang Hut. Looking forward to that. DrStu's claim that ra Sellik should not be accused of racism is worthy of some consideration. On the 29th December at Sellik Park, Rangers visit resulted in a victory 1-2, and many knew there would be a price to pay. Now, the St Johnstone fan is no strager to NOT flagging up Sellik racism. He took on the job of updating BBC Scotland's landmark documentary, 'Only an Excuse' first aired in 1986. His sidekick Tam Cowan congratulated DrStu' on this feat covering thirty years by saying, "ah hope yer tongue has been retreaded twice"? DrStu' failed to mention Mark Walters debut at Sellik Park on the 2nd January'88. Despite testimony from the likes of now Solicitor, Gerry Britton; DrStu' thinks such events as the match being held up for a total of 12 minutes to remove the carpet of bananas in front of the Jungle, as awkward and inconvenient in modern Scotland. Despite knowing both sectarian and racist abuse was recorded on the 29th December at Sellik Park, despite knowing the Police were actively investigating the accusations, and despite knowing both sectarian and racist abuse allegations were included in the Match Delegate's report; DrStu' chose to say ra Sellik should not be accused of racist abuse. Still, 'Peter' will be happy with his efforts.
  8. Hibs v Inverness St Mirren/Motherwell v Aberdeen/Killie St Johnstone v Sellik Hearts v Rangers.
  9. Stephen McGowan, Peter's go to man in print media, told us that Liam had to have an emergency operation after tussling with Alfie. We should all pray for Liam.
  10. Pacific Quay Priorities. As stated a few posts past, yesterday was the day for BBC Scotland's weekly Media Review. An allocated 40 minutes is a short time to cover a week's events. It is hosted by John Beattie(former rugby internationalist), co-presenter Anne Marie Watson lobs the odd question to the main protagonists, Stuart Cosgrove and Eammon O'Neill. Three topics were up for discussion(review) yesterday lunchtime. The resignation of Scottish Finance Minister for sending 270 text messages to a 15/16 year old schoolboy was first, selection of journalists attending Prime Ministerial Briefings was second, and third was Michael Stewart's rant reference James Traynor. Derek MacKay's resignation was allocated 7 minutes discussion, DrStu' wants a timeline on the story. The News, travel, weather, and sports news intervened for nine minutes, PM briefings lasted ten minutes, and Michael Stewart's vanity was awarded a scripted 14 minutes. H-u-n bashing was worth double the amount of time a Scot's Minister's resignation amid creepy circumstances. We should remember this, it is an indicator of PQ priorities. DrStu' attended Hull UNiversity, his degree was in Drama. In his 68th year, he proved he still has the skills to script and choreograph a fifteen minute four-hander. John Beattie introduced the topic and spent a couple of minutes setting the scene. Already, both DrStu' and O'Neill were guffawing. There existed a real crackling of excited anticipation, Anne Marie yelped too, and Beattie inquired if he was accurately setting the scene? DrStu' assured him, he was doing very well. More laughing interfered before DrStu' embarked on a several minute soliloquy; Michael Stewart is fealess, both Stewart and Thompson are the best commentators on Scottish football ever, far better than the likes of MacPherson and Montford, and Stewart was highlighting the 'dark hand' claiming ra Sellik are racist. He legitimised these assertions by stating, "both Michael and Steven have opinions that matter because both have played the game at a substantial level"? More guffawing ensued and I am thinking, Michael Stewart's 15 year career barely includes 150 first team appearances, is that substantial? Beattie mockingly scolds DrStu' for his long rant and apologises to O'Neill for not having the time to extrapolate. No problem, Eammon is not interested in football and begins with, "I've never heard of nor met James Traynor and wouldn't know him if I bumped into him". It didn't stop him delivering his scripted lines about Rangers being part of the story. Whataboutery was raised by DrStu', informed us the word emanated from the Slugger O'Toole website. He explained you are not allowed to morally condemn a lorry bomb by reminding those participating of the time the UDA planted a bomb. Do you see what DrStu' did there? References a general principle, but specifically highlights the UDA. Jim Traynor is a former colleague of three of the four talking and O'Neill's opening statement sees DrStu' anxious to supply the necessary information. Traynor operates Level Five, Anne Marie wants to knoe more? "It's a PR firm operating out of Airdrie" shouts DrStu'. More laughing and then DrStu' introduces a bit of whataboutery, "Apparently he told us all in his Daily Record column that Rangers had died". A big theatrical laugh followed, then DrStu' introduced, the concept of, 'there's a squirrel'. ie Traynor had deliberately ran interference on a SKY interview conducted by a Formula 1 journo. Again, he explained the meaning of there's a squirrel but did not tell us the derivation. We await Phil McFournames for that one. I hope all four receive their much deserved Equity Cards, a bravo performance? A wee aside to Dr Eammon O'Neill. Having listened to you for several years, I know you place great emphasis on the principles of accuracy and objectivity in Journalism. Your go to area of expertise is the American political system, particularly the post-war era; when referencing a contravention of those dearly held principles. Many years ago, I was required to attend a lecture on 'the Expansion of the Vietnam War'. One Knight of Camelot is held responsible, he was an ever present for seven/eight years, Robert McNamara. Many recognised McNamara's determination to sacrifice a country's principles to ensure a personal victory. McNamara searched for and found an Air Force General that would promote Carpet Bombing of North Vietnam. Paul Harkins strong suit went before him, "he willed himself to believe what he wished to believe and reject what he wished to reject". This became a tenet of what became known as, 'the McNamara Monarchy'. Setting a squirrel running would conclude with McNamara telling lies to the President to achieve a preferred prejudice. The Cosgrove Monarchy has survived for 25 years at PQ. Your participation in yesterday's scripted four-hander(remember, you have never met and would not know James Traynor) compromised your dearly held journalistic principles. Playing the straight man for DrStu' to deliver lines of mis and disinformation will be remembered too. You have sold yourself, paid the asking price to take your place in the court of the Cosgrove Monarchy. You can ask Jum Spence if it's worth it? Oh, I loved your contribution to Cosgrove's 25 year celebration of broadcasting on BBC Scotland, "Stuart is an intellectual colossus". You were easy to identify, please continue to practice your off stage guffawing.
  11. Oh Gawd, we are all now denizens of Trumpton!
  12. Heads Up. BBC Radio Scotland are broadcasting their weekly media review at the moment, it will last a further half hour. As usual, the drivers on the show are DrStu' and Eamonn O'Neill. They have spent five minutes on Derek McKay's resignation over sending 270 text messages to a 16 year old schoolboy. Congratulations to the Sun for the scoop;however, DrStu' wants a timeline on the story ie how long have they sat on it and have the police been contacted? After the one O'Clock news, the topics one would expect would be Trump's State of the Nation, the continuing Coronavirus story, the proposed emergency law to stymie early release of suspected terrorists, political journos boycotting a PM briefing, ................ etc? No, they will be discussing Michael Stewart and Alfredo Morelos! DrStu' is bristling.
  13. Sorry seems to be the hardest word? It's Sad, so sad(so sad) It's a sad, sad situation and it's getting more and more absurd The above three lines are from the chorus of a Taupin/John composition. They will be most familiar to current Sellik season ticket holder, Graham Spiers. Today, Graham took to social media to lend support to Michael Stewart's bizarre performance on BBC Radio Scotland's midweek, 'Sportsound' show. Paraphrasing, Graham believes there exists an exciting opportunity for a hip, young gunslinging PR Guru at Ibrox, the current incumbent with 40 years of experience is past it. Maybe, Elton John will put the necessary music to the burgeoning narrative? This will allow ra Bhoy in Corduroy to appear live on TV for a third time, fingering his organ through a medley of Elton melodies. Tonight's 'Sportsound' opened with the following : "We apolgise to James Traynor for the discussion on Sportsound last night. It was not fair and balanced and he did not have the opportunity to respond and on this occasion we did not adhere to our Editorial values and standards. We have reminded those concerned of their responsibilities to follow our guidelines whilst working for the BBC". Last night, Mikey went Tonto. PQ CSC don't care what the animals say, thus Michael was pitching for his dream job, Minister for Sport in an independent Scotland. He queried Morelos being interviewed by SKY on Friday, and the piece not being aired until Monday. This ran interference on Sunday's revelation on the tamperer of the Columbian's car being revealed as a being employed by Alfie's wife. He blamed this situation on James Traynor. Further, James Traynor is a dangerous man and a bully. Mikey revealed he was being accused of murder on social media because Traynor had fed the Daily Record the line about car breaks being interfered with, and this is not on. Morelos claiming racism is not on either, Mikey demanded, "show me the evidence"? Is Mikey blaming the victim, is he suggesting Alfie is a liar? We should be told. Another demand for evidence was followed by, "the difference between the Griffiths incident and the one with Morelos, was that Morelos planted his foot into McKenna's groin". Oh, and racism is unwanted in Scotland, Derek McInnes was complaining of Logan being a recipient and that's wrong too. No demand for evidence, I note. Consumed by bitterness and idiocy, Traynor got it again before widening his demands for Rangers to provide evidence of break tampering? The blunderbuss was now fully loaded and primed. Mickey leveled and went off half-cocked. Rangers do not do things the right way, They got confrontational, went to war with the council over their application to launch a Fan Zone. James Traynor was behind this too, and he asked if we knew he sent written pieces to Craig Whyte for approval before publication? Since the start of this season, Mikey was given a platform to get after Craig Levein. He also stated he agreed with the Green Brigade, particularly their political aspirations. He ridiculed Rangers supporters claims of crushing outside Rugby Park, insinuating too many Rangers fans were inside the allocated stand because of forged tickets. He was taken on by both Neil McCann and Billy Dodds after saying orange strips had no connection with Rangers. Both former Gers told him with certainty that the Advocaat Dutch period was the connection. You would think BBC Scotland should accept some responsibility? In fairness, I heard Kenny McIntyre take him on some months past for his preferred prejudice, He called him out for inconsistencies in his opinions on incidents involving Rangers players and players of other teams. McIntyre has paid for it ever since, both Cosgrove and Cowan have continually mocked his support for Rangers. The principled solidarity shown for Chris McLaughlin or Jum Spence is NOT for H-U-NS. DrStu' is occasionally garrulous, his excitement betters him. He revealed in early Autumn that Michael Stewart would be willing to take on the job as Compliance Officer, but only if he was guaranteed anonymity. Although BBC Scotland has apologised to Traynor, there is no apology to Rangers or Rangers supporters. Further, Michael Stewart has not apologised to anyone. The podcast of the show is not available on BBC Scotland and the Daily Record has asked for an apology too. The fall out will continue because for Mikey, SORRY seems to be the hardest word.
  14. It was displayed at Pittodrie earlier in the season, it translated as, 'Morelos, your mother is a mattress'.
  15. Through the Window. "Edinburgh Zoo have accepted the transfer of Rangers player, Filip Sebo, they plan to exhibit him". These last 15 years or so, BBC Radio Scotland have run a special show each year on the 31st of January entitled, 'Through the Window'. It documents the transfers happening on the last day of the January transfer window. For a couple of hours, up till midnight, half a dozen of the usual talking heads report and discuss the various player movements. The above quote is from Richard Gordon(Big Dick), long term Host of the Show. Thirteen years past, Big Dick informed the listenership he had received an hilarious e-mail and wanted to broadcast it; however, he decreed he would need the Producer's nod before doing so. The drama built for over an hour. I believe the Producer that evening was Martin Conaghan, he okayed the broadcasting of the e-mail and Big Dick had a hard time getting through the text without laughing. The other reporters found it funnt too, a couple laughed like drains. BBC Radio Scotland received hundreds of complaints, the gist being Zoos exhibit animals, why was Big Dick keen to dehumanise Filip Sebo? A disciplinary proceeding began and Big Dick was found to have no case to answer. It was pointed out that ra Sellik song contains a line, "we don't care what the animals say" and BBC Scotland confirmed that very message. It was also pointed out that BBC Scotland do not broadcast such constant dehumanising propaganda about any other clubs' players. Have BBC Radio Scotland changed? Well, the hatred is just more careful. Both Friday night's and Saturday afternoon's discussions on the latest transfers focused on Rangers. The consensus of the window's machinations was Hearts signing of Liam Boyce is THE transfer. they may be right? Rangers two signings of Hagi and Flo' Kamberi are naturally split. Off the Ball asked the question, 'has the son ever been better than the father'? The conclusion was no. Flo Kamberi was completely different, his crime was to say positive things about Rangers and Rangers supporters. DrStu' and Cowan concluded it was boak inducing. Agent, Allan Preston guesting on the show criticised Kamberi for not being respectful of Hibs. Further, he advised he cannot return to Edinburgh, the Hibs fans are fulminating on his remarks. Of course, Hibs have rescued Greg Docherty, a young Scot not fulfilling his potential because of lack of game time. Big Dick hosting 'Open all Mikes' reinforced the already expressed views on Kamberi. He was most positive on Aberdeen's Venezuelan signing, Ronald Hernandez. He cost nearer the million pound mark than the half-million, a right back doing well in the Norwegian league. Michael Stewart ripped into Kamberi, called him stupid, cannot see where he will fit in at Rangers, and warned he should stay away from Edinburgh. Kheredine Idessane conducted his pre-match interview with Hibs Boss, Jack Ross, his first question was his reaction to Flo' Kamberi's remarks? Jack Ross sidestepped the question. They do not openly refer to Rangers players as animals anymore; but future signings should be aware of the careful hate and ridicule coming their way, should they sign(and in particular say positive things about club and support) for Rangers. The second part of Off the Ball begins at 17.30hrs, I was continuing my drive home and heard 20 minutes of special guest, Derek Stillie. He remains both a Lawyer and a Goalkeeping Coach. He began by asking Chris Sutton for an apology? He was the Pars Keeper that day in 2003, when we won the League by defeating Dunfermline 6-1. He stated Sutton's remarks of expecting the Pars to lie down deliberately, were an insult upon all Pars players' professionalism. He then stuck it on Michael Stewart, like Sutton he was permanently angry. Now, DrStu' is a bi supporter of his fellow Scots nationalist, and he began to bristle. Stillie added, "maybe if Sir Alex had given him a game at Manchester United, he would be less angry". DrStu' replies, "oh, we're blaming Sir Alex"? Stillie opines, "your right, Sir Alex is Scots, it would have to be somebody English for Michael, let's blame Brian Kidd". By next week, I am positive DrStu' will be blaming James Traynor for briefing Derek Stillie.
  16. Breach of the Peace? Thirty odd years past, I was temporarily posted to Shrewsbury. The local blat carried a story of a couple of incidents occurring in folks driveways, Immediately after parking their cars, they heard noises outside, on looking out they noted a chap half underneath, at the back of their cars. On reopening the main door, said chap jumped up and ran off. Both cars were Volkswagen Golf GTIs. Later in the month, a just parked Golf GTI attracted the attention of a chap behaving similarly. A female in her flat across from the parked car called the Police. Two beat Cops around the corner nabbed and arrested the guy. He was charged with Breach of the Peace. He appeared in court a few weeks later, and it came out in the proceedings. The lad had a fetish for hot exhausts and a blistered dick. It was explained the Polis and CPS could not find a specific charge, thus Breach is a cover all. I think a Lamborghini has four exhaust pipes?
  17. Last evening, prior to the match and the Gang Hut are excited that Morelos has a calf strain, and starts on the bench. Pat Bonner offers the Columbian is a very good player. However, he is most dependent upon service, "otherwise, he is just an ordinary player". Here's me thinking that Alfredo was quite the extraordinary player, because he has an ability to tie up both central defenders with or without service. What do I know? At least, I expected one of four voices on mike to dissent on such a green tinted view? Post match and I climb into my car to drive home. I turn on the radio for the Gang Hut's coverage and discover David Currie hosting from McDiarmid Park. Liam McLeod has provided live commentary of St Johnstove v ra Sellik. Pat Bonner supplies colour commentary and Martin Dowden is on touchline duty. I hear the last 15 minutes of the show and all but thirty seconds is the foursome discussing ra Sellik's devastating crushing of the Saints. Our score is given once by Currie, no mention of scorers. Martin Dowden("a good Celtic man") interviews both Neil Lennon and Tommy Wright. The last thirty seconds are taken up by John Barnes, he is in the studio fulfilling 'being all across events at Ibrox'. He told us that Saints Keeper, Zander Clark had been the target of a thrown bottle, from the Celtic support; in the immediate of the third goal, it missed narrowly. Interestingly, none of the four BBC representatives at McDiarmid Park saw the incident. Further, the bottle throwing is not reported in BBC Scotland's match report, either on Ceefax or on the website. However, Sportscene are reporting the incident, including showing footage, but no discussion. I expect John Barnes to be called into the Gang Hut for interview without coffee, biscuits, and chair? John has strayed off message and must be subject to necessary conditioning.
  18. "we are not laughing at the incident, we are laughing at the smartness of the car"! I suspect the above is the result of a Producer intervening?
  19. I think Ryan Jack's absence could be a problem. He has an eye for a pass, often competing to be our most creative edge. Further, this season he has been the side's metronome. Fortunately, our next few games are at home and we should have enough to compensate.
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