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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Free the Copenhagen Two! Come on Humza, I know you are hurting after last night's delicious victory for the Danes, but to do opposition players/coaches for celebrating in front of their own fans. You sit in the comfy green leather heated seats in the North Stand, you witnessed the incident, intervene and tell PC Yahoo-Plod to wind his neck in.
  2. I note from this morning's news coverage of the Coronavirus spread in the Canary Islands. They have a Yahoo replete in ra green'n'grey hoops pressed to the window, wearing a respirator, and giving the thumbs up. Speculation suggests another 14 days quarantine might ensue; however, he has been informed ra Sellik have drawn FC Naecnut in the next round and he's whiling the hours booking flights. Ah hope, bless them.
  3. Tom English has just given his conclusion : "Celtic are a better team, had they gone through they would have gone further in the tournament than Copenhagen". Some would say that sounds a bit Irish?
  4. Copenhagen's Coach just interviewed on Radio Shortbread. He mentions the club visited Auchenhowie today and met Stevie G. They were made most welcome and Gerrard hoped Rangers would draw Copenhagen in Friday's draw? Tom English hopes Rangers draw Man U.
  5. Listening to BBC Radio Scotland at the moment, both Tom English and Pat Bonner are suicidal.
  6. Tonight, I would like to salute the following : Hans Christian Andersen, Brian Laudrup, Peter Lovenkrands, Hamlet, Lego, Lurpak Butter, Kai Johanson, the Little Mermaid, Danpak Bacon, Great Danes, Erik the Red, Viggo Mortensen, Brigitte Nielsen, Thumbelina, Carlsberg, Tuborg, Queen Margrethe ii, Akavit, Danish Pastries, ....................................................... etc.
  7. As I understand it, the legal advice proffered to ra Sellik reference Celtic Boys Club/sexual abuse is to continually peddle the separate entity line. This is in the hope that whoever are appointed to sit in judgement will be sympatheTIC and grab the presented lifebelt. NewCo is the legal way to go, but it gives them a presentation problem.
  8. An oversight on my part. I thought the Referee was excellent tonight.
  9. Braga had a couple of chances, both headers. We showed them the outside and won the headers from the crosses. They had 13 corners and several free kicks. Both Goldson and Edmundson stood up to it. We battered them, scorned three very good opportunities, missed a penalty, had a goal VARred off, and put away the hardest chance. A great ball from Hagi, played blind; then Kent's first touch was sublime, taking him across the defender. A firm finish. Kamberi's first 30 minutes was hard, he insisted on being offside. On three occasions, standing on the half-way line would have saved him. In saying this, I thought he added a lot, he is a strong runner. I cannot decide on the man of the match, it's between Edmundson and Jack? Anyone fancy a pop at Man U next? It would be a huge money maker.
  10. If we go back 25-30 years, there was a regular correspondent with most broadsheet newspapers. He also participated in radio phone-ins. His name is Gerry McSherry, his published address would vary, but his opinions were constant. He was supported by the vast majority of Sellik supporters. Then, he got on the wrong side of the Kelly/Whyte - McCann debate. Mostly, he was ridiculed, and access to the debate was increasingly denied to him. When the abuse at Celtic Boys' Club first broke, Gerry McSherry claimed there were 14 separate abusers on the CBC staff. All were long term, and dozen of others were invited to participate on reciprocal arrangements. We appear to be up to six prosecutions and custodial sentences? It would appear Gerry McSherry's claims are proving to be increasingly correct. Simply, political expediency is allowing men who should be prosecuted to continue to walk free. The murder of Lawrence Haggart became a maelstrom of misinformation and disinformation. A teenage boy playing at CBC was murdered because the predators lost control. The then Daily Record Chief Reporter, Anna Smith splashed front page exclusive after front page exclusive claiming a sectarian motive to the murder. Often, she quoted a then senior Police Officer, Kevin Smith(no relation), adding weight to her claims. A most senior journalist and the man who became Chief Constable for Central Region deliberately ran interference. The voice of Gerry McSherry was deliberately drowned out.
  11. We are languid again. The surface is not the best, but it's difficult for both sides. The Saints are knocking it on and supporting it. We are occasionally attempting to thread passes on a glue pot of a pitch. Get in behind, turn the Saints, and start flashing the crosses across the box for incoming midfielders. Morelos has had little service, but he has lost energy. Further, what has happened to packs of three Rangers players hunting the ball down immediately after losing possession? If we don't get on top of this game, our season will boil down to three days against Braga in Portugal and Hearts at Tynecastle.
  12. On Monday, with the viewing figures available for the first year of the new BBC Scotland channel; Donalda stated her intention to stand down as Director of BBC Scotland. She took the designation in December 2016, and immediately supported the proposed £32 million investment in the new channel. A klondyke for lots of existing Producers and Presenters. The channel has bombed, it began poorly and got worse, a lot worse. Apparently, there has been dozens of shows barely registering any viewing figures at all. Sixteen shows returned figures of zero. Thius, she has stated her intention to step down, hoping to go early Autumn. Under four years is an embarrassment. Already, luminaries such as Cosgrove and O'Neill are flagging up launches of Podcasts. A lot of the usual suspects have grabbed their share of the new channel's budget, and are running.
  13. Compare and contrast? A Father and son duo from London provide a real service, they capture all the drama and atmosphere of a European night at Ibrox. It's top of the range. They engage with the supporters before, during, and after; a true barometer of emotions. They bring a genuine enthusiasm, no agendas. I feared for them eating an Ibrox pie, more adventurous than me. The national broadcaster preferred a scenario of three guys talking in a studio half a mile from Ibrox. They were satisfied with two thirds of the match gone and Rangers losing 0-2. They talked about Sellik's class, conveyed none of the emotion of the comeback. They broadcast each of the three goals, scorers and times, in between eulogising French Eddy. At the final whistle, Richard Gordon gave the final scores and went to the news. ....... and we wonder why Donalda MacKinnon has flagged her decision to step down?
  14. Framing the Narrative. Listening to DrStu' on Saturday, this man of principle came across as a Victorian/Edwardian circus side show Barker. Roll up, roll up to see the Bearded Lady, the Boy with Two Heads, and the Duplicitous Cnut. An excited and garrulous DrStu' announced an exclusive twenty minute interview with Craig Whyte. Lending authenticity to a Fraudster punting his tome, DrStu' brought 'gravitas to bear(s)' shouting, "everything in this book has full legal clearance". To be fair, Tam Cowan pricked such overbearing pomposity by saying, "ah still don't trust a word he says". Into the Bear Pit is a turd and DrStu' was eagerly willing to apply the necessary polish. In just over quarter of an hour he repeated the line about legal clearance on three occasions. I think this was to avoid the Jum Spence troubling broadcast? You know the one that led to his second leaving(some say sacking) of PQ? He claimed the Scots courts should recover monies from Rangers through the auspices of the Proceeds of Crime Act. Jum informed the listenership he knew this to be the case because he lectured in the subject at some Technical College. Jum left after it was pointed out no crime had been committed. I will not trouble fellow Rangers supporters by questions offered to Craig Shyster, but the deflation award goes to Tam Cowan, "that highland castle you owned, how long did it take you to inflate it before the kids could bounce on it"? DrStu' was convinced he had achieved a scoop, surely akin to the Orwell Prize awarded to the RTC Blog, "aye Tam, who in this building will be bristling that we got the Craig Whyte exclusive"? Tam repeated, "ah cannae believe a word he says". It's the continuity, or lack of it. After telling us last week, that Michael Stewart was one of the best football pundits ever, he kept his fellow nationalist's name alive by wondering what the ginger headed guy would say to Craig Whyte? He does the same for Jum Spence on a regular basis. Show me the evidence is now redundant, there's been half-a-dozen arrests of other clubs' fans on racism charges. Combine that with Alison McConnell's summing up of Mark Walters' debut at Sellik Park, "so Walters had a banana thrown at him". Modern Scotland would be framed in a poor light. When does this man of principle take responsibility for the environment he helps to actively create? He keeps barking, others pay the price.
  15. The Cheese from Dunlop is NOT a Blue Cheese. It is a cheese possessed, green tinged with rubbery consistency, requiring a strong nose. I believe the Gillie was attracted by the stench of body odour, had Spiers, 'hook, line, and stinker'!
  16. I am hearing ra Bhoy in Corduroy has been offered a commission to pen, 'Fly Fishing by J R Silverspoonbawbag' .
  17. I think it's Alex Thomson of Channel 4? Yep, that Alex Thomson, lionised as the journo that walked the backstreets of Basra. Those lionising him were Phil McFournames, Captain Haggerty, and DrStu'. Thus, I imagine his arrival is at the bequest of Holicom?
  18. These last two seasons, the fantasist known as Graham Spiers has taken season tickets at ra Stade de Gadd. He is keen to give both his lads the same football experience he enjoyed with his own father. Of course, this where fantasy begins, his Herald Diary back in the day contained some excruciating pysh. It was around the time when ra Sellik were throwing a slap-up lunch for all the members of the fourth estate who had complied absolutely to MON's tutelage. Glenn Gibbons, Kevin McCara, Mark Guidi,..... including Spiers were all hosted at One Devonshire Gardens. The current Big Cheese from Dunlop wanted to ingratiate himself further into Sellik inspired vicTIMhood and indulged a false memory of attending Ibrox with his Dad, January'76. They stood in their usual place in front of the pie stall in the Broomloan, wearing their Rangers favours. They received no hassle whatsoever, in fact Graham invented a quote, "let the boay support his team". Rangers won 3-zip that day, and old firm games were all ticket; think of the administration involved to make this fantasy true? We must express our concern at the conditioning being offered to two young impressionable lads, perhaps the authorities should intervene. Last week, the Corduroy Crusader took his elder lad fishing. The location being Harelaw Fishery. I am not an Angler myself, but I understand that attendance at Fisheries involves payment. Again, we see Graham has a problem with necessary administration. The loch has to be stocked, the fry reared, fed, and health monitored. This involves employing Gillies. One such, Alex Cairnie is the hero of the story. The former Bootneck confronted both Spiers and son, told him the right to fish required payment. Further, the ten foot high, six foot wide sign that was five yards from his parked car, informed him the Fishery was PRIVATE and payment was necessary. Spiers replied with the robust defence of, "ah didnae see the sign and ah didnae kno' it was private". Now, I must confess that I am surprised any former wearer of the green rag on one's napper can retain such information, but it gets better. Alex Cairnie then told Spiers it was the only sign for five miles, and it had been there on his previous unpaid visits. Spiers reluctantly accepted responsibility and was swashbuckled by being labeled 'a pompous prick' and, 'a silver spoon bawbag'. I hope other Gersnetters will join me in demanding Ayrshire Social Services step in and rescue both young lads from the Corduroy Clown and his fantasies? Absolutely, trout of order!
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