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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Former Top Referee Blows Dog Whistle. These days, the bankrupt Wullie Miller earns a crust from constant outpourings on BBC Radio Scotland. Big Dick loves to lay out his achievements as Aberdeen's most successful Skipper, and regularly promotes Wullie's time on Aberdeen's Board as Director of Football, brings that special insight. Miller's managerial career is glossed over and his time as the country's best referee is only occasionally joked upon. The plethora of Dandies on the various shows worship at the altar of Wullie, and when Miller blows the dog whistle, everyone comes to heel. There's never any mention of Wullie's fish frying abilities. Twenty years past he took on a Harry Ramsdens franchise based at Aberdeen's south beach, and it tanked. Twice bankrupted, Wullie is the epitome of a bail out merchant. He is fortunate that a sympathetic crew of broadcasters allow him free reign. It's easy. he talks with authority because he is protected. Words such as morality, integrity, principle, probity, ...... etc trip off his tongue without fear of betrayal. These days, Aberdeen's chief investor is Dave Cormack, recently returned from the States to peruse the club's books. In the last 25 years, Aberdeen have had a historical debt of £19 million written off by a sympathetic bank. They have survived two legitimate relegations, beneficiaries of creative administrators. Further, they have persevered with a ground moving proposal that has allowed them to oversee a stadium that would NOT receive a safety certificate anywhere else in Scotland. Pittodrie is a toilet. Cormack's book learning has proved depressive, an unsuccessful manager exacerbates the situation. Cormack realises Aberdeen are a heartbeat away from misery, he uses the current bleak medical situation to moan about his club living beyond it's means. A cost of £5 million to survive the season's end, insurance running out next month, and the fantasy of moving stadium to be run out, AGAIN? Aberdeen's solution is to end the season as is, Sellik champions and Hearts relegated, and play out the Scottish Cup because there's £3 million prize money among four clubs. It's a hard sell, particularly if you went hard recently on all that bullsh1t about sporting integrity. The PR is fired up, Wullie is wheeled before the Aberdeen Evening Express, then gets to reinforce the current fantasy on the national broadcaster, because he can. Wullie says : 1. Ultimately, integrity has to be binned, hard pragmatism takes over. No one will be happy, tough times demand tough decisions. 2. Sellik are champions, Hearts have had a poor season and should be relegated. All clubs must ultimately accept these decisions. 3. The season cannot be declared null and void. 4. Three cup games are easy, play them next season allowing the four clubs access to much needed finance. 5. The legal route is Not the way to go. There you have it, Wullie the Voice of Reason. The voices of no reason on Saturday were once again, Tom English and Michael Stewart. Discussing Dave King's stepping down and Douglas Park taking over as interim Chairman is an invitation at PQ for sustained fcukwittery. Michael does not disappoint, he began with the accepted Beeb Scotland mantra, "forget about Europe". Yep, that's the rational, forget about 31 games in under two seasons, it upsets the arithmetic. Michael begins with, "Rangers are spending more than we earn", reminds us that, "Mike Ashley had the club nearly breaking even", and Dougie Park has been left with a huge ask. Further, Michael will be "astonished" if Rangers can find any fresh investment and is, "surprised" King has abandoned the club as this point. Tom concluded with the word, "uncertainty". I await Jum Spence shouting, 'contrition'?
  2. Today, I am reading the Spanish Army assisting the civil authority, patrolled greater Madrid and entered several elderly care homes. The staff had left and abandoned the residents, the army medics found deceased lying in the beds of most homes. Not the pages of a well thumbed dystopian novel, a real scene from today's drama of modern society. The Yahoo Mindset powered by Holicom hamsters has Roger Mitchell in the Evening Times. You must remember Harry Potter's doppelganger, he was Chief Executive of the SPL many moons past? He told us all he supported Dundee United, then surprised no one by admitting he was a Happy Hoopster. We thought he had been flushed away, spiraled down the ceramics with other foul smelling feces. Holicom's exercise of emptying septic tank continues and today's turd screaming 'gies ra title' is Roger. Roger is anxious to reference his comments by telling the readership he is drinking from a well of experience, has called a few mates, and has understandings. Hearts will not sue, they know they are down and Rangers have secretly accepted the title belongs to Celtic. Scottish football will pull together because, "this is a black swan moment". Further, in future, "decisions must be made with clear heads and not passionate hearts". Here's hoping that health professionals do not have to deal with 'black swan moments', eh Roger? It only goes to prove, sometimes you have to flush twice.
  3. Well done. I have not seen the Pathe footage of both those final games, so clear. There is grainy footage of the goal taken from the Main Stand side, it has the advantage of showing Jinky throwing himself to the turf as the ball strikes the net. Thank you for that. I will stand you half-a-dozen rounds in the Gersnet cyber pub if you locate footage of Alfie's header in January'72. Seriously, the noise inside Ibrox of 80 odd thousand was akin to a Saturn 5 take-off.
  4. I don't want to pysh on anybodies parade, but this another Kai goal. This was a 2-2 draw at ra Piggery. Rememberded fondly by most Bears as Fallon's best game. John Fallon was Sellik's second Keeper, he allowed both Rangers goals to slip under his body that evening. He did similar in the '71/72 Scottish Cup whilst playing for 'Well. It was a replay at Ibrox after a 2-2 draw at Fir Park. We won 4-2, Fallon threw in a couple. The Kai goal was the winner in the '66 Scottish Cup final replay, a 20 yard screamer.
  5. Kai's goal was my comfort blanket, I held it dear for several years. I have great memories of DJ's goal in the '71 League Cup final, but it was Alfie Conn's last minute winner at Ibrox, New Year'72 that meant we had a side capable of winning the league flag. Who put the ball in ra Sellik's net? Alfie, Alfie!
  6. The Yahoo Mindset. Yesterday provided a peek into the mindset of the Yahoo collective. The above Herald tweet purports to highlight a silver lining to the Coronavirus epidemic. A most wealthy footballer in his Autumn years, has the opportunity to gain respite. Scott Brown is ra Sellik Skipper and we are all invited to celebrate his good fortune, Well, if you completely ignore those dying and the far greater numbers beginning their struggles in being able to continue breathing. I believe the Herald took the tweet down after several hours, but still? Further, going down the water to the tail of the bank, the Yahoo mindset rode the tide and was found lapping at the doors of Cheers. A public house where everyone knows your name, celebrating the Troubles all the same. The local Yahoo CSC is based in Cheers and they ignored all government advice on closure, in fact chose to advertise their defiant opening and invited like minded to celebrate all things Sellik. The uniform of drab olive was adorned, feet clad in de rigueur green trainers, and massive sense of entitlement to the fore; they spilled on to the sunshine blessed street, and leered. A passing pensioner attempted to remonstrate on the nihlistic behaviour being displayed, he was punched off his feet. There is film footage of the incident and the alleged assailant immediately got on social media to claim credit. Like Covid 19, ra Sellik mindset never sleeps and Holicom's hamsters have been working overtime again. The usual suspects, the Herald, Beeb Scotland, Evening Times, ............ are not reporting the incident. The Daily Record has it as it's eleventh story. Now, the Chair of ra Sellik supporters association, Mad Joe O'Rourke hail hails from greater Greenock. I am sure his next upcoming homily will provide further evidence of the Yahoo Mindset? He is the Man in the Know for the inside story.
  7. Producers produce ....... Early last week, I was reading the Herald online. The standard of Journalism on the old blat has been in steady decline for a couple of decades. Often, there is more informed opinion to be found in the Readers Comments section underneath most articles. On a piece about the financial mayhem awaiting most Scottish clubs during these estranged times, the writer suggested clubs could do worse than pay attention to Rangers conduct through, 'the Journey'. Immediately, I thought click bait for the haters; of which the Herald has many. There was mild surprise on my part after clicking on the readers comments. The first comment was a paragraph of absolute hate that began, "I was a Producer at BBC Scotland for many years ...............". Recalling his time at Hamilton Gardens/PQ, the contributor vented his memories of 2012 and the mess left behind by Rangers and their use of EBTs. I thought he would mention Rangers not receiving their monies for finishing runners-up after the ten point deduction and demand that those monies should be paid out this season, a lesson learned? No, Peter Broughan was too busy articulating his hate to do comparisons. Peter Broughan was top of the tree in Beeb Scotland, he produced 'Only a Game', 'Your Cheating Heart', 'Tutti Frutti' ......................................, etc. He also teamed up with fellow Yahoo, Michael Caton-Jones to produce the Hollywood financed film, 'Rob Roy' starring Liam Neeson. I was glad no Rangers supporter, nor supporter of another club took Peter to task for his Sevco, EBT, and new club rant. He is the epitome of an approaching his seventieth year Yahoo, in the wilderness facing uncertainty, and holding on to his one true thing for grim life - his overwhelming hatred of Rangers. He doesn't want to move over to allow younger Yahoos an opportunity to vent hatred, his right to spit venom must always be practised. Yesterday at PQ, our national broadcaster placed the megaphone in the hands of Pat Boner, Kris Commons, John Hartson, Tom English, Michael Stewart, .............. etc. Today, it's been John Hartson and Gordon Strachan. The undercurrent is Sellik must be awarded the title. Beeb Scotland do not speak to Rangers supporters, thus it becomes a bit awkward for them when Rangers supporters contributions to a debate are required for the purposes of balance. No problem, PQ has numerous Presenters who have numerous friends who support Rangers. These notional Rangers supporters are leaned upon, often. This weekend is about encouragement to Rangers supporters, we had, "there are even Rangers supporters who are willing to cede the title to Celtic to move the game on". John Hartson was magnanimous, "if Rangers admit Celtic as Champions, they would receive a lot of credit". The bitterness and vitriol all lies with Rangers and their supporters, opines Kris. It's convenient to have these notional Bears, it's like DrStu' back in the day claiming Rangers would complete their journey playing in front of an average of 8,000 fans. His rational was most Gers supporters were/are glory hunters and would not put up with the reality of a mediocre Rangers. Further, he knew three Rangers supporters who were long term season ticket holders and they were not returning because they believed Rangers to be a different, new club. Other highlights were Michael Stewart and Fraser Wishart(now head of the Players Union) having a ding dong. Fraser objected to Michael's line of questioning. It must be getting harder for Producers at the Beeb to find folk to come on, just because Stewart has not had an argument with them? Tom English battered Hearts and Ann Budge. No longer worthy of praise, no longer a model club, and Tom regrets this. Tom did not articulate his real resentment, and he is speaking for the majority of PQ colleagues here; the real resentment in no longer being able to use, 'Hearts are a model club' is that it was weaponised to continually wield the big stick at Rangers and listening Rangers supporters. Don't worry, another stick will be found soonest. There was consensus on this season being finished, even if it means season 2020/2021 does not occur because of the time required to clear up the coronavirus situation. The Dandies grouping are still concerned about the Scottish Cup being completed, £3million among four clubs is much needed future finance. Self interest is catching, although no one knows notional Rangers supporters promoting blue tinged self interest? If they did, of course they would be labeled self serving selfish bastards. Today's BBC Scotland football web page has one result from lat February - Inverness CT 2 Rangers U21 1 and has an invitation to view text commentary of the 2016 Scottish Cup final. There's no mention of the aftermath. Further, there's a trumpeting of Hartson's demand for Rangers to be afforded, "huge respect" if they cede the title. I wonder, if ra Sellik were awarded the Championship, would Rangers receive their runners-up prize money? Would the 2012 monies be paid also? I am sure the PQ Producers can find enough notional Rangers supporters to comment upon such a notion? It will occur when one contributor finds the courage to say Rangers could win their game in hand and defeat ra Sellik home and away, leaving them 4 points behind with five to play. It's just a notion.
  8. I met George last year in Strathclyde Park, it was a mustering of the Cameronians(honest Richard). He was walking with his Brother-in-Law, extremely happy in his then new venture of helping out installing kitchens and bathrooms.
  9. Please allow me to remind Gersnetters of BBC Scotland's mantra for three years : "Hearts are a model club".
  10. I do believe Peter has blinked first. A couple of weeks ago, he set a couple of hares running. Both Broonaldo and the Lurgan Bigot claimed the title, demanded they be crowned Champions, "and rightly so". Neil asked if Liverpool would be denied? Peter expected the Holicom on message Journos to run with it, build the momentum and pile on the pressure. Events intervened, people are perishing throughout Europe. It would appear some Journos, or their Editors see the bigger picture. Yesterday, an influential Sellik website was floating an idea(Peter's idea) that Sellik would be open to soft loans for other SPFL Premiership clubs. Rangers and Hearts would be excluded because they were null and voiders. I suspect information filtered through last evening that other clubs were not for the much needed finance if it meant losing their independent voice? Peter has to get this back on track and knew his intervention was required. The medical crisis continues to deepen and Sellik's demands and claims become more shrill. Liverpool deny themselves such self-serving embarrassing nonsense. Talking of Liverpool, ra Sellik have decided to show solidarity with those enduring the coronavirus by playing and broadcasting the Kop's anthem on ground screens and club website this coming weekend. 'You'll never walk alone', a song about suicide from the musical Carousel, is the message of green'n'grey solidarity. Liverpool's silence becomes more dignified. Next, Peter will demand both Maxwell and Doncaster lead the singing at the weekend.
  11. Neil should have deferred. Asking for tolerance then castigating David Graham for being a Northern Irish Unionist and member of the Orange Order is Neil's problem, and numerous others in both the Scottish print and broadcast media. Rangers have appointed David Graham, why not give him a chance? In the open spirit that Neil calls for, why doesn't the current part time Journo tell of his preference on bed sheets? Egyptian cotton as opposed to Irish Linen? You see Neil took his redundancy last year, suffers from the black dog. He ploughed his hard earned into a Boarding House on a west coast island. Does Neil prefer his guests start their day with honey or marmalade? Should Neil's guests know Neil's background? We know when the OO marches, the DUP are a legitimate political party pursuing a perfectly legitimate political agenda, and David Graham has never pulled on a balaclava. Compare and contrast with Neil's favourites, has anyone at Sellik Park gone into land deals with Slab Murphy? I think Neil knows the answer to that one; maybe he can help out with this one, when's the date and time of the next Opus Dei march? You know that organisation founded by Franco's personal Bishop? Bang another gong, your guests are waiting on their dinner.
  12. Currently, Kris Commons is appearing on Talksport, fully armed with prepared Holicom script. He follows John Hartson, Chris Sutton, Scott Brown, Neil Lennon, .............................. etc. When, I wonder is it Tom Boyd's turn? Further, has ra Sellik's internal investigation into Tom's tormented tongue concluded yet? We should be told
  13. Incoming. PQ's announcement of David Graham's appointment is initially being played with a straight bat. It's a wait out, the barbs will follow quick and fast. A low market red top that is enslaved to Holicom has reported the appointment with no Journo named and unnamed selective quotes from the LGBT community.
  14. Self Interest Dominates. It's plus ca change on the national broadcaster today. Forget Sporting Integrity, the usual suspects are going with self interest. Big Dick wants the season completed whenever that may be, all games in all competitions must be played. Amazingly, Derek McInnes said the same thing last night. Tam Cowan wants it suspended, thus Motherwell qualify for Europe. DrStu' wants it declared null and void, unless St Johnstone are allowed to play their game in hand(against us), gain three points and finish above Hibs. Apparently, worth another £150,000 on league placing. I could go on, but the epitome of self interest arose when DrStu' noted his Twitter feed was showing the German government had okayed a fund for paying Freelancers reporting on Sports and Arts. Big Dick was adamant Nicola Sturgeon must follow suit. DrStu' and Tam C chorused approval. Their standard of life comes before the state of Scottish football, ALWAYS.
  15. When is ra Sellik's annual post season tour of Japan scheduled to begin?
  16. "Weak, feeble, poor, abject, pathetic". A week away, on an island where the sunshine spends the winter. Relaxation, catching up with some old friends, the occasional culinary triumph, and listening to Malloquines express growing concern over the number of cruise ships docking daily in Palma. Incubators of virus or necessary bringers of tourism euros? Last year, the viral complaint was these cruise ships are all inclusive and they buy nothing in Palma. I read an article in the island paper, 'Ultima Hora' questioning any indulgence of Mallorquine culture by those cruising? They asked, 'how many ate Sobrasada and drank Tunel? The herb liqueur is a big ask but Sobrasada is a picante tasting sausage of the parts of a pig no one wants, including the squeal. Last evening, I drove from the Airport to the game, turned on the national broadcaster for team news. David Currie had Chic Young and Billy Dodds talking all things coronavirus. Clubs without appropriate insurance will be sweating, Directors are breathless at the prospect of sudden stoppage of income flow, and concern for the plight of Scott Brown and Neil Lennon not being awarded the championship, was vomit inducing. Currie aplogised for the introduction of a stuck pig with a booming squeal, Tom English had been stuck in traffic and was 15 minute late. Tom rattled the pathetic nature of Scottish football's hand to mouth existence. He wasn't surprised by it, and the SPL and SFA statement on no emergency funding in place was expected. BBC Scotland's Chief Sports Writer was mid flow in his Scottish football condemnation when Liam McLeod appeared with team news. Rangers were given as a 4-3-3 and substitutes named. Bayer Leverkusen were named with accompanying pen pictures. Their values were purred over and the last two mentioned had added endorsements, both were French under 21s and good friends with Odsonne Edouard. Rangers were facing a big step up from Braga. Tom was asked to comment on the given team news, and Tom continued his curmudgeon tone, .......... weak, feeble, abject, poor, pathetic ...., etc. I thought, here we are in the middle of March, a Scots team has made the last 16 of the Europa Cup, having started in late July. Seventeen games of success, adding to the Scottish co-efficient and breaking a few records. Where is the balance? Objectivity is unwanted and it's interference will not be allowed. Pig headed bluster determined not to praise the club continuing to carry the Scottish standard in Europe. Tom raised questions on Gerrard, Morelos, Kent, Tav', and Goldson. They have no mental toughness, "Celtic asked the questions and they have no answers". On the night of possibly Scots participation in Europe ending for another season, the Chief Sports Writer off BBC Scotland told us, "forget Europe", they cannot compete with Hearts, Hamilton, and St Johnstone. Suffice to say, he turned up late and gave us his preferred prejudice. A celebration of Scots participation in Europe cannot be expressed if it's the wrong Scots club. Further, expressing solidarity with Michael Stewart, Jum Spence, DrStu', and all the haters is far more important going forward .................... to talk about rugby or ra Sellik. I switched off, turned back on in an attempt to receive an explanation over the VAR decision. Big Dick, Liam McLeod, Billy Dodds, and Neil McCann were in a PQ studio declaring a definite penalty. Then, they returned to Coronavirus and Big Dick introduced a text he had received from his daughter, 'the Fintry Amateur Dramatic Society have announced the postponement of their production of Calamity Jane in April, it will now take place in October'. Fitting really, reveals PQ's priorities better than anything written on this thread!
  17. Just returned from Mallorca, surprised our next two home games are going ahead. Last week, Real Mallorca won away, first time in several months. This Sunday's home game is against Barca, beginning of the week, all comment based on Mallorca charging 140 Euros for a ticket. Lots of regulars unable to obtain or pay such a charge. Yesterday, the match was officially postponed because of coronavirus.
  18. I would start him, whilst concurrently putting it out he is available in the summer. He scores a few more goals, takes his figures to around 35; his value could be maintained? Since the break, he has lacked energy.
  19. A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall. Donalda MacKinnon, Director of BBC Scotland has announced her intention to resign in the coming Autumn. She will have held the post for less than four years. Donalda lasted five years as Chair of St Aloysius PTA. The launch of BBC Scotland's second channel cost £32 million and Donalda was wholly positive on the opportunities available, the improvement on skills 'levels, and the application of Scotland's voice in a most competitive market. One of her biggest cheerleaders, DrStu' added support, welcoming a new, modern Scotland having the maturity to put it's own spin on world events. A year down the line, and the channel has quietly submerged. Initial viewing figures were poor, and have steadily decreased. Seventeen shows registered zero viewing figures. The tide is high, and Donalda is not holding on. She has decided to push off into the Clyde on a Pedalo, going with the flow. Job done? Donalda and her Cheerleaders gave notice today, the workers on the new channel have their jobs guaranteed for the next year. I believe a number signed up on three - four year contracts. DrStu' and Eammon O'Neill announced their new Media Review show, the Big Light will be presented by Podcast. DrStu' remains for Off the Ball because the exposure is most necessary, but half an eye remains on the Pedalo's five remaining seats. Staffers are safe for now, Freelancers have been the Pirates. Raiding a few slices from the £32 million dripping roast helps with the school fees, the community fees on foreign properties, and the initial capital outlays for the next projects. I note one of the constant complaints about the channel's flagship shows, 'the Nine' and 'the Seven' was the insistence on the Presenters wearing jeans and trainers. I propose FlowJob, the Drag Artist that read a story to Primary 1 pupils at Glencoat Primary School in Paisley with the assistance of Mhairi Black MP, should take over presenting duties? At least, she would insist on wearing a better pair of shoes. Him/Her, and Michael Stewart would be perfect together, competing for custodial rights to the Fisting Glove. Yep, Michael is back and DrStu' is cock a hoop, it's his preferred combination. Less well publicised was OfCom kicking-out ra Sellik's complaint on Sky TV's interview with Alfredo Morelos. Quietly, on Monday night the broadcast thoughts of DrStu looking forward immensely to OfCom publishing all the names and revealing the subterfuge; were stymied by a refusal to accept a complaint. One committee torpedoes hopes, another, the SFA Disciplinary blows your ballast. James Keatings has his red card overturned and more shite floats to the surface. Michael Stewart tweeted on the Rangers 18 year old player smiling as the Inverness player was sent off? He wanted the colt player done. What is it with prominent Nationalists abusing teenagers by text? Talking of nationalism, on Saturday Tam and DrStu' had Andrew Wilson on as a guest. A former SNP MSP and Director of Motherwell. He was far more subtle than Michael, obviously a more careful hater of the H-u-ns. Despairing of the current state of Scotland's ability to produce decent youth players, he found fault with the old firm on three separate occasions. He acknowledged both old firm clubs had their own legitimate concerns to pursue, but each time he provided an example of the problem. Everyone of those examples was a Motherwell youth being stymied in his development by leaving for Rangers. He named both Miller and Hastie. Another problem in Scottish football laid at Rangers door, without counter argument. Now, I hope no Rangers supporter takes the literal interpretation. I mean we do not want the repetition of Michael Stewart pointing the finger at James Traynor and the former Journo being bricked in the face a week later. PQ's re-hiring of Freelancer, Michael Stewart is because he is a willing useful idiot with lots more fingers to point. When Donalda's Pedalo leaves the slip, let's hope Rangers supporters line the Quay and provide her with a Viking funeral. Those Danes know how to administer a finish.
  20. A replay of our two legged victory over Leverkuesen in 1998(3-2) would be nice?
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