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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. A Tale of Two MPs. The week began with a forty second video on social media. The location was a quiet cul-de-sac in Uddingston. An elderly denizen questions a much younger man about the necessity of flying an Irish tricolour from his window? The young man approaches his retreating elderly neighbour, gesticulating and insisting, "shut the fcuk up". On reaching the complainer's fence, and as the elder man is anxiously opening his door to get away, an offer is made to settle any dispute by fighting, "come ahead"? Clearly, you see younger man's wife/girlfriend run up behind him and plant her elbows on the fence. No intention to restrain or intervene, she was taking up the spot of prime viewing. It's classy stuff, the younger man is Steven Bonnar MP and triumphalism is his game. When swearing his oath of allegiance at the Palace of Westminster, he tipped off the photographer to catch his crossed fingers and his lily motif cuff links. Steven is the epitome of a growing number of Scottish Nationalist representatives who prefer the symbolism of Irish republicanism to the Saltire. The Green Brigade encouraged the bold Bhoy to remain unrepentant and the national broadcaster has his back. It's only two months since Michael Stewart proclaimed, "I agree with the political sentiments of the Green Brigade". Here is PQ's amelioration of the story : MP apologises over Celtic flag argument. An MP has apologised after an altercation with a neighbour over a Celtic flag. Coatbridge, Chryston, and Bellshill SNP MP, Steven Bonnar said, "I was drawn into an argument after my neighbour took exception to the flag". The flag was in the window of his Uddingston home. Footage of the row was caught on video and later uploaded to social media. Mr Bonnar said, "I regret being drawn into a dispute with a neighbour and reacting hastily to comments made". Now, we could extrapolate on the MP concerned being a Rangers supporter hanging a Union flag and how PQ would have reacted? Off the Ball would have invited an artillery of ridicule before Sportsound led a bayonet charge. However, we don't need to speculate because another MP, Rangers supporter appeared live on Sportsound yesterday. Forty minutes into a discussion hosted by Big Dick, on the SPFL on line vote, Gregory Campbell MP explained his Early Day Motion. The contributors to the discussion were Tom English, Michael Stewart, Wullie Miller, and Pat Boner. Big Dick explained the SPFL Chairman, SPFL Chief Executive, and a couple of SPFL Board members had been invited to participate, but all had declined. He did not explain Dave Cormack's absence either, well he didn't need to. English, Stewart, and Miller dismissed the Deloitte report and findings. Brian McLauchlin summarised another timeline, then English condemned the continuing farce and attempts to draw a line under it. Michael Stewart wanted it resolved for the good of Scottish football and then took the line from both last week's and this week's comments by Stuart Cosgrove, "what are the emotional issues" and, "the self interest is killing it". Michael unified the studio by demanding, "what do Rangers want"? He declared, "Rangers are one of our bigger clubs" three or four times; however, we don't do things in a big club way. Any Rangers collated evidence must be presented now, condemned the pressure we put on both Neil Doncaster and Rod McKenzie, and we don't have a rational, "ah don't get it"? English jumped on the change of direction, he had spoken to clubs during the week, "you won't be surprised to hear, not to Rangers", and if Rangers do not present their evidence from the whistleblower, "they will deserve humiliation". Big Dick warmed to this line and Pat Boner agreed. Wullie Miller disagreed and Michael Stewart went on the attack again, this time claiming Rangers and self interest do not help Scottish football. At this point, Big Dick introduced Gregory Campbell MP for Londonderry East. Big Dick asked several questions on the motivation for his early day motion. I thought Campbell played a straight bat, "I am a life long Rangers supporter and thought the shambles of the SPFL on line vote was deserving of further attention". He spoke uninterrupted for several minutes, in general terms. Big Dick explained his inclusion was because so many others had failed to appear. After Campbell commented upon further progress of the motion, his line was ended and Tom English commented, "why was that man allowed on the show"? Michael Stewart feigned he knew nothing of the early day motion(in excess of 30,000 signatures) and asked for an explanation? Tom interjected, "don't bother, it's a rehash of Rangers seven points". I suspect a Producer intervened? Wullie Miller again took up criticism of the process. Michael claimed Campbell had dodged Big Dick's questions and Pat Boner said nothing. I am afraid you will have to believe my interpretation because BBC Scotland has wiped from their playback service Gregory Campbell MP's contribution entirely. Later, Michael Stewart took to social media to thank all contributors by name to the afternoon's discussion. All, apart from Campbell; apparently, the discussion was for the good of Scottish football. Every week, both DrStu' and Tam Cowan are screaming, "we want to hear from Rangers supporters". One comes on and Beeb Scotland wipe his contribution.
  2. In my early teenage years, I played with Fir Park Boys Club . We were coached by Joe Wark and Sammy Campbell, and were part of Motherwell's official youth set-up. We enjoyed modest success, the fly in the claret and amber ointment in those days was Celtic Boys Club. National cup competitions ended when you met CBC, usually in the quarters/semis, by at least a three goal margin. Three dozen lads replete in green blazers and neckties would appear, all carrying the official CBC flight bag, desperate to pull on the jersey. Only two subs in those days, thus 13 lads stripped. Every one of the three dozen could walk into our team.Almost half a century later, I wonder how their ensuing 'separate entity' status fits? I was queuing for thirty minutes this morning to gain entry to a supermarket. The chap in front was perusing his mobile for a few minutes, then looked up, smiled, and asked if my left foot was still chocolate? We played in the same Fir Park BC team for three years. We discussed our constant disappointments, his were eased by a short professional career. We did the catch up thing, careers and family. He was semi-retired, having spent the last couple of decades increasingly involved in Hedge Fund management. Looking forward, he was anxious to take his grandson to Fir Park this coming season? We spent 15 minutes talking SPFL. There was agreement on the shambles that has overtaken the SPFL on line vote, and how damaging the continuing fall out will prove going forward. We got on to the Deloitte investigation, and again agreed it was another failed attempt to get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet. Here's the nub of this posting, he went on to outline the extent of cross pollination that has occurred in the last twenty years, among Deloitte, Harper/MacLeod, the SPFL, and Celtic. Recently, he had an instance that is occurring more frequently. A client firm had dealings with Dundee United, he read the various contracts, signed off for United by a Laura McCallum, Head of Football Administration and Legal Affairs. He remembered the name from the past, and looked at the references. Laura began as an intern at Sellik Park, moved on to Harper MacLeod, before joining the Tannadice Admin' team. Apparently, Laura is Lawyer of the Month at the mo' and is looking forward enormously to getting back to Parkhead. I have spent this afternoon plodding through the net, to see if any other names jump out. The Financial Director at the Chamber of Secrets these last four years is Christopher McKay. His previous employment was at Deloitte. Another name screaming from Deloitte is Declan Lawwell. Anyways, a chat in a queue has thrown up an idea to check the extent and expanse of cross pollination?
  3. I seem to remember Deloitte and Touche gave both RBS and Fred the Shred a clean bill of health, after conducting due diligence? Peter, Shifty, Rod, and maybe Neil have nothing to fear.
  4. I suspect that will be Dave Cormack's last appearance LIVE on Sportsound? I thought Gary Deans of Falkirk was bright, he picked up on Cormack's timeline and revelation of Doncaster's intervention, "on polling day, I don't get Nicola Sturgeon calling me within twenty minutes of the polls closing to tell me how the vote's going". He finished with, "we have laws against that". Aberdeen(and I suspect Hibs too) were contacted by the Chief Executive to tell them their votes were nod necessary. Aberdeen(and I suspect Hibs too) changed their vote within that 20 minute time period, to be seen to be voting with the winning side We should applaud Dave Cormack for his contribution to Sporting Integrity.
  5. Aberdeen Chairman, Dave Cormack has made a complete cnut of himself. Big Dick is desperately attempting to ameliorate. Both Tom English and Brian McLauchlin have picked up on Cormack's given timeline, Aberdeen intend to vote No at 16.00hrs, receive phone call from Doncaster at 16.40hrs, telling them their vote is not needed as they have the necessary Premiership majority. Aberdeen decide to vote Yes 15 minutes later, with five minutes remaining. Dave Cormack attempts recovery by joining the call for an independent inquiry. Tom English reveals, "I've been told by several folks that Murdo MacLennan does not speak". Shifty McGifty is the Chair of the SPFL? Further, the Chief Executive of the SPFL, Neil Doncaster only speaks to Peter at the allotted time ie one minute after five pm. The only point in the ninety minute discussion that Big Dick has gone to submitted e-mails/texts, was when both Michael Stewart and Tom English castigated Rangers for not revealing evidence of bullying and intimidation. No public support to be aired for both Doncaster and McGifty come out and explain their rational?
  6. As stated, it is predicable. In DrStu's next wheezing breath, he's demanding to hear from Rangers fans. Whatever became of all those compliant notional Rangers fans? Cowan delivers the one-two, "Derek Ferguson is tonight's guest". Bring in another useful idiot. Further, no mention of Lawwell, Shifty McGifty, or Rod McKenzie. Today's favourite was DrStu' welcoming Dundee United back into the SPFL Premiership, "a club at the very heart of Scottish football fabric". Given the emphasis on Dundee FC this week, you would think Jum Spence would be the very guy to explain the dynamic? Nah, the caravan moves on, and the only dogs barking are H-u-ns, and they don't count.
  7. Posterity must be kind to the good guys? Since the turn of the millennium at Beeb Scotland, the 'good guys' are always ra Sellik. Whatever is broadcast, and that can sometimes be difficult to fully control(see last Saturday with Tom English and Michael Stewart), those in the future will mostly have what is printed as a reference. The banks of ra Sellik-minded at PQ have become choreographed, rehearsed to such an extent, they have become most predictable. I am sure the analogy with medieval monks relentlessly transcribing victors' history will be accepted as a compliment? Any story that is negative or embarrassing to their beloved will be sculpted, words and phrases softened. The mood music of the hidden hand will be completely removed. Last weekend's events have already been crafted. Peter Lawwell's considerable involvement has been disappeared. We heard Neil Doncaster's first action after the vote was advisably guillotined at 17.00 hrs, was to telephone someone who is NOT on any SPFL Committees, call minuted at 17.01hrs to Peter Lawwell. Those looking back will not read that fact. Talking facts, the whole narrative has morphed into Dundee's journey to enlightenment, whilst any influence exacted by Lawwell, Shifty McGifty, and Rod McKenzie has been quietly disappeared. Beeb Scotland's concluding narrative began, "Initially, Dundee registered an aborted NO vote". It ends with a congratulatory, the majority of Scottish football is grateful for Dundee's change of heart". The phrase 'change of heart' is not one the Beeb will ever attribute to Rangers, a Rangers player, or Rangers supporters, we do not have a heart. Of course, back in the day, 'Off the Ball' had a regular contributor, a Rangers supporter who was a school Janitor from Largs; for several years he was introduced as, "the H-u-n with a heart". Who remembers such broadcasting posterity? During the week, a concurrent story embarrassing ra Sellik and Scotland appeared. The FC Copenhagen player, Michael Santos was disciplined by UEFA, a three match ban for, "assaulting another person" in a, "last 16 Europa Cup tie". Now, we know the efficaciousness employed by Sellik Park Stewards and Police Scotland in ensuring no opposition players or supporters enjoy the experience scoring a goal, particularly a winning goal. Ranks of high visibility Hectors stand immediately in front of the away ion, deliberately preventing anyone from espousing joy. PQ deployed another regularly used tactic. They have to report the story, but the wording will be kinder, and the main participant will be demonised. Further, the stories life on the shelves of both the official Beeb website and Ceefax will be short-lived. The full story below lasted less than four hours : Danes' Santos Banned for Celtic Assault. FC Copenhagen's Michael Santos has been given a three match ban by UEFA for assaulting another person during the side's Europa Cup tie at Celtic Park. Santos and a Copenhagen staff member were charged by Police Scotland in connection with an alleged assault on an Officer, as his side celebrated their second goal in their 3-1 win in Glasgow in February. The attacker reportedly pushed a Police Officer to the ground during the Danish side's celebrations, in their 4-2 aggregate win in the last 16 Europa Cup tie. Factually, it was a last 32 tie, but posterity being kind will low those in the future to know ra Sellik went at least as far as Rangers ie the last 16. The report is an interesting interpretation of events. A rushing, excited player careers into the side of a Polis moving at right angles, and it's assault. The Sub-Editor's headline is a disgrace and a travesty. It derivates from the Angela Haggerty school of HND Journalism. A manufactured 'Celtic assault' will ensure posterity will not be kind to Michael Santos. I have no doubt that tomorrow's broadcast beano from PQ will concentrate on castigating, 'the Great Survivor', Neil Doncaster. His telephone call at 17.01 hrs will not be mentioned, neither will the names, 'Peter', 'Shifty', or, 'Rod McKenzie' be uttered either. Doncaster is rewarded with an annual salary a smidgen under £400,000. His standard of life will be maintained, as long as he continues to telephone Peter. A wee bon mot from 8 years past. As Rangers imploded, and Peter decided we were not worthy of our second place prize money; Peter(again, not on any then SPL Committees) was spotted on a flight to London, sitting side-by-side with Doncaster. Further, he was then photographed beside Neil on the Underground. We assumed correctly, Peter was leading Neil to the headquarters of SKY TV for urgent talks. We asked, why is Peter involved? Being caught on camera gave no wriggle room and later that evening we found out Peter was a member of, 'the SPL TV Rights Committee'. A committee no one had heard of, we asked who else served on this committee? No answer was forthcoming, and we know the committee was never reconvened. Neil might be sacrificed, he might fall on his sword, it depends upon THE necessary posterity. Will Peter offer Neil a posterity like the stars of heaven? We should be told.
  8. Seriously? Doncaster has hung around like a bad smell, every ones' nostrils have been in constant twitch. Who knew Shifty McGifty and Rod McKenzie were still there, taking a wedge whilst doing Peter's will? How much are these two taking out the Scottish game?
  9. The season is officially over and breaking news reveals ra Sellik are allowing four referees and nine linesmen to leave the club. Further, Neil Doncaster's whereabouts has also been solved, currently bunkered down with Derek MacKay MSP. I read earlier this week that Doncaster's salary is £360,000, is this true?
  10. Peter is withdrawing ra Sellik team for a post season tour of Japan.
  11. May I refer everyone to Jum Spence's column of three years past, 'Dundee is a three club city'. Of course, there are Dundee and Dundee United. However, Jum argues that ra Sellik play such attractive football, that many Dundonians prefer watching such footballing aesthetics as opposed to eating Cow Pie. Thus, if Dundee is a three club city, then Dundee are guaranteed eight Derbies per season. Peter Protects. Peter Provides. Peter Presents. This will be another Peter Production, fluffing by Jum.
  12. Neil McCann's second half contribution was immense, a true Ranger.
  13. You are correct. I wonder if FC Holicom have over-egged a rancid pudding? Earlier this week, Chris Sutton had a pop at Michael Stewart, claiming his BBC Radio Scotland opinions of last weekend were made, "whilst wearing a Hearts jersey".
  14. The ninety minute discussion on yesterday's events concluded with Tom English saying, "I spoke with someone this morning who has been involved with Scottish football administration for five decades. He says yesterday was the worst he has ever seen for machiavellian manoeuvres". WTF? Where are Peter's Firefighters? I think I can hear the megaphones at PQ bellowing, 'Chris, Chris, where are you, hurry'!
  15. Currently listening to BBC Shortbread. Scott Gardener of Inverness CT has just appeared and simply explained the timeline of yesterday's voting; ICT, Partick Thistle, and Dundee all voted no within several minutes of each other. Doncaster claims the Dundee vote was not received, then called Peter Lawwell at 17.01hrs. I suspect Gardener has holed the good ship SPFL below the waterline? Both Tom English and Michael Stewart have backed the Rangers statement reference bullying. Rangers have called for the suspension of Doncaster and SPFL legal adviser, Rod McKenzie. The consensus on Beeb Scotland at the moment is that the whole voting process and SPFL Proposal stinks, "guns have been held to heads". The Holicom Hamster must work harder.
  16. BBC Radio Scotland have just announced that Chris McLaughlin will be on later tonight to EXPLAIN the SPL decision. You have got to admire Chris, continues to broadcast with a full mouth.
  17. I believe BBC Scotland are showing the timed sequence of the games, at Ibrox against Dunfermline and ra Sellik at Killie ie the last day of 2003 season.
  18. I am resolved, a complimentary pie is a threat. Still, I can utilise my new lanyard to strangle the combination of pastry and nondescript filling.
  19. Moses past 66 years after the club's founding. The club had become an institution in the aftermath of World War 1, the lost opportunity was NOT recording Moses voicing the founding and relating tales of the hopes and determinations of teenage lads. It would be a treasure to hear that voice, the first to say, 'Rangers'. Keep up the good works.
  20. I have been a member of Bar'72 since day one. I have a great seat, and if desired, access to a lounge serving food and refreshment. Over the 13 seasons, I have been most happy, every game at Ibrox is on the ticket. Today's renewal correspondence informs me that Bar'72 will have additional offerings next season : MC Host and live entertainment. Upgraded LED screens for match viewings. Ex-player visits and Q and A's on all match days. Complimentary drink on arrival(wine, beer, or soft). Complimentary match day programme. Complimentary half-time pie. Personalised membership card and lanyard. Dedicated account manager. What I really enjoy about Bar'72 is the freedom, probably I dip into the lounge half-a-dozen times per season. It's there if I want it. The demographic of the Bar is middle-aged to older, a lot of these folks enjoy the heat, it makes match days in the winter months more tolerable. The above changes will make attending more of a corporate hospitality experience. The increase in my season ticket will be approx' 35%. We are talking just over £1,100 to just under £1,500. I wonder if the club have decided to maximise income by chasing/discouraging the demographic? There is a waiting list. I will renew, but I will not change my behaviour. I value my freedom and do not want to participate in most of the above. I hope a lot of the folks I have met over the years can sustain the increase, but I doubt it. The reason I left the Club Deck back in the day was to get away from the increasing hospitality types, most of them were balloons with a sense of entitlement. It's a bit depressing, where is comfort to be found?
  21. Self Interest is Best 2. Today, Police Scotland issued a formal warning to a group of Aberdeen players gathered together in a local park for a training session. At the weekend, the plethora of Dandies at PQ had a broadcast stroll in the park. Big Dick backed up by the binner of sporting integrity Wullie Miller, introduced Aberdeen majority shareholder, Dave Cormack live from Florida. Good news, Dave and fellow investors were pumping in a further £2 million to aid the Dons through the current crisis. Cormack wants the footballing authorities to arrive at quick decisions to progress the game. He banged on for some time, but really he was just saying what Peter told him to say. Twice bankrupt Wullie added batter to Cormack's fish fry, "heartening to hear monies in the bank, another £2 million being added, most other clubs in Scotland will not have such good fortune". Big Dick concurred. Wullie poured vinegar on questions reference Aberdeen's ground relocation. Well, Cormack had just got quite salty on the matter, I suspect it has been parked but Peter had fail failed to brief Dave on that matter. When will someone at PQ ask about Safety Certificates for two stands at Pittodrie and suggest further revenue should be utilised to bring the dung heap, up to date? Tom English and Pat Bonner joined Big Dick and Wullie, Tom settled the expectant audience immediately, "ah spoke to Peter yesterday". Tom is quite important. Alan Preston spoke but he is a member of the Foundation of Hearts, and the Jambos are no longer considered a 'model club'; so Big Dick introduced Derek McInnes. Surprisingly, Derek agreed with Cormack, and soothing noises chorused in the background. Derek went further, "Celtic should be awarded the title, only Rangers supporters would argue". Barry Ferguson was next up, and he agreed with Derek, who agreed with Cormack, who had been Petered, and Tom oversaw that everyone was in a state of Holicom compliance. Today's Beeb website has former Compliance Officer, Anthony McGlennan bravely scolding UEFA and demanding ra Sellik be awarded the title. Apparently, Tony is a Lawyer and knows stuff, although I suspect the fact he is a current Sellik season ticket holder trumps all else. Further comfort can be found as Rangers Colts result at Inverness remains front and center from the 16th February. This coming Saturday, PQ will have live interviews with Aggie McGlumpher, Lolipop Lady at St Aloysius, Tom Boyd, Skipper of FC Holicom , and Fabio, spear sharpener for the Swiss Guard. I wonder what unites their collective thoughts? We know Big Dick has a Saturday column in the Aberdeen Press and Journal. At the conclusion of last season, his SPL Premiership team of the season included four Aberdeen players and one Ranger. On Saturday last, he eulogised Beeb Scotland for showing the entire 1991 Scottish Cup final between Motherwell and Dundee United; however, this Sunday's fare of the 2002 final deflated him, "tomorrow evening's offering is the 2002 final which doesn't particularly excite me". Good to see Big Dick continues to flash his Rangers hating credentials. I vote Big Dick to be FC Holicom's goal keeper, plenty of competition for places. I should add a note of caution, we have seen it all before and know how it ends. How long before FC Holicom becomes a separate entity?
  22. Surprising really! I kicked every wearer of the green'n'grey hoops.
  23. Self Interest is Best. Forty six people died yesterday in Scotland, cause of death was Covid 19. For the third week running, 'Off the Ball' had Jason Leitch, Scotland's National Clinical Director as a guest. It's a good call, it allows someone with important things to say about all our welfare, to reach a different demographic. Professor Leitch has excellent communication skills, he says what he means, and means what he says. He relates his boyhood experiences at Broomfield, whilst getting his health message across. The fly in the ointment is once again, DrStu', determined to utilise Leitch's appearances with making political capital. Last week, DrStu' asked Leitch his view on Prince Charles being tested at Balmoral, whilst front line health staff still had no access to testing. Leitch side-stepped the question with the ease of old Airdrie winger, Billy Wilson going around a full back. He is a health professional with a message and he knows he will be compromised by straying into obvious political matters. Yesterday, DrStu' undeterred, praised the First Minister in her handling of the crisis, "she hasn't put a step wrong and I feel Scotland is comparatively emerging from this in a better state"? Again, Leitch dummied the clown and drifted on to his next message. DrStu' introduced his son, Jack into the discussion and asked if he could still provide an Easter Egg hunt for the lad? Leitch replied no problem as long as the exercise was confined to home and garden. Of course, DrStu' has numerous properties around the Globe and I am sure he won't make the mistake of visiting any of his second homes to plant eggs. It's a pity, Scotland's Chief Medical Officer, Catherine Calderwood did not heed the advice she provides a dozen times per day in the broadcast media, 'Stay at Home'. She chose to visit her Fife holiday home in Earlsferry yesterday, just as DrStu' was getting excited about comparatives. As stated before, when DrStu' gets excited, he becomes garrulous. Michael Stewart is a guest too, and DrStu' is anxious to flash his nationalist credentials. His social media feed has, 'Langside Susan' and Gerry Braiden on it, he reveals. Glasgow City Council Leader, Susan Aitken and the SNP's PRO in Glasgow, Gerry Braiden, could help in hiding Easter Eggs, Susan could give you access to her husband's Art Gallery space at the Trongate, you know the one he gets to rent from the Council for a single pound per year? Maybe, Gerry can tell us the spin on Councillor Alex Wilson leaving his wife and two autistic children for fellow Nationalist Councillor, Mandy Morgan? You know social distancing, stay at home, and no visiting. Comparative studies will bite you on the arse. The very attempt to make political capital, the so called couthy Perth lad is so out of touch. J'accuse, take a walk along Edinburgh Road, it's the continuation of Alexandra Parade you often talk about whilst walking your son to school. A mile along and you will come to Burlington Court, an elderly Care Home. Last week, 13 folks perished due to Covid 19 in that very establishment. They had no access to hospital, how does that compare DrStu'?
  24. Lies, damned lies, and Statistics. Today, on BBC Scotland's website, we can continue to see Rangers Colts lost 2-1 to Inverness CT on the 16th February'20 in the Tunnock's Carmel Wafer Challenge Cup. I suspect it's a comfort thing for the majority of their regular readers? Further, there's an article from Martin Watt entitled, 'How do the statisticians think the Premiership season will finish'? Underneath a huge photo' of ra Sellik on an open top bus celebrating a league win, Irish tricolour to the fore; Quantitative Methods are weaponised to once again put the H-u-ns in their place. I am sure Martin has completed the necessary chi squared analysis and t-test for fit? There are a few of Venn diagrams and pie charts in nice pastel shades. The conclusion is Rangers have a 1.13% chance of winning the league. Hearts have a 56% chance of avoiding relegation. Aberdeen are predicted to overturn Motherwell's current third placing, and St Johnstone have an opportunity of a top six place finish, should they win their game in hand(Rangers at Ibrox)? Next week, BBC Scotland consult Astrologers, telephone Pythia, High Priestess of the Oracle at Delphi, and conduct a live broadcast of Scatomancy on Peter and Neil's feces. Here's hoping our 1.13% chance of success rises? Oh, and Tom English has conducted a heart to heart with Neil Lennon, a real insight. Apparently, Neil has faced down a bombs and bullets threat, ......................................... and all sorts of other shit. Tom did not ask about the land deal with Slab Murphy, or the threats of violence against women, or Bolton Wanderers? A real insight? Thats Tom for you, guaranteed happy endings every time. Maybe, Martin Watt can get the Statisticians to predict the probability of Tom gagging at least once?
  25. Surely, our best team would have to the 98/99 season, the 1898-99 season. We played 18 league games and won 18, a 100% record. We scored 81 goals, including a 10-0 against Hibs, and defeated ra Sellik 4-0 and 4-1 respectively. We conceded 18 goals. Robert Hamilton was top scorer with 25 goals. My paternal Grandfather, born in 1894 remembered players from this team that continued to represent Rangers in future seasons. I have his collection of wee Blue Books, beginning 1903-04 season. Often, he would argue with my old man in the mid-sixties to late seventies on the merits of Neily Gibson, the best player he ever witnessed. My old man loved Baxter. Team was most probably : Dickie, Neil, Crawford, Smith, Drummond, Gibson, Campbell, McPherson, Smith, Hamilton, and Millar.
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