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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. The Boys Brigade? Is that like the Green Brigade? Genuine question from a Cub and Scout member.
  2. Quite a talent is Michael. His passport has, 'Sh1t stirrer and cheese blower' as his profession.
  3. So, Three months past, Michael goes off on a deliberate rant on Kenny McIntyre's midweek Sportsound. It's a personal vindictive piece, he gets after James Traynor in full knowledge his target is a week or two from retirement. Despite constant warnings from McIntyre that Traynor is not in the studio/on the telephone to defend himself, Michael continues, again knowingly that fellow Rangers haters are cheering him to the echo. Traynor makes a complaint and Stewart is suspended for four/five weeks. Michael despairs of playing the martyr, nobody is hearing him; thus decides he will abide by BBC Scotland's standards(no laughing at the back). Michael is back on air, bringing his injured faux vanity to the microphone. He has already had a pop at Traynor's successor. Willingly, he has pulled on the clothes of Supreme H-U-n Skelper. We can expect lots more of Michael "demanding" an explanation. Remember, Michael has already said on several occasions, "ah don't like the way Rangers do things as a club" and, "ah agree with the vast majority of the Green Brigade's political actions". Maybe, someone at PQ, in light of those quotes, will be demanding Michael explain his hatred? Don't hold your breath. The Journo that teamed up with Michael, sorry broke this particular story is an old 'friend' of Rangers supporters. Aidan Smith has been on the scene for quarter of a century, started out in Scotland on Sunday when Kevin McKenna was Sports Editor. Back then, Aidan was desperate to flash his Rangers hating credentials. A Hibby from the mean streets, grouching on the cobbles of Leith, strung out with Irvine Welsh. Then, we found out Aidan was a former Boarder at Fettes College. His early football memories were all Sellik related, his old man chauffeured car would pick him up and drop him off at the Chamber of Secrets on Euro evenings. Aidan used to be a Sellik supporter, in the same way Michael used to be a Rangers supporter. As Eddie Thompson famously stated, "you can change your car, house, wife, but you cannot change your team". Rangers supporters should be demanding to know why Michael and Aidan changed their teams?
  4. Michael Stewart is a cnut. The decision is whether he is a reasonable cnut or an unreasonable cnut?
  5. Surely, the club should be increasing it's land bank around the Stadium?
  6. I note today that Juventus have refused the award of Serie A. Of course, ra Sellik are now claiming the Italian title and automatic entry to the Champions League. As I am currently tenth in the table, I am compelled to follow the example set by a club like no other - gie me the title and the dosh.
  7. This coming Friday evening, BBC Scotland's second channel had listed highlights of Helicopter Sunday May'05. Ninety minutes of warm nostalgia guaranteed for all Blue Noses. The drama unfolded at both Easter Road where Hibs were playing Rangers and Fir Park where the claret and amber faced the green'n'grey hordes. Rangers were winning 0-1, a Nacho Novo goal. Similarly, ra Sellik had gone a goal up too. The second half in Edinburgh was a passive. Motherwell had been battered most of the game, ra Sellik had missed numerous chances to double their lead. The craziness sparked in the last several minutes when Well's striker, Scott McDonald equalised, then notched the winner in time added on. Radio Snyde's then commentator, Peter McGuire(Martin) uttered the final day lament, "the helicopter has changed direction". The whirly bird landed in Leith, delivering the league trophy to Rangers. It's as well we remember it as above because BBC Scotland have cancelled in favour of Scotland versus the Netherlands highlights from the Argentine world Cup of 1978. There is no explanation for the cancellation, as folks confined to the sidelines whilst beelin' and raging, no explanation is necessary. I suspect the usual suspects at PQ did not want to remind their audience of how titles were won on the pitch? As much as I am loath to credit a Bootneck, it was the wonderful poster, 'Buster' who introduced/recognised an increasing aspect of BBC Scotland, 'misleading by omission'. Misleading by omission is a big part of PQ coverage. The weekend's culmination of votegate was a damp squib. We heard Peter stood up at the SPFL meeting and made an impassioned, rousing speech. Apparently from those that witnessed the event, it was a rambling blame Rangers for everything that had a last thirty second conclusion, demanding unity for the good of Scottish football. This "game changer" was not mentioned by anyone at Beeb Scotland last weekend. The only thing said by Peter in seven weeks and we are misled by omission. Espanyol supporters can tell us our future.
  8. Reminds me of ra Sellik View twenty years past. Matt McGlone was a several year columnist at the blat, he ran an end of season awards every year. Seriously, he had a category, 'Journalist most objective in a Celtic perspective'. Spiers won it five years on the trot.
  9. My heart goes out to those four approaching middle age Yahoos, who donned lycra and took to their expensive bicycles yesterday. Another Rangers supporters forum posted footage, highlighting the exquisite good taste one associates with our separated brethren. It was part reported in the Evening Times, labelled Cheeky Celtic supporters, the four filmed each other as they unfurled their nine-in-a-row banner in front of the Louden, Bristol Bar, and the District. It was an early Sunday morning jolly jape. Of course, the Evening Times did not show the culminating footage of the Adventurous Four arriving at Ibrox Stadium. The cheeky Bhoys proceeded to film as they took turns urinating on the Ibrox gates beside the Disaster memorial. Charming Yahoos will be slapping a soothing balm upon each others' buttocks, much deserved. Saddle soars are an inexpensive price to be paid whilst suffering for the cause. 'Feelings of immense well being in high visibility lycra' - a short film available at the GFT soonest.
  10. Transparency. Transparency is a word, like contrition and integrity that receives very little attention these days on BBC Scotland. Go back eight years past and all three words were common currency, on an industrial scale. The Rangers Tax Case Blog drove the narrative. Regular contributors to the RTC Blog such as Stuart Cosgrove, Jum Spence, Hugh MacDonald, Chris McGlaughlin, .. etc remain at PQ to varying extents, and the collective cry is, 'Rangers supporters should forget all about the RTC Blog'. Younger Gersnetters may not be aware, but the RTC Blog disappeared over night. In excess of one million impressions were cast into the cyber ether. All that evidence was efficiently eradicated, we don't know who was behind the Blog, and it's existence is lost in a mist of collective amnesia. Rangers supporters are not worthy of transparency. The PQ establishment has now firmly condemned us to the status of, 'second club'. Michael Stewart went through Satueday's broadcast without saying, 'Rangers'. The caravan has moved on and all that is left are the yelping dogs. There is no relief, Michael explained the entire season's sponsorship of £26 million could be taken and handed to the second club, and it still would come no where near ra Sellik's £100 million turnover. We have a place and it's standing on the eternal sidelines, beelin' and raging, unable to articulate what we want? The end game was being articulated by DrStu'(the establishment man at Gamba), as he has done these last several weeks, he waited to the last ten minutes of his show, to exert force upon the dagger thrust. He tells those of us on the sidelines, "when this is all over, there will be less tolerance of the petty bickering that Scottish football has been subjected to recently. The time for self interest is over". Encouraged by the beat of such a tattoo, triumphalistic Tam demands, "ah want an asterisk next to Rangers second place, Motherwell can still catch them". The oddest of odd couples then chorused, "call the League". If the RTC Blog had remained, we would have instant access to the cheers that greeted Rod McKenzie and Murdoch MacLennan. Instead, the Rangers collective memory and Private Eye has been our reference. Who knew these two were re-connected with Scottish football? Both retired but Peter has rewarded their loyalty with Quango-esque appointments. Hollicom briefings have reinvented both as victims of the beelin', raging hordes confined to the sidelines. DrStu' twice presented MacLennan as a genial administrator on Saturday. No mention of Shifty McGifty. Compare and contrast to any mention of 'Jabba'; a long winded derivation ensues on former colleague, Jim Traynor. DrStu' is an arbiter of transparency. Now, we know a London publication such as Private Eye is an anathema to DrStu', it's too English and as part of the Scottish establishment, he would be a target. Here's a couple of football related stories from last week that Off the Ball did not touch. SNP MP for Coatbridge, Steven Bonnar was charged by Police Scotland last Thursday, in relation to a disturbance with a neighbour. Three weeks past, a Scottish nationalist MP hung an Irish flag from his window, and then charged across the road to remonstrate with threatening invective. Secondly, fellow BBC Scotland broadcaster, Angela Haggerty took to social media to complain her on line ASDA shopping had arrived incomplete at he Parkhead home. The Scottish Health Minister, Jeanne Freeman intervened on her behalf, assuring Angela that ASDA had been contacted and would resolve the situation immediately. Transparency took a right doing in this regard, BBC Scotland did not report it, the Scottish Sun reported it on line. The Scots Government forced the Sun to take down the report. Imagine, a newspaper exposing the hypocrisy of a Health Minister ignoring a health crisis in our care homes, to ensure a fellow Nationalist receives her shopping. Angela is a beneficiary of the Establishment, and you can take this to the bank, she will not call it out. Ignoring these two stories left DrStu' and Tam filling the space with a twenty minute interview with David Hayman, who was on to promote his works with Celtic charities. Of course, Dr Stu' could have told the audience of his musings being a supporter of one of the clubs that made up the cabal of six. Denying reconstruction is just another another piece of unwanted transparency. Remember, in the same show DrStu' told us, "the time of self interest is over". Sportsound was the very epitome of the caravan moving on. Chris McLaughlin was back to express the timeline narrative : Tuesday : EGM Day, Rangers motion failed. Thursday : SPFL meeting on Hub stadiums. Friday : tense top flight video conference call reference reconstruction. Self interest being over, Michael Stewart grabbed the initiative to plead the unfairness of relegating Hearts. He ranted on about the advantages of a 14 club league, all Derbies catered for in TV terms. Sky can have a huge influence if they want it. A plea for a wee bit of transparency from a Rangers supporter here; we have played 31 Euro games in under two seasons, how does this fit in with the increased fixture list demanded by a 14 club league? I know, I know, self interest on my part, no transparency required. Stay where you are placed, continue to rage and rile on the sidelines, whilst the Establishment get on with making the decisions. Time for PQ to define the green tinged prism we all get to view Establishment transparency?
  11. I wonder if Castore will be designing my new proposed Bar'72 Lanyard? We are the loyal the Lanyard Loyal we sit quietly heads wrapped in foil.
  12. The triumvirate of the SPFL, Neil, Rod, and Shifty have inspired 37% dissension.
  13. Depth! Sportsound on Saturday had the following line up : Big Dick, Brian McLauchlin, Pat Boner, Chris McLaughlin, Michael Stewart, Tom English, Billy Dodds, and Wullie Miller. Chris McLaughlin is first up, and provides the week's timeline : Tuesday : Neil Doncaster meets with Scottish Government Minister, Joe Fitzpatrick. I suspect top of the agenda was a Scottish Government bail out for football. Neil's remuneration is £388,000 per annum. Thursday : Rangers Dossier Day. Chris precis it down to revelations that the SPFL failed to alert clubs to a £10 million liability, if season is not completed. Secondly, the dossier highlighted the SPFL had informed UEFA of Scottish football's intention to draw a line under the season, six days before a vote had been taken. Friday : League reconstruction stymied by a cabal of six Premiership clubs, namely : Aberdeen, Hibs, Dundee United, St Mirren, Ross County, and St Johnstone. Saturday : Rangers Vice-Chair, John Bennet's warning of the SPFL's attempts to isolate Rangers. Tom English makes the first contribution, a clear dig at DrStu' and Michael Stewart, "this is NOT Rangers versus the SPFL, if you think that, you are NOT listening". He mentions a few of the clubs that have supported Rangers claims ie Falkirk, Partick Thistle, Hearts, Stenhousemuir, Kelty Hearts, and Brora Rangers. He quotes Thistle's Jacqui Low, her attack on Shifty McGifty reference the SPFL's decision to call the season, "his behaviour was grubby, thoughtless, and selfish". There is a growing depth to Rangers claims. Big Dick laments those who have appeared on the show in the last several weeks, no longer willing to come on. He lists again the cabal of six saying no to reconstruction, then adds that reconstruction was a wild goose chase since day one. Chris McLaughlin supports this by saying, "it was never going to happen". Michael Stewart is not the beneficiary of a prior briefing this week and he asks, "I want to know why reconstruction won't happen"? Last week, Michael was Hollicom's attack hound on Rangers, this week he is groping around and blurts, "Ann Budge has behaved impeccably, unlike others, she has not thrown the baby out with the bath water, or the toys out the pram". Rapid fire comment ensues, Wullie Miller thinks Scottish football is in a state of anarchy. Pat Boner believes the situation is toxic, and Billy Dodds declares the vote, "the worst democratic vote in the history of sport". Big Dick invites former Hearts Chair, Leslie Deans on to the show and the Jambo begins, "I am spitting blood". He accuses the SPFL of alienating it's third biggest member and advises Hearts to begin legal action against both the SPFL and the cabal of six. He cites the willful misrepresentation before the vote of the £10 million liability, and Dundee's farcical vote. These facts should be scrutinised by the court and advocates crowd funding. He will start it off with a four figure donation. Deans says the SPFL have acted almost in isolation. Only the French association has called their leagues, and currently the French Government are supporting relegated clubs in their determination to take on the French football Federation.He invites all to read the comments made by both Rangers and Thistle's QCs ie good prospects of a favourable court decision. Michael is not controlling the narrative and reminds Deans(a Lawyer with over 40 years experience), "Company law supercedes common law". Deans hands him his arse and continues asking, "why have the SPFL failed to offer solidarity payments"? He ends with, "they offer no contrition, they are contemptuous of Hearts, Thistle, and Stranraer, and that includes whoever is pulling their strings". Michael is out of his depth, he wants to now retrace the timeline suggesting, "the vote would have been better split into four or five separate votes". Wait a minute, that was Rangers suggestion and Michael was against it. Going off script, once again allows Michael to reinvent the wheel. Michael remains but becomes sullenly silent. Group discussion throws up some speculation reference John Nelms. Dundee's Chair had stated his change of vote came after a realisation he was going to occupy a strong position reference the opportunity of reconstruction. Further speculation on Brora Rangers Chair's comments, "there had been weeks of pressure, you could feel the hand of interference". More comedy came from Hamilton's Alan Maitland. He added to conjecture as to Doncaster's comments from the week before reference SPFL prize money payments being made to those clubs in league positions 7-12. Anyways, the last question provided the most telling answer. Is Neil Doncaster the right man for the job? Deafening silence ensued, a depth of dead air. then Maitland replies, "I don't know, I am not sure what he does"? On Sunday, Doncaster reappeared on Sportsound. Once again, he stipulated only one person could question him. This time it was David Currie's turn to lob the dollies. Further, he would not answer unwanted questions as they were unhelpful to the situation. It was reported that the Foundation of Hearts are backing Leslie Deans call for crowd funding, adding a bit more depth. Next week, Michael Stewart, the Bhoy in maroon will be the talk o' the toon, as he appears once again out of his depth. Throw him a line, he's sinking fast.
  14. Disappointing Endings. We have experienced several weeks of PQ musings during the Covid 19 lock down. The enduring crisis within the administration of the SPFL has largely been ignored by the petty and ill-informed duo of DrStu' and Tam Cowan. The last couple of Saturdays have included a couple of well aimed one liners. Off the Ball on Saturday 020520, culminated with a well briefed DrStu' in high excitement, some thirty minutes before Neil Doncaster's one on one interview with Big Dick; DrStu' inquired of those clubs that continually mouth off, do you know the difference between loans and advanced payments? He then offered information on a lunch date with Neil Doncaster at Gamba, and wondered aloud if the Chief Executive of the SPFL would accept what he(DrStu') said, had come to pass? DrStu' framed the narrative and immediately after the thirty minute interview with Doncaster, one member of the panel, the well briefed Michael Stewart grabbed possession of it. He did not let go, continually interrupted other panel members, frequently ending their sentences. Everything was Rangers fault, and self interest's biggest casualty would be Rangers. A £10 million short fall in club accounts and the current crisis will be fatal. A distinct whiff of self satisfaction was abroad with the jaunty Jambo. Saturday last, DrStu' and Cowan began their show with the topic, 'Disappointing Endings', it was an exercise in discussing Rangers Dossier of evidence. Well, there was no discussion, just full on ridicule. The oft-used notional three Rangers supporting pals were introduced again, most necessary for much needed notional support. Unsurprisingly, they agreed with the odd couple, the Dossier was a damp squib, a water pistol as opposed to a smoking gun, a flaccid member(sounds familiar). There is a split in the mindset of the Rangers support, they are fed up with Rangers playing to the gallery, and know when other fans are scrambling to buy pop corn, once again Rangers have lost their credibility. The Falkirk statement intervened, DrStu' was in no doubt, "the cabal of six that torpedoed reconstruction are almost certainly Rangers, Celtic, Aberdeen, Motherwell, Hibs, and one other". He added, "they run the Scots game, they make decisions based on self interest". Another increasing target of DrStu' is Tom English. Cosgrove decides who's in and who's out the Gang Hut. All that Thursday afternoon revelry on social media is only available to those in strict adherence. Marginalising and demonising Rangers is a serious business and requires absolute discipline. The nostrils of Tom English are flaring in anticipation of a big story, DrStu' is insistent those journalistic instincts must be subdued, hating Rangers is far better fun. Handing over to Big Dick, DrStu' cannot resist another warning shot across the bows of BBC Scotland's Chief Sports Writer, "what subjects are not up for discussion this week Richard, is this part two of Tom English and his understanding of advances and loans"? Essentially, DrStu' is an actor(note his entire tertiary education) and he loves the sound of his own voice. There may be a need for an escape route and the listenership is subjected to a DrStu' ah have always said' intrusion. Cosgrove wants Doncaster gone, always has, Cosgrove handed Doncaster his arse on a plate in previous Sportsounds, Cosgrove has always been right and wants the best for Scottish football. As always, Stuart Corgrove's main concern is his continuing self preservation. Another DrStu' favourite is, "I was not alone in saying it". The most political led ridicule on Thursday to the Rangers Dossier included lots of well kent Beeb Scotland faces. Jum Spence, Hugh MacDonald, Spiers, Tam McManus, , ..... etc. A few peripheries wanted to be seen to be involved, ie Peter Martin, Bill Leckie, Roger Mitchell, .... etc. Another main contributor was Andrew Wilson. A former SNP MSP, current Motherwell Director, and the main Economist contributing to Salmond's Economic case for independence in 2014. You must remember it? The whole case of the 600 plus page document was predicated upon a barrel of oil being priced at $115. Talk of disappointing endings? Why are this cabal so intent on preserving the status of Doncaster, Rod the Dud, and Shifty McGifty? PS. Big Dick read out the cabal of six, those clubs that voted down reconstruction were : Aberdeen, Hibs, St Mirren, Ross County, Dundee United, and St Johnstone. The last club must be a real disappointing ending for DrStu'? Making decisions based on self interest; as disappointing as Sell Out Saturday. Next, Leslie Deans hands Michael Stewart his arse.
  15. An Ershur man put it best to Doncaster; 'to a Louse'. O wad some Pow'r the Shifty McGifty gie us, To see ousels as ithers see us! Politics makes for queer bedfellows, Rod, Shifty, and Neil must be clawing?
  16. The Irish Consulate is particularly sensitive to the crying of the daughter of a member of Donegal Mountain Rescue. Some of the Usernames in the current Gersnet Prediction League are clearly triumphalistic references to the subjugation of the Irish peoples. Jum Spence has utilised his Dundee Courier column to demand certain posters be prosecuted for bringing the game into disrepute. Jum knows all about the law an'at, because he taught law an'at at the local Tech' College. There is a clear correlation between Williamite names(including derivations) and distress caused in Donegal children. The League title will be awarded to the Username showing the most contrition.
  17. It is already written. ie the letter to UEFA declaring the league called was sent six days before the taken vote. There is no alternative and Bearger has a post season tour of Japan to plan.
  18. I believe the Bundesliga's decision to re-start football is dependent upon Dundee's e-mail, apparently it remains in quarantine?
  19. Really, I don't want to write this; BUT : Loyalty? Reference Bar'72, I penned in an earlier piece that I have been a member since day one. There appears to be a recognition/realisation the Bar'72 seats are some of the best in the Stadium. The club want to maximise revenue. Corporate elements have targeted the seats. We received an e-mail telling us of proposed Bar'72 improvements? Basically, a complimentary pint/pie/programme, a Q and A with a former player conducted by an appointed MC, a lanyard and attached security clearance card, a designated bean counter, ...... etc. The rise will be 35%, my ticket will be £1,500; thus in cash terms, an increase of in excess of £350. Only when you accept and renew, you receive a PDF brochure. You are informed of a 7.5% loyalty reduction. Further, the increase for the next season will be even larger. Season 21/22 will cost me £2,400. There is a principle involved here. If you cannot afford either rise, you lose your seat. However, you are punished twice because the club will fit you in, where seats are available. We know there is a waiting list, and those seats available will be few, and mainly in areas of restricted views, poor viewing, and lets say either wing of the Club Deck. Many Bar'72 members are older, on fixed incomes, and would be unwilling to climb several flights of stairs. I don't think there is any point in raging at the injustices of the situation to the two girls tasked with Bar'72 administration? The decision making exists at a far higher level. The club asks for loyalty, you comply, then they punish you twice for your compliance.
  20. Michael masticates upon a Thesaurus. Saturday afternoon's at PQ is showtime for Michael the Lion Tamer. Biting down on his lower lip, salivating in anticipation, and gastric juices flowing; a Thesaurus is quickly swallowed. A wooden chair is thrust, on the end of an extended arm. The other hand encased in kid leather, creaks to the crack of the whip. A sh1t-eating grin masks the blue sky thinker, he's a jargon jabber, and pseud stabber. A purveyor of loquacious segacity, a peddler of logical and lexical semantics, all done on a unicycle whilst balanced on the head of a pin. Introducing Michael Duns Scotus. Just after One O'Clock, Big Dick announces a live interview with Neil Doncaster, to begin 10-15 minutes into Sportsound starting at 14.00hrs. DrStu' is excited again, compares Gregory Campbell to Robert Mugabe again, then inquires, "for the benefit of those clubs that mouth off", "do you know the distinction between loans and fee payments"? This is uncanny insight and penetrative thought. A half hour before Doncaster speaks, DrStu' has predicted exactly, the main thrust of the Chief Executive of the SPFL's thirty minute contribution. I suspect DrStu' and Michael were the beneficiaries of an advanced briefing? Of course, with the good Dr and Masticating Michael, it is very political. DrStu' recommends we read Bella Caledonia for the future of Scottish football and Mikey tells us, "the time has past for Rangers evidence". DrStu' anxiously cautions Professor Jason Leitch on saying anything about the First Minister, "because it will be the Herald's front page". I thought the Herald also published the National? The garrulous excitement generates paranoia. DrStu' is the Man in the Know, he explains he had lunch with Neil Doncaster in Gamba(seafood restaurant) and wonders if Neil will admit what DrStu' had said, because it has came to pass. DrStu' has been correct all the time(all very Adolf). Big Dick proves the perfect Dolly, tosses up one slow ball after another for Doncaster to boundary. It was explained Neil would only accept interview from one questioner and that underhand questions would be deemed unhelpful. The bullet points as follows : Ann Budge was wrong, no loans, there is a distinction between loans and advanced fee payments. To pay out advanced fees requires a line to be drawn under the season. It would be hugely problematic administratively to pay advanced fees without drawn line. SPFL QC advised no Rangers resolution ie it was an attempt to force the Board to do something against their will. No bullying, no coercion, it was all for the good of the game. Independent inquiry, it's been completed by Deloitte. Nothing controversial in Dundee's vote. No other viable option exists. There is £7 million awaiting in the bank for the 12 SPFL Premiership clubs. Neil finished by saying, "my conscience is clear". As Michael had been briefed already. He grasped the nettle, brave lion tamer that he is and steered the narrative. He awarded Doncaster every credit, screamed, "loans are red herrings", and claimed he had been correct all the time(all very Adolf). A fearless Michael went on a rant, used the word, 'existential' three times, utilised the phrase, 'need to take a haircut' twice, and threw in, 'sunset clause' twice. His main points were : "Rangers have acted in bad faith" "Rangers behaviour has has been absolutely disgraceful" "Neil and Rod are victims" "only those that understand semantics actually understand" Of course, that will be Mikey and DrStu'(all very Adolf). "Neil Doncaster is a thoroughly decent guy". There was almost another hour of discussion, but Michael and DrStu' had pushed the narrative, it's easy when you are pre-briefed. Tom English brought up Doncaster's claim of no bullying, "I've received a text telling me that two clubs reported bullying on the day of the vote, one of those clubs later changed their vote to yes". This was unhelpful to the narrative and was immediately ignored. The next day, success was reinforced. Another Peter placeman, Mike Mulraney appeared on BBC Radio Scotland and compared Rangers objections to the vote, "as four bald men fighting over a comb" (all very Mikey). Suffice to say, as a BBC paying license fee Rangers supporter. The very least PQ can do is to provide a translation of Michael Stewart's contributions into English.
  21. Please allow me to quote Michael Stewart from today's BBC Scotland's interview with Neil Doncaster, "Neil Doncaster is a thoroughly decent guy".
  22. The spectre of Gregory Campbell MP continues to haunt PQ. The DUP MP, Gregory Campbell's several minute contribution from last week has been wiped. We cannot hear the motivation of his Early Day Motion. "That man" and his views have been disappeared, book burning is a rare heat will be a topic on next week's 'Off the Ball'. DrStu' cannot help himself, he is promising Sportsound will have Robert Mugabe on later this afternoon. The Jesuit/ Edinburgh University educated Marxist is dead, but DrStu' sounded confident, probably formed a bond on the Northern Soul dance floor? Talking of matters Robert Mugabe, Sportsound is promising a live interview with SPFL Chief Executive, Neil Doncaster. Cannae ewait.
  23. I suppose we will have to wait for official notification from Phil McFournames? Any photos or indeed recordings of Mike's Panzer's reversing off the Ibrox lawn?
  24. We should all thank Shifty McGifty for confirming : 1. Arrogance. 2. Spite. I love his immediate conformity at the end of the 10th paragraph, "which are said to be causing THAT club so much apparent concern". Echoing PQ 's Tom English and his immediate reaction to Gregory Campbell MP appearing on Spostsound, "why was THAT man allowed on the show"? Shifty McGifty, Chair of We don't care what the animals say, sing it loud and sing it proud.
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