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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. All week, I have read, viewed and, listened to everyone and his dog tell me; Rangers have signed an Algerian forward driving midfielder, Mo M'en Tum. Apparently, he is fit and ready to grace the Ibrox turf this coming Saturday against Hearts. All credit belongs to Rangers Gaffer, Phillipe Clement. He has discovered him, installed him and, got him going. We should be optimistic because he is both a strength and a force, a missile! I remember from my anti-tank days that the purpose of the missile is to carry the warhead to the target. I am hoping for a BIG impact. I am intent upon entering the club superstore on Saturday morning and purchasing a home top with both name and number on the back. At £3 per letter, that is £24 and, with £5 per numeral ........... etc. What squad number has been allocated to Mo M'en Tum?
  2. Nein to the Nine. It was launched five years past and allocated an annual budget of £32 million. BBC Scotland's new satellite channel arrived with considerable fanfare and it's flagship news - current affairs show was 'the Nine'. One hour each evening between nine and ten O'Clock between Monday and Thursday. On weekends the Nine became, 'the Seven' and held on to one hour of broadcasting time on each evening between Friday and Sunday. PQ described the Nine as, "a world class programme combining international, UK and, Scottish news with the needs of a Scottish audience". Instead, the Licenses Fee payers received a five year flowing trough in which the usual suspects dipped their hungry snouts. Producers, Directors, Researchers, ............... and, Presenters got to indulge in their favourite topics; Scottish and Irish nationalism plus, a regular dollop of matters Sellik. Amazing really, they could squeeze in such obsessions whilst worshipping Nicola. In excess of 250 daily live briefings from the Former First Minister during Covid Lockdowns and PQ endorsed and broadcast that several minute fawning mush of Primary school children thanking Nicola for keeping them safe. Nothing from the Care Homes. It was a winning formulae, in a country with a population nearing six million, 'the Nine' attracted less than 1,700 viewers on occasion, 'the Seven' plumbed new lows with less than 200. It does NOT even amount to 0.1% of the population. Just another PQ scam, with the likes of RAB Cosgrove and his production company living high on the hog whilst feeding us bon mots on Twinning's Tea and Irish players named Cosgrove playing for Perth Harp in the 19th century. No wonder a breathless RAB in his 72nd year continues to chase up the PQ stairs after Producers. Today, PQ announced the cancellation of the Nine, the Seven and, the Edit. Airmiles Angus Robertson, the Scottish Government's Cultural Secretary criticised the decision to axe the show, claiming it ran counter with the growing success of Scottish TV.
  3. Reference John Collins. John Collins and his Agent travelled to Ibrox and the signing had been agreed. He received a telephone call from his old man pleading not to sign, Collins was upset and asked to postpone for overnight further thought.
  4. I believe Brenda is the sole occupant of pictured Bothy this coming week.
  5. Diomande has notched an unexpected but, wonderful goal. Our midfield has been lacklustre both in and out of possession. More often than not, their backs are to goal when receiving the ball, the second touch is the proverbial tackle. Of course the pitch is under par but, it is the same for both sides. If we are going to persist with balls over the top, we are going to have play them with more accuracy.
  6. There will be loud mood music around McDiarmid Park tomorrow and after today's result at ra Stade de Gadd, there will be another persistent noise to add to the cacophony. Specifically, it is an increasing hiss. Increasing pressure through a growing hole is deflating the huge sense of entitlement present among the green'n'grey hooped horrors. It is a disturbance in the air, ignore it Rangers and concentrate on defeating St Johnstone.
  7. Peter is compelled to return to the ancestral homeland every time he is confronted with an awkward situation(see the final month of season 2007-08). A direct descendant of Admiral Yamamoto of the Japanese Imperial Navy, well that is what his maw told him after purchasing his school uniform from the Army and Navy store.
  8. I remember reading an article several yers past on the meticulous methods of Jurgen Klopp at Liverpool, he had brought a specific throw-in coach to the club. The corners thing is something that rips my knitting. At Ibrox, we average a dozen corners; last night against Ross County we achieved twenty. Whether in is out swinging or in swinging, it makes no difference as we barely achieve the first touch. Ross County's central midfielder, Yan Danda took two corners last evening, both wickedly whipped balls, one grazed the bar, the other was the recipient of a Jack Butland one handed punched clearance. If we receive at least a dozen opportunities to put an unfettered ball into the opposition's box every game at the Stadium, maybe a specific coach could inspire much improved outcomes? I nominate Rosseau, do I have a witness?
  9. I know this is off topic but we are in the second page of the thread. I attended my first old firm game at Celtic Park on the 1st of January 1966. I had witnessed Rangers victories against them at both Ibrox and Hampden however, the Piggery experience was horrid. Rangers had lost 2-3 to the then Scottish Cup holders, Dunfermline Athletic at the Stadium the week before and trepidation was in the air. It was a freezing foggy afternoon, the pitch was solid and as a nine year old I was bundled into a duffle coat. The track was utilised to store stacked bails of hay, in those days Sellik protected the pitch from frost by spreading hay across the surface. It started well, a through ball in the first minute found Davie Wilson rounding the keeper to notch the opening goal. It was 0-1 at half time. The green'n'grey horrors had a large wide player at the time, John Hughes nickname, 'Yogi'. He ran out for the second half in a pair of baseball boots. As it darkened, the sky cleared and a hard frost descended. It was football on ice. Needless to say, Hughes ran amok in his rubber soles, Chalmers scored a hat trick and, Rangers slumped to a 1-5 defeat. It was the Jock Stein effect.
  10. "Penalty to Rangers"? As of today 13th Feb'24 - 25 games have been played in the Scottish Premiership and the penalty/red card stats are thus : Sellik have been awarded 12 penalties, conceded nil and, received 1 red card. Rangers have been awarded 9 penalties, conceded 1 and, received 4 red cards. The much vaunted Masonic Conspiracy that fail failed to halt Sellik's quadruple Treble appears to be operating much in the same vein. However, the Scottish establishment triumvirate of the Scottish Government, BBC Scotland and, ra Sellik continually need a grouping to blame and be the recipient of the collective pointed finger when the facts get in the way of their preferred narrative. Rangers and Rangers supporters are necessary, so many mortgages and life styles depend upon the club. Small independent countries receive regular call outs from the Gang Hut, it is half term and the First Minister and his wife, Nadia are off to Qatar whereas RAB Cosgrove descends upon Sri Lanka. Burgeoning property portfolios aside, these brave, bold lands are ripe with opportunity. Humza can press his international credentials whilst meeting the Hamas leadership. At least he is consistent, it is a lot like being an MSP for Pollok whilst residing in Broughty Ferry. The concerns for the folks in Gaza are uppermost from a long, long away. RAB lionised Sri Lanka continually then, a corruption inspired meltdown occurred. Remember ordinary Sri Lankans were trashing the President's home whilst swimming in his pool? RAB maintains radio silence on the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka these days. It is a bit like ra Sellik, this last week we have had two BIG stories involving both the First Minister, Humza Yousaf and his Health Secretary, Michael Matheson. Humza stated if he was not involved in politics, "I would be Chairman of Celtic". As if Peter would let him? Michael resigned his position eventually because he attempted to claim mobile roaming charges(£11k) incurred in Morocco whilst viewing his beloved Sellik, as a legitimate expense. It is the very epitome of establishment, two Sellik related inconvenient stories and the Gang Hut just switched off the amplifier. Once again, the national broadcaster abdicated it's responsibilities. Concurrently, Tam the Token ran a number of gags where Rangers players and Rangers supporters were the punch lines. Scotland's failure to defeat France in Saturday's rugby union match at Murrayfield was a VAR(TMO) travesty, "ah could not believe it, after five minutes they could not award a try then ah realised Connor Goldson was involved in that pile on". The national rugby side lose to France and it is deemed more acceptable when you blame Rangers. The comfort of the Gang Hut supersedes all, place a Rangers player into another sport, in another stadium with a different shaped ball and it runs more interference on a Government minister attempting to steal eleven grand due to his obsession in watching Sellik. Penalty to Rangers will run and run because it means Rangers and Rangers supporters are paying the penalty.
  11. No, no and, thrice no. Surely, we want to face St Mirren at Ibrox in the quarter-final?
  12. All very well but, I will wait for both Compo and Scott7's personal recollections of the match.
  13. I suspect you are correct. It must be over a couple of years past that I was told of an alleged rumour involving former Chair of the Football Association of Ireland, John Delaney. He was also a Board member of UEFA's Executive Committee. I am sure you remember the outrageous circumstances of his resignation from both posts? Anyways, apparently the unravelling of Delaney's life provided opportunity for Lawwell, he had always fancied a post on UEFA's Executive Committee. The shoo in became acrimonious as Delaney believed he had been back stabbed. Remember the FAI was on the brink of bankruptcy when Delaney(the Chair) provided a one million Euros emergency loan from his property portfolio account. His resignation was demanded and subsequently he lost his treasured place on UEFA's Executive Committee. He divorced the wife, married his long term mistress and, moved his new wife and child to London. He had been in the UK a matter of months when the well connected Delaney swore revenge. I was asked to connect the dots. I believe Peter serves on two UEFA Committees, Vice-Chair of one.
  14. Whatever became of Police Scotland's investigation into the fire bombing of Peter's house in Thorntonhall? I remember Police Scotland's first response was they were refusing to rule out a sectarian motive for the attack. Maybe the investigation led down a road closer to home? We should be told.
  15. You are correct, only Rangers voted against the continuing governance of Neil Doncaster and Murdoch MacLennan. When Rangers resisted, the then Sellik TV pundit, Michael Stewart utilised his platform on BBC Radio Scotland to participate in a debate and conclude : "I do not understand Rangers' criticisms of Neil Doncaster and Murdoch MacLennan, in this issue Neil and Murdoch are the good guys". Those were the last words uttered on the issue, no dissension as team line ups were then broadcast for that Saturday's games. It was the way Peter wanted it and Michael took great delight in being the very epitome of the establishment man. At that time in an effort to support Michael's support for Neil and Murdoch, RAB Cosgrove's contribution to Off the Ball's topic, 'pleasant surprises' was thus : Folks will be surprised to hear that for a period of just over a year I worked for Cannel 4 in a building next to the newspaper where Murdoch MacClennan was CEO. He had a chauffeur driven car and would regularly give me a lift home to my flat just south of the river. He was a most pleasant man with a sound knowledge of Scottish football. You see how the Scottish football establishment works, it is a web with Peter at it's very centre. Doncaster, MacLennan, ............ Stewart and Cosgrove; all willing lackeys.
  16. Brenda' reaction to the Aberdeen appointment of Neil Warnock was a surprise. I suspect he is feeling a tad pressurised by warning the Yorkshireman about the both the state of the pitches and Refereeing in Scottish football? I watched, listened and, read most of Warnock's reaction to Ibrox and it was overwhelmingly complimentary. Further, he praised Referee, Don Robertson, particularly for NOT changing his on field decision to red card Sterling after being asked to check the VAR screen. The 75 year old Englishman did have one criticism and it was the Ibrox ballboys, specifically quick recycling the ball when the game was all square but, going AWOL after Rangers nudged ahead. Now, before Brenda grabs at this life line; may I point out this practise was an important aspect of 'Angeball'. Mercurial speeds and choreography saw Sellik Park ball bhoys draw admiration from the All England Tennis Club, Wimbledon such was their efficiency. Sellik were warned off by UEFA for the practice. Oh the irony of Angeball biting Brenda on the arse just like that night he endured with the Chick with a Stick.
  17. Tomorrow evening's Aberdeen at Ibrox is a collective shoulder applied to the wheel situation. Rangers players and Rangers supporters must create the necessary atmosphere, I want the electricity to crackle, I want the support to stay to the end and, I demand we all realise how important this game is to the club going forward. Be brave, go at them and get at them.
  18. Warnock has been appointed interim Gaffer for the Dandies, he will be in the dug out at Ibrox tomorrow evening. Aberdeen supporters on the whole appear to be up for the appointment of the 75 year old Yorkshireman. How will it go? I suspect both Cormack and Burrows are going for the short term new manager bounce, if so I hope it is after their visit to Govan. The style of play will be interesting, do the Dandies have the players to fit Warnock's preferred style? He is a motivator but, Aberdeen need no motivation when facing Rangers. Further, what becomes of Bookies' favourite, Neil Lennon? Continuously, Neil is heavily hyped for the now, regular vacancies in the world of football, particularly in Scotland. Is there something lurking in Lennon's past that prevents appointment? Surely, a man that led ra green'n'grey hooped horrors to victory over Barca' cannot be allowed to languish on Peter Martin's Sellik Podcast, PLZ Soccer? Have Aberdeen appointed the wrong Neil?
  19. I voted for Ross McCausland because he always showed for the ball and took it whilst often closed down. However and there's always a forever. I wish Ross would occasionally go on the outside of the opposition defender and hit the by line. Particularly, at Ibrox when the low block is in operation.
  20. Charlie Mulgrew. The only employee of ra Sellik arrested for leaving a child alone.
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