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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Reference Hibs, Irvine Welsh is to provide Sunshine on Leith. Life long Hibby, Irvine Welsh is to return from Chicago, New York, Dublin, ..etc or where ever else he has a big house, with the intention of preventing a nuclear winter at Easter Road. He is reforming his punk rock band(singer and lead guitarist), 'Stairway 13' and putting on a fund raiser to ensure Leith spoons continue to burn.
  2. Neil becomes Auto-da-fe. Hollicom have allowed BBC Shortbread half-a-dozen lines to report Neil Doncaster's £388,000 per annum salary is to be significantly augmented by being appointed to UEFA's main disciplinary committee. The firm hand of Neil will waver over the big map of Control, Ethics, and Discipline. We are not told the firm fist of Peter will be stuck up Neil's ar-se from the off, but are informed, "Doncaster will be excused from cases involving Scottish clubs". Of course, Neil will only be excused after imparting his wishes(what Peter tells him) and another Gamba lunch with Stuart Cosgrove. Starting with a warm salad of chorizo and smoked mackrel, chased with a buttery Burgundy; ra Sellik's 21 sanctions in three and a half years will be ignored. Isle of Gigha Hallibut demands a refreshing Albarino, DrStu' and Neil must be sustained whilst discussing closing Ibrox. Discussion of Hu-ns and typical orange wankers stimulates a pallet cleanser, full throated consummation of Peter's cheese ensues. Hollicom's six lines on BBC Scotland doesn't tell you ten per cent of it!
  3. The FAI's John Delaney crashed and burned last year. Remember, he offered the FAI an immediate one million euro loan to keep going, because it employed him and provided his access to UEFA largesse. Of course, Delaney was really Dermot's man, and in that respect Peter's man. Neil Doncaster is filling an administrative role on behalf of Peter.
  4. A wee update. James Morgan's column appeared across all three of Newsquest's publications today ie The Herald, the Evening Times, and the National. As of six O'Clock this evening, both the Herald and the National have removed the column from their online editions. The Evening Times keeps it up, but has heavily edited readers' comments. The Evening Times Editor, Callum Baird is a most fundamentalist Nationalist, and is believed to be Phil McFournames source at Herald Towers. Result, not really; however, it could be the start of a result?
  5. In my day at the Royal Tech'(mid-seventies), our thoughts were on a higher plane. During 1975, the BIG deal in the John Street Union was the Jukebox. Five hundred selections and Deep Purple's Smoke on the Water was played at least a dozen times in any evening. Ivor the Anarchist, a diminutive Welsh post-grad issued a clear warning, we've all heard enough of everybody coming down from Montreux. They didn't listen, those three chords echoed around the Dolittle Bar again, Ivor left the Union. He returned a minute later with a fire axe and set about the Jukebox. See, important stuff. As Matt Crilly retreats to Craggy Island, we may need to send Ivor on a sea quest?
  6. Overnight, two substitutes have come off the bench for Hollicom. Herald Journo, James Morgan and NUS(Scotland) President elect, Matt Crilly. Morgan is a schemer, a dog whistling blind side passer. Matt is more direct, oh the exuberance and certainty of youth? Today's main football piece in the Herald is about Linfield's soon to be released away strip. It's a purple top with a diagonal orange stripe. It is evocative of the 1912 UVF flag . James Morgan pens a proclamation -"Rangers should take note of Linfield UVF style outrage". Rangers are not issuing this strip, Rangers have this week, released a couple of Castore training tops. James Morgan chooses to ignore this, he prefers, "Rangers have long traded on colour schemes that appeal to the lowest common denominator". There you go, James has a fantasy, expresses it, and achieves ejaculation with that last quote. James knows you know, a man in the know. A worthy successor to the Glasgow Observer's, Charles Quin. James hail hails from Lurgan and is a Spurs supporter. A man in his mid-forties, fantasy articles are his game. Last month, it was an improbable tale of Lisbon Lions in disguise, dyed hair and attached beards travelling to Donegal in the summer to secure an amateur trophy on behalf of the Carfin Emeralds. Such was the motivation, they defended it too. James says that everyone who hears the story, wants a film to be commissioned. Any Spurs fans from Lurgan can contact James for script details. Matt Crilly looks like a Hobbit, combs his hair with a toffee apple, and is desperate to plant his big halfling feet in the establishment side of the debate. Currently, President of the Strathclyde University Union SRC, he has been elected President of NUS Scotland. Matt will represent all under and post graduate students equally. Last night's statement from Matt proves this : "If we are to confront facism in Scotland, politicians need to be brave enough to talk about the role Rangers FC plays in perpetuating facist and racist policies. decent Rangers fans need to seriously overhaul what the club stands for". Let's hope Matt's devotion to the Green Brigade allows him time to tackle undergraduate debt, exploitative slum landlords, and apartheid education? Matt has closed his social media feeds. Don't worry, he'll be on a quest to claim his feeds were hacked. I have contacted the Alma Mater and asked them to remove me from the Alumni donations list I pointed out reference fascism, one sports ground in the UK was closed by government order for sustained Nazi chanting, Celtic Park for a month.
  7. Older Gersnetters will remember those wonderful annuals edited by Ken Gallacher, 'Playing for Rangers'? Every year for nearly thirty years, your Christmas stocking contained wonderful tales of derring-do and unbridled optimism for the remainder of the season. All the insight on new signings, cup ties won and lost, and an interview or two with unsung members of the back room staff. A shattering defeat in a Euro tie during early Autumn nights, was guaranteed to be revised. The conclusion was always along the lines of, "but for a couple of unfortunate peripheral factors ie baking heat in Spain, dodgy foreign food, and flight hold-ups, the result could have been reversed". My patience evaporated on a rain soaked night in Cologne. Leading 2-1 from the first leg, myself and five thousand other Bears were encouraged by manager, John Greig assuring us that he had a plan for Pierre Littbarski. The then young blond German was a true mercurial talent. We believe the plan was for Gregor Stevens to man mark Pierre, five minutes after half time, the big mark was Cologne 5 Rangers 0. Littbarski had scored one and made another couple. It was a hard night for Gregor, he didn't even get booked. Playing for Rangers review suggested the rain had made the surface unplayable. I wish someone had told Littbarski? These last ten weeks, I have been hugely impressed with Hollicom's game plan. Every Yahoo that ever kicked a baw and possessed a tongue was mobilised. Whether it was print or broadcast media, a prepared script was available, reinforcing the given briefing. Votes came and went, and again ahead of the developing curve, Rangers haters were brought to the conflict. Declaring ra Sellik worthy winners was the task, it didn't matter that Chris Sutton supported the Hollicom point, whilst at the same time providing reasoning why Liverpool should not be crowned English champions. Principles did not matter, proven by Cosgrove and Stewart being determined to deliver the provided sound bites. Reconstruction has come and gone too, and Neil, Rod, and Shifty McGifty have escaped without a glove being laid. Hearts are taking the legal road, a new Hollicom campaign will be unleashed, Budge had better be prepared. Scotland has no satirical outlets these days, the fawning cult of Nicola dominates. Her halo cannot be burnished. I suggest we acknowledge those regularly turning out for Hollicom, they should receive appropriate recognition. Now, in the British Isles, we award caps; I note in Holland, the players receive a small ceramic rabbit on international debut. I suggest if the chapters of Playing for Hollicom contain a Sutton, a Cosgrove, a Stewart, a David Low, ...... etc, they are most deserving of a Fresh Jobby in a Box. Of course, we must have a donor(s) with the constant ability to provide the necessary supply of Mr Whippys, curled on the cardboard, winking at you category. Those only capable of tapered at both ends category need not apply, it's an aesthetic thing. Let's open nominations and give the first eleven and five substitutes their Fresh Jobby in a Box.
  8. Hollicom Productions - where dreams come true. During the week, I watched the John Barnes - Sellik supporters Twitter spat develop. John decided to articulate a few points on the back of the Black Lives Matter campaign. He pointed out the lack of managerial opportunities for black managers, the exceptionally low numbers of former black players making application to take coaching badges, and the very occasional appointments appear to have no longevity. The Yahoos reacted in ra expected Sellik way. Abuse ensued, the epitome being Frank Gallagher proclaiming Sellik fans are not racist, then calling Barnes, "an establishment choc-ice". I knew the Hollicom emergency phone was ringing. Ever faithful PQ took the call, and John Barnes was the subject of a telephone interview by David Currie. Both David and Big Dick were at pains to get Barnes to state Sellik fans are not racist. The multi capped England international was intent on comparing his managerial record with other Sellik managers, he lasted months whereas others got years. On the third insistence reference perceived racism of TGFITW, John said, "are Celtic fans racist, ask Mark Walters, he'll give you a different answer". Ask Mark Walters? A question not permitted at PQ. DrStu' did the update on 'Only a Game' a couple of years past, bringing the history of Scottish football up to date from 1987-2015. He omitted Mark Walters Rangers debut at Sellik Park, the single worse instance of racism in British sport. DrStu' knows the value of posterity. Even when Big Dick was introducing the interview with Barnes, Tam and DrStu' introduced the book shelves behind Barnes during a Sky interview, a collection of a dozen porn DVDs being clearly visible. It was an obvious mock up that went viral on Sellik fans' social media sites. Why they thought evoking black man with blond women porn helped promote the interview, only they can answer. Belt and braces for Sellik protection at PQ, Hollicom demand it. Paul Elliot was on live after Barnes. Paul did what Paul does, flashed his academic qualifications, flashed his footballing achievements, and flashed his administrative achievements, Chairs the FA's Diversity Committee. As expected, no one picked up on 'ask Mark Walters', a special Hollicom team in hazmat suits were already transporting that comment to a secret vault underneath the Chamber of Secrets. I believe Sellik are currently searching for more storage space? DrStu' and Tam began with a comfort blanket, the best Scottish comedy sketch/Sit-Com. Gerard Kelly playing opposite Ricky Fulton in Scotch and Rye's skit. you know Fulton is the Rangers manager asking new signing Kelly why he did not match his first half scoring exploits(8 goals) in the second half? Kelly replies, "ah hid tae go tae mass". The next two hours, DrStu' and Tam chorused the first catholic to play for Rangers sketch. They did this last year and had to apologise and read out a more acceptable collection of words - "Rangers first high profile catholic signing of the modern era". Anyways, Hollicom preferred it the old way. They started off by DrStu' issuing an apology to philanthropist, James Anderson. Hens teeth, the self important DrStu' admitted he had no right to claim Anderson would donate monies without demands. After the comfort blanket clutching of the first catholic to play for Rangers chorus, we found out something, ie ra Sellik were founded by a charity. Tam said it and asked DrStu' to correct him if he was wrong? DrStu' was applying strict adherence to the Hollicom provided script and said nothing. This was on the back off a girl from the SPFL Trust, Nikki Reid on to publicise their works. I prefer the tome, 'the Glory and the Dream' by Tom Woods and Pat Campbell reference ra Sellik's founding. The first four chapters tell of six immigrant RC families coming together in St Mary's Halls, mostly Publicans with an intention of forming a football team. They tell of a piece of ground being rented, later bought and two grand stands being constructed. A pitch was laid and a Velodome track surrounded it. An exhibition match was played between Hibs and Renton in front of a capacity crowd. The Committee of six families then signed the better halves of both teams for ra Sellik. Having bought the necessary number of players(some charity), they organised their first game against a Rangers xi(the Swifts). Ra Sellik won 5-2 and the scorer of their first goal was Neil McCallum. Given, all the first Sellik line-ups were entirely RC, it's a bit awkward and inconvenient to find Neil McCallum had already been a signed Rangers player. If alternate history is your thing, Hollicom revisionism is best imparted on BBC Radio Scotland. PS I wonder if Tam Cowan's recent strident warblings are a result of him now working for Peter Martin's PLZ Soccer? Tam is no longer the Daily Record's/the Sun's Restaurant critic, and the school fees have to be paid. It cannot be easy listening to Peter Martin, Tam McManus, Hugh MacDonald, ...... et al? Next, they won't be telling you that ra Sellik(founded by a charity) paid Jimmy McGrory a pound less than his team mates because he refused a transfer to Arsenal. You best check with Hollicom Tam.
  9. Continually, we are told the SPFL are the clubs. Eight years past, the then SPL(ie the Clubs) had a decision to make reference Rangers. They, the SPL(the clubs) passed it on to their supporters. One by one they took great delight and cheered on to the echo, each club announced their decision via supporters' vote to confine Rangers to the bottom tier. They were righting a wrong, sporting integrity on an industrial scale. Pity the poor Killie fans, their then Chair denied them a vote, and decided to abstain. They hounded the poor bugger because they were NOT allowed to be seen kicking Rangers when down. Why are Peter and the triumvirate of Neil, Rod, and Shifty McGifty; not being consistent and allowing each club to take the decision by supporter vote again? I don't think the result would be any different, it would allow us to quantify the hate. Marshaling and controlling hate is extremely difficult. You don't want to be seen to be leading it, what happens if the dynamic changes? Peter knows this, and employs a PR firm, Hollicom to marshal and control continuous CAREFUL hate. Remember, the SPFL are the clubs.
  10. Hard times these for Leigh, remember he is a convicted racist?
  11. When I attended Primary School, we used to have a subject entitled, 'Problems'. You would be presented with a paragraph of information ie Janet has four apples, John has six pears, and Andrew has three tomatoes and a turnip. Two or three questions would follow ie How many pieces of fruit are held by the trio? It seems to me, the question must be asked, how many separate entities does it take to make one Sellik entity? This is not an attempt to be flippant about a most serious matter, it has become a 'Problem' worthy of the attention of all our elected officials.
  12. Currently on Twitter, there is a two minute twenty seconds video, it is a film of Glasgow city centre. Early morning Saturday, the sun is shinning and the streets are largely deserted. It begins in Glassford Street, moves to Buchanan Street, then shows Ingram Street, next up is two men in high visiblity vests carrying an extended ladder through the temporary car park situated between Candleriggs and Albion Street. The headline is shared : Slaves Made Glasgow and Black Lives Matter. Prominently, in the bottom left hand corner, there resides a familiar logo. It is the white skull on a green and white hooped background, the Green Brigade are making a statement. The ladder is rested against the Ramshorn Kirk, a brave Bhoy ascends with a substitute street sign, and Ingram Street becomes Harriet Tubman Street. This scene is repeated across the city centre, Dunlop Street is transformed into Joseph Knight Street, and Wilson Street has two new identities. Firstly, Fred Hampton Street, then Rosa Park Street. Cochrane Street is renamed for Sheku Bayou. Finally, Buchanan Street is now George Floyd Street. We see a dozen different characters doing the work, all filming is from behind and any inopportune angles are covered by pixelation. It's about two hours graft? As if Scottish Justice Minister, Humza Yousaf is going to demand their prosecution? Remember, the Green Brigade were responsible for hanging two live size sex dolls from the roof of the North Stand at the Chambre of Secrets? Hands tied behind their backs, nooses around their necks, one with a Rangers scarf, the other replete in an orange collarette, strange fruit hanging, twisting in the breeze for over a hour. Below was a banner stating - 'they hung out the flag of war' and two dozen KAH(Kill all Hu-ns) proclaimed flags fluttered alongside. Nine members of the Green Brigade were arrested and charged. The week before appearing in court, all evidence had been deliberately lost from the Procurator Fiscal's office. There is a Glasgow based organisation that would Call It Out, but they didn't. Where's the justice? Still, we can rely on BBC Scotland to report accurately and objectively, can't we? Below is their report that appeared for two hours on Ceefax and possibly remains on their website : Campaigners rename streets linked to the slave trade. Anti-racism campaigners have renamed streets in Glasgow city centre that have links to the slave trade. In several streets, signs with a black background and white font have appeared alongside the originals. Activists replaced the names of tobacco merchants and slave trade owners in favour of black campaigners, slaves, and those who died in police custody. More than 11,500 people have previously signed an online petition to rename streets linked to slave owners.. Now, we know Michael Stewart agrees with the political ambitions of the Green Brigade, because he quite deliberately told us so. The above report is extraordinary; the Green Brigade foot soldiers have been erased, actually re-labelled as something much more noble. They are Anti-racism campaigners and Activists. Why can't BBC Scotland just call it as it is? The logo is prominently displayed throughout the video and it ends with - 'Until the Last Rebel'. AGAIN - DELIBERATELY MISLEADING BY OMISSION.
  13. Misleading by Omission. This time last week, we were informed Ross County's Chair, Roy MacGregor, in his capacity as SPFL Board member; was meeting with Scottish Government Minister for Sport, Joe Fitzpatrick. The purpose of the meeting was to assess the readiness of Scottish football(and other sports) to restart. Joe Fitzpatrick laid out the various Government hurdles that must be overcome. Pretty innocuous stuff, then we find out a non SPFL Board member, Peter Lawwell is to accompany MacGregor to the conference. It's reminiscent of then SPL Chief Executive, Neil Doncaster being accompanied by Peter Lawwell on his trip to London to meet SKY TV officials in the immediate wake of Rangers being confined to Scottish football's lowest tier in 2012. After a photo of Neil and Peter sitting together on a shuttle flight being posted on social media, we found out Peter was a member of the SPL TV Rights Committee. We have never found out the other members of said Committee, we do not know if it ever met again, and no minutes of the Committee meetings have ever surfaced. Similarly, there was no report of Roy and Peters attendance, no report of contributions made. It appears a D Notice has been slapped on the pair's involvement because both print and broadcast media have deliberately refused to report, or ask any questions. The epitome of this fact was Saturday's BBC Radio Scotland's Saturday football coverage. The most petty and ill informed Off the Ball went out it's way to ignore it, and anything to do with football really. DrStu' wanted to talk about home schooling his son, Jack. After DrStu's family life and interests(mostly himself), the main filler during lockdown has been the 45 minute appearance of Professor Jason Leitch. The former Dentist is Scotland's National Clinical Director. DrStu' asks a few macro-political questions and sometimes Jason bites. Dominic Cummings, comparisons of competence between Westminster and Holyrood, and fawning over the First Minister's performance dominate. Tam asks submitted listeners' questions, none of them are about Care Home deaths or our pretty tired Health Minister being confused over casualty figures. In Jason Leitch's first line on Saturday, he gave a resume of his week past; including he had attended the Joe Fitzpatrick conference on getting sport in Scotland up and running. Two Journalists that have defended their live interview with Craig Whyte several weeks past, due to public interest. obsessed over the machinations of Jim Traynor, and constantly demanded transparency; ignored Leitch's revelation. Our(the listeners) opportunity to find out the why, what, and where of Peter's involvement was deliberately ignored and fudged over. The Establishment Duo mislead by omission. Another example of DrStu's array of convenient notional friends occurred, a question reference social distancing being ignored and stating the over crowding on Portobello beach photographs were the proof. Jason did not answer, DrStu' confirmed his photographer friends confirming all pictures were taken using wide angle lenses. Those folks crowding the sands were made to look closer than they actually were. Jason awarded the Scots public a ten out of ten for behavioural compliance. Yesterday, Peter publicly thanked Neil Doncaster for his application and securing a Sky deal for Scottish football ie the liability of ending the season early has been pushed on to every Scottish football supporter who wants to see live televised games being broadcast from behind closed doors. Peter awards BBC Scotland ten out of ten for behavioural compliance.
  14. I note Ewing's interview with Roger has been picked up by the Times. The Thunderer includes more quotes from 'the Don' and quelle surprise, Roger thinks Rangers case against the SPFL's maladministration was thwarted by Rangers supporters : "Mitchell, who was in charge of the elite division between 1998 and 2002, believes Rangers could have prevailed but he believes the behaviour of some of their supporters during the dispute was unacceptable. If Rangers had delivered their case for an independent investigation properly, they would have had a compelling argument to make. However, I personally know there are SPFL Board members who cannot wait for the minute they are allowed to step down because they have gone through hell in the last few weeks and months". You may notice the utilisation of the user name, 'the Don'? This is germane to Roger's next quote, "Fans and media sometimes underestimate the consequences of stoking up a story. Are you surprised? Spend half an hour on supporters' websites and you'll see how bad the situation is. People ramp up the flames because it sells newspapers and gets radio audiences". One of the most strident posters on both the Rangers Tax Case Blog and Charlotte Fakes was, 'The Don'. Clearly, an insider with a lot of inside knowledge. Any and every glowing ember received a gallon of petrol courtesy of the Don. Most contributors believed the Don was dearest Roger, and he has never denied it. Ironic, isn't it?
  15. Today, Sellik - minded freelance Journo, Ewing Grahame is in the Scottish Sun presenting another unbiased piece of subjective comment. Roger Mitchell, remember him? Ex-SPL Chief is today's confidant, and he is willing to articulate the very real concerns of SPFL Board members and their families. Now, Roger cannot compete in Sellik aristocracy stakes alongside David Low, he has to be content with regularly trolling Rangers supporters from his current home in Italy and occasionally begging Peter to recognise he was quite important, once. Roger is rawking 'Empathy', he knows SPFL Board members who are finding it difficult to recover from the SPFL Good Friday vote. The levels of intimidation, hate mail, and online venom were such, SERIOUS contingency plans were being made for themselves and families. The extent of the resulting fear has created a mindset where several cannot wait to step down and enter their safe houses. Roger assures the readership that these are decent people, he knows because he has sat beside many of them in the Walfrid Suite. Further, there's no use in talking to these entrenched fans on the sidelines; again he knows because, "I experienced it from both sides of the Glasgow divide". Amazingly, he is agreeing with fellow Establishment Man, Stuart Cosgrove; I suspect they both attended the same Hollicom briefing? Thus, SPFL Board members and families are suffering from unquantifiable emotional incontinence from shady sidelined forces, oh the angst! Let's hope Peter allows these decent people to step down? Next week, Ewing will interview big, big Sellik man, Jim. No names, no pack drill, Jim is exasperated at the lack of recognition, given the very real sacrifices he made for the Separate Entity.
  16. See post entitled, 'A Tale of Ewing, David, and a Failing Publication'.
  17. Ewing is Ewing Grahame, a strict adherent of ra green'n'grey hooped horrors. His commitment to the cause cannot be questioned, he has lost a job because of his devotion. Seventeen years ago, Ewing had made it out of a pack of young, up, and coming cub reporters. He was appointed the Herald's Chief Football Writer. It was early December'03 and Ewing was dispatched to Stuttgart to cover the German champions final CL group game against Rangers. He traveled on the official team flight. Ewing was upset, his beloved Sellik were playing their final CL group game against Bayern Munich at the chamber of secrets on the previous evening. He was spotted in a Stuttgart bar screaming at a TV as his beloveds participated in a nil-nil draw, failing to qualify for the knock out stages. Ewing's bitterness continued into the next day, seen on a number of occasions in a state of uber refreshment in and around the Gottleib-Daimler stadium. Fifteen minutes after kick-off, Ewing stumbled into the press box, braying algebra, he took out his lap top, slumped over it, and succumbed to deep slumber. A story was unfolding, 8,000 Rangers supporters were being crammed into a seating space for 3,500. The German police did not care what stand your ticket placed you, they were determined every Bluenose was to be placed in the designated away area. Thirty minutes after the game, the crushed Rangers supporters filed their way over a hastily constructed scaffold bridge, distraught at a 1-0 defeat, Ewing slumbered on. He missed the team bus to the airport, arrived an hour late in a taxi, and received dogs abuse from players and staff as the flight had lost it's departure slot. The flight arrived in Glasgow four hours late and it was Ewing's unprofessional behaviour that was to blame. Rangers made a formal complaint to the Herald and Editor, Mark Douglas-Home allowed Ewing to resign. Ewing has been a Sellik-minded Freelance ever since. David is David Low, the very epitome of a self publicist. David is renaissance man, an Economist, Investment Guru, Investment Advisor, Old Aloysian, Author, Irish Citizen, ...........etc. He saved ra Sellik by finding Fergus, he ate the biled ham raw, he licked the perspiration from the shuch of Bowie's ar-se, he'll milk the pea from a Jesuit pod, ...... etc. David is the product of his conditioning, carries his own lubrication. Anyways, there's a situation; well, there's several. We have had a month of Neil, Rod, and Shifty McGifty being continuously in both the print and broadcast media. Peter is being linked to attending SPFL meetings with Government Ministers, articles about the asterisk, and Sellik players have been released for free. Simunovic cost £4.5 million, and only six months past, Mark Guidi decreed him to be worth £20 million. Jonny Hayes has also walked, despite sterling service suppressing all Australian bush fires with his face. We cannot have questions. The fail failing publication is the Sunday Mail, like it's daily sister, the Daily Record, has a several year commercial arrangement with ra Sellik. Printing and publishing both ra Sellik View and ra Sellik match day programme. The Sunday Mail can no longer rely on Gordon Waddell to pen his weekly Rangers hating bile, they let him go because they can no longer support the terms and conditions of his contract. Thus, Peter has told Ewing to interview David and fill the pages of the blat. The topic - European Club most likely to go Bust. David told Ewing it was Rangers. Yep, David scoured all his knowledge of Georgian, Israeli, Ukrainian, Macedonian, Maltese, ........................ clubs for a minute and concluded Rangers. As of 13.30 hrs today, all quotes from David Low have been removed from the article. Who would have thought David would take his professionalism to the depths achieved by Ewing? Such partisan comments made in a professional capacity. In mitigation, David was probably pyshed, we know Ewing is; Peter must demand more from Hollicom?
  18. It will be Joe Fitzpatrick in his bare feet, paying proper homage to Peter.
  19. I note from this morning's daily paper that has had a commercial arrangement with ra Sellik for several years(they print ra Sellik View and ra Sellik match day programme) that Peter is joining the SPFL delegation meeting Scottish Minister for Sport, Joe Fitzpatrick. Phew, that's a relief; as we all know, Peter has the best interests of Scottish football at heart? Reference Joe Fitzpatrick, a few weeks past during the furore over Dundee's retracted vote, I read a piece on the awful Pie and Bovril site. A Dundonian demanded intervention from the Scottish Minister for Sport. Another Dundonian (Planet Broons) replied he had attended Uni' with Joe Fitzpatrick and he was useless because, "he was a gay guy with no interest in football". I suspect today, Peter will tell Joe why he must become interested in Scottish football, and how long that interest is maintained.
  20. Advantages of Dubai. 1. It's not Saudi. 2. It's not Kuwait. 3. It's not Kharg Island. 4. Waitrose and Markies. 5. It's not Ershur. Go to coastal Oregon.
  21. 55 appearances in 4 years. Medial ligament injury, sidelined for 18 months.
  22. Michael Ball for left back.
  23. Saturday afternoon on BBC Radio Scotland, Stuart Cosgrove said : "ahm hearing reports this week of Rangers signing Hagi for £5 million, given the current state of Scottish football, every aspect of that deal is wrong". The key word being, "every". A young exciting talent arrives at a Scottish football club and EVERY aspect is wrong?
  24. Mutual Support. In the absence of Scottish football, PQ remain strict adherents to the Hollicom line. The narrative is set during midweek, Michael Stewart demands an explanation. The PQ lemmings rush to the edge, desperate to be seen chorusing support. In many ways, it's a relief because the increasing alternative is another broadcast chapter on the fascinating life of DrStu'. Last week, we had DrStu' and his son, Jack on our screens articulating the difficulties of living with autism during Lockdown. Further, DrStu' distributes a bit of patronage, German born photographer, Caro Weiss had taken photos of the family at the Dennistoun pile, and the PQ TV cameras took the hint the very next day and we had a two minute piece on BBC Scotland on the provision of the service. DrStu's collaged life is important, mostly to DrStu'. He walks his son to school, then there's the fund raising for the school, It's an unique school, there's the mutual support of puff pieces from the likes of Journo, Catriona Stewart. An oft' repeated mantra from DrStu' over the decades is, "I am not alone in saying this", thus when something is decreed as special, it becomes necessary for Catriona to pen an article. The canvas is wide, across the National, the Herald, and the Evening Times, we are told the school is a quiet artistic haven in a sea of turmoil. It must be, we await the documentary? DrStu' and Gregor Cox( a nom de plume used on the comments sections of the three newspapers named above for 18 months - aka Catriona Stewart) have consistently consigned Rangers supporters to the sidelines, "baying, beeling, and raging". Of course, having Rangers supporting friends is a necessary tool. DrStu' can say often, "ah don't get it, what do they want"? DrStu's Rangers supporting friends(let's take a minute here to appreciate DrStu's tolerance) all agree with him. Always, they reinforce DrStu's opinion. Remember, back in the day, DrStu' would regularly introduce a guest, a Janitor from Largs, Chris Connor - the H-u-n with a Heart? Chris has been long disappeared, probably disagreed with DrStu'? Imagine the imaginary? We should applaud DrStu's patronage of Caro Weiss, it's a pity he could not extend his welcoming comments to Ianis Hagi, a 21 year old Romanian. Michael Stewart had demanded and DrStu' obliged, "ahm hearing reports of this week of Rangers signing Hagi for £5 million, given the current state of Scottish football, every aspect of that deal is wrong". A young, exciting talent is arriving and it's bad, bad, bad. I am positive DrStu's Rangers supporting friends agree? Further, it highlights a continuing Warren Cummings mindset, young Romanians provide a service as worthy as Scots with an Anglo accent. As one of those beeling and raging on the sidelines, I am going to ask DrStu' for a minor indulgement? We were teased with Cosgrove telling of his lunch at Gamba with SPFL Chief Executive, Neil Doncaster. Sharing those unctuous hand dived scallops on a bed of Stornoway black pudding and Ayrshire pancetta with the £388,000 per annum automaton must have had an accompanying glass of Burgundy, Albarino, or old vine Chenin Blanc? If Hollicom allow it, we should be told? Some would argue that any repast with Neil, would be too hard to swallow. However, the mutual support will arrive, legitimising your actions, it always does. Sportsound on Saturday. They did a 15 minute piece on Barcelona'72, Wullie Johnston and Colin Stein were on the telephone as Big Dick played a straight bat. It was turgid. A Scottish club heads off to play a final in totalitarian Fascist Spain, against the KGB sponsored team, Moscow Dynamo, and nothing. The assembled cast of Pat Boner, Michael Stewart, Billy Dodds, Brian McLauchlin, ....etc did not ask a single question. Alfie Conn, a better player than they say? The unique situation, Rangers in the middle of two totalitarian regimes, thirty years prior had been combatants in the Spanish Civil War? Willy Mathieson, could he kick doors at Halloween? Next up was a similar piece on Sellik in Seville with Jackie McNamara. Real engagement, several questions, all warm and fuzzy. Oh, and Michael Stewart banged on about Hearts relegation and the injustice of the situation. He was not demanding an explanation, that was reserved for Rangers proposed signing of Ianis Hagi. I suspect DrStu' will have to inform Michael of the Hollicom line, Hearts are no longer considered a model club. Like Rangers in Barca', there were no takers. Mutual support is only awarded to strict adherents.
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