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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. These last two seasons, Spiers has been a season ticket holder(along with his son) at ra Sellik Park. He is going to say what he has said. Effectively, he has made his bed, he must lie in it.
  2. Old soldiers love quoting George Patton. I would say to Mr Bassey, paraphrasing the General, 'the object is not to die for the jersey, but to make the other poor bastard die for his'.
  3. Steamy Windows. The old double act have pulled on the Hollicom jerseys and are well to the fore these last couple of days. Big Chris is thrusting up front, Alison is taking it in, whilst stimulating and encouraging deeper penetration. Obscuration is required, lots of obscuration. The heavily animated pair are gesticulating, demonstratively indicating the preferred channel. Enduring concealment demands a fine balance between weighty particles and sufficient propellant to find the mark. Putting up a smoke screen is one thing, watching it blow away is another. We should realise the responsibility placed upon Alison's broad shoulders, blowing away for all her worth, hoping Chris can sustain his barreling performance. You see the entire separate entity thing is beginning to unravel. Stronger lights are being shone into the darkest of corners, revealing carefully constructed layered defences. The cabal that is the Scottish Government, the SFA, and Celtic FC had constructed a squirrel. The SFA Review into Football Child Abuse is already a year late in delivering it's report. The Chair, Martin Henry has issued a nothing statement and also revealed he is currently too ill to say anything further. This, in the week where Solicitor, Patrick McGuire representing those sexually abused whilst playing for Celtic Boys' Club, is demanding the release of the SFA Review findings. It is believed Celtic are in possession of a copy of the findings? Martin Henry's appointment as Chair of the Review is mind boggling. Academic qualifications and work experience in Social Work would deem Henry a reasonable choice?However, he founded LBGT Youth Scotland with James Rennie in 2003. Six years later, Rennie was convicted of sexually abusing a child for four years from the age of four months until nearly five years. James Rennie's life partner was Neil Strachan; he was convicted as part of an Edinburgh based paedophile ring. Strachan was Secretary of Celtic Boys' Club in Edinburgh. One wonders as to the suitability of Henry Chairing the SFA Review, when he failed to reveal the nefarious dealings of his founding business partner? Further, Martin Henry was the Safeguarding Advisor to the calamitous Cardinal O'Brien. This last week, both Chris and Alison have made all the runs, they are demanding attention. Alison has trolled Rangers over the Castore strip launch, pointing at the spectre of Mike Ashley. Yesterday, she was proclaiming Kieran Tierney was an Arsenal snip at £25 million, based on one appearance against Leicester City. Chris has dismissed Rangers supporters claims of a SPFL fixture carve-up ie Rangers being away to last season's top six twice before the break and the first old firm game happening several weeks after it's usual slot, to allow Yahoos into the ground. Further, Chris has facilitated former team mate, Alan Thompson to tell us all, seventeen years after the event; that when Chris talked of Dunfermiline laying down, he spoke for us all. I suspect, no matter how hard Alison and Chris go at it, the steamy windows being created are only as a result of condensation. They will clear away and the questions awaiting Martin Henry will still need answering?
  4. Those promulgating Jum Spence is a cartoon character are wrong, Jum aspires to have two dimensions.
  5. A little known but true story of Jum's first formal lunch as Rectum of Dundee University. A starter of a fantail of melon was placed in front of him, and the Maitre d' immediately inquired if Jum would care for a sprinkling of ginger? Jum, being a man of the world knew it was best to keep one's melon sweet(and accommodating) answered, "ah'll hae American Cream Soda". Jum's tenure as Rectum will leave a legacy of the Faculty of Faux Pas.
  6. During Jum's pubescent formative years, he had a full, profound, and meaningful relationship with a melon, called Honeydew. It is hoped Micky can be similarly accommodating? Admittedly, Honeydew was an exotic fruit, came from Panmure.
  7. One would expect Jum Spence to be contributing ON AN INDUSTRIAL SCALE?
  8. Neil Doncaster has revealed the SPFL Computer is called, 'PETER'. Apparently, the acronym stands for : 'Perfectly Encoded To Enrage Rangers'. PETER is amazing, always ensures ra Sellik do not have a home fixture either side of Remembrance Sunday. To compensate for this, PETER ensures ra Sellik have a home fixture nearest to St Patrick's Day. How does PETER do it? We should be told.
  9. Ally Bally. "It is not new, Mark Walters infamously had a banana thrown at him as a welcome to his first old firm game". Above is a quote from Herald/National/Evening Times piece written by Freelancer, Alison McConnell during February last. Only last month, former Sellik manager, John Barnes answered BBC Radio Scotland's anchor, Richard Gordon's constant refrain, "are Celtic fans racist"; with a simple, "ask Mark Walters, he'll give you a different answer". Obviously, Alison McConnell would have benefited from asking Mark Walters, if she thinks a single banana was thrown at him during his Rangers debut at Celtic Park. A wee hint for Alison is to look at the screaming headlines on the 3rd of January'88, 'Yes, we have no bananas' - your fellow Yahoos emptied the Greengrocers of Glasgow. Today, once again Alison has pulled on the Hollicom jersey. She is what every team needs, an old warhorse galloping around the crud, breathless and sweating. McConnell has earned her place, she began as a cub reporter at ra Sellik View. Five years hard, penning fluf articles and fluffing the players. Alison kept Chris Sutton's spirit up, had him breathless and sweating. When she moved to the Daily Record, her commission was to provide a most emotional and personal account of attending ra Stade de Gadd to view ra Sellik defeat St Johnstone, thus ending Rangers attempt to achieve ten-in-a-row. Alison wrote of abandoning her car on the Gallowgate, in order to make kick-off. She was convinced no court would convict her, see emotion, see Sellik emotion? The column appears again in the Herald/National/Evening Times and it's one long dog whistle. Rangers launch of the new castore kit is sniggeringly analysed, Mike Ashley is trolled to taunt. Guffawing ensues and the usual Yahoo suspects pile on to the Readers' comments. This why Alison's place in the Hollicom side is secure, she guarantees happy endings. Alison also leaves a delicious barb - 'what do you do with a problem like Alfredo'? According to Alison, Morelos was no where to be seen during the launch, and this did not please Big Mike. Now, on Alison's twitter feed, you are recommended of the merits of Peter Martin, Hugh MacDonald, Stephen McGowan, .etc. I am sure they are all leaning forward on tender hooks, waiting for the reply? Like ask Mark Walters, if Alison had asked Alfredo, she would have found out he was in Columbia with wife and new born child, when the photo-shoot occurred. Still, I know Alison will console Big Mike, guarantee him one of your infamous happy endings.
  10. Mikey, Mikey! A change of tact here, before PQ CSC begin broadcasting the weekend bilge, let's set them up on their previous week's garrulous exuberance. Mikey has been absent these last four weeks, but BBC Scotland are telling us Hearts/Partick Thistle have lost their case against the SPFL. I am sure Mikey can not let that pass without comment? Surely, a member of the Foundation of Hearts must take up the cudgel? The real battleground during the week occurred because the first of the former Celtic Boys' Club member's civil case against ra Sellik's contention of being a separate entity, had a preliminary outing in court. PQ's Isabel Fraser interviewed Patrick McGuire, Solicitor to several dozen former members of the Celtic Boys' Club. Isabel fixed bayonets and charged. Isabel blamed the victims. I have been told by several folk that Isabel is wife to Douglas Fraser, BBC Scotland's Economic correspondent? If that is the case, then her performance can be comfortably consigned to exuberance. Douglas is a season ticket holder at Easter Road. The interview was removed from Play Back, and heavily edited before being placed back up for listening. Another interview on the back of the Celtic Boys' Club law suit, was John Beattie's questioning of Pat Nevin. Now, Pat is former CBC and lives in Duns. Interestingly, he is also a current Hibs season ticket holder. He decided to adopt a most strange attitude to events in the 70s. Pat the Rat has always twirled his Biro and shown the utmost angst for those in a state of sufferance. However, on this topic, he adopted a shrug of the shoulders and announced, 'I was all right Jack'. His Dad took the training at CBC and he was safe, but he knew things happened in the cars of known offenders after training/cars. Pat's interview was also taken off Play Back, the nervous sniggerfest was not the correct tone. Again, it reappeared after editing. One wonders what direction Big Dick will take on Saturday?
  11. Seems fair enough to me. Shove a metre and a half of fibre optic up the collective jacksies of Neil, Rod the Fraud, and Shifty McGifty sans lubrication. Lord Clark has called for full and proper disclosure of documents to the tribunal. In this regard, it will allow all to decide whether John Nelms is a big sh1t, or an even bigger sh1t than we first thought. Of course, it goes without saying that Peter's rectum remains a legitimate place of worship; and as such, no bright lights will be shone, only the noses of the usual suspects are required.
  12. It's a new experience, casting off the kit and picking up a bar of soap. The water cascades from the watering can shower head, and James exhales as he steps into a new life. All his sins are washed away, his sin is clean, James morphs into the carbolic glittering young Adonis. He can look forward to a life spent in the north stand, heated green leather seats, hanging above are effigies twisting in the breeze, and the balaclava clad Green Brigade chorus songs of semtex. Who can deny James such relaxation? The spectre of Hollicom has intervened, made James an offer he cannot refuse, and reluctantly, James pulled the jersey over his head and laced up his boots. Yep, James Dornan MSP has announced he has changed his mind about standing down in next year's Holyrood elections. He is going to stand again, proud to represent ra Sellik most of the time, and occasionally the SNP. Still, what a blow to John Mason MSP, he thought he was eventually going to be the only fcuking crack pot in the chamber? James Dornan, saved by Hollicom from a future involving soap.
  13. How lucky can Scottish football be, Mike Mulraney is now President of the SFA, joining Neil Doncaster, Rod the Fraud, and Shifty McGifty at the SPFL. Peter's shadow grows longer.
  14. Scottish Justice Minister, Humza Yousaf is demanding the new Rangers jerseys contain an an acronym that will aid Police Scotland in their legitimate duties. The former Huchesons' Grammar School for Boys' pupil is convinced privilege is a major driver in recent outbreaks of violence in George Square. FTP should be emblazoned across the jerseys, 'Fascist Thug Person' will immediately identify the perpetrators to the Armed Response Group. This will allow a weapons free situation in a fast moving situation comprising peaceful demonstrators, anti-racism campaigners, and activists. Humza is quoted, "Fascist thug persons will not be able to run free, they will self identify and subsequently shot. God bless the Green Brigade and Hail Hail".
  15. It must be disappointing for Liverpool to claim a Championship by winning it on the park. I am sure they would have preferred winning it in the more traditional Sellik way, ie pulling Dundee's e-mail from the spam folder?
  16. There was a time in Scottish football, oh 30 plus years past, when attendance presented an immediate mystery. Supporting Rangers, reserve games were the favourite for team lines containing A Newman, or A N Other, and very occasionally, A Junior. Trialists were a source of ambiguity, it usually took 15-20 minutes for some seer to appear and inform the uninformed of the player's name, past, and credentials. I believe there were regulations on the number of times a player could be listed as Newman, and I think clubs had a responsibility too? These days, I suppose it will be whatever Peter says? Hollicom FC has already issued a number of team lines with Trialists, the most notable was, 'Gregor Cox'. A real hard charging all rounder with a great engine. Energy levels kept Gregor making hard tackle after hard tackle. Gregor Cox's preferred pitch was the readers comments sections of the National, the Herald, and the Evening Times. Gregor was fiercely supportive of Catriona Stewart's columns, casually dismissive of any news item deemed not sufficiently nationalistic, and particularly aggressive reference Rangers and Rangers supporters. It took a year for a number of Bluenoses to j'accuse Gregor Cox as journo, Catriona Stewart. It would appear Gregor has sustained a long term injury because these last few months, Cox has disappeared. Hollicom FC continues to play fixtures and has a very real need of access. Last weekend, we had the organised chaos in George Square, Glasgow. Three different groupings took up position in the square; a protest focusing on making the lives of asylum seekers better, the national defence league intent on protecting statues, and the Green Brigade. I will say it, trouble makers all. Police Scotland assessed the threat and decided to kettle the 161 members of the Green Brigade and escort them back to the Gallowgate. Some scuffles broke out in the square and I believe there were six arrests? Catriona Stewart pulled on the Hollicom FC jersey and utilised her column over three newspapers to pose the question, 'why were peaceful demonstrators kettled by Police Scotland'? This was galling to Catriona because fascist thugs were allowed by the same Police, to run wild. Now, both the First Minister and Justice Minister had issued statements condemning the George Square disturbance and supporting the Police. Catriona wanted the same reaction as the previous week, where the Green Brigade were allowed to wander around the city centre for three hours with extended ladders and new street signs. Despite videoing and posting the film on YouTube with their prominent skull logo, BBC Scotland reported their actions as, "anti-racism campaigners" and, "activists". Catriona wants them referred to as, "peaceful demonstrators". Further, there's an understanding, those nine members of the Green Brigade that hung two effigies from the roof of the north stand, noose around the necks, hands tied behind their backs, replete in both a Rangers scarf and an orange collarete; were NOT prosecuted, Humza Yousaf's PF Offices lost all the evidence. Catriona expects a similar convenience. It's best summed up by BBC Scotland's Michael Stewart's comments last January, "I support the political sentiments and aspirations of the Green Brigade". Being called out is not on, and Hollicom were up for firefighting. Next up, reinforcing Catriona's column is SNP Councilor, Ruairi Kelly. He has published his letter across the same three newspapers, to the Chief Constable demanding to know why peaceful demonstrators were kettled, whilst fascist thugs were allowed to run wild. Remarkably similar language to Catriona Stewart, don't you think? Ruairi puts meat on the bones and expands the conspiracy. He tells us the 161 members of the Green Brigade had a Priest, a couple of elected officials and Trade Unionists within the number. Further, they noted police officers were wearing a blue patch on their uniforms. He asks if this was the thin blue line insignia which demonstrates, 'Blue Lives Matter'? He wants to know if this is legal under uniform regulations? The thin blue line patch is a homage to PC Fulton, knifed to death on duty in Glasgow some 20-odd years ago, it is a UK wide tribute. Councilor Kelly has been told this by PC Fulton's widow, Christine, by the Police Federation, and the Chief Constable. Councilor Kelly has since done a Gregor Cox, departed the field of play. It's the sustained effort and energy demanded by Hollicom in supporting the actions of the Green Brigade. I fear posterity will not be kind, the Green Brigade will be redefined at some point as, 'a separate entity' and those playing an active part will be cast into anonymity, just like A Newman, A N Other, and A Junior. We should remember their names.
  17. Where's Mikey? These last three weeks, where's Mikey is akin to, 'Ask Mark Walters'? Hearts and Thistle have taken the legal route armed with the Rangers Dossier. Michael Stewart went to great lengths to trash the impact of the Dossier(he was only following Hollicom orders) and realises such a position has a negative effect on the hoped for outcome of his beloved Hearts. Maybe Chris Sutton was correct, Michael was speaking whilst wearing his maroon shirt? Anyways, Mikey has been disappeared these last three weeks, just another question like, 'Ask Mark Walters', boxed and stored in the PQ vaults. DrStu' and Tam are at a crossroads, we are seeing English, Italian, Spanish, German, .... etc live football, playing out the conclusion of their respective seasons. Those TV company liabilities are at the forefront of our European neighbours minds. Tam has decided he wanted the season played out all along. DrStu' went on an expected rant reference the wonderful English premiership, has not watched it, saw some news reports, and it remains not all it's cracked up to be. He concludes, "self interest is the cause of all ills in Scottish football", then to prove a point demands Sportsound allocate sufficient time to discuss St Johnstone's appointment of Callum Davidson as new manager. The Airdrie Dentist, Professor Jason Leitch is next up for his weekly forty minutes. You would think both DrStu' and Tam would want to replicate the hay made whilst the sun continues to shine from Leitch's arse? Dominic Cummings was legitimately trolled by all three; however Nicola's seventy mile round trip to see her parents in Ershur was not mentioned. Of course, Nicola does not drive, we can only assume she was intent on the journey to check her Chauffeur's eyesight? Sportsound was another Hollicom production. Big Dick welcomed Tom English, Wullie Miller, Brian McLauchlin, Neil McCann, and John Collins to the show. John dominated, whilst Tom occasionally returned to the fold to reinforce. We were treated to a 20 minute Neil Lennon interview and Hollicom John punched home the message : 1. Sellik have a war chest. 2. Sellik have investors. 3. Sellik have 4 players, each worth £25 million. 4. Sellik are superior all over the park and are sure to increase their dominance due to CL monies. One off games for CL qualification this season and ra Sellik will take advantage to reach the group stages at least. 5.Tom added, "Rangers are quiet about finances because they are skint". Further, we need to spend to make a challenge let alone win the league. 6. Brian McLauchlin cautioned, "Celtic have extra ordinary over heads and that can quickly drain a war chest". Moving on, we had former St Mirren, Aberdeen, and Hearts player, David Whinnie(now a sports Solicitor) on the show to talk Hearts and Thistle's legal case against the SPFL. Twenty minutes of huffing and puffing(just like his playing days) led Whinnie to conclude, "we are in unchartered waters, but ah think Hearts could win". Big Dick was surprised and uttered, "the original vote could be found null and void"? Tom the Troller returned, he wanted to congratulate Neil Doncaster on his appointment to UEFA 's Ethics Committee. At this point, you have to wonder what Mikey would say, remember he told us on numerous occasions, "Neil, Murdoch, and Rod are thoroughly decent guys". Still, Mikey thinks Ethics is a county in south east England! Tom also had a pop at Dundee's John Nelms. Of course, he's hiding away with Mikey at Hollicom's safe house. Last week, I was sent a Blog from an oversees mate, it was about John Nelms formative years on the Holy Loch. You see, John's old man was a Submariner in the US Navy and he had a seven year posting to the Holy Loch, Scotland. A pre-teen and teenage John was oft' spotted in Dunoon strolling around in his green'n'grey hooped horror of a jersey. John Nelms is a Sellik supporter, who would have thunk it? Tom should call him out. Today, we found out ra Sellik are in court reference historic child sex abuse at Celtic Boys' Club. An unamed former youth footballer has instructed Solicitor, Patrick McGuire from Thompsons to sue Celtic for damages. Now, we know Celtic's defence is based upon the club and the Boys' Club being separate entities. BBC Scotland's Good Morning Scotland show interviewed Patrick McGuire. The interviewer was Isabel Fraser and I was alarmed at her line of questioning. It was from a provided script, she stated the club and Boys club were separate entities and in asking if this was an attempt to receive monies by way of compensation, she was blaming the victims. The interview is available on Playback. Another story not covered by BBC Scotland this week is Glasgow City Council granting planning permission for the Jimmy Johnstone Charitable Trust to build changing facilities at Third Lanark's old ground, Cathkin Park. Thirty five objections were lodged and ignored. I wonder why PQ find this awkward? I suspect we are better asking Hollicom?
  18. JohnMc, Of course, you are correct, I should have been more specific. Donalda is from the northern most part of North Uist ie Harris(only a proposed causeway away). Her predecessor at PQ was Ken MacQuarrie, he is from South Uist.
  19. Reference the proposed 60 redundancies at PQ, I suspect a voluntary redundancy scheme will achieve that number? BBC Scotland has long been a hotpotch of staffers and freelancers. The likes of Chris McLaughlin, Tom English, Brian Mclauchlin, Kenny McIntyre, ....etc are Staffers ie they have a long term contract with the organisation, they have Designations, with accompanying conditions of service. Richard Gordon, Stuart Cosgrove, Tam Cowan, Pat Bonner, Wullie Miller, Chick Young .... etc are all Freelancers. Some, like the first three mentioned have year long contracts, and these have been awarded year on year for nearly 30 years. Others, like Billy Dodds, Angela Haggerty, Neil McCann, Michael Stewart, ... etc are also Freelancers, brought in on a fairly regular ad-hoc basis.. Thus, the real power lies with the Producers, they decide who is to appear on the shows. Getting in, and staying in with a Producer is how it works at PQ, for both Staffers and Freelancers. It is a system of patronage. Occasionally, a squabble will overflow on to the airwaves ie Staffer John Barnes(he's the guy that Jim McLean punched decades past) was presenting the weather on BBC Scotland ten days ago. Chris McLaughlin was presenting a live report from a traffic accident last week. Staffers will have known these redundancies were on the way, Barnes was pointing out the numbers of Freelancers in the organisation, highlighted the long term Freelancers such as Richard Gordon, Cosgrove, Cowan, etc and suggested that is where the cuts should fall. All three mentioned sneered at Barnes last week, patronising him in turn. Again, those three particular Freelancers are long term and they absolutely rely on the exposure provided by the national broadcaster to charge high fees for after dinner speaking, hosting corporate, charity and fund raising events.There is the other advantage of when you have a book to promote. Taken off the air, you become Fred McAulay. The BBC Scotland Producers have all built their own empires, often owning(with their spouse) a wee Freelance Production company on the side. It's the Producers who hold the levers of power. Reference Donalda MacKinnon, it has been stated before, she is from Uist. She married a chap with Barra heritage, Seamus MacKinnon, he owns Cafe Gandolfi in Glasgow's Merchant City. Their three children all attended St Aloysius College. Donalda was Chair of the St Aloysius PTA for several years.
  20. I preferred Vag the Vague, more of an enigma.
  21. As a lad in my early teens, I would accompany my failing Grandfather to section G in the main stand. It was quite a collection of bunnetry. Auld fella in front had a blue painted wooden rickety, made the proverbial racket. The other side of the wooden divide, sat Lex McLean. Immediately behind, was an even bigger comedian, he had one joke. Every time Wullie Henderson took the ball, he bellowed, "stick wan in the bunion bag Wullie". I asked my Grandfather, "what's a bunion bag"? "A string bag for holding syboes", was the answer. When was the last time you heard of a player suffering from bunions?
  22. 2pm on Saturday - BBC Radio Scotland news broadcast. 1. Anti-racism protest on going in Glasgow's George Square' 2. A group of 50 Loyalists also present protecting the Cenotaph. 3. The police have identified a third grouping, the Green Brigade have been escorted from the square. The Green Brigade are followers of Celtic football club. Two weeks too late, after the Goon Brigade change Glasgow street signs and are described as, "activists" and anti-racism campaigners". PQ reporting a situation accurately, whatever next? Interesting, the Goon Brigade were escorted by Police Scotland from George Square to the Gallowgate.
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