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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. John Swinney had been Scots Chancellor for almost a decade, his Budgets mostly denuded the Education Department of sufficient funds, it's where he found savings for political vanity. When Nicola became First Minister, it was perceived as a Karma thing, Swinney being transferred from Finance to Education. His consistent trimming of the Education budget had created a situation whereby almost 50% of Scots pupils aged ten years were deemed to be both innumerate and illiterate(by Scots Government testing); he created the situation, he should sort it out. The recent crisis reference Highers being awarded by the SQA, has proven John Swinney to be a Grade A(Prelim award) Daftie. Appeals are manifesting like confetti, u-turns occur in dizzy continuity, and the vote of no confidence would be deemed an appropriate ending of ongoing misery, if Nicola would allow Swinney to slip away. He could join Derek MacKay in a Brigadoon care home. Step forward Hollicom, an organisation most adept in dealing with situations where logic does NOT apply. Hollicom has steadfastly provided the defence for Neil Doncaster, Shifty McGifty, and Rod ra Fraud, ensuring the triumphalist triumvirate continue to denude Scottish football of circa £800,000 per annum. Hollicom's solution to the exam crisis is to advise the SQA in setting a question that defies logic and determines the result of every appeal. It's what used to be named as a 'Problem'. Those submitting an appeal are to be asked the following : Eight Aberdeen players flagrantly breach Covid 19 regulations. Further, a Sellik player travels to Spain, returns and does not disclose his trip to avoid quarantine. Thus Bolingoli is declared eligible to play. What happens next? a. The Compliance Officer, Clare White cites Alfredo Morelos and offers a two match suspension. b. Nicola attends Leigh Griffiths' girlfriend's next birthday party in Bothwell. c. Heart of Midlothian are ordered to stop training. d. BBC Scotland's Chris McLaughlin walks barefoot to Thorntonhall to blow Peter's cheese. Candidates are reminded no extra marks are awarded for showing workings. Gersnetters are reminded, this is NOT a satirical piss-take.
  2. Gary Holt is a trained professional soldier. His conditioning was provided by a much under valued area of military endeavour. A product of the Army Catering Corps depot at Aldershot, that flaming urns cap badge and regimental motto, 'we sustain'. They are instructed in producing culinary triumphs such as : Pilchard Pizza, All In Stew, and Turkey Curry; whilst replete in a battle bowler. Vicious bastards, the lot of them. If you meet one, put two rapid into him, you won't regret it. In my time, those Army Catering Corps types attached to the Parachute Regiment, all arrived with appropriate nicknames, 'Socks Simpson', 'Boots Hughes', Clattie Shaw', and 'Wullie the Heid'. Such monikers filled you with confidence in terms of food preparation.
  3. Again, and again; why don't the main stream media ask the Chief Executive of the SPFL, Neil Doncaster, the Chair of the SPFL, Shifty McGifty, and the Secretary of the SPFL, Rod ra Fraud for answers? Is Neil Doncaster only available for lunch at Gamba with Stuart Cosgrove? What does BBC Scotland's Chris McLaughlin say?
  4. Shoo Keevins is Hollicom's strictest adherent.
  5. Bolingoli is currently being transformed, next week he will be a separate entity.
  6. Driving home last evening and the car radio is on, Radio Snyde Sportsdesk is promising an insight from Alan Stubbs. I am sure most Gersnetters are imbued with the very thought of an Alan Stubbs insight, thus haud me back. I drum my fingers on the steering wheel in anticipation. The intrigue grows as the Presenter teases with, "Alan reveals the reason for Rangers good start to the season". Why is a guy that failed spectacularly in two out of three football management jobs(Rotherham and St Boo) being touted to provide Rangers insights? Of course, the answer is Hollicom and it's distribution of scripts. Thirty-odd years past, a new blat arrived on the block, it told and revealed stories that had remained hidden for decades. Front page headlines such as, 'World War 2 Bomber found on the Moon' and my favourite, 'London Red Bus Discovered on Mars Surface'. The Sunday Sport sat at one end of the spectrum, it monopolised the ridiculous. Hollicomhas a spectrum of scripts to distribute to maintain it's preferred narrative. There are many grasping hands waiting for provision. Stubbs gets the ridiculous. Alan's insight is Rangers are beneficiaries of playing in front of NO supporters. Rangers players cannot handle the pressure of supporters' demands, the Covid crisis has delivered a situation where they strive. I cannot wait for the headline, 'Alan Stubbs has a Jupiter Moon in his Pocket'. Well, it would be a comfort for him, he has only one ball!
  7. Thus, in summation : we have two investigations currently being undertaken by ra Sellik. Leigh Griffiths girlfriend had a dozen of her besties over for a birthday party in Bothwell. The photos were on the social media, no social distancing, breaking the no more than three households rule. Secondly, we have Bolingoli nipping off to Spain for a city break, without informing anyone? There appears to be a discipline problem at ra Stade de Gadd. What will Nicola say? What will the SPFL Chief Executive, Neil Doncaster say? What will Shifty McGifty and Rod ra Fraud say? What will Peter let any of them say? We should be told.
  8. On Saturday, there were a few moments on Off the Ball where DrStu' allowed the curtain to be drawn back. In his 68th year, he has a thin skin. The website, 'Pie and Bovril' came up in conversation, and DrStu' mentioned there was a thread on said forum entitled, 'Off the Ball - is it any good'? Now, Pie and Bovril and DrStu' are old friends. The forum is a focus for serious Rangers hatred and it's owner, a St Boo fan called, Div McDonald was a regular guest on Off the Ball for several years. Really, it was a mutual masterbation brought on by the stimulation of Rangers hating. Over these last two years, there has been a parting of the ways. McDonald no longer appears and threads like the aforementioned appear on the site, generally castigating the tired and lazy pairing that is Cosgrove and Cowan. A few weeks ago, DrStu' was openly stating he needs another five years on prime time radio, it's the exposure. Some hip young gunslinger approaching 75 years. His skin is thin and Pie and Bovril's threads are not helping his cause. On Saturday, he announced football forums were quickly dying and wondered aloud about Div McDonald? He said, "Div McDonald, where is he, we should get him back on, he'll need £30 these days". Here's a guy boasting a property portfolio in 3-4 countries trolling a former mate, offering him thirty quid if he gets back to fawning behaviour. DrStu' the toad is a classy guy.
  9. Growing up in deepest, darkest Lanarkshire, what we now call trainers, were always referred to as 'gutties'. Everything, from Dunlop Blue Flash to Adidas Bamba, all 'gutties'. You never hear the term these days?
  10. The Great Michael. We know Sportscene does not run credits, we also know the show's Producer is a broth of a Blarney Bhoy, Eamonn Donohoe. A Producer at PQ is quite the thing, particularly if empire building is your game. Sellik TV's latest signing, Michael Stewart was sinking fast. The radio Producers had ignored him for ten weeks. However, Eamonn threw him a lifeline and the Great Michael sailed into Saturday night's Sportscene studio on his big white sannies. It's de rigueur within the Gang Hut to sport muckle sannies when presenting. Michael appears sunkist, has ran a blond tint through his glittering young Adonis locks, and is replete in compliant plimsolls. He will be circumcising the globe soon enough and that's no skin off a bluenose. Michael took his lead from brother-in-trainers, wee Jonathon. Asked for his comments on the next day's games involving both halves of the old firm, like a good Sellik TV employee, he launched into a well rehearsed spiel. Morelos has chucked it, French Eddie has sprinted forward. St Mirren have a chance, Killie will be hoping to keep the score down. Eamonn put Michael where other Producers dare not, and no one on BBC Scotland has mentioned Stewart's Sellik TV connections. Of course, being an uber, flag waving nationalist, the former Man U dud will know the Great Michael was the biggest ship ever constructed by the Scottish Royal Navy. In the first years of the 16th century, King James iv ordered the construction of a 1,000 ton ship. Scotland was reputedly the wealthiest country in Europe at the time, but after James falling at Flodden field, the ship was sold to the French for a song. We could not afford the maintenance, a lesson PQ must learn reference Sellik TV's Michael and his big sannies. Targetry? DrStu' and Tam targeted Rangers TV on Saturday. A competition no less, a mug was to be presented to the listener who came up with the best line reference Clive Tyldesley. Two hours of teasing, Tyldesley was bound to throw in a few 1966 England world cup winning references during commentary? They read out a dozen of the better entries. Hoping and wishing something will happen is not the same as an actual happening. It's like Tam's bestie, Andrew Wilson telling us Scotland's economy would thrive when selling oil for $115 a barrel. DrStu' had his dander up, and the Herald's Chris Jack was next up for ridicule. DrStu' spluttered, "Chris union Jack, aye thats wit thur calling him". See when DrStu' gets aw couthy, the wit? Anyway, DrStu' will have another opportunity to target Rangers TV this coming Wednesday, his favourites will be subject Tyldesley's commentary. Big Dick sees dead people. During the Motherwell v Dundee United match at Fir Park, Big Dick decided to comment on 'Well's cardboard cut-out fans behind the goal. You know the gig? Fans pay between £20-£30 to have a photo put on the seated cut-out. Motherwell teamed up with a mental health charity and decided to leave dozens of the cut-outs faceless, highlighting those folk that go missing every year. Big Dick was non-plussed at the faceless ones, "they look dead". Heartening news for relatives worried about missing family and friends? Still, it could have been worse, he could have wanted them transferred to Edinburgh Zoo for exhibition. Coverage? On Sunday, BBC Radio Scotland produced no coverage of Rangers v St Mirren. Billy Dodds broadcast a minute long half-time report, and a two minute full time report. All garnered from Rangers TV. Rugby Park coverage was full live commentary, and the Blarney Bhoys, Pat and Tom. Sellik supporting Julie Fleeting was thrown in to balance things, she teaches school in Kilmarnock. Sunday night's Sportscene had wee Jonathon, Craig Gordon, and Shaun Maloney, all in big white sannies. You cannot blame them on their choice of footwear, it must be most difficult to maintain balance.
  11. I watched Rangers TV today for the first time and was impressed. Clive Tyldesley was competent, and KT kept imparting facts borne of experience. Obviously, situations we know to be true did not appear as we expect they should. Games against St Boo at Ibrox involve Bears throwing javelins, Pilums, and white phosphorus grenades into the visiting St Mirren fans. It's a legitimate tradition that could not be continued today. Further, the piped music failed to broadcast a minority of the home support singing sectarian songs. Thankfully, the wide TV shots of the Stadium in the last ten minutes did show the the effects of the Subway Loyal. Moving forward in these trying times, I think it's important that Rangers TV attempts to provide the perceived reality to so many of our club's detractors. Against the Perth Saints on Wednesday evening, we must show live executions of Barbour jacket wearing, tractor driving fermers.
  12. I have not listened to Go Radio as yet, of course you are correct reference Rob McLean. Please remember, Rob McLean is now the official commentator on Red TV(Aberdeen FC channel). Further, I note earlier this week, ra Sellik announced Go Radio as an official commercial partner(the same status as the Daily Record). The usual suspects ie Phil McFournames, Angela Haggerty, Paul Breslin, ...... etc were all re-Tweeting with knowing winks, etc. Cooney's name was front and center.
  13. The Aberdeen Situation. Let's start at Thursday evening. Rangers, Scotland's last Euro' representative in season 2019/20, are in Germany in an attempt to reach the Europa Cup quarter-finals. It's five months since the first leg was lost 1-3 at Ibrox against Bayer Leverkusen. Further, Rangers efforts in European competition, 32 games in two seasons has seen the Scottish co-efficient rise to ensure the Scottish League will have two representatives in the Champions League qualifiers in a season's time. Big Dick hosting, Tom English commenting, and Liam McLeod providing commentary from the telly, chose to spend the build up 45 minutes talking about, "the club in question" and, "the player in question". We all know the club in question was Aberdeen, and we could guess at the player in question? Photographs across social media allowed any interested party to note several Aberdeen players attended the Soul Bar in the granite city in the immediate aftermath of their Pittodrie defeat to Rangers. The incident concerning the club in question and the players in question was being contained, no Chris McLaughlin report as per the previous week's Rangers friendlies against Motherwell and Rangers. We were not told if stand-in SFA Chair, Mike Mulraney was raging, and come back kid, Rod Petrie said nothing. Jum Spence held his discipline, unlike last week when he Tweeted Dundee United had a legitimate right to be absolutely raging at Rangers. Of course, we know BBC Scotland carried a one line on Wednesday's website, stating the SFA had decided to remind Hibs, Motherwell, and Rangers as to conduct in timeous receiving of Covid testing results. It would appear BBC Scotland were intent on fanning flames reference Rangers, but were determined to fire fight reference the club in question. Anyways, the Rangers game came and went, and Big Dick signed off several minutes after the final whistle. Eight O'Clock, Rangers Euro efforts were put to bed. Move to today(Saturday), and the national broadcaster has changed tone. The First Minister is quoted as being, "pretty furious" at the Aberdeen situation. The gravity of eight Dandies' actions have put Scottish football's immediate future in doubt. Big Dick, Wullie Miller, Tom English, James McFadyen, Alan Preston, and Neil McCann are all chorusing mea culpa on behalf of the Dandies. The first three caution the social media pile on, and praise Dave Cormack's efforts in apologising to all Scottish football. Strange, eight years past, social media was praIsed for providing necessary momentum in dealing with Rangers. I thought the next three games to be faced by Aberdeen might have been explored? St Johnstone, Accies, and ra Sellik are the three representatives on the SPFL Board. What say Fluffer Brown, Les Gray, and Peter? Of course, some avenues are best not explored, we have seen the photographs doing the rounds on social media reference Leigh Griffiths current girlfriends birthday party in Bothwell, midweek. A dozen of said girl's besties not social distancing and drunk. Leigh is in a few of the photies too. Clearly, the three household rule has been broken, track and trace anyone, and ra Sellik are quoted as reminding the convicted racist of his responsibilities. BBC Scotland also have a responsibility to discuss the continuing behaviour of the clown with mental health issues, but chose no to. The First Minister has said nothing, Chris McLaughlin has said nothing, Peter telt them. Big Dick read out the public apology penned by the Aberdeen eight, and read out the signed names. They are all senior players, Jonny Hayes, Michael Devlin, Matt Kennedy, Sam Cosgrove, Craig Bryson, Bruce Anderson, Scott McKenna, and Dylan McGeouch. The most interesting is Michael Devlin, he is vice-chair of the Scottish PFA. Can he continue in that role? If last week's Rangers story which proved to be no story, had grown legs, then Devlin would have been contacted by the usual suspects for damning comments reference social responsibility and Scottish game awareness. Peter would have told Chris to talk to Michael? The way it looks, Aberdeen will have two games postponed(Saints and Accies), but have to field a weakened team next Saturday against ra Sellik. It's what Peter wants. It would be most fitting for the current state of Scottish if Aberdeen lose 1-0 at ra Stade de Gadd, the winner notched by substitute, Leigh Griffiths.
  14. Leverkusen have not played for a month? They say sharpness is first to go. Wow, the sharpness of the Germans in all areas of the field. On the thirty minute mark, they gave the stat' that Leverkusen had completed 100 passes more than Rangers. Fortunately, they haven't notched, but I cannot say I'm surprised by the given stat'.
  15. 97 Pollockshaws Road is immediately across the street from the Brazen Head pub, the premises is the old Railway workers social club. Haughey bought the building twenty years past. Any broadcast company containing Paul Cooney is long term careful hate towards Rangers and Rangers supporters. Conney is a former Sellik PRO. He attended Langbank Seminary, trained for the priesthood. Sir Jimmy Gordon, Paul Cuddihy, and other old Aloysiusians made application to the Home Office for a broadcast license in 1973(Radio Clyde), they persuaded Cooney to leave the Seminary and join as a teenage runner. Cooney left Clyde to become Sellik PRO, returned after two years because the family dynasties did not listen. He became Chief Executive and Managing Director at Snyde, all under Gordon't tutelage. He left when Bauer Media bought the controlling interest. If Richard Gordon is involved, then it's classic Cooney, think Big DJ as Cooney's useful idiot for two decades. Rangers should move to end any association soonest.
  16. A week is a long time in PQ Politics. A week past, PQ was in a state of ferment and torment. Rangers had played two friendlies on the same day, the B team met Dundee United in the Auchenhowie sunshine, the first team pitched up at Ibrox to face Motherwell. The Daily Record's Klaxon Jackson had the inside information, the stand-in Chair of the SFA, Mike Mulraney had decided to progress a probe into Rangers flouting Covid testing protocols. At this point, we should be grateful to BBC Salford, they were reporting three Scottish clubs may have contravened said testing protocols, Hibs, Motherwell, and Rangers. Chris McLaughlin did what Chris is conditioned to do, he claimed nine Rangers players were at the testing madam. By lunchtime, the entire world and it's dug had dropped the story and ran far away. Well, you can hardly blame Klaxon and the Daily Record, they have a commercial arrangement with ra Sellik. A week on, where are we now? Today, we have a single line in the Gossip column on the BBC Scotland football website, "Rangers, Motherwell, and Hibs are set to escape SFA punishment for breaching coronavirus testing protocol". This single line is sandwiched between Kamberi rejecting Rangers and Lille dropping interest in signing Morelos. You may think Michael Stewart abandoning BBC Scotland for a more defined hatred of Rangers that can be found on Sellik TV, is more newsworthy? However, you won't hear this being reported, Chris McLaughlin does not get out of bed to report on such refinement, he prefers, indeed pushes the broader brush. Chris knows he can have a kick, and another at Rangers and Rangers supporters with impunity. Burying the conclusion of a story borne of Rangers hate frenzy , in a single line within 'Gossip' a week on, where does that leave Mike Mulraney? Perhaps Klaxon will brush the lunar rover off his visage and tell us? Normal Service? A family bereavement forbade any listening on Saturday and I heard nothing of Saturday's broadcast. Necessary travel on Sunday allowed me to tune in to ra Sellik love fest. The national megaphone resorted to blarney, Pat Bonner and Tom English worked their tongues into a most effective fluff. Stephen O'Donnell, the out of contract Killie player and brother of Mark O'Donnell, recently ordained priest on BBC Scotland's production, 'Priest School', swallowed hard for the cause. Peter can rest assured, as Kheredine hosted the perfect Sellik production. I know the current situation effecting the Rectum of Dundee University, Jum Spence is not a high prioroty for Bears. However, it was heartening to note Jum taking to Twitter, lamenting for the first time in over thirty years, the season was beginning and he was not covering a match. On Sunday, Jum stated on the same means, "I do like that Celtic strip, very nice". Peter, why have you abandoned Jum? Surely, he is capable of contributing to the blarney?
  17. BBC Scotland's own report on the appointment of Steve Carson as the next head of BBC Scotland, taking over from Donalda MacKinno. : New Boss named for BBC Scotland. Steve Carson has been named as new head of BBC Scotland, taking over from Donalda MacKinnon. Mr Carson, who is currently head of multiplatform commissioning, will take over as Director later in the year when Ms MacKinnon steps down. Originally from Belfast, he began his career with the BBC before setting up an independent production company in Ireland. He returned to the BBC in 2013 and took up his current role three years ago. May I remind Gersnetters what the absolute Toady, Stuart Cosgrove said on air about the appointment of Donalda MacKinnon. He was on the John Beattie hosted Media Review show. Beattie announced the new appointment and inquired if anyone had met, or knew her? Cosgrove said, "I've met her, I like her, I like her a lot". Probably took her to lunch at Gamba, with Neil Doncaster. We await Toady Cosgrove's pronouncement on Steve Carson.
  18. I have watched all four pre-season games and remain cautiously optimistic. There is a rub and I witnessed elements of it in all four games. It goes back to the second half of last season. We are pressed high, the opposition regain possession in the middle of the park. We are narrow and usher the opposition down our flanks. The crosses into our box begin, then become more frequent. We do not stop the crosses, we defend from within our box. In Europe, the opposition continue to attempt to get in behind, and we appear comfortable defending. It also allows us opportunities to counter attack, and we are effective. In the domestic game, the high press and resultant turn over in possession results in the ball being shelled into our box, mostly long diagonals. It's all angles. Think Tynecastle, Rugby Park, Pittodrie, ....etc. We cannot get out, and eventually we concede. The point is, our midfield and full backs do not contest the crosses being struck. Think about the final 15-20 minutes at those grounds, increasingly the game passed our midfield. We need strength, running power, and a couple of tacklers in our defensive mix. Two games at the end of the first half of last season. We go to Easter Road and batter Hibs 0-3. Our energy that night was impressive. A week later, Pittodrie, start on fir, race into a 0-2 lead, should have been more, concede before half-time and succumb to their game and level in the second. We draw 2-2, because we are forced back, and pinned. If we can sign a couple of horses for different occurring courses, we might be okay in sustaining a challenge.
  19. Do the Club read Gersnet? I have long thought all supporters' forums are monitored by respective clubs. Along with others, I have conducted a schimf(military slang/patois for constant moaning) reference club admin' reference season tickets, and the benefits there of. Get a bit sarky on Monday and my Rangers TV access code pops into my inbox this morning. The power of Gersnet!
  20. Warranted? I have watched a number of BBC Scotland news bulletins today, listened to BBC Radio Scotland at various times today, and read both BBC Scotland Ceefax and website on occasions today. There is no reporting whatsoever of Motherwell CEO, Alan Burrows having a warrant issued for his arrest. The 'Well Chief Exec' failed to trap at Hamilton Sheriff Court on Tuesday as a prosecution witness. The accused is Sean Baillie, he is charged with throwing a cup of hot liquid at Alfredo Morelos after he scored Rangers second goal at Fir Park. Sean, a 30 year old man from Maryhill pled not guilty. Apparently, Sean enjoys hanging out with the 'well ultras group, 'the Bois', most of whom are 14 years old. Burrows has offered the excuse of work commitments preventing his court attendance. The police contacted Mr Burrows reference his absence and it is reported in the Sun that the Depute PF told Sheriff Alasdair McFadyen, "I've just been updated that Mr Burrows is actively refusing to attend court today and in this respect I would seek a warrant for his arrest". Sheriff McFadyen then issued said warrant. The trial is suspended until November. I suspect this story is being subdued by BBC Scotland, why I do not know? An issued warrant for the arrest of a Scottish Premiership Club's CEO is news, surely? An Economic Standard of Life, Guaranteed! I note Angela Haggerty has once again appeared on several BBC Scotland TV and radio shows over the weekend, and since. She enjoys constant Tweeting and we must thank her for boasting of being hungover whilst appearing on Seven Days. Her Twitter feed contains lots of congratulations, back slapping, and bravo from those, like her guaranteed an economic standard of life. Kevin McKenna, Annie McGuire, Janey Godley, Nick Sheridan, ............. etc all want to be seen to be aboard the rolling gravy train. You might notice a certain grouping has no reserved seats on this particular choo-choo, we should Call it Out. Michael Stewart? Mikey's Twitter feed contains a number of adverts for Sellik TV - 'the Celts are Back'. It's over eight weeks and counting, still no sign of Michael on BBC Scotland. When are they going to tell us that the Rangers Hater in Chief has moved to his natural home? Maybe Sheriff McFadyen could issue a warrant? We should be told.
  21. Looking at the photo of Burrows, he has already eaten the evidence.
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