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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. “from the first whistle to the last”, AGAIN! ”BBC Scotland is now a public dis-service broadcaster” - Angus Robertson. ”BBC Scotland is a public service broadcaster” - Nicola Sturgeon. ”Pensioners rely on public service broadcasting, most have no access to live streaming” - John Swinney. ”what do you think of the BBC’s decision to stop broadcasting the First Minister’s Covid briefings”? - Stuart Cosgrove’s first question to Scottish Government’s National Clinical Director, Jason Leitch last Saturday. Above are the reactions from the great and the good to the news that the national broadcaster was considering curtailing live coverage of the First Minister’s daily outpourings on Covid 19. Concern was expressed for pensioners, the long term sick, those living in Scotland’s many remote parts, ....... etc. BBC Scotland is essential to the country’s homogeneity. Thursday evening was Europa Cup qualifiers night, Scotland had three clubs playing. Rangers were in Gibraltar, taking on ra Sellik’s conquerors, Lincoln Red Imps, kicking off at 16.00 hrs. Aberdeen traveled to Norway to face Viking and Motherwell crossedthe Irish Sea to take on Colraine; both games starting at 19.30 hrs. PQ’s coverage began at 18.00 hrs, Big Dick introduced Al Lamont who was sat next to him in the studio and invited him to give a report on Rangers 5-0 victory on the rock. Lamont had watched the game on a monitor, viewing either Premier Sports or Rangers TV. His report was stilted, lasted a few minutes, including questions from Big Dick. Basically, it was routine For Rangers and the only concern was Roofe’s injury. During the match, ie the previous two hours, PQ broadcast, ‘Drivetime’ - the station’s normal two hour evening news programme. There were two Sport Desks during the show and the current score was given on each occasion. Combined with Al Lamont’s post match report, that was the extent of BBC Scotland’s coverage of Rangers visit to Gibraltar. “From the first whistle till the last”, SERIOUSLY? From six until ten O’Clock, Big Dick was breathless with excitement as fellow Dandy Don, Liam McLeod commentated live from Stavanger. James McFadden was live with updates from Colraine, Billy Dodds sat beside Big Dick in the studio and he whooped with delight as the Scottish standard was hoisted higher and higher by the Dons and ‘Well. The Scottish co-efficient was mentioned and discussed. Pensioners, the long term sick, those living in remote areas, ...... etc are all important folks, if interference is being run on there collective listening to the First Minister’s live Covid briefings five days a week. The very minute those same folks, who are all paying their BBC license fees, are re-categorised as, “h-u-ns and typical orange wankers” they are relegated to 15 second burst transmissions during an evening news show. The extent of preferred prejudice within the a Gang Hut was under pinned last Saturday by PQ sending both Cosgrove and Cowan to Fir Park to cover the Motherwell- St Johnstone game for the open mikes segment of the programme. This follows Cowan accompanying Preston to Fir Park for the ‘Well - Glentoran match. We are all desperate to view live football, but really it’s only those and such as those within the PQ Gang Hut that receive the privilege of from the first whistle to the last.
  2. I saw a comment on Spiers first podcast, hosting Kevin McKenna, Jum Spence, and Gordon Waddell; describing the ensemble as, “a who’s who of bellends”. His second Podcast continues the theme, his singular guest is, Michael Stewart. Spiers considered Jimmy Shand as a guest, but declined to extend an invitation. It wasn’t so much that Jimmy has gone to the big accordion squeeze in the sky, Graham was uneasy at sharing the fingering of his organ. Further, ra Bhoy in Corduroy considers the Bluebell Polka to be a vile sectarian drone.
  3. Wherethefukawe? Last evening(Wednesday), was Champions League third round qualifiers’ night. PQ was broadcasting across the nation, the Blarney Bhoys(Pat and Tom) were in place, lips pressed to the microphones. Cue Big Dick’ sonorous voice swooning at the first bars of Britten’s rip-off of Handel’s Zadok the Priest, ‘the hairs on the back of my neck are standing’. A welcome to ra Stade de Gadd ensues and the Gang Hut stand, arms wrapped around each other, and deliver an emotional rendition of a song stolen from Liverpool FC, ‘you’ll never walk alone’. Big Dick hands over to Liam, and we are the recipients of more sh1te about a stadium built to purposefully house CL games. The Scottish standard is raised, ra Sellik are proudly carrying it onwards and upwards in Europe, improving the national coefficient. Homage is paid to Peter the Visionary, .........., etc. The reality was David Currie, hosting the Blarney Bhoys in Paisley for a re-arranged league fixture. Apparently, ra Sellikwere kno caked out of the CL on their own midden some weeks past, before the nights got dark? Don’t worry, it was the same push, Sellik won, were awarded only the one penalty, and no one took Neil on reference his weekend demand for Sellik fans to be allowed back into games because Kansas City had played in front of 18,000 the night before. Dreams can come true .....
  4. The narrative of this incident is something all Rangers supporters should recognise immediately. Less than two hours after the game finished at Ibrox, BBC Scotland’s Sportscene is on air. Sellik TV’s Michael Stewart immediately grabs control, he is sick and tired and waves his hands. Morelos is the Devil and Gerrard is condemned for Devil worship. Remember, the referee did not even award a foul. On Radio Snyde last evening, Nuremberg Hugh agrees with the ref’, “a clumsy challenge by a clumsy defender”. He was reminded(like former referee, Dermot Gallagher) of his comments reference Ryan Jack’s red card three years past, he did not like that. He played the age card, “I cannot remember three years back, I’m here to deal with the now”. Jum Spence is addicted to Twitter, beholding his position of Rectum of Dundee Uni’. He tweeted a table of all historical clashed between Rangers and United on Thursday, only two games, both Scottish Cup ties, both won by the Dundee side. He tweeted nothing during or after the game, nothing even the result. Yesterday afternoon, immediately the SPFL revealed no further action, he tweeted a carefully cropped Dundee Courier picture of both Morelos and Edwards challenging from above waist height. Out of sight, out of mind. Black lives matter, unless you are a Sellik supporting referee, an employee of Sellik TV, an old rancid bigot, or a pompous prick?
  5. Dermot Gallagher was badly exposed, thought Edwards was a yellow offence at worse. He explained Edwards initially won the ball, and the follow through caught Morelos, but it was not malicious. When confronted with comments he made three seasons past for Ryan Jack’s red card on Stevie May ie (yes, Jack won the ball but his follow through was malicious, therefore the ref’ was correct to issue a red), Dermot declined to comment further. The point being, Clancy did not even blow up for a foul, let alone issue a card of any shade. The game was re-started on a drop ball.
  6. The Compliance Officer, Claire Whyte does what Peter tells her. Sellik TV’s, Michael Stewart says what Peter tells him. On Saturday at Ibrox, Dundee United’s, Ryan Edwards went into a challenge with Morelos, a straight leg above the knee, a flat boot impact leaving a puncture wound the size of a ten pence coin. The Referee, Kevin Clancy did not award a foul, only blew his whistle after Morelos collapsed in distress. The Colombian was stretchered off the pitch and Clancy re-started with a drop ball. After match comments by Gerrard inquired if Morelos had made a similar challenge, would the referee have issued a red card? BBC Scotland’s Sportscene broadcast on Saturday evening, hosted by Dandy Don, Jonathon Sutherland, and comment provided by Sellik TV’s, Michael Stewart and formerScots international, Chris Iwelumo. After highlights of the game at Ibrox, Sutherland brings the discussion around to the unpunished high tackle by Edwards. Sellik TV’s faithful shill begins, “ah’ve looked at it so many times, sometimes I think it’s not malicious, other times I think Edwards is fortunate, very fortunate. If the referee gets a clear look at it, but he’s blinded by Butcher and Roofe”. The Presenter adds, “Steven Gerrard is quoted as saying he would be very interested in the official’s decision if the shoe had been on the other foot”? Michael Stewart waves his hands dismissively and snarls, “Jonathon, honestly I am sick of it, sick and tired of comments like that to be perfectly honest. You know, look Rangers as a club have come out on a number of occasions saying they cannot defend Morelos, so you can’t always be the victim whilst saying you cannot defend him anymore. Enough of this, we have seen on a number of times where Morelos has got off with things, other times he hasn’t, just let it go,it was a bad tackle”. Born and bred Coatbridge Sellik man, Chris Iwelumo then has his say, “for me, it’s a red card. It’s taken a couple of looks, it’s a wreck less challenge”. Then, Iwelumo turns to Mikes and pointedly delivers, “On the back of that tackle, a manager has got to come out and protect his players, he has to come out if Morelos is being victimised. For me, it’s shocking”. Stewart’s face was a picture, looking off into mid distance with his hands crossed. On Sunday’s Sportsound, Jane Lewis interviewed Neil McCann and attempted twice to draw him on Michael Stewart’s comments. Neil refused to be drawn, but was in no doubt the tackle was a red card and wondered why Compliance Officer intervention was not being mentioned? I wonder if Stewart is beginning to isolate himself with some at PQ towers?
  7. Prawg Rawk, best left to self obsessed yahoos.
  8. Angela is regularly appearing on Cosgrove’s podcast reference media handling of stories. I am sure when she can find the time, she’ll add another special layer of hatred upon Spiers warbling. Interestingly, and this shows the closeness of the Rangers hating grouping; her son was christened recently, the boy’s Godfather is Kevin McKenna. The man who shares regular Sellik View photos with Torbet, Cairney, .... etc, the man who was allowed to quietly resign his position as Editor of ra Sellik View, after being taped stating, “the IRA bombing of the Enniskillen cenotaph was a legitimate act of war”, the man who when he was Sports Editor at Scotland on Sunday regularly adopted a nome de guerre, ‘Sydney Barrett’ when penning vile diatribes about Rangers and Rangers supporters.
  9. Ra Bhoy in Corduroy is launching his new Podcast this evening, if you are of a mind, it will cost you £2.39 per month. The warbling of a current Sellik season ticket holder(has been for the last two seasons, takes his young lads too), might be of interest to a specific mindset. His first guests are Kevin McKenna(former Editor of ra Sellik View), Jum Spence(Rangers hating Rectum of Dundee University, and Gordon Waddell(former Sunday Mail columnist for 20 years who wrote, “Rangers are a club whose face you would never tire of taking a half brick to”). Seriously, how many Rangers supporters will tune in?
  10. Been away this week, could not react to an excellent match preview. I noted on Thursday evening, jum Spence Tweeted a history of Dundee United - Rangers fixtures down the ages. Apparently, there have only been two previous clashes. Dundee United have won both Scottish Cup ties, 3-0 and 3-1 for an aggregate score of 6-1. I thank Jum for such disinformation and hopefully, today the mighty Sevco deliver the full service, 6- zip to right Jum’s obvious wrong.
  11. "New, modern Scotland"? "New, modern Scotland" is a phrase we hear a lot of on BBC Scotland. The likes of DrStu' and Michael Stewart most frequent, they have a, 'new, modern Scotland' twenty-a-day habit. It's a large hand, small map concept, a transcendent state, a Brigadoon idyll remote from reality, or is it? These last few years, DrStu' has become quite expansive on not so much what we want, as what we don't want in new, modern Scotland. He opposed Gazza' entry into the Scottish football Hall of Fame because, "we don't want a player with domestic abuse issues in a new, modern Scotland". Billy Mitchell, the Question Time haranguer of Fiona Hyslop won't make it either, "we don't want to listen to drummers in protestant marching bands in new, modern Scotland". Young Romanians are a thing of the past, "in today's climate in new, modern Scotland, every aspect of Hagi's transfer is wrong". I wonder what my status as a BBC license fee paying Rangers supporter will be/is in a new, modern Scotland? Our club achieved a first last season, the first team to go twice in successive seasons from the first round of the Europa Cup to the group stages. We have competed in 32 games in two seasons, losing three, and considerably improved our own, and the national co-efficient. Yet, we do not get to carry the national standard in Europe. BBC Scotland failed to report from 16 of those games, although they claim to be right across events, "from the first whistle to the last". In the PQ mindset, is there a place for Rangers and Rangers supporters in new, modern Scotland? The habit of not reporting Rangers appears to have grown into not reporting other happenings when they are deemed not helpful to the current pervading narrative. On Friday evening, Scotland played Israel at an almost deserted Hampden. Before the game, several dozen members of the Green Brigade gathered outside the main doors at the south stand. a couple of dozen flags fluttered in the afternoon breeze, mostly Palestinian banners with several Irish republican tricolours added to the colour splash. Green'n'grey hoops were to the fore too, holding aloft banners proclaiming, 'Free the Saoradh 9 and Issam Hijjawi". The nine referred to, are those arrested in connection with the murder of Journalist, Lyra McKee in 'Derry last year. Issam Hijjawi is a Palestinian Doctor also arrested in Northern Ireland on connection to terrorism links. The Israeli team were guests in new, modern Scotland, a group of players entirely integrated. Jews, Muslims, and Christians all representing their country. The Green Brigade brought more colour to proceedings, red paint spread across the concourse of the team coach on ramp; because wherever Israel goes, Palestinian blood spills. My own favourite was among the mish-mash of considerable graffiti sprayed on Hampden walls, 'Free Gazza'. We cannot have Gazza polluting new modern Scotland's footballing Hall of Fame, but the mindset clearly does not want him serving a custodial. I didn't even know he was in the jail? BBC Scotland has been across this fixture for three full days of broadcasting. There was no broadcast mention, three paragraphs on their news website was the extent. Cosgrove and Cowan had Hampden's PA Announcer , Graeme Easton on the show, said nothing. The next day, it was Ray Bradshaw, he said nothing, and the usual suspects of Big Dick, Tom English, James McFadden, Wullie Miller, ..... etc all said nothing. Explaining Lyra McKee, a fellow Journalist is awkward. Further, given the pernicious comments uttered regularly by DrStu' on the matter of her murder by the IRA, would mean removing his dog whistle. The real inconvenience would have come with Dr Jason Leitch. He appears continually during lockdown, a dozen weeks of fielding public health questions on national radio, Off the Ball was deliberate to reach out to a different demographic. Glasgow is in partial lockdown again as of last week. Imagine Cosgrove reading out questions about social distancing, the lack of face masks, more than two households, ................. etc to Jason Leitch reference that demonstration. Imagine questions reference the whereabouts of Polis Alba, what does the Justice Minister, Humza Yousaf say? Jason Leitch did not appear on Saturday, nor did he appear on Sunday. It's good to know in new modern Scotland we can give our health officials the entire weekend off, when it suits the PQ mindset. Now, I was taught 'Nature abhors a vacuum'. How do the Green Brigade do it? They hang out effigies, twisting in the breeze replete in Rangers scarf and orange collarette. They fly dozens of flags screaming, 'KAH' below those effigies. There are nine arrests, all are charged and on their second appearances in court, the cases are abandoned because all the evidence pertaining, has been lost in the Procurator Fiscal's office. Apparently, there's an investigation on Humza's orders, but we are assured this will be akin to a Peter inspired internal investigation at ra Sellik. All those street names in Glasgow changed by a dozen Green Brigade teams, perambulating the city with ladders and cameras. Triumphantly reported, no arrests by Polis Alba. Humza chose to get after those claiming to defend the statues. Friday's events prove the Green Brigade operate in a vacuum, next to little reporting, certainly no discussion, and all awkward and inconvenient questions not invited. Welcome to the unnaturally created new, modern Scotland.
  12. I agree with you. Today's(Sunday) Off the Ball has Cosgrove and Cowan hosting, Partick Thistle supporter, Ray Bradshaw is the guest. Towards the end of the show, Cowan illustrates an example of mishearing. It occurred years past, when Beeb Scotland were still based at Hamilton Drive. He tells of a researcher, Cosgrove describes her, "as a lovely young girl from Donegal". Apparently, the show had been a tad spikey and some of the calls contained edge. At the show's conclusion, Cowan is told by the researcher that another call had been lined up. Cowan says, "ah don't need another irate caller". Stoney silence ensues. The researcher gives Cowan the treatment for a fortnight, when another researcher works out it is an issue of mishearing. "Ah don't need another irate caller" has been heard as, 'ah don't need another IRA caller'. This is the nub of the story, Cosgrove jumps in and says, "of course, we do need another IRA caller, this is the BBC, we require balance". Rangers supporters will be laughing at Cosgrove's referencing of BBC Scotland balance, when has it ever been deployed? Eight years down the line, the plight of a Face Painter resonates continually, whereas the plight of children being constantly raped for half a century is absolutely ignored. However, Cosgrove's suggestion of balance for the IRA is dog whistling. He knows what he is doing, it's a shout out to big buddies like Kevin McKenna, Eamonn O'Neill, Angela Haggerty, ........... etc. How does the family and friends of Journalist, Lyra McKee feel after such an insensitive remark? Cosgrove knows it's a callous necessity on his part. Cosgrove and those mentioned, have had a lot to say on BBC Scotland about Lyra McKee since her murder by the IRA. The various current affairs shows have those talking heads as regular contributors. Haggerty has said at least twice, "the IRA are defunct". O'Neill stated, "Lyra McKee was not targeted by the IRA", and Cosgrove determined she was not murdered, "unfortunately, she was caught in crossfire, we need a new classification". The facts at this moment, there have been ten arrests and the weapon used has been recovered by the PSNI. It's sub judice to discuss further. Cosgrove et al know what they are doing, running interference to deliberately queer the pitch. There will be no changes, Cosgrove laid down his marker.
  13. BBC Scotland are a separate entity.
  14. Peter Lawwell's son, Mark had an administrative/coaching position at Manchester City. I do not know if he remains at the Etihad? Mark Lawwell was responsible for talent spotting for ra Sellik as part of Man City's player development. The Belgian internationalist, Jason Denayer, the Swedish cap, John Guidetti, and Samaras were among half-a-dozen loanees/signings. Roberts was hyped as the jewel in the crown, quickly followed by Arzani. Mark, like his sister, Nicola is a beneficiary of the Lawwell surname, or maybe Peter's demands. Nicola began as a Solicitor trainee at Harper McLeod. I suspect the £15 million valuation emanated from Mark Lawwell?
  15. 'Free Gazza'? "I support the political ambitions and aspirations of the Green Brigade", Michael Stewart uttered this phrase on BBC Radio Scotland last year. This morning, one of the numerous alternative names for the balaclava heroes, 'the North Curve' loaded aboard the lorry, became volunteers and approached Hampden Town. They poured red paint across the coach slip road, leading to visiting teams' secure parking. Apparently, this represents Palestinian blood, which flows when Israel are in town. The walls of Hampden have been graffritied with resonating slogans, including, 'Free Gazza'. I know Paul Gascoigne has been subject to numerous claims over the years, but I did not know he had ended up in the tin pail? Knowing Sellik TV's Michael Stewart is a man of principle and knowing he supports the Green Brigades ambitions and aspirations, then we can expect Michael to reinforce such sentiment by donning the Keffiyeh tonight. Tune into Sportscene to see Michael rawking designer stubble, Tuareg sandals, and toting an AK 47. This is no time for vanity Michael, Palestinian blood is flowing and Gazza is interned. Please don't be dispirited, do not think it Disney work; this is what happens when the Green Brigade becomes your Jiminey Cricket. Dreams can come true, it can happen to you, sang Humza.
  16. It is a shame Hollicom appear to have departed ra Stade de Gadd. I understand when ra Sellik play the next Europa Cup game at home, and have no issues; it will be a club record. Three home games in a row without a UEFA fine. A club record a long time in the making and Hollicom won't be there to trumpet it.
  17. I have just received an e-mail from a most reliable source : Hollicom have informed ra Sellik they no longer want to represent the club, no longer want to advise the club, and do not want to provide a PR service going forward. I cannot confirm this absolutely, but it would appear ra Sellik and Hollicom have become SEPARATE ENTITIES.
  18. just another DrStu' production. Time to remind Gersnetters, DrStu' s tertiary education took place in Hull. He graduated in Drama and English, then did his first Doctorate in Theatre. Yep, DrStu' is a big ham, fond of petty drama. Back in the day, Off the Ball regularly had members of the production staff telephoning the show. A script was provided and inevitably Rangers and Rangers supporters were portrayed as the bad guys in the morality play. Occasionally, it led to problems; we had Gordon the Jambo from Glasgow, because none of the production staff could be trusted with an Edinburgh accent. Gordon might have been the last caller on the show, it must be 4-5 years since DrStu' fielded a call? The show must go on, and on. It's only last month, DrStu' nearly in his 70th year was hoping aloud for another five years. He admits he does not understand Rangers supporters, "ah don't get it, Rangers supporters are standing on the sidelines, raging and beelin". Of course, Rangers supporters are not entitled to joy, the signing of Hagi was summarised by Cosgrove as the following, "every aspect of that signing is wrong". Every aspect? DrStu' deliberately places us on the sidelines, it is most necessary that we occupy the dark end of the street. Listeners to BBC Radio Scotland need reminding we live in darkness. On Saturday, the special guest on the show was Susie McCabe. A stand-up Comedienne with a background in construction. The first thirty minutes, Susie joins DrStu in his plea for performing arts in Scotland to be beneficiaries of increased Scottish Government monies. Susie is the real deal, a good egg traveling the nationalist road. DrStu' ruminates on the usual, walking young Jack to school in Dennistoun(St Dennis Primary) and he' surprised at Sellik fans(this will be the school gates) blaming Neil Lennon for the Ferencvaros defeat. Susie is a big Sellik fan, that's a big surprise and she agrees Neil's been through a lot. Sympathy for the Devil, no mention of Neil holding a knife to the throat of a then girlfriend whilst at Bolton. DrStu' does get Lennon, he was promoting his case as next Scotland boss, before Steve Clarke's appointment. After the One O'Clock news, Susie is delivering the lines penned for her. It's all very Smashie and Nicey, a question about charity work leads to Susie claiming to do a lot of work for charidee, and begins to tell a story. At the Stand Club in Glasgow, she has just completed a gig and is approached by a Rangers supporting chap named, 'Anthony'. He asks if she'll do a charity event in Inverclyde? Susie would be delighted, what's the gig? Anthony describes the plight of the local apprentice boys and thinks Susie would go down a storm. Susie replies, "ah don't think you understand, ah'm a roman catholic lesbian from Coatbridge". DrStu' adds, "he needs to move away from that himself with a name like Anthony". Ambiguity abounds. Are we talking about apprentices involved in the construction of two Ferries? I believe there's at least another two years work left on those vessels and maybe times are hard for the youngsters. Are we talking about the Apprentice Boys of Derry? I don't know, do they exist in Port Glasgow? Anyways, as Susie continues, we find out her and DrStu' regularly attend the same Curry House in Dennistoun. This is the award winning curry shop regularly promoted by Dennistoun's SNP Councilor, Allan Casey. Now, Mr Casey is a drummer in an Irish Republican band, perhaps DrStu' should get him on to explain? Wait a minute, DrStu' told us last year on the Media Review, "ah hate drummers, particularly those in marching bands". This was in reference to Billy Mitchell ripping into Fiona Hyslop on Question Time. DrStu' doesn't want Billy on Question Time, he prefers him on the sidelines. Confusing, isn't it? Go on Auntie, give Cosgrove another five years, us Rangers supporters will just stand on the sidelines, beelin'.
  19. I was operational in southern Oman, a piece of topography called the Jebel. There had been a conflict of low intensity going on for 15 years or so. I was leading a ten day patrol along the Yemen border, and we retired to a harbour area in a wadi. I checked my watch and realised the game at Ibrox was over. Once the bivvy was established I became unprofessional. I rigged a whip aerial, and tuned to the BBC World Service. It was a deliberate abdication of sensory perception. I put on ear phones and listened to Paddy Feeney's thirty minute sports round-up. Paddy had a sonorous voice, laced with infectious enthusiasm. He introduced the game of the day, "a six goal thriller from Ibrox". What followed was a dozen snatches from that day's live commentary on the World Service. I was told the game started in a rain squall, "Celtic took advantage amid the downpour, a rebound fell to McAvennie and he opened the scoring". I thought fcuk me, we've been trounced 0-6. Paddy was loquacious, he threw out a couple of options to McCoist in the box, then the commentary clip told of his equaliser. I thought, maybe we've lost 1-5? The clips kept coming and when our third went in, I was encouraged the worst could be a 3-3 draw. It's hard to articulate, explain the elation surge I experienced, lying doggo in a high plateau desert. As the fifth hit the net, I screamed, silently! I was there, bouncing in the East Enclosure. Paddy ended with repeating the clip for Wilkins goal, "it will be talked about down the decades". I was exhausted but could not find sleep. I returned home for Christmas and attended the Ne'rday game, a 4-1 victory over the Yahoos. I enjoyed that game thoroughly, but I enjoyed the earlier rout even more, particularly because I was not, could not be in attendance. In those days, Paddy Feeney was worth the license fee on his own.
  20. I note Neil Lennon's starting formation last evening was 4-6-0. Does this make Lenny the Green Levein?
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