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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. I've just listened to BBC Radio Scotland's lunch time news and sports desk. Joy of joy, Neil Lennon is the main feature presented by Chris McLaughlin. Popcorn teeth hosted a Presser today at Lennoxtown. He was asked by the Sky Sports journo how his lockdown isolation went? Neil loses his discipline and snaps back, "how is Andy Walker after his Dubai jolly speech"? I suspect Lennon went on a rant but Chris did not convey. Neil concludes, "we are due an apology from Walker and Sky sports will be getting nothing from me or my players". Chris concluded that ra Sellik boss also criticised the Scottish Government. I suspect Neil and Peter have had a spat?
  2. We need the objectivity and clarity uniquely provided by the Rangers Tax Case Blog. After nearly two years and over a million impressions, the RTC Blog disappeared overnight. I was thinking they could shine a bright light into the dark corner that is Frank Mullholland, now Lord Mullholland. Three years past, Stuart Cosgrove said, "Rangers supporters should forget about the Rangers Tax Case Blog". I think folks would be most interested in how much the RTC Blog has cost - is costing the country?
  3. Genuinely sorry for bumping this thread after a two month moratorium. However, needs must. As predicted, Spiers has resorted to strict adherence in Rangers hating. His weekly Podcast has simmered with careful Rangers hatred, but this week, he taps the source of evil. Four BIG properties and counting, it's an hour of couthy Stuart Cosgrove. Perhaps, ra Bhoy in Corduroy will ask Stuart about St Johnstone being revealed last week, as one of a dozen large companies in Scotland, failing to pay the minimum wage?
  4. We don't want any excitement in Tannochside, Birkenshaw, or Viewpark. Excitement on the high road equates to : At worse, Peter Manuel is going Tonto. At best, the denizens are attending the Oak(Stables), the Windmill, the Auld Club and bouncing pint tumblers aff each others' nappers. Choose a quiet life, have a half pint of Mackesons stout in the Rowan Tree.
  5. The Situation. During my professional days, 'situation, no change' was 99% most welcome during operations. It equates to no dramas. Today's result is in many ways, 'situation, no change', another game ticked off and our lead remains 21 points. We used to find comfort in, 'find your plus points in the margins'. Well, apart from the above mentioned, we drew an away game, they drew a home game. We scored a goal, they didn't. The goal difference remains the same, but we added a goal to the goals scored column. I'll accept the marginal comfort above, if next week at Ibrox against Ross County, we cut out the walking football and score first, second, and third.
  6. Attempts on the 'Well goal? Despite several corners and another dozen crosses into the 'Well box, we can count two attempts on goal, neither on target. A Morelos header that drifted past the post and a Kamara shot that cleared the Davie Cooper Stand roof. In second half, more attempts, a lot more attempts. Oh, and let's drive into their box, invite the challenges. Why are we walking , give and go, and get everybody running.
  7. We started the week 22 points ahead; now, it's only 20. Ra Sellik fightback is gathering momentum?
  8. Furlough furlough, We will furlough at Sellik, All the way to Dubai, Then we'll furlough on.
  9. Let the comparisons between Alfie and Gerd Muller begin. The low centre of gravity, those lightening turns, rolling the defender whilst releasing the shot with little back lift, soaring and hanging in the air, ................ etc. El Buffalo becomes Der Bomber. I think Alfie will need a year of constant application to equal Gerd's legendary consumption of ten steins of Bavarian lager per evening?
  10. I have just returned from visiting the local Supermarket, the wife insisted I sit outside in the car park. Apparently, it is easier for her to shop unfettered by my presence? Anyways, I am left with the car radio for company and BBC Radio Scotland's news and sport. A number of sports stories have broken today; Andy Murray has Covid, England have bowled out Sri Lanka and batted to within 8 of the islanders total, and ra Sellik have registered another UK first - they have furloughed their entire Youth Academy. What do you think was the headline and the three/four minute Sports discussion? Has Chris McLaughlin got a trio of young ambitious Bhoys lined up for interview, articulating their frustration at being denied progression? Ah mean, surely Chris can see the dichotomy of his beloved club squandering nearly £300,000 on a five star jolly in Dubai, and stubbing out the Academy, which is left to the responsibility of the British tax payer? Well, no. Chris was posted missing as PQ concentrated on Shinty. I am all for our friends in the Highlands and Islands being kept fully informed of Camanachd life, it will be a great relief for lusty teenage lads, sleeping with and tenderly stroking their wood. A four minute interview with the Chair of the Camanachd Association will send them all back to sleep. I suspect the Gang Hut are going to find endless fascination with Curling, stone skimming, and Judo in the next two/three months? I saw a comment this morning from a Thistle fan on Lawwell's attempted at an apology last evening. He watched the video of Sellik TV's Gerry McCulloch interviewing THE Chief Executive and posted, "he brought all the authority of a sixty-odd year old drunken man in a strip club, convinced all the girls find him irresistibly attractive" . Come on Chris, save us from Gerry and the Shinty, you are Peter's number one go to for necessary relief.
  11. Increasingly, fellow pundits like McFadden, McCann, Thomson .... etc and even Host of Sportscene, Jonathon Sutherland are having pops at Michael's latest disagreement with a Refereeing decision that benefits Rangers. Earlier this season at Fir Park, Rangers were awarded two penalties, it was our first award of a spot kick in eleven months in the league. Stewart used the very same rationale as you outlined above, they were NOT penalties because of the rules are wrong? Michael Stewart remains on Sportscene because of the Producer, Eamonn Donohoe.
  12. Gonzo, Those sharing the platform of BBC Scotland with Stewart must be made aware that Michael's line and script is provided by Alex Barr's BIG Partnership. When Hollicom stepped down, the SPFL's PR firm ie BIG Partnership stepped up to take on ra Sellik remit. Two and two makes four, there is a reason why Michael's line comes across as co-ordinated because it is co-ordinated by the very same PR firm. It's time for those disagreeing with Stewart at PQ to ask which line he is following during any particular broadcast?
  13. Gordon Duncan is a Motherwell fan.
  14. Michael the Mouth. This week, Michael Stewart has fallen out with a fellow Jambo. No, not Craig Levein this time, it's Guardian Journo, Ewan Murray that irritates the Mouth of Peter. Auld Reekie's Desperado has been riding the trail, constructing and repairing Peter's fences. He has come to his senses, bellowing Sellik's trip to Dubai has been a PR disaster, demanding a bright light be shone in SPFL dark corners, and hoping the perceived perception keeps him on the side of the angels. The epiphany continues and those that cannot see a redemptive Michael, like Ewan Murray, shall be swatted away. Of course, Craig Levein explained he disliked Michael right from the start, stating he watched him train and he continually blamed youth players for his mistakes. "Michael is a bully" rings true with another boy in maroon, Ewan has accused Michael of false memory. He Tweeted a question, "what did you have to say about the unfair and unjust actions of the SPFL in April, May, June, and July"? Michael parried and thrust back, "well, apart from hammering the SPFL every Saturday on the radio, in my column, and on here, not too much". Ewan countered, "where are these columns and tweets, you didn't hammer the SPFL every week on the radio, what nonsense"? Compassionate or arrogant Michael ended the discourse with, "Can anyone assist this individual? He seems to have lost his way. Without being too derogatory, he has become a rather tiresome and ill informed person who is a mouth piece for others, fighting their proxy wars". On reading this Twitter spat, I thought the three year old thread, 'Pacific Quay Musings' can answer the veracity of both boys' in maroon. During the four months quoted, BBC Radio Scotland hosted ninety minute/two hour discussions every Saturday on the suspension of Scottish football because of Covid and the awarding of the various titles and relegations. Pages 230 onward cover those months, particular attention on page 233, post dated 040520. Ewan Murray is correct, Michael did not hammer the SPFL, why would he given he was on his way to working for Sellik TV for a dozen weeks. In fact, Michael eulogised and lionised Neil Doncaster, Murdoch MacLennan, and Rod McKenzie. One Saturday, Michael told us how valuable an asset the Chief Executive, Chairman, and Secretary of the SPFL were to Scottish football. When reminded of their collective remuneration, and no league sponsorship; he was quick to swat. In fact, the following week in a ninety minute discussion, Michael appeared as one of a well rehearsed trio of Alloa's Mike Mulraney and Neil Doncaster, making a plea to the Scottish Government for more monies to aid Scottish football in it's journey through Covid. Claims of bullying, Dundee registering their vote, then changing it at the last minute, e-mail votes landing in spam bins, and demands Rangers publish their dossier began and would not dissipate. Dundee's John Nelms would not explain their actions and when the Dossier was published, Michael led the ridicule, he concluded : "Rangers have acted in bad faith" "Rangers behaviour has been absolutely disgraceful" "Neil Doncaster and Rod McKenzie are victims" 'Only those that understand semantics actually understand" "Neil Doncaster is a thoroughly decent guy". It's the arrogance of Michael Stewart, it's on a par with Lawwell and ra Sellik. He has been Peter's mouthpiece and has fought Sellik's wars as their proxy. On Monday evening, Michael was back at Sellik Park for BBC Radio Scotland, covering the Hibs match. At half time, the Edinburgh side brought on Lewis Stevenson as a substitute. Michael told the listenership, "Lewis is the first player out with the old firm to have won both League Cup and Scottish Cup winners' medals with the same club". This went unchallenged. There's the problem, an unchallenged Michael suffers from false memory syndrome, he believes he hammered the SPFL? Finally, and I have to thank Ian1964 for this gem of an extract from Roy Keane's autobiography : "The only time I laughed in my training times, we had this wee rat called Michael Stewart, the worst footballer anyone has seen. I remember Fergie telling him how shite he was and he actually pissed his shorts, in front of us all. I chuckled for days" Take note Ewan, stand up to the Bully, present the facts and Michael will once again piss himself.
  15. The comeback is on. We started the day 22 points ahead, we finish it only 21 points in front.
  16. Listening to BBC Radio Scotland. The SPFL have refused two formal requests to appear on Sportsound to explain the refusal of Hibs asking for all Sellik playing staff for tonight's game at Sellik Park. Neil Doncaster, Murdoch MacLennan, and Rod McKenzie are the Chief Executive, Chair, and Secretary of the SPFL, they take almost a million quid per annum out of the Scottish game, and they refuse to explain decisions: 1. The decision to move the game from Saturday last to this evening against Hibs wishes, to accommodate ra Sellik's R and R trip to Dubai. 2. The decision to refuse the reasonable Hibs request for Covid testing of the Sellik squad for tonight's game. The SPFL have threatened Hibs with forfeiting the points if they refuse to play, the SPFL are willing to punish the innocent to appease the guilty. How long is Peter's shadow?
  17. Hibs made a formal request to both the SPFL and ra Sellik to submit tonight's Sellik squad to a further Covid test. Both the SPFL and Lawwell refused. Currently, Hibs are considering whether to play tonight's game, leaving the decision to management and players. If Hibs do not trap, I suppose the SPFL will award ra Sellik a 3-0 victory? I have no doubt this will please both Jack Ross and John Potter enormously. Further, just thinking; if ra Sellik field a youth team, does it count. Ah mean, they're a separate entity, are they not?
  18. Tottie Beck, that's the guy. Thank you, I attended the 1966 Scottish Cup final replay and as I was an 8 year old schoolboy, I was in the schoolboy Enclosure. However, a crush saw my old man and I moved into the Main Stand. There were a number of not stripped Rangers players in the row behind and I got their autographs, including Por(pronounced Thor) Beck. How did he receive the nickname, 'Tottie"?
  19. Not to be considered, but he warrants a wee mention because he is the forgotten member of the ECWC'72 squad. A former Dustbin man and Policeman from Germany, Gerry Neef took over from Norrie Martin/Erik Sorensen in 1968 and played approx' 50 games for Rangers before Peter McCloy arrived. He was a brave Keeper, always challenging opposing forwards. I attended a Glasgow Cup game against Queens Park and he was injured, cracked ribs. Colin Stein took over in goals. Gerhardt Neef, one of the continentals that livened up Ibrox life in the late sixties. There was King Kai and Swedish World Cup semi-finalist, Orjan Persson; I'm sure there was another, cannot remember?
  20. I note Scottish Government Health Spokesperson, Linda Bauld has tweeted reference the increased chances of infection on crowded planes. Further, the number of infected surfaces are multiple on aircraft. On the return flight, why didn't the pilot insist all windows remained open?
  21. Friday afternoon/evening. The timing of the press release, half time during our game at Pittodrie. I await the Scottish Government once again ask SFA Peter to investigate Sellik Peter?
  22. Game management. Do not allow Beaton the opportunity to level this up ie either reducing us to ten men or awarding Aberdeen a penalty. Give it 20 minutes hard in the second half and get at least the second. Easy street awaits. Come off it, and Aberdeen begin to win free kicks, then we are playing their game of set pieces.
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